30 Day Shred - Start: May 9th



  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
    Day 4 Level 1 Done

    "Workout complete, you are well on the way to being shredded."

  • fluffyduck2004
    fluffyduck2004 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Everyone
    My dvd arrived in the post this am so ive just completed day 1 of level 1 :-)
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    I got a late start and after one fail day...I got into the dvd about 7 min. ..Yesterday I completed day 1 level 1 Yay
  • smtraxx
    smtraxx Posts: 60 Member
    D4 L1 done and I think it went really well. I modified the cardio a bit so I didn't have my normal problem. I was able to do the first lot of jumping jacks fine but after that I ran on the spot or boxed so it went really well. I wasn't constantly worried about going to the loo so I could focus on the workout more.

    When should you go to level 2? (not that I'm ready yet, just asking)
  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
    I intend to do

    Level 1 - 10 days
    Level 2 - 10 days
    Level 3 - 10 days

    Not sure this is correct but seemed to make sense.
  • smtraxx
    smtraxx Posts: 60 Member
    I intend to do

    Level 1 - 10 days
    Level 2 - 10 days
    Level 3 - 10 days

    Not sure this is correct but seemed to make sense.

    Thanks very much. What part of England are you from? I'm from the North-West.
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    Last night was Day 3 Level 1 for me - it's funny how much I hated push-ups before, and now I love the challenge of seeing how many "real" push-ups I can do... I'm up to 3 and my arms are VERY SHAKY... but that's THREE MORE than I used to be able to do! After 3 I have to change to "women's style"... but today I'll go for 4 or maybe even 5!

    Woot woot!


  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
    smtraxx - No problem, glad I to help. maybe some others could tell us how they are doing it or have done it.
    I am from the Midlands (Nottingham)
  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
    . (Double post)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Last night was Day 3 Level 1 for me - it's funny how much I hated push-ups before, and now I love the challenge of seeing how many "real" push-ups I can do... I'm up to 3 and my arms are VERY SHAKY... but that's THREE MORE than I used to be able to do! After 3 I have to change to "women's style"... but today I'll go for 4 or maybe even 5!

    Woot woot!



    That is awesome! I'm on round 2 of the shred and still doing girlies.:blushing:

    Great Job, Everyone!

    I did D3, L1 today! It feels great to be Shredding again. I had hoped that I would be better with the lateral raises this time around, but they are still killer. I'm using 3 lbs weights. I can almost get throught the first set, though I notice I'm not quite making it up to eye level towards the end, but that second set I just hold 1 weight with both hands.:blushing:

    Have a Happy Day, Everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • Macmommac
    Macmommac Posts: 14
    Day 3, Level 3 Done!


    Last night was Day 3 Level 1 for me - it's funny how much I hated push-ups before, and now I love the challenge of seeing how many "real" push-ups I can do... I'm up to 3 and my arms are VERY SHAKY... but that's THREE MORE than I used to be able to do!

    Me too! I couldn't believe I actually did 3 "real" push ups!

    Thanks to everyone posting! You are all an inspiration to me to keep going!
  • Macmommac
    Macmommac Posts: 14
    OK that was supposed to be Day 3, level 1!
  • crazysexykoo
    crazysexykoo Posts: 129 Member
    Having done the 30DS twice now...I'm in week 3 of JM's Ripped in 30 but I would love to be included in the next go round. Please feel free to add me. I love Jillian Michael's videos!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I think about this quote often when Shredding: "Push it to your max, and you'll always get results." - Teresa Tapp

    It's a perfect reminder that as long as we are pushing our personal limits, we will always be improving.
    As far as stretching goes, I do the cool-down stretches Jillian shows us but I hold each one for 20 seconds before moving on. I also do an additional hamstring stretch (from standing position, bend over and grab ankles/calves) and then stretch out my neck - a problem area for me.
    Sassy... I love that hamstring stetch too! Learned it back in my days of Irish dancing. I especially use it after cycling. That feels really good.
    My point is that you shouldn't underestimate how strong your body can become, as it may surprise you in a good way. I know mine has!! :smile:
    Thanks for that Sassy! That's wonderful motivation for me. :flowerforyou:
    Steph and Sassy, I'm the exact same way. All I have to work with is 5lb weights, and those lateral raises are killing me. Should I tough it out, or continue what I've been trying, left-right-both-both?
    Adelphia... I would push it with the weights as far as you can, then put the weights down and continue to go without the weights. I did that at first too. I remember my goal for L1 the first time was to get through all the bicycle crunches, and by the end, I was! Just work your way up to doing them all with weights. :bigsmile:
    Also, my leg started cracking a bit during the last butt kicks. I got a pretty nasty injury on my right leg at a show a few months back, and it's been bothering me on and off since. Is it possible I have an untreated fracture? I'm just worried with the past eating disorder issues, it could lead to some gnarly bone damage. Someone told me it might need amputation if it gets infected. Yikes!!! :explode: I will pee on everything you love, Moshpit Guy!
    Adelphia... Hurt yourself in a mosh-pit eh? That sucks. I stand back from those... FAR back. I would go easy on the butt kicks. Do them small, without kicking your butt, or modify it with another low impact move, or (as Jen would say) walking on the spot. You can put a lot of energy into walking on the spot, swinging your arms (while controlling the movement), and burn lots of calories!
    (That... was NOT brief.)
    :laugh: Neither was my response...
    "Workout complete, you are well on the way to being shredded."
    "If you got it, flaunt it [gentlemen]. No shame."

