Things people say that drive you nuts!

Uggg I am getting so frustrated with people telling me how wrong I am when it comes to trying to live a healthy life style!

First thing, the thing that drives me the most mad is my Mom insisting that they have "proven" you don't need to drink water, that if you eat a healthy diet with fresh fruit and vegetables you don't need to drink a single drop of water. Her example, well look at her she's skinny and NEVER drinks it. I have talked till I'm blue in the face about how unhealthy it is and just because she's skinny it doesn't mean she's healthy! She REFUSES to listen to me and tells me how there is no reason I should drink so much water. Oh man it drives me NUTS!

Second, my fiancé while we were at a friend’s house started in on how fiber isn't good for you and because he has no problems in the pooping department it wouldn't be healthy for him to eat it. He has super high cholesterol and is about 30lbs overweight. I asked him to just tell me one BAD thing about fiber and he couldn't but man he went on all afternoon about how unhealthy it was!!

Am I the only one who is driven nuts by these people spouting "facts" that are totally false? I have spent a lot of time reading and researching healthy ways to lose this weight and live a healthy life but these people refuse to see that I might actually know what I'm talking about because I'm heavier then them!!


  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I was told "Stop drinking so much water because water makes you gain weight." The person who told me this is a complete moran and is extremely his advice went in the ignore file in my brain.
  • JohnDalton
    JohnDalton Posts: 7
    I hear you about myths and false information. I guess people mean well and have their beliefs but most of all we need to know what works for us. Having expectations that others might agree or that we can change their (thick skulled) information only sets up disappointment. My fav is when people say have high protein snack like peanut butter, which is higher in fat than being a good protein source! I just don't engage with those topics or change them when the 'experts' come out. I'm never wrong when discussing what works for me!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    It can drive me nuts, but it's usually better to just say "I never knew that" and change the subject. You aren't going to change their minds!
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    I understand my weapon is to find documentaries on the subject of debate and let them watch it. THey will shut up, admit you are right and join your fight.
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    I have been told to not drink over 8 glasses of water a day because it will make you bloat. Well, people...I work out which means I need more water anyway. Plus, 8 glasses is the recommended MINIMUM!!!!

    Also, I get tired of people telling me it's okay to have this or's only a little. Sorry...I have one cheat day a week. That's it! If there is something I know is coming up like a birthday party or whatever...I will alot myself for a half of a piece of cake for that day. Don't tell me what I should or shouldn't eat!

    I needed that.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Gurr makes me ANGRY! The worst part is when you "give" then facts from highly reliable sources. Literally put information in front of them, then they say "well, I heard from my brothers ex-girlfriends sisters bestfriend" and then try to dispute what you just said. Its like seriously? I started saying, show me exactly where you can find this information. Most of the time, that cuts the crap. Anywhere I go, myself or someone else has a smart phone, so Ive actually HANDED my phone to someone else and said "Find It". Needless to say, they stop arguing with me because they could find no sources.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    no "facts" or myths here, just getting tired of "You've lost enough weight" or "You don't need to lose anymore weight", or today's "You need to start eating more."
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    I feel like I am going to like this topic.

    One my pet peeves is when I walk into work on Friday and the secretary says, "Happy Friday!" and then proceeds to tell me about her grandchildren for 45 minutes.

    First of all, I figured out how to use the Gregorian Calendar when I was a kid. I don't need to hear what day of the week it is when I walk through the door. If you are actually interested in my life, ask me about my plans for the weekend. Or tell me about yours. I don't care that your grandkid slept for three straight hours and made funny faces and then woke up and you got to feed him and he didn't burp at first but then he burped and it was the cutest thing. Friday is not inherently "happy" and I guess it turns out that listening to mindless dribble makes me unhappy. I just want to get to my desk and wait out the day and go enjoy my weekend. I swear this Friday I will get to work and the second I walk through that door I will say "Happy Friday" and the secretary will have nothing else to say.

    For the record, same thing goes for "It's Monday!," "It's Tuesday!" "We're half way there!," and "It's almost the weekend!"
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    What's that saying? "Never argue with an idiot. People watching may not be able to tell the difference." I usually just keep my information to myself. I learned a long time ago that when people spout their "facts" you won't be able to change their mind, regardless of how much information you have to fight their ignorance.

