"H20" Exploding the Pounds - 10 Week Challenge - Week 2



  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    Nikstergirl - congratulations on finishing your first 10k race - you're a superstar!!!

    Pink - I laughed out loud at the "backspace" comment. At least you didn't write the "I'm not as think as you drunk I am" or something! I'm glad you had a good time, though tequila is know for it's "good time" effects :tongue:

    April - hopefully Stewie comes home for good very soon. It's encouraging that he's around and eating his food still!

    Have a great Saturday everyone!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Thanks everyone! I swear I could hear you all cheering for me in my crazy head!!! I finished with an official chip time of 1:04:27 which is a full 10 minutes faster than I was hoping for when I started training!!!! I am ecstatic!!!!! I'm home now and showered and going to go shopping for some shorts/capris and walking sandals because I freaking deserve it!!!! The weather today is finally perfect! In the 60's and sunny, which is amazing for May in Michigan! I'll take it! I was really proud of myself on the hills and fighting the headwinds. So glad I didn't wimp out while training and powered through because it made me KNOW I could handle it today. This totally goes to show you can do whatever you put your mind to. One year ago today I could barely run day 1 of C25K. Today I totally rocked a 10k!!!! Life is crazy, but I love it!

    Hope you all have an amazing weekend. I think I'll float on my cloud for a while longer!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Thanks everyone! I swear I could hear you all cheering for me in my crazy head!!! I finished with an official chip time of 1:04:27 which is a full 10 minutes faster than I was hoping for when I started training!!!! I am ecstatic!!!!! I'm home now and showered and going to go shopping for some shorts/capris and walking sandals because I freaking deserve it!!!! The weather today is finally perfect! In the 60's and sunny, which is amazing for May in Michigan! I'll take it! I was really proud of myself on the hills and fighting the headwinds. So glad I didn't wimp out while training and powered through because it made me KNOW I could handle it today. This totally goes to show you can do whatever you put your mind to. One year ago today I could barely run day 1 of C25K. Today I totally rocked a 10k!!!! Life is crazy, but I love it!

    Hope you all have an amazing weekend. I think I'll float on my cloud for a while longer!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!

    AWESOME!! YAY FOR YOU!!! So proud of you!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Hey Pink... Doesn't tequila make your clothes fall off?!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Today is perfect here in Jersey! I don't remember the last time I accomplished so much in one day and it's only 4pm. I still have about 3 hours of year work to do so I'm hoping to break a sweat with that :) Crystal, CONGRATS!!!! That is truly amazing! I started the C25K program about 5 weeks ago. Before that I was pround the day I was able to jog (4mph) for a minute straight, A WHOLE MINUTE! Now I'm up to a WHOLE MILE at 5mph! Leaps and pounds I tell ya ;-)

    STEWIE!!!!! COME BACK!!!!! I hate to see April so upset! :( I still have my fingers crossed for you!

    Tomorrow is mothers day and I am taking my daughter to a Kite Festival. We went last year but she was a little too young to truly enjoy it. This year, I'm hoping it's amazing. I am really excited! Off to the yard for now!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    I made myself some homemade chicken soup yesterday. (Doesn't that ALWAYS cure what ails you?!) Well, the calorie count isn't bad... but the sodium!! argh! Woke up this morning (still sick and hacking away) and my fingers were SO swollen from the salt! :explode: I wonder... will I ever learn?! geez... In any case - I will probably eat more today. :huh: Yeah - you heard me right.

    I am thinking of going to work out tonight even though I feel like sh... crap, I mean crap! My twisted, sick brain tells me to sweat out the extra water instead of retaining it (or avoiding the sodium altogether!) I would drink extra water but can't seem to get it down. Hot tea, maybe...

    Waiting for my Z-Pak to work... gotta love meds, eh?!

    Now... my REAL rant for the day: My ex-husband is an idiot. (Well, he is an ex- for a reason, isn't he?) Okay, on for why I think he's an idiot TODAY...

    My daughter is getting married in 3 weeks. Her father COULD be present at her wedding and walk her down the aisle if he put in the work to do so. (He's the one who had the CABG x5 and also a defib implant.) These patients are up walking around in 2 days and discharged within a week these days. Is HE walking around? NO. Is he TRYING to walk? NO. They discharged him because he won't do anything they ask him to do. (And he wonders why he wasn't accepted as a transplant candidate?) Alright, you've got the picture... So now my daughter says she will walk down the aisle alone! :mad: I think she should have her older brother or her uncle do it. Understandably, she is upset that her father doesn't feel her wedding is worth him putting forth effort. (Mind you, if he rolled in a wheelchair she would be happy.) So, again... I feel left holding the bag. Explaining that she IS worth it but I can't change her dad. It pains me to see my daughter, so close to the most important day of her life, hurting so much. I want to shake him and scream at him - can't he see what he's doing to her? God - give me strength and wisdom to counsel and console her... and not to kill him!

