

  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    Hello Everyone!:flowerforyou:

    Wanted to thank you all for the birthday wishes. I didn't have the internet on at that time due to the move. Got it turned on today and my phone so life is good now. When I was without my laptop I felt disconnected and lost. I do everything with my computer. That and cell phones, how did we all get along without them before???:noway:

    Well as I said we have completed our move. I spent the entire weekend emptying and tearing down boxes and organizing my new apartment. Mom is all situated in her room and I have her bed facing the window where she can look out at the pine trees and a pretty tree that has bunches of lavender flores on it. She loves the place!!:love: Yesterday we visited the clubhouse and did laundry that is connected to it and also went into the library they have too. Mom played on the computer there, while I did laundry and she looked around the place too. Turns out that "The Committee" is having a pot luck on the 11th (Mexican theme) for Cinco de Mayo and Mexican Mother's Day. She checked out what everyone was bringing and told me to sign her up too! Now mind you, normally she is incognito most of the time and does not like socializing. :glasses: I was shocked to say the least. So I signed her up and she is bringing guacamole and chips, which I have to make. She was panicking because it was getting late and I still hadn't bought the avacados! I think she forgets that I do not have a car and can't just jump in and run to the market. I have to call around and see if someone is going out and would mind if I tagged along?:ohwell: Well I got the avacados, thank goodness and now mom can go to her little party tomorrow.

    It's funny, but I am sitting at my laptop right now and looking around the apartment and I "FEEL" at home here, like I belong here. The apartment is very pretty and I have a big bedroom for myself and even the bathroom is large. It is much more modern than my old place and much more prettier. They have it landscaped very 'woodsy looking" and it is very quiet and peaceful here. My stuff goes well here and I have put up new windchimes and a little dragonfly whose wings move when a breeze hits it. This was mom's choice and the windchime is mine. Now that I have a bedroom again I need to buy a bed. My boyfriend, (feels funny saying that) came by yesterday to see the place and sat on the couch with me and said with his arm around me, "Now this is where you belong. You did not belong at the other place. You have moved up!"

    Even the dogs like it here!:love: Through the entire move they never freaked out. Scout even enjoyed riding in the big U-haul truck in the cab with me. He thought he was a hot shot! They love taking there walks here although Boo has become very snobby and refuses to pee on dirt and will now only go on the grass. Before at the old place it was not landscaped so she had to use dirt. Not anymore!!:noway: She and I got into a battle the other night. She decided at 11:30 pm that she needed to pee. So off I go in my pajamas stepping just outside in the flower beds so she can potty. NOPE! She wouldn't do it! She flat out refused and I got upset and called her a bad dog. She just looked at me defiantly. So there I go pissed off :grumble: about 25 yards away with her to a grassy spot in my pajamas. BUT when I get to the grassy spot, lo and behold the sprinklers were on!:noway: Now Boo will not pee when it is raining and I am thinking to myself "Now she will pee in the dirt!" NOPE! Darn it if she doesn't stroll right into the middle of the sprinklers with her tiny little stubborn face held high and squat and take a long pee!! By the time she finished she was drenched and I was furious!!:explode: The whole way back I was grumbling at here and actually asking her if it was really worth it to do that to prove her point??!! I KNOW she did it on purpose! So now I am drying her off at midnight and we are both cold. I'm telling you I could have killed her!!

    But all in all, everyone is more happier now.:bigsmile:


    My knees have been bad for years now and I walk like an orangatan because of it. I am always in pain and as you said, "Docs just uped the painkillers." I did try the tablets like you but I didn't notice any improvement. (Maybe I didn't take them long enough. I think I expected 'overnight' results. However I will try the liquid form you suggested. I am praying it will help me.The pain is unbearable at times! It would be worth the "HORRID' taste to be able to walk or dance again." I will give it the month you suggested. Here's to no pain soon I hope! Thank you for sharing.

    Going to bed now as I am having a difficult time keeping my eyes open now
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies!

