Sugar = Poison



  • ecaz
    ecaz Posts: 115
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Not me, you will not find me saying I love any such things. I no longer eat peanuts or peanut butter as they are legumes and I won't eat muffins anymore either unless I make them and they will be made with either almond or coconut flour.

    I loved your post on veggies being better than fruit, but I have to say the legume family is a spectacular source of protein and fiber. Feel free to avoid beans and nuts all you want, of course, but they can be very positive additions to one's diet.
  • donnamariemoon
    bump :-)
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I try to stay away from HFCS because I do think it has something to do with the high rate of obseity in our country. But I also believe in the old saying "Everything in moderation." Too much of anything we put in our mouths will make us fat...PERIOD.

    I don't believe that the fruit God gaves is poison...unless we add poison to it. Simple as that.

    Well, if you look at it from that angle, why was the "fruit" on the forbidden tree? Maybe God was trying to tell us way back then that it is poisonous................

    I don't believe in Everything in Moderation. There are many things the human body does not need in moderation.

    really? fruit is bad? :noway: :laugh: how ridiculous.

    There is nothing wrong with eating fruit. Or WHOLE GRAINS (GASP)

    or HFCS.

    or Splenda

    or SUGAR
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I find the facepalm uncalled for, frankly, and not funny at all. Well into the middle ages cultivated fruit varieties were seen as something not entirely right, witness the huge number of medieval sagas and fairy tales that have people come to harm under grafted trees. The motif of the danger of grafted trees is found all over in European folklore. "Ympe Trees" are demon trees!. in "Sir Orfeo", the king of the underworld fetches Eurydice while she is sleeping under a grafted tree:

    "Loke, dame, that tow be
    to-morwe her vnder this ympe-tre,
    and than thou schalt with ous go
    and liue with ous euermo...."

    ;) of course

    in the middle ages we believed a woman's uterus wandered around her body until it was time for her menses, and then made her crazy.

    in the middle ages we believed tomatoes were [poisonous because they leached the lead out of the plates and gave lead poisoning.

    in the middle ages we believed the earth was a flat disk.

    I believe you see the glaringly obvious point, that we have cone a long way since the middle ages.
  • millermichellelea
    Bump --- btw while in Italy they fed me fruit for breakfast every morning and figs were a it only US that eats fruit? What do they put on their toast in England is it not Jam?

    Seriously I grow tired of everyone always slamming the US. We are a varied group as are all of you - each area is different and we are a melting pot so generalizing anything just doesn't work. Please stop the slams in the posts, if you dislike us that much --- just ignore us and leave well enough alone.
  • cjw6
    cjw6 Posts: 94 Member
    Sugar isn't poison, thats daft.

    Your body needs some sugar. In fact the only kind of fuel your brain can metabolise is glucose.

    The problem is our (westernised) lifestyle. We have got used to everything being really sweet and companies like to get us to buy their products so they put sugar in virtually everything. Baked beans, chilli sauce, everything.

    With yogurts etc, when they take out the fat, they just don't taste as good, so they compensate by putting in extra sugar.

    The thing is, you can adjust your tastes quite easily, same as if you cut out salt- for the 1st few days things taste kind of bland, then you re-adjust and can do without the sugary foods quite easily.
    Fruit is fine assuming you aren't eating kilos of it at a time- you get fibre and vitamins as well as some sugars and they can fill you up (unlike sweets/choc)- much better to have an apple than a chocolate bar!

    I think everything (within reason) in moderation is the right approach. Better to have smaller portions of real (not processed) healthy tasty food than loads of 'low fat' or 'diet' snacks and colas etc.

    Having said that- I'm dieting, so probably not so good at following my own advice!
  • cjw6
    cjw6 Posts: 94 Member
    What have you got against legumes? They are a great protein source. Not saying eat loads of salted peanuts, but cutting a whole group of foods out is pretty much never a good idea. Cutting down is fine, but cutting stuff out completely can be detrimental to your overall health (not just weight)
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Sugar isn't poison, thats daft.

    Your body needs some sugar. In fact the only kind of fuel your brain can metabolise is glucose.

    The problem is our (westernised) lifestyle. We have got used to everything being really sweet and companies like to get us to buy their products so they put sugar in virtually everything. Baked beans, chilli sauce, everything.

    With yogurts etc, when they take out the fat, they just don't taste as good, so they compensate by putting in extra sugar.

    The thing is, you can adjust your tastes quite easily, same as if you cut out salt- for the 1st few days things taste kind of bland, then you re-adjust and can do without the sugary foods quite easily.
    Fruit is fine assuming you aren't eating kilos of it at a time- you get fibre and vitamins as well as some sugars and they can fill you up (unlike sweets/choc)- much better to have an apple than a chocolate bar!

    I think everything (within reason) in moderation is the right approach. Better to have smaller portions of real (not processed) healthy tasty food than loads of 'low fat' or 'diet' snacks and colas etc.

