SIXERS Melting Away for Summer Week 2



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    everyone must be getting tired of hearing about my days.

    DH and i went for our mile walk tonight. he said he likes doing it now. so every night at 7 i will be at the duck pond walking my mile. had a great day. the scale is even nice right now. lovin it.

    see you all in the morning....
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all the mommy's on here!! Sorry it's late, but have been gone most of the day.

    Joined the local gym yesterday with hubby, but haven't gone yet. Plan on going tomorrow when I get off work. My mother-in-law keeps the kids and she only gets them an hour or so a day, so it won't hurt her to keep them another hour for me so that I can start busting butt to get this stupid weight off. Looking forward to it. Not sure what all I'm going to do, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Hubby even helped me pick out a new sports bra to work out in, and if I like it, I might go back and get more since I am planning on working out every day.

    Mom, I'll have to plan on going out with you, but this week Skyler has testing and wants to go to bed early, but we'll see.

    Hope everyone has a great Monday tomorrow!!!!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Cathy - never tired of hearing about your days. I miss you when you DON'T post.

    shanell - you are an awesome daughter. So thoughtful. Your mama raised you right.

    Hope everyone is doing well. I ate horrible all week and didn't exercise...BUT I did log everything. So at least I am aware of my mistakes. Now to start correcting them.

    I think this week's challenge is posting more? But I am also adding for myself, in addition to logging everyday, also being within 200 calories of my calorie goal. Time to get this under control. Oh yeah, got to the gym yesterday and felt every muscle screaming. So I am going this morning again to see if I can quiet them down. Wanna get back to running since my baby girl finished her junior certification in 3 weeks and will want to start using the treadmill again at the gym. Can't let my 10 year old show me up :wink:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    quick post for me right now. off to the gym with son-in-law.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    back from the gym. had a nice workout. did 15 mins on ellipitcal. listening to the aches and pains from running over about 10 mins. so switching it up. i so badly wanted to run. maybe a few pounds more and than try again. have to build back up on the ellipitcal. i know my legs are going to kill me tomorrow.

    nothing for today planned. went back and got more of the green peppers on sale. made stuffed peppers and froze them. having some tonight.

    off to the shower and begin my day.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning!! Happy Be-lated Mothers Day ladies! Hope it was a good one!

    AFM: Took Kadence back to the doctor on Friday and she has a sinus infection that settled into her lungs and so is on strong antibiotics and a steroid...poor baby. Didn't get any exercise in on Saturday OR Sunday this bummer. But have been super busy all weekend! We leave this coming Saturday for Canada for a week...I can't wait!

    Goals this week:
    -3 more days of shredding to finish my 30! YAY!
    -No unorganized snacking!

    Bought my Ripped in 30 DVD last night and cannot wait to start! The plan is to start after my vacation, but we'll see if I can wait that long. Truth is, I am going to be SUPER busy this week trying to get things done before I leave that it may not even be possible, so I'll just plan to start when I get back!

    Also bought new running shoes last night and new jeans (in a smaller size) AND new underoos (in a smaller size!) My underwear is falling off me these days, which is totally exciting because I'm now in a smaller size than I was even before I was pregnant!! WOOHOO!!! Yay! Made for a happy Mother's day!

    Well...plan today:
    B-Kix, skim milk, coffee w/sugarfree creamer
    S-Banana, cereal bar
    L-Mixed green salad, baby tomatos, spritzer dressing, light yogurt
    S-Bartlett pear
    D-Tilapia with something
    S-Fat free frozen yogurt

    JM shred day 28-level 3
    Run with Kadence

    Have a FABULOUS day ladies!!!
  • Stacey765
    Stacey765 Posts: 86 Member
    Hey loves! I just wanted to say a quick hi!, I know i have been MIA pretty much the last week. My husband decided on Monday that he didn't want to be married to me anymore, wouldn't give me a reason or anything. He is also refusing to go to counseling because he "doesn't think it will change the way he feels" It just sucks because I hate the idea that someone else can decide my marriage is over, and apparently I wasn't even important enough to be apart of the conversation. Granted I have also dropped four pounds this week, but I am sure that it will come back, I haven't been eating very well this weekend I had to travel to Indiana to tell my folks, didn't want to tell them over the phone. While I was visiting my family, my grandpa died. Just wondering how this could get any worse.
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Lula- Thanks, I try.