    fluffyduck... Right on! Way to start it up!

    froglegjack... Great job completing D1!

    smtraxx... Excellent to hear about your modifications! I agree with what smessom said - 10 days at each level. I wanted to move on after D6, then I missed a day, came back to it, realized I could still improve, and went for the whole 10 days.

    Iceskatefanrn... Way to push the push ups! I'm in the same boat. When I started the Shred (Feb 6), I kid you not, I couldn't not do ONE push up. I'm doing another challenge now (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/230996-30-30-30-challenge) where I've chosen to do 30 pushups, squats, and bicycle crunches for 30 days, and I started out only being able to do 5 real push ups, and yesterday I was up to 10! I've added about one every other day. That said, today I could only manage 5 cause the Shred and Zumba got to my arms. :laugh:

    CricketKate... I don't make it up to eye level with my 3 lbs either... :wink: Work it the best you can!

    crazysexykoo... Great job on the Shred x2!! I started Ripped, but didn't like week 2 so much, so I'm giving it break for now. I was thinking to go at it again after this round of the Shred, but not sure yet. :laugh: Lots of time to decide. Keep on Ripping things appart!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I did my D4 L1 today! I might take tomorrow off as a personal day of rest since I have been working out for 10 days in a row now. I firmly believe in listening to your body, and I probably should have rested today, so that's what I'll be doing. Other than that, today was good. Really tiring, and I had a super huge burn compared to the other days, so I know I was working harder to do that same things.

    I just found out I'm going to be going away next week from Thursday to Sunday on a road trip, which is gonna be awesome, but it means I'll be missing out on the Shred for longer than I would like to. :frown: So I'm hoping to get in a LOT of walking while I'm gone.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Also, my leg started cracking a bit during the last buttkicks. I got a pretty nasty injury on my right leg at a show a few months back, and it's been bothering me on and off since. Is it possible I have an untreated fracture? I'm just worried with the past eating disorder issues, it could lead to some gnarly bone damage.
    PS - I thought of some other things... a) have you been to a doctor? Totally get that checked out b) you might look into taking MSM w/glucosamine and chondroitin as a supplement to help with joint pain. My mom takes it for arthritis, and I take it to ease general pain. The only thing is you have to take it consistently for the benefits, but look into it!
  • banishthebelly
    banishthebelly Posts: 10 Member
    did level 2 on my day 2. I've gotten through level one before and never progressed beyond, thought I'd see what the other levels are like. HOLY COW is it tough!!!! it's got to be effective, though, right, if one can stick with it....!!! ;-) and I was already feelin' it this morning.... definitely gonna be feeling this tomorrow!
    I'm not getting any proper calorie burnage when I post it, what am I doing wrong? I'm dripping sweat, so I know I'm burning something, but I have no idea how much, or little.... what gives? how are you guys posting it? under cardio or strength? circuit training?
    never mind... I got it sorted.... sort of.... still don't think the calories burned is all that accurate, but probably close enough....
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    banishthebelly... I've found that circuit training is on the low side of what you are probably burning, but that's what most people do without a HRM. And L2 is awesome! Congrats for making it so far! I saw the biggest results in L2. You will love it by the end! :bigsmile:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Day 5 Level 1 :smokin:

    Did not want to get out of bed. Sydney is having a cold snap. But now I am nice and warm, thanks Jillian.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Well done, Jen!

    As far as the calorie question goes, I think that most people log it under 20 minutes circuit training. The entire workout from the first arm cross to the last stretch is a little over 26 minutes. If I were to log 26 minutes of circuit training I would get 222 calories. My hrm shows me burning around 210 for the same 26 minutes of level 1. So it is pretty close if you count it as 26 minutes instead of 20. My totals were even closer on the other 2 levels.