May-Day by Day Challenge-Part 9 OPEN GROUP



  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    I've just nipped back because the day is almost over for me here and I've not been doing so well, so i wanted to give myself a last minute chance. Goals for what is left of today:

    1. 1 load of washing
    2. Go for a run, I am *way* over on calories
    3, Make a salad to go with lunch tomorrow.
  • SusiB60
    SusiB60 Posts: 104 Member
    I weighed myself again the following day and had lost 2lb so happier now :0)

    Being good so far and stayed under my calorie goal.

    Thanks to Linda, the support and knowing it wont only be me that's disappointed if I blow it gives me that extra bit of determination.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    2. Water. NOT ENOUGH
    3. Clothes shopping - need a couple of tops for work. YES AND IT WAS FUN SHOPPING!
    4. Waxing. YES
    5. Have fun. YES

    1. Water. YES
    2. 3 x classes planned but do what I can and not overdo. If my leg is still bad DON'T DO ANYTHING (and try not to get too upset about this). DID X2 CLASSES AND SURVIVED!
    3. Healthy food. YES
    4. Have fun - friends coming to the gym with me. It's a club as well so we plan to chill out by the pool if the weather is good. YES IT WAS LOVELY BUT TOO COLD FOR SITTING OUT BY THE POOL.

    Hi all! Didn't get to post last night but did pretty good today. I went training this monring before work and then to Tri class after work. Good food but could do with some more greens.

    Tuesday goals:
    1. More greens.
    2. Combat and tri if I'm up to it otherwise just tri.
    3. Water.
    4. Have a productive morning at work.
    5. Think positive thoughts all day!

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Monday's Goals:
    1. Under on calories - No
    2. Water- No
    3. Run- Yes
    4. Supermarket-Yes
    5. Laundry, lots of laundry- Some

    Monday’s Second Chance goals:
    1 load of washing – 2!
    2. Go for a run, I am *way* over on calories - Yes
    3. Make a salad to go with lunch tomorrow.- Yes!

    Morning Ladies,

    Felt really blah last night so nearly didn’t go for my run or really get anything done but pulled it back at the last minute. I would love to say I feel really pumped this morning from it but I’m just knackered! I am proud though that I went for the run despite some heavy avoidance.

    Scrosher – Congratulations on the 2lbs!

    Nam – The shopping is such a great perk of getting fitter, suddenly its fun and there’s choice rather then “I’m looking for something covering that’ll draw attention away from… …uh… …everything.” Or at least that’s how I always felt when I went shopping.

    Leela – Nice work on the cooking meals in advance, such a good idea!

    Kathy – Think I’m going to follow your example on the early night

    Tuesday’s goals:
    1. Under on calories
    2. Healthy choices
    3. Run & Walk
    4. More laundry
    5. Water
    6. Early night

    Have a lovely day everyone!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I can't believe there's only one more week left in May!
    May 23's goals:
    1. eat all preplanned meals. YES
    2. cook for the next 2 days. YES
    3. doc appt @ 10. YES
    4. workout from home. YES

    I met all of yesterday's goals. I even went to bed at 9PM!! It felt good to finally catch up on some zzzzz's.

    May 24's goals:
    1. walk before physical therapy.
    2. PT @ 11.
    3. stay on top of laundry; housework today and all week.
    4. eat when I'm hungry, don't eat if I'm not!

    One major milestone I've recently had is that I don't eat and watch tv anymore. I eat my meals at the table. (even lunch, when I'm the only one here). Most nights, we eat dinner at the table as a family. I used to eat breakfast at the computer, I eat that at the table now too!
    I hope everyone has a terrific day and meet all their goals.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for May 23:
    1 Water!--Yes.
    2. Stay in my calorie goal,--Over a little.
    3. Make the phone calls I need to make.--No.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--No.

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Rough day. Very long and boring for some reason!

    I really, really need to make these phone calls--one is personal and one is business. (I hate using the phone!) I will break them down and do one today and one tomorrow.

    So far today isn't any better--my alarm didn't go off so I woke up 20 minutes late and then I managed to pour coffee ALL OVER THE COUNTER so I had to clean that up. Things can only get better now, right?

    Kim--I have to get 7-8 hours of sleep or I just can't function and I get up early so that's why the early bedtime. I used to be able to work all day and party all night and be just fine, but not any more! Getting old. Ah well, it's better than the alternative!