    Stacey- I'm so sorry to hear what you have been through. Men are real thoughtless and all they think about is themselves. Hopefully things will work out. Sometimes they do. And sorry to hear about your grandpa.

    Mom- Did Donny have fun today? I'm going after work, not sure what I'm going to do yet. I'm going on that stupid eliptical today. I'm going to beat it.

    Kristen- Sorry your babygirl isn't feeling well. Hope she gets better soon.

    Well, gotta get back to work. Check back later!

    Have a great day!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Happy Mother's day to ALL of the Sixer mothers. My computer died this weekend so I'm OOC for a while. Out of Commission that is... lol. I'm keeping a good attitude about it though because, well... there is nothing I can do about it.

    In GOOD news... I found my CAMERA after it being lost for 2 months and my HRM. So that's great. but both of those things combined would have been cheaper to replace than my computer (which I'm gonna get one for residency so I'll probably wait to buy a good one.) I will probably work out more now that I have my HRM... I like the calorie incentive.

    Breakfast- yogurt and coffee. Didn't have long to eat and wanted something quick AND healthy.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Options sorry to hear of your trouble. you might want to contact lauryn on the group she just went through this. send her a message.
    kisten....sick kiddos are the worst. you feel for them. are doing so great. you have such good things coming your way in the next few months. all your hard work has paid off.
    shanell...he seemed to. we were there about 45 mins. start out slow on the elliptical. just do 10 mins if you can and than move on to something else. go to the machines or treadmill. just spend the day trying different things. than put a plan together for the next visit. remember waist down one day, waist up next day. cardio for weight loss everyday at least 30 mins. of elevated heart rate. kettle bells, treadmill, elliptical, stairmaster, rower, bike will all raise the heart rate. i gave donny a book, "weight training for dummies" one of my goodwill finds. never looked at it.

    well off for some tv. did my cleaning, have laundry going, son showed me a police radio band on the internet, so listening to that. back later
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Hey loves! I just wanted to say a quick hi!, I know i have been MIA pretty much the last week. My husband decided on Monday that he didn't want to be married to me anymore, wouldn't give me a reason or anything. He is also refusing to go to counseling because he "doesn't think it will change the way he feels" It just sucks because I hate the idea that someone else can decide my marriage is over, and apparently I wasn't even important enough to be apart of the conversation. Granted I have also dropped four pounds this week, but I am sure that it will come back, I haven't been eating very well this weekend I had to travel to Indiana to tell my folks, didn't want to tell them over the phone. While I was visiting my family, my grandpa died. Just wondering how this could get any worse.

    Oh Stacey, how absolutely frustrating and heartbreaking for you. What a lot to go through. You are a very strong woman, and will continue to be so for your child. I'm sorry your parents live so far away, but it is nice that you felt comfortable enough to talk to them about it. But if you ever need to vent, we are always here in one form or another. BIG HUGS!!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Wow....just ate a TON of skittles! Now I feel sick...I'm awesome... **sarcasm** So, not eating the planned pear this afternoon. Oh well.

    Back to some work...
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    only did 3/4 mile tonight, had to pee bad.
    Dh said he wants to work toward doing 1 1/2 miles in 15 mins. by his birthday aug 10. he had done that when he retired from the navy in 94. that will push me more also so it's a good thing. i will help him achieve that goal. now to put a plan in place.

    good luck on the weigh in tomorrow. we are all going to do great.

    well, he's out of the shower, my turn.

    see you in the morning.