Things people say that drive you nuts!



  • zandhmom75
    zandhmom75 Posts: 58 Member
    It sounds like your family knows it gets you riled up when they say things like that, and maybe they like pushing your buttons for some reason. And maybe they feel insecure because they know they should change their lifestyles and may be a wee bit envious of your dedication to your own. I agree with some of the others, say "oh, wow, I never knew that." and change the topic. Maybe they'll lay off when they don't get a reaction. And you know, in your heart and mind, what is right! You can do some inward gloating! :tongue:
  • chilipeppers
    chilipeppers Posts: 119
    There is a woman at work who calls me "Skinny Minnie." I am a 6'2" male with developed muscles that I want to use to destroy everything in her cubicle.

    the term skinny minnie is stupid! who came up with that anyway?
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    I think it's always best to look at the source. If you've been divorced nine times I probably won't need you for relationship advice. Same goes for health. Skinny does not equate to healthy. There are thousands of starving people all over the world, however only a few of them have managed to start their own diet fads.

    While I will try to educate people if they ask, I have learned when to give up. You just can't fix stupid. You can love your stupid person, feed them, and try to give them enough exercise, but you can't fix their stupidity. Chances are they really are trying to help and they probably did hear or read it somewhere (comic strip?) however chances are they just listened to the loudest voice and assumed that it was the correct one. A good example of this is most any bar around midnight.

    My favorite response is "I see you've put a lot of effort into collecting this information. I'll tell you what, send me your documentation and I'll be happy to go over it with you at length." While I've used this statement a lot, I've yet to have anything appear in my email relating to their opinion.
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    I feel like I am going to like this topic.

    One my pet peeves is when I walk into work on Friday and the secretary says, "Happy Friday!" and then proceeds to tell me about her grandchildren for 45 minutes.

    First of all, I figured out how to use the Gregorian Calendar when I was a kid. I don't need to hear what day of the week it is when I walk through the door. If you are actually interested in my life, ask me about my plans for the weekend. Or tell me about yours. I don't care that your grandkid slept for three straight hours and made funny faces and then woke up and you got to feed him and he didn't burp at first but then he burped and it was the cutest thing. Friday is not inherently "happy" and I guess it turns out that listening to mindless dribble makes me unhappy. I just want to get to my desk and wait out the day and go enjoy my weekend. I swear this Friday I will get to work and the second I walk through that door I will say "Happy Friday" and the secretary will have nothing else to say.

    For the record, same thing goes for "It's Monday!," "It's Tuesday!" "We're half way there!," and "It's almost the weekend!"

    lol!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Boy did you need to vent!!
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 91 Member
    I hate when people brag on how easy it is for them to lose 10 lbs and how funny it is that it was hard work for me.

    Two people at work said that to me. "oh you've lost 10lbs, well (little chuckle), I lost that last week just worrying about my report".

    or, "I can't believe its this hard to lose weight, I just cut out one thing and I lose everything I need"

  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    I think it's always best to look at the source. If you've been divorced nine times I probably won't need you for relationship advice. Same goes for health. Skinny does not equate to healthy. There are thousands of starving people all over the world, however only a few of them have managed to start their own diet fads.

    While I will try to educate people if they ask, I have learned when to give up. You just can't fix stupid. You can love your stupid person, feed them, and try to give them enough exercise, but you can't fix their stupidity. Chances are they really are trying to help and they probably did hear or read it somewhere (comic strip?) however chances are they just listened to the loudest voice and assumed that it was the correct one. A good example of this is most any bar around midnight.

    My favorite response is "I see you've put a lot of effort into collecting this information. I'll tell you what, send me your documentation and I'll be happy to go over it with you at length." While I've used this statement a lot, I've yet to have anything appear in my email relating to their opinion.

    Sooooooo funny.....and true! LOVE this!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Things people say that drive me nuts?

    "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."

    Drives me ape *kitten* bananas.

    bahahah but its so true... except for chocolate... I think chocolate tastes just as good.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    people refuse to see that I might actually know what I'm talking about because I'm heavier then them!!

    It's hard to get across the message "do as I say not do as I do (or what you did)". Unless I knew you personally, I'd say I'd have the same problem listening if I was unhealthy myself but I wouldn’t fight you like these people seem to be doing.

    Keep on trucking!
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    I love this topic!
    When I started eating healthy , I was told that :
    by my mother- I am going to die!
    by my father in law- I don't have anything to be happy about ( I quit smoking , alchool, meat and any processed food in one day)
    by my friends: I am crazy!
    by my husband: It is WRONG what I am doing but he doesn't want to change , so I had to cook separately.....

    two years later : I was in the best shape of my life
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I hate when people brag on how easy it is for them to lose 10 lbs and how funny it is that it was hard work for me.

