Things people say that drive you nuts!



  • Furrytreats
    Furrytreats Posts: 132 Member
    I hate hearing that people want to "tone up" and not "bulk up" as if using 10lbs weights is going to get you some hulking mass.
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    Things people say that drive me nuts?

    "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."

    Drives me ape *kitten* bananas.
    My Manager at work says that all the time, its his saying. It is a little humerous but, i really think he believes in it. However, I died all over my keyboard that you said it drives you ape **** bananas.
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    I got my thinnest after my 4th baby. I was smaller than I was BEFORE I had kids. I just found something that worked for me. Don't worry you can lose that baby weigh,t no matter if it's your second or seventh :)
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Two things that drive me crazy:

    1. You shouldn't eat ANYTHING after ___ p.m. (the actual number varies). Um, whatever! I recently had this debate with a coworker, and produced several documented sources showing this to be a myth, and that the only way eating at night will hurt weight loss is if you're eating junk food, or eating more than what you should for the day anyway.

    2. "Can you eat that?," "You shouldn't eat that," "Why are you eating that?," or "I can't believe you ate that." I'm a big girl (figuratively AND literally. I think I can make my own decisions about what to eat or not eat, and it drives me COMPLETELY INSANE for people to judge, comment, or criticize what I eat (or don't).
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    A friend of mine just sent me a text about 5 minutes ago that says, and I quote, "You're going to starve yourself to death if you keep that up." That was in response to a text I sent that says, "I'm actually watching a video about how we are all eating ourselves to death and how bad sugar is for you."

    This same friend likes to make me feel bad as I workout more with comments like:
    "You don't need to workout....your so skinny already!"
    "Just have some A & W. One time won't kill you."
    "I don't know why you workout, you don't need too."

    My friend is also WAY over weight and we actually had this conversation the other day:

    Me: Why don't you join a gym? I wish I lived in a place where there even was a gym."
    Her: "It's too much money to join a gym. I just don't have the money."

    Two days later (no joke...seriously two days)

    Her: "These flippin pills I have to be on are killing my bank account, they're costing nearly $120/month!!!"
    Me: "What are they for?"
    Her: "Mostly high blood pressure."

    Hmmmm.........still too much to join a gym???? I've heard of a number of people being able to come off of their medications since living a healthier lifestlye. Not that I'm saying it would DEF. happen for her, but why not try??? And if you have so many problems how about NOT eating at fast food places 3 or 4 times a week and maybe trying to eat better and getting some walking in or something??? Instead of just bashing me for trying to better my life??

    Ok....I'm done now lol.
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    I love it when people tell me that after the 2nd baby your body will never go back to the lean body it was. I agree to a certain degree. And that's just cause my hips got wider after I had my second child. And I will NOT go back down to a size 7 that I was before because my hips just refuse on being anything smaller than a 11. lol But being lean...I totally disagree!! I know several moms that look great after 4 kids.

    My last post was refering to this. Sorry :embarassed:
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    A friend of mine just sent me a text about 5 minutes ago that says, and I quote, "You're going to starve yourself to death if you keep that up." That was in response to a text I sent that says, "I'm actually watching a video about how we are all eating ourselves to death and how bad sugar is for you."

    This same friend likes to make me feel bad as I workout more with comments like:
    "You don't need to workout....your so skinny already!"
    "Just have some A & W. One time won't kill you."
    "I don't know why you workout, you don't need too."

    My friend is also WAY over weight and we actually had this conversation the other day:

    Me: Why don't you join a gym? I wish I lived in a place where there even was a gym."
    Her: "It's too much money to join a gym. I just don't have the money."

    Two days later (no joke...seriously two days)

    Her: "These flippin pills I have to be on are killing my bank account, they're costing nearly $120/month!!!"
    Me: "What are they for?"
    Her: "Mostly high blood pressure."

    Hmmmm.........still too much to join a gym???? I've heard of a number of people being able to come off of their medications since living a healthier lifestlye. Not that I'm saying it would DEF. happen for her, but why not try??? And if you have so many problems how about NOT eating at fast food places 3 or 4 times a week and maybe trying to eat better and getting some walking in or something??? Instead of just bashing me for trying to better my life??

    Ok....I'm done now lol.

    yes, yes, yes,.....thank you! Now would you like to come work for me at my gym????????????????
  • Fluffy1962
    Fluffy1962 Posts: 25 Member
    The thing people say that really drives me nuts?

    " Muscle weighs more than fat." No, no, no... a "pound" is a "pound"... Doesn't matter if it's muscle, fat or feathers, a "pound" of anything is still 16 oz... A pound of muscle is more dense and takes up less room than a pound of fat... so if you have lost inches but are still weighing the same you are probably replacing fat with muscle which is making you leaner and in my opinion is wonderful... I have a friend who refuses to stop saying this even though I have called her on it a few times... Finally, I got to the point where I ignore her when she starts giving others advice on diet and exercise... I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person!!!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    "Oh, go on, just one won't hurt"
    What I say = No, really I'd rather not, thanks."
    What I want to say = That huge slice of cake you're about to stuff down your gullet, and which you're trying to persuade me to eat as well, has about 750 calories which would cancel my calorie deficit for about three ****ing days - and I'm NOT going to ruin nearly half a week of good work just so you don't feel guilty about eating something you know you shouldn't!