    Goals for May 24:
    1 Water!
    2. Stay in my calorie goal,
    3. Call Mary. (Go for a walk while I talk to her?)
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I'm on track to meet all my goals today. The first 2 are done. working on the third and for some reason today, I just haven't been hungry, but I didn't start eating just because it is lunchtime. A time doesn't define when to eat, your hunger signals do. So I'm learning that as well! Just popped on for a sec. I'll be on tomorrow to post more goals!
  • SusiB60
    SusiB60 Posts: 104 Member
    What a great idea this is

    I'm Sue.
    I'm a typical yo you dieter who has only ever had short term success (unsurprisingly I guess!)
    I'm about 3 stone overweight, but would be happy to lose half of that and keep it off.
    I've never used the forums before ....perhaps I should have.

    I'm going to set myself goals for the week ahead as I'm away from home on a training course at a hotel with a very nice restaurant and there will be little to do in the evenings other than eat and drink.

    Goals for this week.
    1. Don't let my disappointing first weeks results get me down - they weren't as bad as I thought :0)
    2. Post daily to help keep me focussed,- on target
    3. Don't exceed my calorie goal by more than 100 calories any day - yup
    4. Do some form of exercise each day - could do better
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Tuesday goals:
    1. More greens. YES
    2. Combat and tri if I'm up to it otherwise just tri. YES DID BOTH
    3. Water. YES
    4. Have a productive morning at work. YES
    5. Think positive thoughts all day! TRIED MY BEST

    Kim I was exactly the same way with clothes before but now, as you say there are so many options!! Good on you for going for your run. The days when you really don't want to but go anyway show how far you've come and how determined you are! Good woman!

    Kathy hope you're day turned more positive for you. Sometimes we all have those mornings. Hope you get your calls made.

    Lee - well done on eating at the table. I'm terrible at this and often multi-task while I'm eating which is no good at all. Must try and take a leaf out of your book.

    Sue - welcome and well done on your goals!

    Wednesday's goals:
    1. Water.
    2. Possibly a rest day? If I feel up to it run a little.
    3. Clean food all day. No rubbish.
    4. Book sports massage.

    Hope you're all having a nice day! See you tomorrow.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Tuesday’s goals:
    1. Under on calories- No
    2. Healthy choices- Mostly
    3. Run & Walk – Yes & Yes
    4. More laundry - Yes
    5. Water- Yes
    6. Early night – Could have been better


    I’m having a bit of an anxious day today. Lots of things seem not to be working. In fact it’s the same as any other day but yesterday my partner was offered a job far away. For at least the first six months he would be up there 5 days a week and come home at the weekends, if it all works out I would move up there too. I’m thrilled for him, it’s a wonderful opportunity at a time when they’re hard to come by, but I have to come clean here: I’m a complete control freak :embarassed: . I like to know everything, every variable & every possible outcome so I won’t be surprised should the worst happen. With all its unknowns this situation is playing havoc my sense of peace. I’m trying to sort out everything else but I can’t settle to do a thing. I’m really fretting about ridiculous things.

    Wednesday’s goals
    1. Relax! Stop being such a basket case and enjoy the good news!
    2. Under on calories, no excuses.
    3. Walk & run
    4. Water
    5. Pick outfit for a wedding I’m going to this weekend
    6. 30 minutes house work.
    7. Contact friend about hen party
    8. Early night.

    Have a lovely day.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Kathy, I vowed that I was not going to let the laundry rule me this week! Were you able to go for your walk? Early bed times are still hard for me too. These days, I consider anything before 11 "early".

    Kim, it sounds like a wonderful opportunity. I know what you mean about not liking surprises. But life is about taking risks too. I hope it all turns out well. Who's getting married? What's a hen party?
    Cooking meals in advance is convinent in the longer run, but initially its tedious and time consuming, but worth it!

    Nam, eating at the table can be hard, esp when you're by yourself. But I am trying to condition myself to not snack while watching the telly. So if I reprogram my brain to only associate food and eating with the dinner table, than maybe I will be less likely to mindlessly snack. So far, its been working.
    How was your massage?

    hi Sue! Our group is smaller than usual, but I know everyone's lives can get busy with holidays and vacations coming up. Thanks for joining us. Congrats on the loss!