    I feel SO much better this morning and even lost another half pound finally! :drinker: I looked back at my record and noticed that I am now about where I was a year ago. Then I managed to lose another 7 pounds until July. Maintained that lose until mid October and then QUIT tracking so well...or at all, at times...QUIT weighing regularly and then SURPRISE :noway: (HA) regained 11 pounds by March 31 of this year. SOOOOOOOoooooooooo....At least I am going the right direction, but this year has been a great big circle....one I do not want to repeat. I am hoping that this is a lesson I will learn from about myself. Finally.

    Pvesey: Welcome. I look forward to hearing from you. This is a great group of supportive women. I wish you success on this journey!

    Healthy & Lean: I feel for you. Hang in there. I hope some little thing goes better for you each day. I am sorry that someone left you a nasty note. That is inexcusable... please try to ignore them. And take care of yourself.

    Doobeedoo: Flowers for Mothers Day...just perfect and so sweet.

    Karlene: I don't know if I would get cats just for mice & moles. It might work out or it might not. I tried to have outside cats when our children were younger and one son was so allergic that we couldn't have inside animals. It is a problem because they are exposed to so much and can get attacked by racoons or other animals. We were always having to haul one or another to the vet and when they live outside, they are not easy to TAKE anywhere. I was never fond of these cats. But I hated to see them sich or hurt. There is no gaurantee that they will actually rid you of your pests either. Before you decide, perhaps talk with a county agent who might give you a different solution. We have someone treat our grass area for grubs because the voles or moles come into the grass in order to eat the grubs. That does the trick for us. But I do not seem to have mice because we have so many hawks around the water. (Don't think getting a hawk is an option!)

    Amyllu: So fun to have a long chat with an old friend...it is the very best kind of therapy sometimes! Glad your back has been a bit better.

    Sally: I am sure that 1 pound is a little glitch. You'll be back to losing soon

    Michelle: I'll join you in baggage handling for Robin. I am sure she needs 2 people for that job!

    Viv: So sorry you are suffering from flashes. It must be difficult to concentrate in the midst of that. Wish I had a cure:flowerforyou:

    Deborah: I am sure the docs will get JJ taken care of. I have O Negative Blood and each of my boys were B positive and we had to have some injections, the boys were monitored closely but all went well after that. It is slightly different thing, but it is wonderful that medical science understands so much more than used to be about different blood types and possible problems & has solutions.

    Mimi: Are you home yet??? Missing hearing from you here!

    Thank all of you for input about Steroids. The fact that the scale moved this morning after having the shot helped. I have not gotten much exercise since my "bite" but also haven't eaten much. I did get a decent walk in last night and that felt great!

    I am excited that I feel well enough to go to my Garden Club meeting this afternoon. It is at one of our local Garden Stores...small, charming, locally owned...they are doing some demonstrations on container gardening. I love to get fresh ideas.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    AND...I certainly meant to reply to you,

    Chiclet: I am SO HAPPY that you seem to have landed in such a nice spot. A move is such a pain, but you seem so happy already. And to have your Mom also pleased must feel awesome. You deserve it and hope that all continues to go well for you:flowerforyou:

    Take care, Kackie
  • amazing_grace♥
    Hi All!

    Today marks my 30th day on this site!! :drinker: I LOVE it! :heart:

    WELCOME to all the newbies… this is such a great group of ladies – so much encouragement here. :flowerforyou:

    Michelle – I think the only reason I’ve lost so much this month is that it’s my first month on here…. I’m sure the weight loss will slow down, but for now I’m loving it! Before MFP, I had a VERY sedentary lifestyle – hardly ever walked, and never exercised!! My goal on MFP has been to walk at LEAST 30 minutes everyday… and with the beautiful weather (not hot yet) outside, it’s been easy to go over that this month. The site also helps me to keep track of my water intake – which is usu about 10 glasses per day. I think that helps with weight loss too. :drinker:

    Chicletgirl – your new place sounds so nice…. and I’m glad your mom and your dogs like it too. It sounds like it is just perfect for you!