    Two people at work said that to me. "oh you've lost 10lbs, well (little chuckle), I lost that last week just worrying about my report".

    or, "I can't believe its this hard to lose weight, I just cut out one thing and I lose everything I need"

    This one drives me nuts as well. I say "well good for your! now shut up unless you wanna live in my body and see how hard it is!"
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    Ya know....ppl get on my nerves too. I get a lot of ppl who are offended if I don't eat what they are eating. They'll ask " your not going to ALLOW yourself to have just a little....a little won't hurt" Ummmmm.....NO!!!! I just want to say LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! I've stopped trying to explain or defend my lifestyle....I just say " ok...thank you for your concern" and move on:))
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    I hate when people brag on how easy it is for them to lose 10 lbs and how funny it is that it was hard work for me.

    Two people at work said that to me. "oh you've lost 10lbs, well (little chuckle), I lost that last week just worrying about my report".

    or, "I can't believe its this hard to lose weight, I just cut out one thing and I lose everything I need"


    I totally agree with you on this!!! Makes my blood boil...then I go hulk on their *kitten*.
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    sinclare has it right. Just don't respond other than, "Wow, that's interesting." And then change the subject.

    The issue of parents - ESPECIALLY MOTHERS AND I SPEAK FROM EXPERIENCE MOM - is that they want to stay involved in their kids' lives. And so they want to express concern and love and affection, and how else except to comment on your ability to maintain yourself without their support?

    Took me years to realize this - that my mom saying what she said, which was mostly nonsense, was her way of trying to stay in touch. So I'd let her talk, and I'd chat & change the subject, and we'd be fine. When I tried to get through to her about my ideas, I battled and lost, because, seriously, she raised six kids, and you think I could out-argue someone who had that experience?

    Just let it go, and remember people are people. Sometimes they say good things, and sometimes they say irrelevant or stupid things. Not everybody needs to be refuted, especially if there's no point to doing so.

    If they really want to know about _you_, they'll ask you. If they just want to give you advice - well, free advice is way overpriced.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I wouldn't waste any time trying to convince other people to change their beliefs, especially if those beliefs are not grounded in fact. Just keep on living your life, being healthy and happy.

    If you truly care about someone, and they resist your efforts to help them be healthier, then find a more subtle way to help them. Invite them to outings that require a little physical activity, host backyard volleyball tournaments, suggest healthier restaurants, etc.

    People have very strong emotional attachments to their beliefs, no matter how crazy they might be. You'll only frustrate yourself and alienate others if you try to argue with them.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Also, don't share your dieting woes, body image issues, or personal health objectives with catty women (or men) at the office. Keep that stuff out of the workplace. Think of it as a health's really nobody's business but yours.

    Talk about it too much, and you'll only give people ammunition.
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    did you guys ever see Margaret Cho's skit on how to deal with Vegans and/or Bjork fans? It's kind of like that!
    -- -- "just say: I'm WRONG-- and run away as fast as you can!" :laugh:
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Hearing these horror stories makes me feel so thankful that I have a health conscious boyfriend, workplace, and family. Snuggins for everyone! Hang in there, peeps!
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    It can drive me nuts, but it's usually better to just say "I never knew that" and change the subject. You aren't going to change their minds!

    Love this response!!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    "Such and such is bad for you", where "such and such" equals protein, fats, carbs, sodium, sugars, etc.

    Too much of ANYthing is bad for you. We need protein. We need carbohydrates, including sugars. We need fats. We need sodium. Just don't overdo any one piece of the puzzle.
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member

    The issue of parents - ESPECIALLY MOTHERS AND I SPEAK FROM EXPERIENCE MOM - is that they want to stay involved in their kids' lives. And so they want to express concern and love and affection, and how else except to comment on your ability to maintain yourself without their support?

    Took me years to realize this - that my mom saying what she said, which was mostly nonsense, was her way of trying to stay in touch. So I'd let her talk, and I'd chat & change the subject, and we'd be fine. When I tried to get through to her about my ideas, I battled and lost, because, seriously, she raised six kids, and you think I could out-argue someone who had that experience?

    haha! my mom still obsesses over my food choices when i see her. lol she wants a complete accounting for Every Meal. Every Day when i visit. she wears me out! then still will comment on my choices when we eat together (ie, salad, again--you had salad yesterday).

    of course i say nothing about her choices --and her need to take cholestrol medication because she is UNWILLING to make changes in her diet.

    seems unfair but i have found it keeps the peace if i just let her rant about me and keep my mouth shut!