If you think you gained muscle... Read this.



  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I think people mistakenly say they gained muscle when they really mean its water retention from strength training.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Thank you! I hate it when people think that a lb of muscle weighs more than a lb of fat.

    It does, because muscle is denser than fat.




    doesn't matter what it is, one pound ALWAYS equals one pound.

    That established, because of DENSITY, 1 lb or fat takes up more space than 1 lb of muscle. However, THEY WEIGH THE SAME.


    I admit idly miss read, and then went on to say the same thing you just did..
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    by no means did i mean to come off sarcastic. i was seriously stating that what was said was possible. thats all.

    Looking good and it's clear you've been working hard. Yes, opposed to the old gym wisdom that you can't gain muscle while losing fat, we now know differently, but as the OP noted, it's not the most effective way for folks to dramatically add bulk/strength.

    Good "trainer 101" information and glad the OP stated it, as its a good reminder to folks (or primer to others) about how "volume" is important. We trainers may break up and vary routines over time, but we don't lose sight of volume. Every day, after I finish training my clients, I enter all of their lifting data (reps/weight/sets) into a system I created that kicks out a volume number. Then I know where to set the next workout's numbers need to be. For those of you who aren't familiar with this, it's simple.

    Volume (total pounds lifted) = weight (of what you're lifting) x repetitions (how many times you moved that weight in a set) x sets. E.g., If you lift 10 pounds ten times, rest, and then do that same thing two more times, the math is like this (10 x 10 x 3 = 300 pounds). Since you want to keep improving your volume (the 300 pound number), then you can up any of the elements (weight, reps or sets). The point is that you want to slowly but consistently push that volume number up. It makes a big difference.

    The only thing I'd have to disagree with here is the notion that lifting a lighter weight for many repetitions yields much in the way of results. Generally speaking, without getting overly complicated, pushing harder for the average person, results in better results (building or retaining lean muscle mass, and building strength). But that's kind of the rule that fits most things in life, isn't it? :tongue:

    Good post, OP. Thanks!

    Thank you :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Thank you! I hate it when people think that a lb of muscle weighs more than a lb of fat.

    It does, because muscle is denser than fat.




    doesn't matter what it is, one pound ALWAYS equals one pound.

    That established, because of DENSITY, 1 lb or fat takes up more space than 1 lb of muscle. However, THEY WEIGH THE SAME.


    He admitted above he misread the persons quote, I guess you should acknowledge that you missed that.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    This was really interesting. And somewhat of a relief to read. I'm always paranoid i'm going to bulk up like a man-hulk if I do too much strength exercise!

    Either way, I believe estrogen prevents you from building mannishly huge muscles.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I think people mistakenly say they gained muscle when they really mean its water retention from strength training.

    IMO it's wishful thinking....lots of people really do think that they can gain measurable muscle mass from lifting 5# dumbells a few times a week. Or what they won't tell you, is it's actually too much pizza and too many margaritas from the weekend before :-) Let's call it what it is...if I do everything right, the scale stays put or moves down. If my diet is crap...it goes up. That part is pretty simple.

    And as for building muscle at a caloric deficit, I completely agree that it is difficult to do. When you lose weight, the difference is that you can actually see the muscle...but that doesn't mean you have built any. In fact, I lost muscle mass after losing 50#, in spite of working out. There is almost no way when you are in weight loss mode to ensure you are losing 100% fat. "You gained muscle" gets thrown around way too much.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    The only thing I'd have to disagree with here is the notion that lifting a lighter weight for many repetitions yields much in the way of results. Generally speaking, without getting overly complicated, pushing harder for the average person, results in better results (building or retaining lean muscle mass, and building strength). But that's kind of the rule that fits most things in life, isn't it? :tongue:

    Good post, OP. Thanks!

    In way of training for muscular endurance (very high reps, much lower weight) then I agree with you. However for building muscle mass, you can’t argue with the science of hypertrophy. And I did recognize that there is overlap throughout all ranges, however some ranges are better a specific goals than others.
  • splashwags
    splashwags Posts: 262 Member
    Bump to read later
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    yes. so much misinformation by people. it's so frustrating
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    This was really interesting. And somewhat of a relief to read. I'm always paranoid i'm going to bulk up like a man-hulk if I do too much strength exercise!

    Either way, I believe estrogen prevents you from building mannishly huge muscles.

    hmmm I will have to look into that one... I had my ovaries removed a year ago and do not not take replacements for estrogen so I wonder what that will do for me?
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
    The following is from a post about people who are "skinny fat." Given the information in your original post, what are your thoughts on the following? In particular, weight training on a calorie deficit. Thanks!!


    from a blog to help people achieve the celebrity look:http://fitnessblackbook.com/body-fat/tips-to-fix-skinny-fat-syndrome/
    Some of it is controversial, but I figured we could discuss

    I'm sure you have all heard of the term skinny fat. This when someone is chubby but doesn't take up much space. A person who is close to their target weight, but is soft all over. To be honest, this is a super easy thing to fix, but a lot of people go about it the wrong way. Someone who is skinny fat is just 3 months away from transforming their body, they just need to attack this problem the right way.