    Thanks everyone for the great posts and all of the useful information – I read this thread everyday!! :flowerforyou:

  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Good Morning everyone! :happy:

    It's another beautiful day and I am hiding at home. Yesterday the hiding didn't work. I was found anyway and didn't get as much accomplished as I wanted. Today I'm hiding in my Studio. The housework will still be there when I leave. :laugh:

    10-year old DGS is going to be fine. :smile: They went in fearing the worst and it turned out to be the best scenerio. Apparently this break occured as long ago as April 24th when he slid into home and it started to heal. He did ache a bit, but continued to play baseball, basketball etc. Pitching on May 7th irritated it enough to send him to the dr on Monday, then to the specialist yesterday. Fortunately, the healing that started was good healing, so he doesn't need surgery or even a cast, just a sling for two weeks. If the healing continues well, he'll even get to finish out the season after these next few weeks. I'm really happy for him because he was one upset little guy over missing games.

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, so glad you are feeling well enough to go to your garden club meeting. And down on the scale is great!

    :flowerforyou: Chicket, there's something to be said about new beginnings. I'm so glad you feel content in your new home.

    :flowerforyou: Michelle, you truly are "Exermom". Every day you have some interesting exericises that you talk about. BTW, Bandit is scheduled for his surgery on June 2nd. The vet called to say his bloodwork is excellent, so that was a relief. Both kitties had great bloodwork. Relief. They are my loving buddies. In fact, Bandit is laying on the desk next to the computer, and Mac is in the basket beside me.

    :flowerforyou: Healthy & Lean......Hang in there!

    :grumble: Hmmmmmmmmm! Someone mentioned hot flashes..........they have been the bain of my existence since I was 38 years old when I started menopause. It took me 20 years to get rid of them, then I was hot flash-free for two years. BUT when I was 60 and diagnosed with autoimmune disease, I was put on prednisone and guess what! You guessed it, the worst side effect is.......HOT FLASHES!:explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: so here I am again dressing in layers, stripping, redressing, stripping, redressing.....you get the picture! The other side effect I have is moonface. Here I am, after losing 73 pounds and at a healthy BMI, looking in the mirror and saying "Who is that person?" No more sunken cheeks for me! We've tried other meds but they don't work so I'm on a maintenance dose of the prednisone. :ohwell:

    Okay, I vented enough about :explode: . Working in my Studio today and I :heart: that so it'll be a great day! You all have a good one.

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Just stopped by to say HI before I went to play bridge.
    Have a great afternoon... drinking that water!!!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies.

    I don't know why, but I'm having a hungry day today. I've not given in to it as yet, but have just had some yoghurt with grapes, dates and walnuts. Yummy treat and not bad healthwise. The only problem is, I'm sleepy now! Afternoon nap time before DH comes home from work.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Amanda x
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Just finished my 1 week of working out at Curves. They will hook me up with the smart key tomorrow. They wanted me to get used to the movements first. I am excited to see where I am strong and where I need to improve and the smart key is like your own personal trainer - tellng you how many reps you need to do - if you are working hard enough and also tracks how many calories burned.

    I feel stronger already. So if nothing else my overall health will improve. They only weigh and measure once a month there - so it will force me to be patient - not that I don't obsessively weigh myself at home!!!

    Have a great day everyone. Finally some sunshine here.
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: My copy of "The Thin Commandments Diet" arrived in the mail yesterday although I didn't actually pickup the mail until the end of the ritual of walking the frisky poodles around the neighborhood. I read the commandments to hubby over tea and even that was enough to inspire me. When I start actually reading the book, I shall probably drive hubby and all of you crazy with quotes from the book :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Barbie, I got my copy the other day too, haven't had a chance to read it properly yet but it does look very interesting doesn't it? Maybe we should start a reading group?? :laugh: :laugh: Look forward to hearing your thoughts!
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: My copy of "The Thin Commandments Diet" arrived in the mail yesterday although I didn't actually pickup the mail until the end of the ritual of walking the frisky poodles around the neighborhood. I read the commandments to hubby over tea and even that was enough to inspire me. When I start actually reading the book, I shall probably drive hubby and all of you crazy with quotes from the book :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Barbie, I got my copy the other day too, haven't had a chance to read it properly yet but it does look very interesting doesn't it? Maybe we should start a reading group?? :laugh: :laugh: Look forward to hearing your thoughts!
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Phhhhhh! Does anyone else have problems with MFP and messages? I keep losing my text and this is the second time it has shown up twice! I'm not usually so bad with computer but can't work this out...
    Sorry again for the wasted space, Gals
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member

    I'm interested in being part of this group! You all sound super supportive of each other. One of you wrote about liquid Glucosamine/Chrondrotin. I'm going to give that a try, because the aches and pains are starting to interfer with my life.
    I'm 57 and a two time breast cancer survivor. I gained 40# during chemo and have only gotten about half of it off. I lose weight very slowly...a pound or less a week even though I am a dedicated tracker of calories and an exercise fiend. I have lost 9 1/2# and still have about 15# to go. I absolutely love MFP!!!