    Thanks for letting me vent...
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    UPDATE; I Think I saw stewie running away from the house, when i drove up tonight. Damn it! Soo close. :( I hope to catch his little *kitten* this week. I miss that brat. Miss hearing him sing to me at night, and curling up in bed with me. :( I think Im going to get him a playmate for here at the trailer. Really thinking about getting a kitten. I dont know yet, thou.

    To all the mother out there.. Happy Mothers day. I might not get week 3 up until Monday sometime. Enjoy your time as a mom.. pamper yourself a little bit. You deserve it. :) I cant wait until the day I become a mom.. :)
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Aww... Cazz, I'm so sorry you're going through this with being sick AND having to deal with what your daughter needs. I'm also mad at him for being an idiot! She wants him there and he just won't try? That just seems so selfish to me. My Dad died a year before my wedding, so he couldn't be there, but I know if he could have been he would have moved heaven and earth to be there! Instead I had my Grandpa walk me down (my step-dad is a loser!) and it was great, but he died before my sister got married, so she had our Uncle (Dad's big brother). If I hadn't had my Grandpa, I think I would have had my Mom walk me down. She's the one who raised me and did everything for my sis and I growing up anyway (Dad was an alcoholic, hence the early death) but that would have been a good choice for me. Don't know how your daughter feels about that, but it's an idea. I am sorry you all have to deal with this, though. Men can be so stupid sometimes!!! Hope you all can enjoy the day, however it turns out!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Thanks, Nikster! I feel better about it today.

    He is feeling sorry for himself instead of thinking of his daughter. As moms... we tend to put our children's needs before our own. Some dads do that too, others do not.

    I know I raised her well. I am confident in that. She is intelligent and independent. Whatever happens... it was meant to be. She has a good head on her shoulders, I have to trust her to do the right thing. It's hard, sometimes...
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    cazz...so sorry you have this so heavy on your heart. My dad left when I was just 2 years old. We eventually reconciled after my daughter was born and then he died 5 years later. If I had the church wedding, I was married in court..I would have had my mom do it. She was always there for me...went through so much.
    Unfortunate she is not here today...I miss her.
    Judging by how you are feeling about the situation, I know your daughter is in the best hands she can be...yours!
    She knows you are there....
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    cazz...so sorry you have this so heavy on your heart. My dad left when I was just 2 years old. We eventually reconciled after my daughter was born and then he died 5 years later. If I had the church wedding, I was married in court..I would have had my mom do it. She was always there for me...went through so much.
    Unfortunate she is not here today...I miss her.
    Judging by how you are feeling about the situation, I know your daughter is in the best hands she can be...yours!
    She knows you are there....


    I have to say, again, thanks to all of you for letting me vent! It's just so good to know that you're "out there" willing to listen & support - without judgment.

    You are ALL awesome!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Apparently I'm a glutton for punishment or just plain dumb... I just signed myself up for another 5k on June 4... because I was worried about how to keep running now that my 10k is done and my training for the 1/2 marathon won't start until June. Who am I and what the heck happened to my lazy fat butt???? I think I'm a runner now... for real!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    UPDATE: are you ready for this? Thanks the help of a couple neighbors, I have stewie again.. Thank god!! :) Hes safe and home.. :) So happy to have my kee kee back, and to know that hes ok. :)


    now to concentrate on the things i need to again.. :) thanks for your support.. i need to start working on h20 stuff and i will soon i promise.. going to spend some time with my kee kee tonight. :)
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    April, that's awesome!!! So happy for you! What a relief to know he's home and safe... enjoy your snuggles!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    April, that's awesome!!! So happy for you! What a relief to know he's home and safe... enjoy your snuggles!

    thanks, it is a relief.
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Cazz - ((hugs)) I hope things work out for your daughters special day and I hope you feel better this week.

    Nikstergirl - YAY for your race and way to go signing up for another one.

    April Val - HUGE SMILE! I'm so happy Stewie is home. :)

    I hope everyone had a great day! I am one BLESSED Mama!!!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Cazz - ((hugs)) I hope things work out for your daughters special day and I hope you feel better this week.

    Nikstergirl - YAY for your race and way to go signing up for another one.

    April Val - HUGE SMILE! I'm so happy Stewie is home. :)

    I hope everyone had a great day! I am one BLESSED Mama!!!!

    Thank you.. :) I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy when they pulled him out from under the trailer.. :) was soo excited to see it was MY cat.. :) i was worried it was going to be the other stray cat.. but nope. probably will be some little stewies running around out here somewhere..
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Apparently I'm a glutton for punishment or just plain dumb... I just signed myself up for another 5k on June 4... because I was worried about how to keep running now that my 10k is done and my training for the 1/2 marathon won't start until June. Who am I and what the heck happened to my lazy fat butt???? I think I'm a runner now... for real!

    Girl...you just keep running!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Hope all the momma's had a beautiful Mother's Day! Mine was pretty nice...good dinner, nice company. Monday will be upon me...gotta work off the goodies of tonite!

    April...glad Stewie is home!
  • elysetoplin
    elysetoplin Posts: 253
    this week has been insane and i've barely had time to do anything, including work out. but now finals are over and i'm devoting the next week to getting back on track! can't wait for next week's challenges