    Still Skinny Fat Even After Training for Some Time?

    I would say that a good portion of the people in the gyms I have belonged to are skinny fat. A lot of people train really hard and still don't display the muscle tone that they should. All you have to do is head on over to Youtube to see examples of this. There are thousands of videos of people sweating their butt off, but still not displaying impressive physiques.

    Trying to Create a Calorie Deficit Through Exercise?
    The biggest mistake I see is that people are trying to create a calorie deficit through exercise. If you want to lose body fat, you want to create a calorie deficit through diet and burn additional calories with exercise. Make sure you are in calorie deficit even when taking away the calories burned with exercise. *If you take away any tip from this article, this would be the most important piece of advice*

    Eating Too Much and Then Training to Make up For It?
    Training hard to make up for a bad diet puts you at risk for increasing your cortisol levels. The typical mistake I see is the people hitting cardio for 60 minutes at a time 5-6 days a week. I have no problem with some cardio after HIIT, but I like to limit this to just a few times per week. Cortisol breaks down muscle and increases fat storage. If you see someone training like a mad man (or mad woman) and isn't lean…this is probably the reason why.

    Back off on Exercise to Get Rid of Fat
    The first thing I would recommend for a skinny fat person? I would tell them to reduce their calories and reduce their workouts. If they weren't doing resistance training, then that would be mandatory as well. In fact, if they were really lacking muscle tone I would have that person hit the weights hard under a calorie deficit with very little cardio. Maybe re-introduce cardio after 1-2 months.
    Focus on Short Intense Workouts While Eating Well
    Skinny fat people typically need to boost the intensity of their workouts, but not too often. The main thing is to avoid the release of cortisol while increasing the HGH through strategic exercise. There is a "Sweet Spot" of just the right amount of exercise and it is different for everybody. The key is to find that sweet spot. Once you figure that out, you are just 2-3 months max away from a complete transformation.
    Note: I know it seems weird that working out less can actually result in a leaner body, but it is the truth. Also…you can hit it hard for short spurts like outlined in my Vacation Body Blueprint report…you just can't push too hard for too long.

  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    This was really interesting. And somewhat of a relief to read. I'm always paranoid i'm going to bulk up like a man-hulk if I do too much strength exercise!

    Either way, I believe estrogen prevents you from building mannishly huge muscles.

    hmmm I will have to look into that one... I had my ovaries removed a year ago and do not not take replacements for estrogen so I wonder what that will do for me?

    It is less about estrogen and more about testosterone. You would still not be able to build the kind of muscle men can, but that is an interesting case that I have never consider.
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    This was really interesting. And somewhat of a relief to read. I'm always paranoid i'm going to bulk up like a man-hulk if I do too much strength exercise!

    Either way, I believe estrogen prevents you from building mannishly huge muscles.

    hmmm I will have to look into that one... I had my ovaries removed a year ago and do not not take replacements for estrogen so I wonder what that will do for me?

    It is less about estrogen and more about testosterone. You would still not be able to build the kind of muscle men can, but that is an interesting case that I have never consider.

    Well I really dont want to bulk up like a man but I wonder if it will help or hinder me. I must do some research now! Because I have never thought about that, and now that its in my mind I must know!!
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    The following is from a post about people who are "skinny fat." Given the information in your original post, what are your thoughts on the following? In particular, weight training on a calorie deficit. Thanks!!


    from a blog to help people achieve the celebrity look:http://fitnessblackbook.com/body-fat/tips-to-fix-skinny-fat-syndrome/
    Some of it is controversial, but I figured we could discuss

    I'm sure you have all heard of the term skinny fat. This when someone is chubby but doesn't take up much space. A person who is close to their target weight, but is soft all over. To be honest, this is a super easy thing to fix, but a lot of people go about it the wrong way. Someone who is skinny fat is just 3 months away from transforming their body, they just need to attack this problem the right way.

    Still Skinny Fat Even After Training for Some Time?

    I would say that a good portion of the people in the gyms I have belonged to are skinny fat. A lot of people train really hard and still don't display the muscle tone that they should. All you have to do is head on over to Youtube to see examples of this. There are thousands of videos of people sweating their butt off, but still not displaying impressive physiques.

    Trying to Create a Calorie Deficit Through Exercise?
    The biggest mistake I see is that people are trying to create a calorie deficit through exercise. If you want to lose body fat, you want to create a calorie deficit through diet and burn additional calories with exercise. Make sure you are in calorie deficit even when taking away the calories burned with exercise. *If you take away any tip from this article, this would be the most important piece of advice*

    Eating Too Much and Then Training to Make up For It?
    Training hard to make up for a bad diet puts you at risk for increasing your cortisol levels. The typical mistake I see is the people hitting cardio for 60 minutes at a time 5-6 days a week. I have no problem with some cardio after HIIT, but I like to limit this to just a few times per week. Cortisol breaks down muscle and increases fat storage. If you see someone training like a mad man (or mad woman) and isn't lean…this is probably the reason why.

