30 Day Shred - Start: May 9th



  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I would love to join, but I'm coaching an adult co-ed softball team and we have practice that will keep me from doing the shred. Is there any way of counting that since I am doing the running and everything they are doing and do the shred in between?
    We usually just count the days we do the actual shred, hence why sometimes it takes longer than the 30 days. All other exercise is a great extra.
  • fluffyduck2004
    fluffyduck2004 Posts: 12 Member
    ive just ordered this dvd so hoping amazon will get it to be this week, anyone know does it tell you how many cals you are burning or if theres an entry for it on mfp exercise section?
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    :grumble: I wish I could find my darn DVD

    I'll keep looking today!
    Cassie, I thought you DID find it!! :laugh:

    smessom32... Totally fine if you're not 30 for 30! It took me 37 or 38 days the first time around, and I know lots of people that have done it every other day! I hope you LOVE this DVD! I've done lots and this is the ONLY one I have stuck with all the way through!

    shreddingit... :noway: You are wonderful! :flowerforyou:

    VanesMarie... Your DVD arrived RIGHT in time!! :wink:

    maryff... Get that DVD in that player and get moving!! And keep it out! Haha. Seriously, once you get the momentum going (turn on the DVD player, put on your workout clothes), it keeps on going, and about a 1/4 to 1/2 way in, you will be so glad you started!
    Worried about starting now as First thing in the morning is my only chance to get this done.
    Not sure If I should be doing it before Breakfast.??
    When do you guys do your 30 min workout?
    smessom32... It can be a lot of pressure to stick to a time, cause then if it passes, you can see it as "oh man, I've blown it for the day". It's OK if things didn't workout this morning. Try again tomorrow, and fine-tune the details until it works out. Have a little snack before you workout, if you need it for energy in the morning. I always go for bananas, but you could do nuts, or some crackers, or whatever you like that's light on your stomach, but will give you something to keep you going. I Shred, usually between 10am and noon. Is there any way you could work it into your evening? After the kids are in bed?
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    jellyfishjen... Awesome work! I'm so excited to get started!

    CricketKate... You found the page! Awesome!

    Deeds1024... Everything is falling into place for you!! This is so meant to be! :happy:

    skinnylizzy5... Great to have you with us! You're doing awesome!

    kmalex... Most people log it as "circuit training" if you don't have a heart rate monitor. :smile:

    matwood... Woo!! Get that DVD playing!!
    What kind of measurements do you want?
    MsMe... Whatever measurements you would like to take to track your progress!! :happy: I measure my arms, waist, hips, thighs, and calves.

    Thin4payton... Hey! You can do the running and Shred in between for sure! Just stick to the Shred with you get the chance. I'll give motivation to anyone connected to the Shred who is posting here. :bigsmile: I also agree with what Jen said above. It's fine if you only get to, say D7 of the Shred in 30 days.

    madyncaden... GREAT attitude!! :drinker:
    ive just ordered this dvd so hoping amazon will get it to be this week, anyone know does it tell you how many cals you are burning or if theres an entry for it on mfp exercise section?
    fluffyduck... As I said above, most people track it as "circuit training" if they don't have a heart rate monitor. Come back and join us when you get the DVD! :happy:
  • skinnylizzy5
    skinnylizzy5 Posts: 119
    I'm so glad that we have this thread to track our inches as well as progress on 30 day shred. It makes me feel good to have some NSV's to focus on!

    I just weighed myself (on a Monday...always dangerous!) and wasn't so happy with the results. But, I was thrilled to see that I lost inches and am only a tiny bit sore today even though I did Shred Level 2 for the first time yesterday - that's definitely progress compared to last week :)

    Here are my numbers:

    Neck: 12.5
    Waist: 28.5
    Hips: 37.5
    Arms: 11
    Thighs: 23
    Lower Waist: 33
    **I measure my "waist" as my natural waist, around the belly button area, but I measure the "lower waist" as where I put my jeans**

    Good luck everyone!!
  • mollymarshmallow
    mollymarshmallow Posts: 12 Member
    I just finished Day 3 (at Level 1) of the 30 Day Shred today (and managed to go for a short run afterwards as a "cool down"!). I'm amazed at how sore i am from only a couple days of the workouts!! I know i can thank the squats and pushups for all my soreness. I was totally inspired to go out and buy this DVD when i saw progress photos that a MFP member had posted (we have somewhat similar bodies). I'm tall at 5'9 and have always been a thin girl. . . but over the past few years i've been slowly gaining weight and it's really depressing me. I have a closet full of clothing, specifically pants, that no longer fit me and i'm sick of having to spend money on larger sizes of clothing. I want to be in shape, it's really not about a number on a scale for me. I just want to feel fit and healthy, and firm up all over. I feel discouraged when i get dressed in the morning and i'm ready to like what i see in the mirror.
    I've also just completed my first week of logging into My Fitness Pal everyday. I've been having fun logging what i eat and how i exercise, even if some of my friends think it's a bit obsessive. I'm truly shocked by how many calories some of my favorite foods hold. I have definitely noticed that i'm cutting back on cheese, bread and alcohol as a result of having to track my calories.

