Diamonds in the Rough 7 Week Challenge: Round 2 [Week 1]



  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member

    How do you stay on track during the weekend?

    I have planned most of my meals and am determined to make healthy choices when out such as salad. I prefer to be quite strict during the week and relax at the weekends but still remember to avoid my triggers, in my case sugar and cheese.

    Oddly enough, weekends are easier for me.... Only because I do home daycare during the week and I tend to eat more when I am "stuck at home" and its so easy/tempting to just snack with the kids. Also, I have more time to workout on the weekends.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member

    How do you stay on track during the weekend?

    This is a really good question for me, as I'm gearing up for a difficult weekend. I have my weigh in day scheduled for Monday in an effort to keep myself in check.
  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member
    Weekends are incredibly hard! The kids are home from school and it's SOOOO easy to just eat what they are or snack when they do. I'm a routine girl and once you screw that routine up, it's over! This weekend though i'm going to be super busy. My husband is having a boot camp for Honor Guard with a ton of out of town Firefighters coming and I have to play for a wedding tomorrow. I'm going to be to too busy to eat! (I hope, but don't count on it.)

    One good thing; I weighed myself this morning, (I know Maria you told me not to, but I couldn't help it :) and I had finally lost all the water weight from the weekend. Yay! Sunday's weigh in ought to be great!

    Have a blessed day Diamonds!
  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    QOTD response for friday..... My favorite weight loss tool is my trainer. She has really guided me to where I am just spinning my wheels, but to where I am getting results. Thanks Charlie!
  • ygrad2001
    ygrad2001 Posts: 230
    QOTD: Wed-I knew it was time to start this journey for real this diet pills..when I stopped taking them and gained all my weight back plus some. All my clothes were to way to small and I was told I have high blood pressure. I want to be here for my son so I knew it was time for a change.

    QOTD: Thurs-MFP and my son are my favorite tools. Both hold me accountable for my actions and my son loves going to the Y so even on the days I dont want to go he encourages me to go and get it in.

    QOTD: Fri-I wish I could figure out how to stay on track on the weekends. Saturday is my free day because my son usually has all his sports on Saturday and there is not much time to be healthy. That is why I weigh on Wed gives me a cpl of days to recover if I do have a horrible weekend.

    Sorry for my slow responses, it has been a crazy week. Hope everyone has a blessed day!
  • emchen
    emchen Posts: 48

    How do you stay on track during the weekend?

    I have planned most of my meals and am determined to make healthy choices when out such as salad. I prefer to be quite strict during the week and relax at the weekends but still remember to avoid my triggers, in my case sugar and cheese.

    I plan out my intake in advance, and try to stick to that as closely as possible. Also, I try to stay busy and out of the house! Away from the food in my kitchen!
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member

    How do you stay on track during the weekend?

    Well, if the weekend is predictable, there isn't a lot of change. I plan my day each morning and the weekends are no different. And I have more time to workout on the weekend.

    If the weekend is less predictable, like when we are on the go alot, I find it harder to plan!
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    How do you stay on track during the weekend?

    Wow that's a tough one mine saturday r planned as i don't eat on saturday's till 6 so i have enough cal :wink:
    Sunday r kind of my cheat day so i don't worry abt it .But atleasr try to be under my cal

  • jacks90
    jacks90 Posts: 14

    Its very hard, but planing meals and exercise usually helps out alot
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    Friday QOTD: Weekends are so much harder for me than weekdays. My husband is home and likes to eat out, oy the sodium. And my gym closes earlier and does not have childcare on the weekends so I cannot get my normal work-out in. My strategy so far includes: moving the DVD player into the master bedroom so I can do a DVD workout after the boys are in bed and my husband is watching the main television downstairs, trying my best to drink lots of water, and weigh-in on Mondays to help keep me in check.

    Good luck this weekend Diamonds. And to all you mommies, Happy Mother's Day!

  • chasekilgannon

    How do you stay on track during the weekend?

    I have planned most of my meals and am determined to make healthy choices when out such as salad. I prefer to be quite strict during the week and relax at the weekends but still remember to avoid my triggers, in my case sugar and cheese.

    The weekend is my time to cut a little loose. So when I want a bit more of something, or something junky, we all go out and get some exercise by playing some sports, or walking around. Just something to boost the calories I can have, and when it's something really junky, we share it. I'm all about making my own rendition of foods as well, so that I can really control how many calories I'm eating. Today (Saturday) we're having a BBQ/Pool Party, and we'lll all be out there enjoying ourselves and eating some awesome food.
  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    QOTD response for Friday......Weekends are hard because like so many of you have said, you have more access to food and kids and hubbies. Well I had decided a few weekends ago that I would get to the gym on the weekends. I don't usually eat my calories back from a workout. However, weekends I sometimes have to. I love to cook sunday meals. It is abig deal for me. Family tradition. So I have taught myself to eat a bit less and hit the elliptical. Pay it back.
  • tramik31
    tramik31 Posts: 17
    QOTD Friday

    I actually do better on the weekeds than during the week for some reason. I work out more also. I tend to stay busy running in and out and catching up with my cleaning, so I do not have much time to think about food. I actually eat less.
  • chasekilgannon
    First ever DRUNK POST! Yeah!
  • chasekilgannon
    First ever DRUNK POST! Yeah!
  • DiamondsInTheRough
    First ever DRUNK POST! Yeah!

    LMBO! Chase, go to bed!
  • chasekilgannon
    Yeah, I was up 'til 2 am after that... didn't realize I posted twice... oh Jim Beam.
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    I can't find the thread for week 2 :(
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    No questions of the day???:huh:
  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member
    No questions of the day???:huh:

    There's a new thread each week. Here's this weeks: