Hot by holloween!



  • Happyhappy352
    WOW ya’ll sound like you’re doing great!! I have not been on for a few weeks. I have been kind of in the dumps, with my son leaving and all. But now I’m back and feeling great!! My side barely bothers me anymore, but I’m still going to take baby steps. I hit the gym this am and did 35 min on the elliptical trainer but at a low resistance and I bought my husband a bike for fathers day so we are going to start riding a little after dinner every night. Now that I have more time on my hands with my son gone, I have to fill that time up with something so why not spend it with getting healthier :) I’m going to need a lot of support from ya’ll so I don’t start feeling all depressed again, I hope ya’ll are up for the challenge!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am checking in this week at 193.5. I have lost 1.5 pounds ~ I really do hope to be in the 160s by halloween and i know that this is possible for me !
  • amwo81
    amwo81 Posts: 5
    Happy- Glad you are feeling better!! Sounds like things are looking up!

    I haven't lost anything this past week... but I didn't gain either so I guess that is good. I seem to be completely stuck at this weight and I HATE it! I feel like I finally have my diet under control, but I need to get better about working out. It's so hard to find the time though while entertaining little hooligans all day! :happy:
  • Happyhappy352
    So I bit the bullet last night and stepped on the scale and I’m back to the weight I originally started at so back to square one:mad: ! Oh and I also took some measurements as well so I gotta kick this in high gear if I want to look good on my cruise and be a belly danced on Halloween!! LET”S DO THIS!!!:angry:
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    I'll support you every step of the way!
    I lost 2.4lbs this week and my total is now just over a stone since I started. I'm very happy with this!
    My end date might not be by Halloween anymore but I certainly intend to stay here and get as close as I can to my goal weight by then! We can do it guys!!
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    I finally got around to taking measurements myself on Monday...or was that Tuesday?

    We've been on hiatus at work for the last (almost) seven weeks so I've had it pretty easy in workout land. I started back two days ago and today was the full company back at work. I'm going to have to work super-extra hard to get my food and exercise in, I only managed to eat half of my salad at lunch (never made it to the tomato or potato) so now I have to eat those AND the rest of my food for the day before bedtime...which was five minutes ago. Hmmmmmmm......this work thing is going to take some getting used to!

    I'm also thinking that I need to change up my settings and either up my average daily activity or lower my per week weight loss goal from 1.5 to 1.0 pounds per week. I've had a terrible time staying under my calories this week, and getting to the gym but early indicators are that I've lost almost 0.7 pounds....more in a single week than I've lost in the last seven weeks...perhaps I'm not eating enough? Somehow I see a lot of PB&J rice cakes in my future.

    Went for a fantastic post work run this evening, which would explain why I'm still awake...I love endorphins! My husband's car took a turn for the worse yesterday (now leaking transmission fluid) and the mechanic down the street won't have time to look at it for another few days so I'm on my own as far as getting to work three miles away. I have a luggage rack on my bike for the non-rainy days (HA! This is Ohio!), I can walk, run or take the bus which picks up in front of my house and drops off in front of work...too easy! Looks like I'll have more activity than I will know what to do with the next few weeks!
  • Happyhappy352
    I have a good feeling about weighing in this week!! I feel like i have lost some weight :) Commons if the weather looks like it will be nice out ride your bike. I love a good bike ride!! I did 45 min on the elliptical today wooohooo!!
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    While I access to my car today I have to run around like a crazy person pulling things together for vacation, we leave on Thursday night!

    My biggest concern is the grocery shopping that needs to happen. We don't eat a lot of processed foods so I've got to get exactly the right amount of perishables to last four and a half days with no leftovers without having to resort to eating out, which we'll do plenty of on vacation. Trash day is Wednesday so that will help a little but boy, I don't want to come home to anything that has been in that fridge for 11 days! Official plans are a little murky, technically we'll be in Los Angeles for eleven days but the first weekend we're going to Vegas to celebrate our 30th birthdays. My husband and I along with our two best friends (also married) turned 30 within two months of each other this winter but work was so crazy for me that we couldn't celebrate then.

    Yesterday I went to a spin class at the gym followed by a yoga class, followed by a two mile walk home (my husband has my car while his is being worked on). I ended up burning something like 1,000 calories or so which was tough to get back in entirely now that I've lowered my weekly weight loss goal to 1lb/week instead of 1.5. I noticed that the weeks when I had trouble tracking and ate more than I should have (but didn't go completely crazy) I was losing the most weight which got me to thinking that maybe I wasn't eating quite enough...we'll see how this works out. Making that change to the weekly weight loss upped the calories I already had trouble eating (with good food only) after exercise another 300 calories...this is going to be much harder, but I'll get used to it!
  • Happyhappy352
    Wow Cammons 1000 calorie burn in 1 day is awesome!! Have fun on your vacation!! I lost almost three lbs. this week. But to be fair Aunt Flow was visiting so a lot of that was probably water wait lol. But a loss is a loss. That pumps me up to do even better this week. I'm off to a rocky start; I slept past my alarm and could only get in a 30 min workout. If I have the energy i will do the treadmill or bike ride tonight.
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    Hey, Happy, 30 minutes is better than most of the population gets in an entire week! Own it and be glad you even got out there!