    Starting stats:

    height: 5'9
    waist: 28"
    hips: 34.5"
    thighs: 24.5"
    arms: 12"

    weight: 149
    gw: 135
  • VanesMarie88
    Did day 1 yesterday and my ENTIRE body is sore. I'm pretty excited to do day 2 today. This is going to be so much fun!
  • Adelphia
    Adelphia Posts: 176
    Can I join? I've been looking for some motivation to try this again. Haven't gotten to Level 3 since... two summers ago... :cry:
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    I want to join! Should be getting my dvd in the mail either today or tomorrow!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Today is day 8 for me but Id still love to join!!

    My starting weight on 5/2 was 256

    I don't have a measure so I couldn't do actual measurements
  • smtraxx
    smtraxx Posts: 60 Member
    I'd love to join. I have done the first two days and will do the 3rd tonight and I will put my stats on when I get 5 mins.
  • Macmommac
    Macmommac Posts: 14
    I'm in! I got this video today after seeing how many others on MFP loved it! I really need this motivation to keep me on track.
    Good luck everyone!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I did D1 L1 today! I pushed it hard, but my calorie burn isn't what it used to be. I noticed that in my bike ride last night too. :bigsmile: Must mean I'm getting better. I know I'm gonna feel it tomorrow for sure! I upped my weights and was using 5 lbs on some of the old 3 lbs moves. I also pushed it to 9 real push ups today. :sick: :smile:

    Here are my measurements. The first column is when I finished the Shred the first time (March 15th), and the second column is my current (May 9) measurements. I've been doing other Jillian Michaels' workouts, and other stuff.


    I'm gonna start measuring my hips as upper and lower, since my hips are so weird...

    skinnylizzy... Congrats on your inch loss already!! That's so fantastic!! You're gonna be so pleased after L2!!

    Mollymarshmallow... Way to push it! :drinker: It's a good soreness, and in a few more days I'll bet you won't notice it so much. I think you will love the firming that you will find with the Shred!! I noticed some abs and biceps on myself, and I'm not even on the small side!
    I've also just completed my first week of logging into My Fitness Pal everyday. I've been having fun logging what i eat and how i exercise, even if some of my friends think it's a bit obsessive.
    I love this quote I've read a couple times on MFP: "Obsessed is what the weak call the dedicated."
    Did day 1 yesterday and my ENTIRE body is sore. I'm pretty excited to do day 2 today. This is going to be so much fun!
    VanesMarie88... :laugh: I love the attitude!! :drinker:
    Can I join? I've been looking for some motivation to try this again. Haven't gotten to Level 3 since... two summers ago... :cry:
    Adelphia... YEAH YA CAN!!! :bigsmile: Get back to that happy place!

    Ashleypeterson... Sweet! Join in as soon as you get it!

    Lexncheysmommy... You don't have to track measurements, but just a note that you could probably get a measuring tape in the sewing section at your local dollarstore. :bigsmile:

    smtraxx... Great! Keep going!

    Macmommac... That's what we're here for!! You'll be loving it in no time too!
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    Hi all!! :flowerforyou:

    I just finished my first round of the 30 Day Shred on May 4th and started Round 2 (Day 1) with my daughter to provide her with motivation and encouragement on Friday. I know we've already completed a day but I'm starting on Day 1 today so I'm even with most of the group. I have yet to take my measurements after finishing Round 1 but plan on doing that later tonight.

    PS - I love being part of a group as it holds me accountable. Let's do this!! :bigsmile:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    PS - I love being part of a group as it holds me accountable. Let's do this!! :bigsmile:
    YES! Congrats on round one!! Let us know your measurements later to keep us all inspired! :bigsmile:
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    i would like to join . i just got my dvd in the mail today . level 1 was tougher than i thought.

    SW 233
    Waist 36.5
    Hips 46
    Thighs 22
    Arms 13.5
    Calves 16.5
    Chest 44
    Neck 15
    Higher Thighs 26
  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
    Ok. You convinced me.
    Day 1 level 1 done.
    Built up a good sweat, back in the morning for day 2.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Tuesday 10th May, already here in Australia.
    Completed Day 2 of Level 1 ... Sore today but I also did a 90 min hard core stretch class last night.

    For the first timers, I'm 51 and weigh 98.8 kg ( 218pounds). This is my second round of 30DS. First time took me 51 days to do 30 days. The first time my starting weight was 104.6kg (230 pounds). It is tough but made me feel so good that I am back for a second round. Aiming to do 30 days in 30days. May as well start out aiming for the best.

    Ps would really appreciate it if you could also convert your pounds to kilograms so I have an understanding of your weight. Thanks.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Now I feel like a sloth. I had a headache all day and didn't get it done. What a terrible way to start the 30 Days! Especially with all of these new faces. I WILL Shred tomorrow. Round 2, Here I come!!!!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    i would like to join . i just got my dvd in the mail today . level 1 was tougher than i thought.
    syd1980... Just wait till you get to the end, and then try out L1 again to see how far you've come. One day, you'll be laughing L1 in the face. It might be sooner than you think. :wink:
    Ok. You convinced me.
    Day 1 level 1 done.
    Built up a good sweat, back in the morning for day 2.
    smessom... Very nice!! I'm so glad to see you post this! :drinker: Props to you!

    jellyfishjen... Way to do it! (Hard core! :laugh: ) Now I KNOW I gotta follow through with tomorrow! So sorry for being inconsiderate to you! My SW the first time was 83.4 and now I'm 81.4. :bigsmile:

    CricketKate... See you tomorrow!! Hope your hear feels better. Have some peppermint tea. :flowerforyou: