May-Day by Day Challenge-Part 9 OPEN GROUP



  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Wednesday goals:
    1. Water. YES
    2. Continue clean eating. YES
    3. Rest day or if up to it go for a short run but that's it. Legs need to rest and repair! REST DAY
    4. Take snack pack to work. YES

    Determined to achieve all my goals for tomorrow!

    Thursday goals:
    1. Water.
    2. Healthy energising foods particularly at dinner.
    3. Run after work.
    4. No chocolate.
    5. Be productive all day.

    Hope you're all having a good week so far.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Kim and Nam, thanks for keeping me company today! No one else showed up! :(
    May 18's goals:
    1. workout, zumba, training. NO, YES, YES
    2. drink water all day. YES AND TEA..5TH DAY WITHOUT SODA
    3. eat extra calories to have energy all day NO AND I REGRET IT NOW AS ITS 9:30 AND I'M TIRED

    non-fitness goals:
    1. continue reading, return books the library. YES, YES
    2. water plants. YES
    3. get a pedicure YES
    4. organize closet and drawers. NO

    May 19's goals:
    1. organize closets and drawers.
    2. workout in the am, zumba in the pm.
    3. get in miles on stationary bike.
    4. listen to the hunger signals to determine when to eat.
    5. go to bed early.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Wednesdays goals:
    1. Under on calories - Yes
    2. Water - No
    3. Walk at lunch - Yes
    4. Luandry! Must get done today! - No
    5. Dishes - No!

    Well done on the no soda Leela!

    Super quick post today.

    1. Run
    2. Under on calories
    3. Laundry with out fail
    4. Water

    have a lovely day everyone!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hey Kim, looks like its just you and me today kid! We're losing our group! Come on guys, we're rounding the end of the month. Let's end it on a high note!
    May 19's goals
    1. organize closets and drawers. CLOSETS- YES, DRAWERS-NO
    2. workout in the am, zumba in the pm. NO, YES
    3. get in miles on stationary bike. YES, 30 MINUTES, 6 MILES
    4. listen to the hunger signals to determine when to eat. YES
    5. go to bed early. EARLIER THAN USUAL.

    May 20's goals:
    1. organize closets.
    2. indoor or outdoor walking depending on the weather.
    3. strength training, if I'm not too sore.
    4. continue eating the menu that I have preplanned.
    5. Day 7 of no diet soda, don't crack now!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    1. Run - Yes
    2. Under on calories - Yes
    3. Laundry with out fail – Got home to find boyfriend had done it! :heart: Love that man.
    4. Water - Yes


    Leela, thanks for being here with me.

    Come back people, we miss you!

    Yesterday was a really good day, but running after work was tough, its been tough all week. Ever since I’ve put my name down for the chance to enter this marathon I’m having real trouble. I know what the problem is, I’m trying to go too fast and constantly thinking about how I’m doing, and how its not good enough yet, how will I manage 4 or 5 hours when today 10 minutes so far is kicking my butt? If I just eased up and had a bit of faith and thought about how far I’ve come instead of still to go, it would be fine. It’s not all bad, I burnt tonnes of calories wrestling with it, so it’s still a win!

    Fridays Goals:
    1. Healthy choices
    2. Get out of work on time, get the weekend started!
    3. Run – Get out of my own head and just get on with it
    4. Water
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Haven't been here for a couple of days. Sorry!!! For some reason my mornings have been busier than usual.
    So--for the last 2 days--
    1. Water.--Yes and Yes.
    2. Portion control and log my foods.--No and No.
    3. AM Yoga routine--Done.--Yes and No.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--Yes and Yes.

    Not doing good at all on the food--it's like I am just too tired to care right now! I've been sleeping well so I'm not sure what it is!
    Is it possible that a full week of working in the sun is making me more tired? There have been more customers lately, so there's been a lot more of the customer service type of work--as well as the HUGE orders that have been coming in! (LOTS of fast walking from one end of the Garden Center to the other!)
    It has been nice, though!

