what are you grateful for today???????



  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    My Friends, My Family, My Health, and My Puppy Bella!!!!!
    AND my new found freedom from a relationship that was not going to work!

    I have two cats... names Puppy and Bella.. That is funny!!

    I am greatful for:

    My willpower
    My family
    My friends
    That I do actually have muscles in my arms:)
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    Today I am grateful that It's 1 day closer to the soldier coming home. ( 10 more months)

    That I have A roof over my head, Clothes on my back & food in my belly.

    That my daughter is healthy.

    That I have more strength to leave than I have in the last 2 1/2 years.
  • happy3333
    happy3333 Posts: 50
  • happy3333
    happy3333 Posts: 50
    :heart: wonderful dinner out w/ hubby last night
    :heart: hour + walk to/fro last night's dinner!
    :heart: my cat likes to sleep in my dog's bed
    :heart: watermelon
    :heart: grapes
    :heart: coffee
    :heart: i am so healthy!
    :heart: my family is so healthy!
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    I am grateful for all of you! ((hugs))
  • hennyben
    hennyben Posts: 317
    Today I am grateful for Dry Shampoo
  • misspiglet71
    Today I am grateful for my best friend and vodka and diet coke :happy:
  • happy3333
    happy3333 Posts: 50
    :heart: new hot water dispenser
    :heart: exercise
    :heart: books
    :heart: mini frisbees
  • shannoninBC
    shannoninBC Posts: 371 Member
    Hot Tim Horton's coffee
    A paid day off from work
    Sunny weather
    A quiet house
    My health
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    I am grateful to be pregnant with my second child, even though I am not so grateful for the horrible morning sickness!
    I am grateful for my family and the good freinds in my life.
    I am grateful for the career that I have and the opportunities it brings me.
    I am really grateful that my mom is able to spend time with my Uncle that lives out of state and is dying of pancreatic cancer.
  • happy3333
    happy3333 Posts: 50
    :heart: beautiful, clean house
    :heart: my happy children
    :heart: walks w/ hubby
    :heart: kindle frm library!
    :heart: enya's music
    :heart: $
    :heart: happiness
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Aside from all the normal things like family, health, friends, etc...

    I am grateful for my MFP Amber for texting me at 6:30 this morning telling me to "Step away from the scale!" so I don't obsessively weigh myself every morning.

    I'm also really grateful to have 1. have a job, and 2. have a job that I love and can call a career instead of just a paycheck.
  • jkrim941
    jkrim941 Posts: 226 Member
    I am grateful for my career. I feel so lucky to have a job that I love at a company that I love. My coworkers aren't too bad either :)

    I am also grateful for this website. Without MFP every day and my MFP friends, I'd have quit a long time ago- just like every other time. Thanks everyone for that.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    I am grateful that I have been blessed with intelligence.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Best friend in the world (if only she were a hot guy then it would be perfect, lol)
    My smart girl status, which I hope to keep even after tonight's exam, oy!
    Hips that don't lie, ,)
  • SweetDee80
    SweetDee80 Posts: 62
    Coffee. Blessed sweet coffee
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    I'm grateful for a half-day at work and getting to spend the afternoon with my kiddos.
  • SweetDee80
    SweetDee80 Posts: 62
    I'm grateful for a half-day at work and getting to spend the afternoon with my kiddos.

    Awesome! Enjoy the time with kids chica.

    I would like to add that I am grateful for va_va_voom :smile:
  • happy3333
    happy3333 Posts: 50
    :heart: exercise
    :heart: garage sales
    :heart: cooking healthy
    :heart: a clean house
    :heart: big salad 4 lunch
    :heart: books
    :heart: games
    :heart: coffee
    :heart: hot showers
    :heart: feeling sexy
    :heart: walks
    :heart: painting my nails
    :heart: crafts
    :heart: bbqed salmon
    :heart: my dog
  • mdrngypsy
    mdrngypsy Posts: 17
    To have had a good night sleep and not feel like getting up is a chore and that death warmed over.