    I take glucosomine, the tab form, haven't tried the liquid yet, would be interested to know what you think. I started taking them again recently after being off them a while and I find them great for those aches and pains. I take the 1000g tabs, one or two a day.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    First day of unemployment. Feeling unsettled...
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Hey Ladies, how you doing? today was a nice day, kinda warm and humid, now there are thunder storms in the area, so won't be going to see the grandson's baseball game... oh well...
    Day 11, c2... almost over...
    Tomorrow taking Zoey (dog) to visit some of the nursing homes, she is a registered therapy dog.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    First day of unemployment. Feeling unsettled...
    Mac I know the feeling all too well. try to make something positive of the free time you have and keep the faith. I hope that you don't end up facing 20 months of it like I just did.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    Hey Ladies, how you doing? today was a nice day, kinda warm and humid, now there are thunder storms in the area, so won't be going to see the grandson's baseball game... oh well...
    Day 11, c2... almost over...
    Tomorrow taking Zoey (dog) to visit some of the nursing homes, she is a registered therapy dog.

    Natalie, we had rain but no heat and I went on my regular Wednesday afternoon walk with my friend who comes over from Seattle. We walk four and half miles on the Olympic Discovery Trail. Today we got pretty wet as she entertained me with stories about her recent trip to Mexico.

    How great that your dog is a therapy dog. Our Golden Retriever, Shilo, was a therapy dog and loved going to the nursing homes. Enjoy your day with Zoey. :bigsmile:
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    :smile: Hello Everyone,

    I missed a couple of days and now I feel so behind on reading comments.

    In the Chicago area we are having some unusually not weather. I could not hold out on turning on the air conditioner. The humidity in the house was making everyone cranky.

    Does anyone have a suggestion for a good "vegetable" cookbook? I am eating more veggies, but I need some new ideas.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I'm glad I didn't bore you all to death going on about glucosamine. I wasn't aware that chondroitin bothered some people. It's a good thing that you can get it alone as well then. I know it isn't a cure all but it sure works for some conditions.

    Sally – You made me smile as well when you mentioned Newfoundlands. :happy: Oddly enough we have had two as well. Isn't that strange? My big boy Bear (just over 200 pounds in the winter) shared our lives when we lived in IL. He was the sweetest dog I've ever been owned by. He though he was a lap dog. He would start with his head in your lap, then a paw... you get the idea. Next thing you knew, you were sharing the couch with 1/3 of a dog in your lap. He was so well behaved that our 5 year old could take him for a walk. He was on glucosamine as he aged as well.

    He died shortly before we moved to FL. It hurt something awful but was probably best for him in the end, as I doubt he would have adjusted to the climate here at his age. We missed him so much that we got another one, a Landseer (black and white) this time, but he really never adjusted to the heat and humidity here in Florida even though we got him as a puppy. Just very sweet dogs aren't they?

    Don't get discouraged about being up a little bit. You will get rid of it. I can sympathize. I haven't been losing lately but I feel great, am eating properly and getting a lot of exercise. Those are all good things! I am considering zig-zagging calories. There are threads on MFP about it. It makes sense to me and hopefully will get me started losing again.

    Dee – Glad the tree swallows didn't boot the BB egg out. I haven't had any trouble with swallows, just sparrows. Bad news here – 4 cute little blue eggs butt I think the parents abandoned them. :sad: No sign of competitor birds but mom & dad appear to have lost interest. The jury is still out but I don't see any activity out there.

    Great to hear the DGS is going to be fine!

    Chiclet – Great news on the move. It sounds like you and your mom have found a good place.