    I slept in this morning too, my husband um, ah, woke me up in the middle of the night and I was too tired to crawl out of bed let alone get out of bed early enough to bike to work. I really wish I had, today was the work day from hell and I could have really used the stress relief. Instead I went for an hour long run when I came home from an exhausting eleven hour work day and I feel so much much better.

    I'm in need of taking measurements again this week, I think it was two weeks ago and I know that I'll be too busy later in the week preparing for our vacation to do it then. Not sure if every two weeks is good timing but it's not like measuring will kill me, right?
  • Happyhappy352
    So how is everyone doing? Wow I had a great workout this morning!! I also weigh in and lost 4 lb. in 10 day's!! I'm motivated now!! Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I have lost 3 pounds since the last weigh in down to 190.5 . Going on vacation next week and i am hoping to do pretty good while i am gone !
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    I'm on vacation now, and while I haven't been a food angel I think I'm making some pretty darn good choices all things considered. This is the first time my husband and I have been back to Southern California since we moved four years ago so we're kind of making up for some things we can't get in Ohio (In N Out Burger, anyone?) but if we eat these things once every four years, I'm pretty sure it won't kill up. The trick will be to not carry over the habit of eating out once we get home but the novelty of that is already starting to wear off on me.

    We spent this last weekend in Vegas and since it was 111 degrees and I'm not prone to drinking or gambling I spent the entire two days walking around inside casinos, each morning before everyone else got up I'd get a good three or four hour walk in outside (when it was a chilly 85 degrees) and then my friend and I would walk around for a while, meet up with our husbands for a little while and start walking again. It was a good time!

    For the next week we're staying at our friend's house (same friends we went to Vegas with) and I'll have more down time to go for runs and relax in general. Today the boys are taking me to a running store nearby that has a new kind of shoe that I've been dying to check out (back home the nearest store with these shoes is 150 miles away) and then to Downtown Disney for a gluten free sandwich. I think I'll also try to make it out for a manicure sometime this week...why not? I'm on vacation!
  • Happyhappy352
    Kris sounds like you are doing great and staying on track!! Cammons I hope you are having a great time on Vacation. My daughter will be home on leave from the Navy the end of July. Her ship the USS Barry is coming back from Spain so she will have a two week leave then has to be back to VA the second week in Aug so we are going to do a long weekend in Clearwater Beach so I'm going to try and drop 6 to 10 lb. this month so I can look half way decent in my bikini for the beach. Idk if will dare or not but we will see. I went over in everything yesterday but I was way under Sunday so i don’t feel too bad lol. I'm going to bump up my workouts and be real good with my eating. Take care you too and good luck on our way- in's next week!!
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    Woah...I haven't looked at this thread for a while. I'm happy that you guys are doing well and losing weight. I haven't been very successfull, just very busy. I was maid of honor in my sister's wedding and then went up north for a week and a half where I ate sinful SINFUL things. Now I'm back on track and hope to weigh myself in two weeks. It's easier to drink all the water that I need because it's so hot out - that's one struggle for me, drinking lots of water.

    Anyway, I hope ya'll are doing good...not sure if I'll make the Halloween deadline at this point, but I'm upping everything. Of course, I thought that last month. But whatever. :]
  • Happyhappy352
    Emalyn what can we say but vacation happens lol. Glad to hear you’re back on track!! I gained a 1/2 lb. back this last week by not being very good. I'm going to weigh in next week as well and stay strict on my diet. I took on a waitressing job a couple nights a week on top of my full time desk job so I hope that will help with the weight loss with all that extra running around.
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    That's great, the waitressing job. They definitely run around a lot waiting on tables. I'll be waitressing in August for a week and I hope that helps as well. Haha, vacation certainly does happen. I don't understand why temptations are harder on vacation, but they are! I'm terrified to see what I gained back, that's why I'm waiting so long. I hope you have success, and you aren't too tired from your two jobs!
  • Happyhappy352
    I have to work a 13 hr. day today and I only got 5 hrs. of sleep last night. I could not shut my brain up lol. I had a bad night eating to. My hubby made homemade calzone for dinner and of course you can’t have one without a few beers to wash it down lol. I went over by about 500 calories UGH!! Well with any luck I will have a busy night at the restaurant and run it off lol!!
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    We all have some bad nights with eating. I made the mistake of making some cupcakes yesterday, and while they aren't as bad as they could be, they're still sugar and unnecessary calories!! I hear you on the calzone thing - I don't drink (obviously, look at my age, lol!) but calzones and pizza and all that stuff is sooo hard to resist. My biggest weakness is snacks and candy. Sounds like you've been having it rough lately - I hope you get lots of rest soon!!!
  • Happyhappy352
    Daytona beach with the family this weekend woohoo!!