    Goals for May 20:
    1. Water.
    3. Watch the evening snacking--go to bed if I am tired--even if it IS Friday night!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hey Kathy! Great to see you!
    May 20's goals:
    2. indoor or outdoor walking depending on the weather. NEITHER, BUT I DID GET IN ALMOST AN HOUR OF CARDIO AT THE GYM.
    3. strength training, if I'm not too sore. NO
    4. continue eating the menu that I have preplanned. I DIDN'T EAT ALL OF THE PREPLANNED MENU, BUT IT WAS STILL A SUCCESSFUL EATING DAY.
    5. Day 7 of no diet soda, don't crack now! YAY! STILL NO SODA.

    May 21's goals:
    1. organize these drawers once and for all.
    2. laundry, laundry, laundry.
    Fitness goals:
    1. zumba in the morning!
    2. another workout in the afternoon.
    3. eat the already prepared meals.
    4. water all day!
    5. early bed time.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Fridays Goals:
    1. Healthy choices - Did well until supper
    2. Get out of work on time, get the weekend started! - Yes
    3. Run – Yes!
    4. Water - Yes!

    Phew! Yesterdays run was brilliant, there was only one moment where i thought i might have to stop but I kept going and did my time. It makes such a difference running with a friend. I'm a little bit anxious about today. I've got a really busy schedule, seeing my brother for lunch and then heading down to Brighton for a friends birthday BBQ. I think its the lack of control over what food will be on offer. So today's plan is to work out this morning, walk in to and from my folks and don't stress about what I can't change.

    Saturdays Goals
    1. Work out
    2. Walk
    3. Water
    4. Moderation
    5. Have fun!

    Hope you all have a lovely day.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Thursday goals:
    1. Water. YES
    2. Healthy energising foods particularly at dinner. YES
    3. Run after work. YES
    4. No chocolate. CHECK
    5. Be productive all day.YES

    Didn't get around to post for Friday but was pretty well behaved except at dinner. Went out for Mexican with friends. I belly laughed most of the evening so feel like even though the food wasn't that gret in terms of calories I worked on my abs!

    Have to be pretty quick today as I need to get a move on this morning. Also may not be able to post later for tomorrow so I'll do them both now.

    1. Rest leg.
    2. Water.
    3. Clothes shopping - need a couple of tops for work.
    4. Waxing.
    5. Have fun.

    1. Water.
    2. 3 x classes planned but do what I can and not overdo. If my leg is still bad DON'T DO ANYTHING (and try not to get too upset about this).
    3. Healthy food.
    4. Have fun - friends coming to the gym with me. It's a club as well so we plan to chill out by the pool if the weather is good.
    5. Iron shirts.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!!
  • SusiB60
    SusiB60 Posts: 104 Member
    What a great idea this is

    I'm Sue.
    I'm a typical yo you dieter who has only ever had short term success (unsurprisingly I guess!)
    I'm about 3 stone overweight, but would be happy to lose half of that and keep it off.
    I've never used the forums before ....perhaps I should have.

    I'm going to set myself goals for the week ahead as I'm away from home on a training course at a hotel with a very nice restaurant and there will be little to do in the evenings other than eat and drink.

    Goals for this week.
    1. Don't let my disappointing first weeks results get me down
    2. Post daily to help keep me focussed
    3. Don't exceed my calorie goal by more than 100 calories any day
    4. Do some form of exercise each day
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for May 20:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. PORTION CONTROL AND HEALTHY CHOICES!!!!--Oh my. Did really good until the ice cream last night!
    3. Watch the evening snacking--go to bed if I am tired--even if it IS Friday night!--It was 1/2 fat ice cream but I did not have just 1 portion!

    Cloudy today and a bit cooler. Got lots to do! Have a great day, everyone!

    Goals for May 21:
    1. Water.
    2. Stay in my calories (and away from the ice cream!).
    3. WORK OUT!!!
    4. Clean the refrigerator (I hope!).
    5. Buy new work shoes--6 hours a day on concrete really does a job on the poor old feet!

