30 Day Shred - Start: May 9th



  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
    Day 9 Lv 2 Done

    Man I had a sweat on this morning. but thats good right.

    Like Jillian says

    I want you to feel like you are going to die. So I pushed it hard....
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Okay, did day 1 of Level 3 this morning and I survived. It has a lot more cardio in it than levels 1 and 2, but it feels like it goes a little quicker, although by the end I was ready because it surely makes you sweat a LOT more...lol. That is good though, I did feel good when I was done :) I tried to keep up with Natalie? (the girl on the left) however there were one or two moves that I could not and had to move like Anita (girl on the right) :smile:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    I think it was skinnylizzy that inspired me to do this, but I'ma try and do all three levels of the shred back to back from now until the end of my shred... Great way to prep for p90x!!
  • skinnylizzy5
    skinnylizzy5 Posts: 119
    Yeah me and my bright ideas.... Ok I'm gonna do L2 & L3 today - we'll see how it goes!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    D3 L3 (& L1 & L2).

    Wow. So I did all of them at once. Anyone that has an hour to spare, and wants to do a serious workout should try it out. I haven't been as exhausted as I was by the end of level 3 in ages!! That was fun. Off to run a few miles now *devilish grin*
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    19/30 on level 2 is done.

    i was thinking of doing the levels back to back but level 2 wears me out. wtg you all
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Did Day 2 of Level 3 this morning :) I think it wore me out a little more than Day 1. 22/30

    Have a great day everyone!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    D3 L3 (& L1 & L2).

    Wow. So I did all of them at once. Anyone that has an hour to spare, and wants to do a serious workout should try it out. I haven't been as exhausted as I was by the end of level 3 in ages!! That was fun. Off to run a few miles now *devilish grin*

    Holy Smokes! Fun is not a word I would associate with doing all three levels. You are amazing!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Did Day 2 of Level 3 this morning :) I think it wore me out a little more than Day 1. 22/30

    Have a great day everyone!

    Great Job!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    D3 L3 (& L1 & L2).

    Wow. So I did all of them at once. Anyone that has an hour to spare, and wants to do a serious workout should try it out. I haven't been as exhausted as I was by the end of level 3 in ages!! That was fun. Off to run a few miles now *devilish grin*

    Holy Smokes! Fun is not a word I would associate with doing all three levels. You are amazing!

    I meant fun in the "Oh my god I'm going to die" sense. :P

    Anyway, D4 L3, (D2 all three. Wooooo!) I'm DRIPPING!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I did D6 of L2 yesterday and D7 today.
  • skinnylizzy5
    skinnylizzy5 Posts: 119
    Keep up the good work everyone! I love that this is such an active thread!

    L2 + L3 = worn out!
  • smtraxx
    smtraxx Posts: 60 Member
    Day 6 & 7 done today.

    I am preferring the double shred I have to say. I really feel like I've worked out hard. But I am doing the one day on one day off which really doesn't help but hubbies shift changes tomorrow so I should be able to shred tomorrow too.

    So there is a few of us now doing the double and even the triple !!!!!

    Thank you to all of you on here xxx
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    16/30 Level 2 day 6
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Day 3 Level 3 done 23/30

    Have a great day everyone!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Today we start to move my daughter into her unit in the city. The cars are loaded up. With just the essentials. :bigsmile: We can't park near there till after 6pm. So my husband will come in after work and first job put a safety chain on the door. I will start the haul up the 100 stairs, no lift. I am also staying in there with her this week as we get things sorted. So no shredding for me, I will become stair master.
    PS. I am excited for her but also a little sad as my daughter moves out. Still now I will have a place in the city to stay.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    D4 L3 (and D3 of all 3). Only 6 days left... still cheating on some of the pushups and arm moves. Overall, much, much better though.

    Oh, and I bought size 8 pants yesterday. That's a major NSV for me!!
  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
    I am still here people. Just not posted on the forum for a few days.
    I completed day 10 lv 2 on saturday and day 1 level 3 Sunday.
    Found the first day of lv 3 tough as I was getting used to the new exercises but found day 2 a little easier this morning.
    Great thread. Thanks for all the motivation.
  • smtraxx
    smtraxx Posts: 60 Member
    Day 8 Level 2 done.

    Also did 25 mins cardio & strength after as well.
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Day 4 Level 3 done...24/30 :)

    Have a great Memorial Day everyone!