Things people say that drive you nuts!



  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    People who tell me you shouldn't run because its bad for you.... Same people who told me to lose weight in the first place because it was hard on my joints... All this while they chew on some greasy potato chips on the way out the door for a smoke.

    Like they have any business telling me what's healthy!
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    People who tell me you shouldn't run because its bad for you

    Oh god when I told my Mom that my fitness goal is to be able to run she went on about how unhealthy it is. She's super supportive but is very stuck in her own way of thinking. She hears something on the radio or tv once and it's the gospel truth!
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    My grandma likes to tell me that I should just eat less. And less. And less, you know, 700 calories like her. And that exercising is not lady like. (lots of yoga breathing and calming is required for extended periods of these conversations).

    She about fell out of her chair when I said I didn't care about being skinny. I want to be strong!!!
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Here's another one: "You're cute."

    No, kittens are cute and women don't **** kittens.

    Edit: It censored the "f-word."
  • adougherty10
    Here is mine - I'm a vegetarian and EVERYONE feels the need to share with me that they are meat eaters and don't struggle with their weight (i.e. my sisters, parents, in-laws) My thought that I wish I could say out loud: I might be overweight but I guarantee by cholesterol is better than yours and at least I don't have any meat rotting in my colon!
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Here is mine - I'm a vegetarian and EVERYONE feels the need to share with me that they are meat eaters and don't struggle with their weight (i.e. my sisters, parents, in-laws) My thought that I wish I could say out loud: I might be overweight but I guarantee by cholesterol is better than yours and at least I don't have any meat rotting in my colon!
    Would you look at that ^^^ this actually drives ME nuts

    I don't have a problem with your dietary habits, but omnivores don't have meat rotting in their colon unless they are SEVERELY obese. That's just a myth told by newage, fad dieters.

    If you're curious about the facts, ask a gastroenterologist. My colonoscopy showed no rotting meat. Cholesterol is on point too.
  • pkpzp228
    pkpzp228 Posts: 146 Member
    meh, who cares what people say? I try not to let people infect me with their negative energy. Good topic though, I'm not out to save the world.
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    I have a family member who says I only need to eat one time a day and there isn't any need to eat 3 times a day (let alone 6).... and that because I eat 6 I am "greedy"

    made me twitch.....
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Here is mine - I'm a vegetarian and EVERYONE feels the need to share with me that they are meat eaters and don't struggle with their weight (i.e. my sisters, parents, in-laws) My thought that I wish I could say out loud: I might be overweight but I guarantee by cholesterol is better than yours and at least I don't have any meat rotting in my colon!

    I used to say that as a vegetarian until I actually had it tested and it was out of control.

    Anecdotal evidence (I know) but I have normal cholesterol levels and high HDL and eat what I'd like to consider an animal/fish-central diet.


    I get a lot of comments on how I eat. The whole no grains thing. For one, I can't have wheat. There is so much out there with wheat in it, I just avoid anything that would most likely have it in it. Grains-wise, I eat rice on occasion. Its only fault, IMO, is its high-carbiness and my inherent ability to put away entirely too much of it in one sitting. Anyway, people really enjoy commenting on this. Everyone has an opinion. I don't agree with many of them, but I don't spark an argument. Most people are pretty cool about the no wheat thing. Sometimes they're sympathetic like "damn, I dunno what I'd eat. How do you do it?" Well, it becomes second nature.

    Now a person giving "advice" that openly wants to debate health studies and expresses that they have a background in reading them. Then...then we can go to town arguing, er, debating. You wanna tell me I'm killing myself by eating red meat, then yessir, I challenge you to a duel.

    My point being in all of this rambling, if you can successfully argue a point and back it up with valid citations, my hat's off to you.

    If you like to spout goofy advice and old wive's tales, well then, I'll kindly ignore you.
  • flabfighter31
    flabfighter31 Posts: 41 Member
    Yeah my biggy is my mum she always saying you dont need a diet your look so neat, yes i know im blessed with putting weight on equally everwhere so i dont look that bad but the fact that after four kids my youngest with leukemia at the moment i have ate out of every takeaway around yorkhill so now i have come to the point i know i need to lose it now or i never will and i wont get the best out of my life, but i will admit its hard now but if i wait any longer it will be impossible.
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    When I tell my friends to lift and they respond, "I don't want to be body builder big man."