    I love that water "fact" that your mom told you. I used to think that too. But then I realized that when I drink 8 glasses of water a day (that's a minimum for me, most days it's 10-15) I don't have headaches, my skin looks better, and I don't NEED caffeine to stay awake. My body feels better and it just works. So I say drink up! :drinker:
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    I love it when people tell me that after the 2nd baby your body will never go back to the lean body it was. I agree to a certain degree. And that's just cause my hips got wider after I had my second child. And I will NOT go back down to a size 7 that I was before because my hips just refuse on being anything smaller than a 11. lol But being lean...I totally disagree!! I know several moms that look great after 4 kids.
  • roberbro
    roberbro Posts: 13 Member
    My two favorite comments so far this week have been "You're gonna make yourself sick losing weight like that" and "I'd rather be happy and enjoy my life than to exercise and diet."

    The reason I started exercising and losing weight is because being obese was making me sick, and who said anything about being unhappy or not enjoying life? In fact, buying smaller clothes, hearing compliments and feeling energized makes me very happy. Sorry. I know these weren't actual diet misinformation like the example you gave, but people do say some stupid things.
  • cheermom614
    cheermom614 Posts: 97
    I understand you completely! My mom and sisters are always poking fun or critiziizing my healthy lifestyle. My family (meaning me, my husband and our two kids) try to eat local produce and organic when we can. We also cut out all red meat and eat cage free chicken. Everytime I go to their house or we have a family get together that involves food they ask if I'm going to eat lettuce or start cracking jokes about what I've brought to eat. If I complain that I'm tired they jump all over me that it's because I workout too much (i work out an hour a day, 6 days a week).
    What kills me is that both sisters and my mom are overweight! When I try to talk to them about eating healthy or exercising they turn it around on me like I'm in the wrong and my healthy lifestyle is bad!
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    There is a woman at work who calls me "Skinny Minnie." I am a 6'2" male with developed muscles that I want to use to destroy everything in her cubicle.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    There is a woman at work who calls me "Skinny Minnie." I am a 6'2" male with developed muscles that I want to use to destroy everything in her cubicle.

    ROFL...Take pictures and post ;D
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    There is a woman at work who calls me "Skinny Minnie." I am a 6'2" male with developed muscles that I want to use to destroy everything in her cubicle.

    OH to be called a skinny Minnie again.............
  • stacilynn_1215
    stacilynn_1215 Posts: 52 Member
    My two favorite comments so far this week have been "You're gonna make yourself sick losing weight like that" and "I'd rather be happy and enjoy my life than to exercise and diet."

    The reason I started exercising and losing weight is because being obese was making me sick, and who said anything about being unhappy or not enjoying life? In fact, buying smaller clothes, hearing compliments and feeling energized makes me very happy. Sorry. I know these weren't actual diet misinformation like the example you gave, but people do say some stupid things.

    I completely agree! I hear those kind of comments all the time from people in my family, and the part that bugs me the most is that I am the healthiest of all of them. I used to be depressed and hating my life...then I started to eat healthy and exercise, and now I am the happiest I have been in years. :) Keep doing what makes YOU happy
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    the thing is, this will get worse for you as you continue to lose weight. so get used to it.

    don't try to talk to them about it, unless someone really is sincere and wants to change.

    just don't comment on their food/diet/lifestyle choices. they aren't the one changing, You are. and they don't want any advice about anything. I know you are excited about all the things you are learning and your success here but other people get defensive and then will put you down.

    congrats on all your hard work so far! you are amazing! :smile:
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Things people say that drive me nuts?

    "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."

    Drives me ape *kitten* bananas.
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    the thing is, this will get worse for you as you continue to lose weight. so get used to it.

    don't try to talk to them about it, unless someone really is sincere and wants to change.

    just don't comment on their food/diet/lifestyle choices. they aren't the one changing, You are. and they don't want any advice about anything. I know you are excited about all the things you are learning and your success here but other people get defensive and then will put you down.

    congrats on all your hard work so far! you are amazing! :smile:

    Thanks :-)
    The thing is they are the ones to bring it up!! I dont' push my new lifestyle on anyone. I make my fiance the same meals I always have I just use portion control, my diet hasnt' effected him at all!
  • mangaso
    mangaso Posts: 21
    "Oh yeah, I forgot you can't eat this because of your diet. I'll just take your share."

    Have at it!