    "You don't need to lose weight"
    What I say = I have a lot of nice clothes I cannot wear right now.
    What I want to say = Yes I do need to lose weight, I was only just under being clinically obese, what you mean is that I'm not as fat as you - just take a look at yourself before you criticise me; what the hell do you know about this anyway?"

    "Doing or not doing (xyz) is bad for you / doesn't work"
    What I say = How interesting.
    What I want to say = "You really do make stupid into an art form"
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    "You don't need to lose any weight, you look just fine!"

    Hello? 30 pounds gained in less than two years and do you think I'm going to wear clothes that actually emphasize that?

    "But I brought bagels and cream cheese for the whole office. If you don't have some, you're going to hurt my feelings!"

    One bagel with cream cheese is nearly half my daily calorie allotment. What part of "I'm on a diet." don't you people get?
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Things people say that drive me nuts?

    "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."

    Drives me ape *kitten* bananas.
    My Manager at work says that all the time, its his saying. It is a little humerous but, i really think he believes in it. However, I died all over my keyboard that you said it drives you ape **** bananas.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I have a really high metabolism, so I'm always hungry, and I'm always eating. People like to say "You're ALWAYS eating! How do you stay so skinny" Im not even that skinny, but whatever.

    But when I say "I have a high metabolism" they LOVE to come back with "Oh, just wait until you reach (insert age milestone here). You'll see how hard it is to keep the weight off"

    Yeah, so I've been told...every flippin day since I was 14. The reality is, I will stay this size because of my metabolism and my lifestyle. There's no magic age where I will suddenly become mediocre like you.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I hate hearing that people want to "tone up" and not "bulk up" as if using 10lbs weights is going to get you some hulking mass. happened to

    But then we found out that I had an androgen dysfunction, so now I have meds to counteract that. It was pretty funny arguing with my PT during that time, though
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    A friend of mine just sent me a text about 5 minutes ago that says, and I quote, "You're going to starve yourself to death if you keep that up." That was in response to a text I sent that says, "I'm actually watching a video about how we are all eating ourselves to death and how bad sugar is for you."

    This same friend likes to make me feel bad as I workout more with comments like:
    "You don't need to workout....your so skinny already!"
    "Just have some A & W. One time won't kill you."
    "I don't know why you workout, you don't need too."

    My friend is also WAY over weight and we actually had this conversation the other day:

    Me: Why don't you join a gym? I wish I lived in a place where there even was a gym."
    Her: "It's too much money to join a gym. I just don't have the money."

    Two days later (no joke...seriously two days)

    Her: "These flippin pills I have to be on are killing my bank account, they're costing nearly $120/month!!!"
    Me: "What are they for?"
    Her: "Mostly high blood pressure."

    Hmmmm.........still too much to join a gym???? I've heard of a number of people being able to come off of their medications since living a healthier lifestlye. Not that I'm saying it would DEF. happen for her, but why not try??? And if you have so many problems how about NOT eating at fast food places 3 or 4 times a week and maybe trying to eat better and getting some walking in or something??? Instead of just bashing me for trying to better my life??

    Ok....I'm done now lol.

    yes, yes, yes,.....thank you! Now would you like to come work for me at my gym????????????????

    I would LOVE too!!! Sadly, it can't b:sad:
  • Jdo13
    Jdo13 Posts: 25 Member
    I HATE it when co-workers mock me out if I happen to be walking funny after a hard work-out. I'm sorry that I was able to get to the gym multiple days and work my butt off. I won't even complain about the pain and their will still be mocking comments. How about you try one of my work-outs and we will see how you do the next day?

    Also, it drives me nuts with the "are you really suppose to be eating that" or "Oh I'm really sure that's part of your eating plan". Really? How about you get off my back about a little hot sauce as you eat your burger and fries. Thanks for your concern.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Yep. Stupid comments drive me crazy. That's why I try REALLY hard not to discuss diet specifics with anyone. That way, I won't take the bait when I hear a dumb comment! LOL!!

    Just keep doing what you are doing! The proof is in the numbers baby! Good luck!
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    Two things that drive me crazy:

    1. You shouldn't eat ANYTHING after ___ p.m. (the actual number varies). Um, whatever! I recently had this debate with a coworker, and produced several documented sources showing this to be a myth, and that the only way eating at night will hurt weight loss is if you're eating junk food, or eating more than what you should for the day anyway.

  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    One of my best friends is always going on as if I am obsessed with calorie counting. He goes on about how to just watch what I eat and exercise. ER, HELLO, WHAT THE **** DO YOU THINK I AM DOING?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!! <- Angry Taiyler, lmao.

    Also, as with many others, 'oh go on, just one... one wont hurt' and these people continue to go on and on, and then half an hour later say they need to go on a diet asap.

    When people say 'oh, I need to lose weight... I'm gunna stop eating so much crap now, that's it! I'm gunna do it!' and then the time after they say the same, and the time after that... whilst still eating so much **** every day it's unbelievable.

    They buy a big bag of sweets 'you want one? ... oh go on! go on! here, you want one?'

    And this evening, only an hour or so ago I posted a picture on Facebook of the kinda body I want. The first comment was 'Sigh, just be yourself.' LOL WHAT. This coming from a friend who is a good few stone overweight.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I think next time someone mentions anything, I'm just going to say 'It's nice to know you want me to be unhappy and unhealthy.' or something similar. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO FRUSTRATING?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member

    Because they are people.

    Push a piece of string. That's how much influence you have over other people's opinions.

    Don't let it get to you. In fact, just don't let it happen. If they comment, walk away.
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