    It's like if you TOUCH a barbell you will instantly gain 100lbs of lean muscle mass and drop down to 6% BF. If it's that easy, what have I been doing wrong?
  • linholz
    linholz Posts: 4 Member
    Oh, I understand your frustration. My suggestion to you: (LOL) Just keep on keepin' on,. You've lost 29 lbs. Three cheers to you. When "they" start preaching, just let them preach. They don't need anything but like to hear their own voices. You don't have to say a thing. You can certainly rest on your laurels, having lost the weight. Keep up the good work. :) L:happy:
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    I just hate the hoverers/analyzers. There are a few people at work that know I am working on losing weight, and there is one person that is always asking "Can you eat that?" or "Is that part of your program". I want to scream "mind your own business", but whatever. I have explained that I am eating healthy and exercising, that there is no real "program" and that I can eat anything in moderation, but that falls on deaf ears. Apparently I can only eat carrots and lettuce lol
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I agree on being annoyed by the comments about how exercising and dieting necessarily make you miserable. I'm not totally happy yet, but I'm way ahead of where I was back when I was nearly 100 pounds overweight and eating anything and everything that I wanted.

    I also hate when people who are new to losing weight think they know so much more than I do about the process. I have one family member who has about 100 pounds to lose, and she told me at Easter that cheat meals do not work and I should stop having them. Ummm, excuse me? You've been losing weight for 5 minutes. I've lost 80 lbs having a cheat meal every week for nearly a year and a half, but you know more about this than I do? Whatever.

    In terms of "compliments," I hate being told "You look amazing! You don't even look like the same person anymore!" Thanks. Was I really that hideous before?

    Finally, I hate when people who used to be on me constantly about losing weight (like my dad and my grandmother) tell me that I'm too skinny now and that I need to stop. So frustrating.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    People who say "I thought you were on a diet?" every time I eat something they consider to be off limits. Or those who say "oh my god are you eating AGAIN???" Haven't had it this time round as I barely see anyone but last time was a nightmare. My job at the time involved at least 6 hours of walking a day so of course I was burning quite a lot so was eating quite a lot over the course of the day. And because I don't completely cut out things like chocolate I was occasionally seen eating "bad" things.
  • Furrytreats
    Furrytreats Posts: 132 Member
    I feel like I am going to like this topic.

    One my pet peeves is when I walk into work on Friday and the secretary says, "Happy Friday!" and then proceeds to tell me about her grandchildren for 45 minutes.

    First of all, I figured out how to use the Gregorian Calendar when I was a kid. I don't need to hear what day of the week it is when I walk through the door. If you are actually interested in my life, ask me about my plans for the weekend. Or tell me about yours. I don't care that your grandkid slept for three straight hours and made funny faces and then woke up and you got to feed him and he didn't burp at first but then he burped and it was the cutest thing. Friday is not inherently "happy" and I guess it turns out that listening to mindless dribble makes me unhappy. I just want to get to my desk and wait out the day and go enjoy my weekend. I swear this Friday I will get to work and the second I walk through that door I will say "Happy Friday" and the secretary will have nothing else to say.

    For the record, same thing goes for "It's Monday!," "It's Tuesday!" "We're half way there!," and "It's almost the weekend!"

    This made my day.
  • deathtaco
    deathtaco Posts: 237
    I agree on being annoyed by the comments about how exercising and dieting necessarily make you miserable. I'm not totally happy yet, but I'm way ahead of where I was back when I was nearly 100 pounds overweight and eating anything and everything that I wanted.

    I also hate when people who are new to losing weight think they know so much more than I do about the process. I have one family member who has about 100 pounds to lose, and she told me at Easter that cheat meals do not work and I should stop having them. Ummm, excuse me? You've been losing weight for 5 minutes. I've lost 80 lbs having a cheat meal every week for nearly a year and a half, but you know more about this than I do? Whatever.

    In terms of "compliments," I hate being told "You look amazing! You don't even look like the same person anymore!" Thanks. Was I really that hideous before?

    Finally, I hate when people who used to be on me constantly about losing weight (like my dad and my grandmother) tell me that I'm too skinny now and that I need to stop. So frustrating.

    aweee....looks like somebody has the case of the Mondays! :laugh:
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    I'm really enjoying this thread.
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    Honestly, I am getting tired of being told that I do not eat enough for the amount of exercise that I do.
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    My two favorite comments so far this week have been "You're gonna make yourself sick losing weight like that" and "I'd rather be happy and enjoy my life than to exercise and diet."

    The reason I started exercising and losing weight is because being obese was making me sick, and who said anything about being unhappy or not enjoying life? In fact, buying smaller clothes, hearing compliments and feeling energized makes me very happy. Sorry. I know these weren't actual diet misinformation like the example you gave, but people do say some stupid things.

    I like this one. I have to agree here. I remember being fat, and I wasn't "happy." I distinctly recall being more anti-social, feeling like a sloth and being sicker. Hmmm....