    May 25's goals:
    1. eat a good breakfast before my workout.
    2. zumba plus training.
    3. have lunch already prepared for when I get back from the gym.
    4. relax the rest of the evening. Seems I've been running non stop the last few days.
    5. don't let little things bother me or stress me out. Easier said than done. This is actually going to be the hardest challenge of the day for me.

    Everyone have a great day. Looks like more rain, so no afternoon walk today!
  • Love you guys.

    May 25th Wednesday

    2.)lower carb
    3.)be productive at work and home. Both places are a mess.

    So that means I better hop off of here and get started!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for May 24:
    1 Water!--Yes.
    2. Stay in my calorie goal,--Yes.
    3. Call Mary. (Go for a walk while I talk to her?)--No. Did get in a 1-mile walk with Leslie Sansone.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Yes.

    I put the new clock radio in my room so there should not be any more alarm mishaps!

    Only 1 of the 3 expected orders showed up at work yesterday. It was a big one so we still had plenty to do. Gopefully they show up today as we still have another 3 orders due this week! (Corporate push orders--hate them because we do not have room for these orders but have to take them, anyway!)

    Goals for May 25:
    1. Water.
    2. Stay in my calories.
    3. CALL MARY!!!! (I just keep forgetting. I am setting an alarm on my cellphone this time!)
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Wednesday's goals:
    1. Water. YES
    2. Possibly a rest day? If I feel up to it run a little. REST DAY BUT ENDED UP WALKING A LOT VERY FAST!
    3. Clean food all day. No rubbish. YES UNTIL DEATH BY CHOCOLATE A SHORT WHILE AGO.
    4. Book sports massage. ALMOST

    Kim I'm a control freak as well so totally understand what you're feeling. Try deep breaths and telling yourself you just have no idea what's going to happen yet and as you say just go with the good news for now. Congrats to your mr man!!

    Lee I must try harder at meal times. Actually when I have lunch at work it is usually while I'm working at my desk or while I'm on the go heading to a meeting so either while I'm walking or on the tube. Such terrible habits that I must do something about. Have finalised my sport massage yet. Waiting for him to get back to me so hopefully by tomorrow I'll know when it will be.

    Kathy good thinking about the alarm clock. I put reminders in my phone constantly so I remember to do things! Hope you get all the orders sorted out swiftly when they arrive.

    Jess sooo glad you're back!!! Hope you're having a good day!

    Right so onto Thursday goals:
    1. Water.
    2. Combat or run depending on how foot and quad are feeling.
    3. No chocolate at all - don't even look at it.
    4. Get sport massage booked.
    5. More green food.

    I'm off to bed so goodnight!!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Wednesday’s goals
    1. Relax! Stop being such a basket case and enjoy the good news! - Yes
    2. Under on calories, no excuses. - Yes
    3. Walk & run - Yes
    4. Water – Could do better
    5. Pick outfit for a wedding I’m going to this weekend – Yes, thank you!:flowerforyou:
    6. 30 minutes house work. - No
    7. Contact friend about hen party- No
    8. Early night. - ish

    Yay! Jess is back!

    I completely killed the 25 minutes last night, it was my third night running it in a row and each night I have been getting better but still had to walk for 10-20 seconds occasionally but last night no stops just straight on through and at the end of it i could probably have run for another 10 or 15 minutes :glasses: . I seem to have two different types of run. The first is the one I do by myself, I have to fight for every step, arrive home gasping for breath and drenched in sweat wondering what on earth I've got myself in for and sleep badly. The second is usually when I go out running with a friend, my breath is controlled, I feel serene as I go around, feel like I could run indefinitely, sleep wonderfully and feel unbeatable the next morning.

    Lee I think the table thing is a fantastic idea. I know I definitely multitask too much while I’m eating and barely notice what I’m putting in my mouth and there’s no question now that watching TV makes me want to eat so breaking that association would go a long way to a healthier life style. Oh and a hen party is a bachelorette party, I'm sorting my friend's one (30 people!) and there have been a few glithces. I'm half tempted to cancel and just book the two of us into a spa for the day and tell everyone else we'll see them in the pub after!

    Kathy, hope its not too hectic with all the orders coming in.

    Nam hows the leg(s?) doing?

    Thursdays goals
    1. Rest
    2. Under on calories
    3. Healthy choices
    4. Water
    5. Really must do some house work

    Have a lovely day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for May 25:
    1. Water.--Should have been better.
    2. Stay in my calories.--No.3. CALL MARY!!!! (I just keep forgetting. I am setting an alarm on my cellphone this time!)--Yes!!!
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Yes.