    Back off on Exercise to Get Rid of Fat
    The first thing I would recommend for a skinny fat person? I would tell them to reduce their calories and reduce their workouts. If they weren't doing resistance training, then that would be mandatory as well. In fact, if they were really lacking muscle tone I would have that person hit the weights hard under a calorie deficit with very little cardio. Maybe re-introduce cardio after 1-2 months.
    Focus on Short Intense Workouts While Eating Well
    Skinny fat people typically need to boost the intensity of their workouts, but not too often. The main thing is to avoid the release of cortisol while increasing the HGH through strategic exercise. There is a "Sweet Spot" of just the right amount of exercise and it is different for everybody. The key is to find that sweet spot. Once you figure that out, you are just 2-3 months max away from a complete transformation.
    Note: I know it seems weird that working out less can actually result in a leaner body, but it is the truth. Also…you can hit it hard for short spurts like outlined in my Vacation Body Blueprint report…you just can't push too hard for too long.


    I have been strength training on a calorie deficit for 6 months now. In fact the results in my signature are from that 6 month period. I also do next to no cardio. I have been working at a very high intensity lifting my 5RM most days and 1RM some days. I took full advantage of my high body fat percentage to increase my muscle mass while on a calorie deficit and gained about 1lb of muscle per month while losing a total of 8% body fat.

    The biggest problem I see in the gym is people strength train wrong. Most people are doing bodybuilding split routines instead of the core compound muscle lifts that allow you to lift the most weight and promote the most muscle growth.
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
    Outstanding!! This is what I must do. What I am doing now is simply not working. I LOVE to walk and do a bit of jogging. I've done one half-marathon and I'm doing my second in a month. I just can't seem to get ANY results doing all this cardio. I lost quite a bit of muscle mass several years ago when I went through a period of anxiety. I just kept losing weight even though I never changed my eating habbits. A couple of years later I lost a very close family member and quit working out all together. I lost even more muscle laying around being depressed. I guess I've known to some extent that I needed to gain back muscle, but I'm at a complete loss at how to go about it. There's so many options. I'm considering the pyramid workout outlined in the Body for Life program, but don't know where to begin in regards to how much weight to use. I hope you don't mind me picking your brain. Any thoughts you can provide on the subject would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks again for your posts, they are very informative. :flowerforyou:
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    No problem. I would recommend StrongLifts.com. It is a 5x5 program, the same I currently use and have been using. It has worked great for me and many others.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    This needs a bump. I've already seen many posts today that claim weight went up due to muscle gain. Folks, muscle is HARD to build, especially for women. Results come from hard work and includes lifting heavy weights. It takes months, sometimes years, to build any noticeable muscles.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I agree with most of what you said, but several variables exist which your science neglects and that is your body type and foundation. Please before you embark on your routines look up what body type you have or get with a "certified trainer" to determine the best training method for you. Your body will respond best when you taylor your routines to whether you are an Ectomorph, Mesomorph, or Endomorph and please don't discount the low weight/high rep benefits to your tendons and ligaments that are the foundation of any safe heavy routine. Having been a powerlifter in a former life, you cannot believe how long a tear in your tendon or muscles takes to heal when you do not give your body the proper foundation to embark on more intense and stessful routines. No matter your body type you do need to change up your routine to keep the muscles responding and If you are an Ectomorph don't expect to gain major muscle mass like a Mesomorph will, it's not possible without Anabolic assistance which is crazy to do just to look better. Unless you are competing in Mr/Mrs. Olympia contests it's not worth it. The possible side effects can ruin your health for life.

    I can't stress enough that a "certified trainer" is your best bet to help dichpher all the information available on the site. I do love this site and I love all the support and help, but please be careful.

    note: I am a little depressed after reading the OP. I truely thought the five pounds I gained this week was from the 6 days of finger lifts I did while typing all week long. I pasted little weights to my fingers and thought it was kinda of like circuit training,..... Guess not huh? (insert sarcasm):bigsmile:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member
    <snicker> @ StevLL
  • decu68
    decu68 Posts: 78
    1 to 5 reps = Strength & Power (Myofibrillar Hypertrophy)
    6 to 12 reps = Size (Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy)
    13 to 20 reps = Muscular Endurance

    While your post has a lot of merit, I don't totally agree with this information for reps.

    For each of these reps if I were to lift very slow and lower very slowly and go till fatigue; I'd be lifting like a body building looking for size.

    For each of these reps if I were to lift explosively and lower slower and "not" go till fatigue and have adequate rest for my next set; I'd be lifting for strength.

    For each of these reps if I were to use technique and momentum; I'd be lifting like a power lifter.

    For each of these reps if I were to use explosiveness throughout the lifting till fatigued; I'd be lifting like an athlete.

    All of these people would gain size and strength; but each would develop differently as they have different goals and are lifting differently. Each may be lifting different weights to accomplish these goals.

    We all know for what ever you goals are whether it is a body builder, strengthening, power lifter or athlete, there are so many different routines with different set and rep amounts; it is too hard to generalize them by this.

    How you want your muscle to react, perform, appear ... you need to workout this way. Do they need to be defined by a certain amount of reps; the answer is no.