    Lynda – No we didn't take a cruise to AK. We drove from FL. :noway:

    We bought a 10x6 trailer and filled it up; included were good cots, a hot plate and a microwave. We camped and saw the sights along the way and spent 5 weeks in Alaska. I could bore you to tears with stories of all the good times we had. We stayed on the Kenai peninsula the whole time except for a trip a friend and I took on the train to Fairbanks and a side trip to the Valdez area. A good friend from IL came out and joined me when DH was out on a 10 day bear hunt. She's the one that went with me to Fairbanks. We had great views of Denali. I about wore my finger out taking pictures!

    The weather was perfect and I have never seen such beautiful scenery in my life! We hiked in some wild and crazy places and always carried bear spray. That was what concerned me most. DH wanted to tent the whole time but I said NO. I wanted the bear to have to make at least a token effort if he wanted to eat us in our sleep. :noway:

    We fished for salmon and halibut, climbed up to several glaciers, kayaked, panned for gold, did some heli sightseeing and DH went on a brown bear hunt. We based out of the neatest little town called Hope. It was well located on the peninsula as a bonus. There was a cute campground there that wasn't all commercial. It wasn't a tourist trap by any stretch of the imagination. Just a nice quiet out of the way campground. The local miners came there every day to have coffee and swap stories and we had fun talking to them. Can you tell I had fun? I want to go again but we won't drive if we do. It was fun to drive once but the gas bill was unreal.

    Sorry, sometimes I can't shut up.:blushing:

  • wehavethestars
    Hi all,

    Mary, I agree, if you are not a writer already, become one. I remember the days of the tab at the grocery store and the man who came to our house every week to collect his 1.00 for the bedding mom bought. No contracts, everyone just knew you and knew you would pay.

    Kackie, glad you feel much better.

    Deborah, Great grandson will be fine. Try not to worry too much. Prayers go out to him and his mom.

    Gracete, conrats on 13 lbs gone.

    Barbie, They say the hardest things we go through in life are death, divorce and moving.
    I am interested in your thoughts on that book and there are many good quotes for you to
    share with this great group.

    Vicki, Glad to hear yu are doing well. Good advice to those going on vacation

    Maxy , Enjoy Florida, you can do it. Think fun not food.

    Healthyandlean, Hang in there and ignore ignorant remarks. You can vent here without being judged.

    Amanda, Hungry days???? hmmmmm????:laugh: :laugh: I have had my share of those. Have you ever been hungry when you have a headache and just want to eat everything in sight. The eating actually makes the headache go away for me.I am thankful it does not happen often.

    Smwert, Curves sounds great. Good going. You are so right, it will help your overall health no matter what. I do think that you are going to drop some weight. You have the right spirit.

    Lorri, Linda Mc Cartney's home cooking is a book with 200 meatless meals , if that is what you are looking for. Very big seller and with 200 recipes, there must be some you will like. Try Amazon.com. She has other books too.

    Can't remember who has hot flashes, sorry, just wanted to say that I never had one ever and all I heard about menopause had me worried. It came and went without one change in my health ,mental and physical. I think my father's entire family of sisters went through it the same way and I lucked out because of them. One sister just passed away at age 99. She never had a cold, headache, cramps, flu. Never sick a day in her life and died in her sleep. Was very committed to living a healthy life. The right foods and exercise, no smoking, etc. Hope you don't have too many problems with the flashes. It must be awful.

    I was wondering how the chocolate covered strawberries were so high in calories. Were they home made in light chocolate that was put on really thick? They sound yummy. Edible claims theirs have 60 calories each. I remember checking that a long time back when i purchased one for a friend.

    Welcome all the new people. Good wishes for success.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Still doing good on food but not any formal exercise. Will get back to it. Will weigh on Monday to see how I am doing. So good to hear from all of you. We are kind of on standby here for flooding. I dont think we will get water at my house but people all around our area are making plans for flooding. they are opening the spillway locks to relieve pressure on Mississippi river which will in turn flood other areas. So please put these people in your prayers. Last time it was this bad was in 1973. Hopefully it will not be as bad as they think. have a good evening.
    Vicki M