    Having said that- I'm dieting, so probably not so good at following my own advice!

    "In fact the only kind of fuel your brain can metabolise is glucose."

    Important distinction here is that yes, some parts of the brain can only be fueled by glucose. However, what's not commonly cited by nutrition articles is that this glucose fuel source does not have to be dietary (i.e. consumed glucose from food sources). Your body can produce glucose for the brain through the process of glucogenesis where proteins (amino acids) are converted to glucose.
  • durangocal
    durangocal Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks for posting this video. It helps me be more armed in my quest to ban soda drinking for our boys when our family goes to restaurants! My new goal is for them to see soda as not something for a "special treat once in awhile" but something that is dangerous for our health and should be avoided completely. On a side note-today at the grocery store I was surprised to see how many "healthy" breads still contain HFCS.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Everything FOOD-WISE that comes from the ground or had a mother is okay to eat in moderation. (unless it has venom....sorry I had to add that.

    Actually... rattlesnake is quite yummy. Just don't eat the venom sacks, eat the meat. :bigsmile:
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    bump to read later
  • naturallykat
    naturallykat Posts: 118 Member
    A topic which really interests me at the moment, as I have identified sugar as a cause of my overeating, so have cut right down.

    I personally think that in nature, we wouldn't eat sugar all year round. We'd eat (natural) sugars in Autumn, when all the fruits and berries are ripe. And we would gorge on them because there would be a harsh winter ahead and we'd need to store those calores. So sugar = fill your boots in evolutionary terms.
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    cleaning supplies
    air pollution
    the SUN
    BPA (in canned goods and plastic bottles)
    High doses of vitamins
    petroleum based products
    hydrogen peroxide

    All these things are poisonous/harmful and contribute more to any health problems I have or will develop than having sugar will. So, I will enjoy ice cream, fruits, oats, vegetables, milk, yogurt, berries, chocolate, etc

    To blame sugar as the root of all evils is unfair. Is HFCS bad? Sorta. Is sugar bad? In high amounts. But if you even have one beer it's probably worse for your body than a soda.

  • pickledlilli
  • Altiv
    Altiv Posts: 174 Member
  • sandybeach11
    sandybeach11 Posts: 198 Member
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    Do I allow my kids sugar, pops and all that? You bet. Am I going to stop because someone said it's bad? NO. Why? I am mom, I do allow my kids these things in moderation, teaching them that exercise is a must in your daily life.

    Whose fault is it if my kids get fat? Sugar or me? If I do not teach my children right amounts to eat, to stop eating when starting to feel full, to listen to their bodies and follow what it is saying then it is my fault.

    I have seen fat kids on supposed all natural food diets. Why? Simply because they eat too much. I think our bodies need a certain amount of sugar, fats, and other stuff.

    I have IBS so I have to watch my fat intake, at the same time if it gets too low, I know that if I eat 2 pieces of regular bacon it will help. Do I eat 4, 6, or 8 pieces? No, I eat the two that will aid me. Anymore than that and I am in extreme pain for days.

    I have gastritis, one thing that affects it is granulated sugar. I avoid it, but HFCS is not a problem. I use Splenda instead of sugar. When I buy canned fruit I look for ones that are package in juices not syrup.

    I know I gained weight from over eating, not from just sugar/fat things but anything. Did I really need that huge bowl of salad? No Did I really need a 8 oz steak and huge baked potato with sour cream and butter? No.

    I think we, as a country, need to stop blaming things for making us obese and place it where it belongs, on the individual, on the parents allowing their 7, 8, 9 year old to order a Big Mac and large fry and huge pop. We are responsible for where we are! We are the ones putting the food into our bodies.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I try to stay away from HFCS because I do think it has something to do with the high rate of obseity in our country. But I also believe in the old saying "Everything in moderation." Too much of anything we put in our mouths will make us fat...PERIOD.

    I don't believe that the fruit God gaves is poison...unless we add poison to it. Simple as that.

    Well, if you look at it from that angle, why was the "fruit" on the forbidden tree? Maybe God was trying to tell us way back then that it is poisonous................

    I don't believe in Everything in Moderation. There are many things the human body does not need in moderation.

    I'm not going to get into a religious talk with you because I think the correlation is ridiculous, to be frank.

    But let me be more clear in my statement since it wasn't to you.

    Everything FOOD-WISE that comes from the ground or had a mother is okay to eat in moderation. (unless it has venom....sorry I had to add that.

    Let's stick to the subject. shall we? Not my personal beliefs.

    I think the OP was asking about the video?

    Now excuse me while I go pull a "Forbidden fruit" off the "Tree of Life" I grow in my back yard LOL

    Thank you for that, I was about to write something myself but with people like that it hardly seems worth it.
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    thanks for posting this - i just watched the first 30 minutes (the video is 1.5 hours), but unfortunately it stopped loading... i'll try it again later, but it's SO important to get our sugar under control... I'm pretty confident that it's my main problem - both natural and processed sugars.