    Welcome, Sue! There's also a (very active) thread for us older ladies--WOMEN AGES 50+ for MAY - part 2--here's the link to the latest page if you want to check us out:
  • SusiB60
    SusiB60 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks PJSMom, I'll give it a look.
    Happy shoe shopping :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    There was no way I was going to come on here and say that I still hadn't organized my drawers. So last night, I dumped everything on the bed and forced myself to do it!
    May 21's goals:
    1. organize these drawers once and for all. YES
    2. laundry, laundry, laundry. YES, YES, YES, JUST FINISHED FOLDING THE LAST LOAD!
    Fitness goals:
    1. zumba in the morning! YES
    2. another workout in the afternoon. YES
    3. eat the already prepared meals. YES

    May 22's goals:
    1. Make my daughter chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast.
    2. go to zumba.
    3. take her to ride her bike on the bike pah.
    4. stay on my eating plan.
    5. continue getting everything ready for next week.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for May 21:
    1. Water.--Not the best.
    2. Stay in my calories (and away from the ice cream!).--Yes (and yes!).
    3. WORK OUT!!!--No.
    4. Clean the refrigerator (I hope!).--Yes.
    5. Buy new work shoes--6 hours a day on concrete really does a job on the poor old feet!--Yes!

    So my son and I went grocery shopping after getting the shoes (he needed some, too). He bought the shoes and I bought the groceries. Got some good buys but it sure cut into the day and I ended up not getting a workout in.

    Leele--I've had to do that with my drawers, and once my shelves are up I'll have to do that with my craft supply boxes! Good for you for getting it done!

    Goals for May 22:
    1. Water!
    2. Stay within my calories.
    3. Work out.
    4. Stain my new shelves.
    5. Bed by 9:30.
  • SusiB60
    SusiB60 Posts: 104 Member
    Driven up to York now for the week!
    Ive now got a whole week of Six Sigma to look forward too :-s

    Within my calorie limit so far today but about to go for dinner now ...I am gonna be good ...I am gonna be good ;D
  • SusiB60
    SusiB60 Posts: 104 Member
    I was good :0)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302

    May 22's goals:
    1. Make my daughter chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. YES
    2. go to zumba. NO
    3. take her to ride her bike on the bike path. NO
    4. stay on my eating plan. YES
    5. continue getting everything ready for next week. YES

    Getting everything ready for the week took much longer than I thought it would. so I didn't get to workout. and no bike ride for my little one. Although going to bed early was not on my list today. I am finally going to get in the bed before 11.

    May 23's goals:
    1. eat all preplanned meals.
    2. cook for the next 2 days.
    3. doc appt @ 10.
    4. workout from home.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Saturdays Goals
    1. Work out - No
    2. Walk - No
    3. Water- No
    4. Moderation - Yes!
    5. Have fun! - Yes!

    Morning Everyone,

    Welcome Scrosher

    I ran out of time to do anything sensible on Saturday. It was lovely though to see everyone and I was delighted by how my eating habits had so clearly changed at the BBQ, I really wasn't going for the salad instead of burgers. I also got some great food ideas to try at home.

    Monday's Goals:
    1. Under on calories
    2. Water
    3. Run
    4. Supermarket
    5. Laundry, lots of laundry

    have a lovely day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for May 22:
    1. Water!--Should have had more.
    2. Stay within my calories.--Yes.
    3. Work out.--Yes! 1/2 walk with Leslie and lots of yardwork!
    4. Stain my new shelves.--Got them started.
    5. Bed by 9:30.--Almost. I was in bed but read until 10.

    Goals for May24:
    1 Water!
    2. Stay in my calorie goal,
    3. Make the phone calls I need to make.
    4. Bed by 9:30.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hi Kim and Kathy, looks like just the three of us again so far.
    Hi scrosher, welcome!

    just popped on to see what my goals were. 3 and 4 are done. 1 and 2 are works in progress.