    Well, we have received 3 orders and taken care of most of them--a lot of the hanging baskets don't look very good so I think we are waiting on a credit from the company. 3 more orders are due in today and we only really have room for the perennials.
    Part of the problem is there is a special contract for the area the store is in--only so many racks can be outside the garden center before the store gets fined by the city. Other stores just put the extra plants outside on growers' racks but we can't do that.
    Oh well, we'll do the best we can.

    Goals for May 26:
    1. Water!!!
    2. Stay in my calories.
    3. Eat my HEALTHY liunch instead of buying something!
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hey Jess welcome back!
    May 25's goals:
    1. eat a good breakfast before my workout. YES
    2. zumba plus training. YES, YES
    3. have lunch already prepared for when I get back from the gym. YES
    4. relax the rest of the evening. Seems I've been running non stop the last few days. SO-SO
    5. don't let little things bother me or stress me out. Easier said than done. This is actually going to be the hardest challenge of the day for me. COMPLETED FAILED!

    Everyone have a great day. Looks like more rain, so no afternoon walk today!

    May 26's goals:
    1. complete food diary in advance.
    2. drink more water.
    3. go to the post office early.
    4. zumba in the evening (will be eating a late dinner as a result).
    5. read.
    6. Smile through adversity.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Right so onto Thursday goals:
    1. Water. YES
    2. Combat or run depending on how foot and quad are feeling. DID COMBAT AND SPINNING
    3. No chocolate at all - don't even look at it. NO HAD ONE SMALL PIECE
    4. Get sport massage booked. YES
    5. More green food. YES

    Good day today but knackered from training so going to bed soon to recharge!

    Friday goals:
    1. Water.
    2. Healthy snacks only.
    3. Massage.
    4. Training rest day but go for a fast walk at some point.
    5. Get close to calorie goal and if I go over then by no more than 200. Had a massive deficit today.

    See you tomorrow!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Thursdays goals
    1. Rest- Yes
    2. Under on calories - No
    3. Healthy choices - Not really no
    4. Water- No
    5. Really must do some house work - Some
    Have a lovely day!


    I didn't do much I set out to do yesterday. I was exhausted and starving all day in the office so in the evening i took a break from the exercise and the salads, had bangers and mash and watched detective programmes (I'm terrible I always implusively say "they did it!" a few minutes later when the next person comes on "No no, *they* did it! They're the evil war criminal whos been hiding out in argintina/ long lost brother/ child they gave up for adoption" then at the end after I have accused the entire cast I'm very smug that I was right, one of the numerous people I suggested turns out to be guilty. Its not an attractive habit.) before having an early night. Its not something I'd want to do very often (the sausages) but I think its done me some good.

    This last week seems t have been one of the most significent for progress, I still haven't lost any more weight, i think i may have lost as much as i'm going to, but i seem to have really changed shape! Its like I've had 6 months of looking the same but subtly smaller but only looked different in the lat 3 weeks! I can only really put it down to the running.

    Any way this has turned into a suprisingly long post so I'll stop rambling and post some goals:

    1. Under on calories
    2. Water
    3. Run if it doesn't rain
    4. Work on the house!

    Have a lovely day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for May 26:
    1. Water!!!--No! Ugh!
    2. Stay in my calories.--No.
    3. Eat my HEALTHY lunch instead of buying something!--Didn't buy anything but did eat a sandwich a co-worker brought in for me. It was good but a bit more bread than I usually eat.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--No. Close. Was babysitting.

    Goals for May 27:
    1. WATER!!!!
    2. Stay in my calories.
    3. Finish first coat of stain on my shelves so I can get them up this weekend!
    4. Portion size--DD is making pizza (homemade, so shouldn't be too bad) for dinner.
    5. Watch the evening snacking!

    TGIF!!! What a week! I am glad it is over. I need to refocus on my weight loss and just getting healthy.

    I cannot find a good calorie counting app for my older phone--it runs Windows Mobile 6.1 and cannot be upgraded to Windows Mobile 7 as the phone has been discontinued. (Too bad, too, because I LOVE this phone!) Do any of you know of one? It does not have to be free--just work on my phone!
This discussion has been closed.