100+ Pounds to Lose? Come on in!



  • Thanks

    Congrats on your new job! Hope you have fun! :flowerforyou:
  • faythe
    faythe Posts: 245

    Congrats on your new job! Hope you have fun! :flowerforyou:

    I really think it's going to be a good place for me. The work is familiar (I'll be manning the cafe there and I used to work at McDonald's once upon a time), but at a more leisurely pace and it won't be hard to spend 8 hours there. The benefits are nice, too. I'm sure you can tell that I'm super-excited! :bigsmile:

    I know how you feel about the small milestones. I think I'm going to throw myself a nice little party when I get under 250. Maybe treat my husband to a night out now that I'll actually be bringing some income into the house.
  • Yes, I can .... That was how happy I was a week ago when I started :bigsmile:

    and it does help with not eating so much during the day...just pack yourself snacks, and have a snack with some water on your way home, so you won't overeat. :flowerforyou:
  • Hey, everyone! I would have checked in sooner but it's been a busy week. I had a job interview yesterday at Sam's Club and, for the first time in almost 2 years, I am EMPLOYED! This is a super big deal because I get to interact with real adults for a few hours a day. :happy: It's also an on-your-feet thing, so I get to burn more calories and spend less time eating. Hooray for me!

    Great job, Canelitas, and keep it up! That's a huge milestone and I'm so excited for you. :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Congrats on the job, girl!!! I, too, used to work in the Club Cafe' of a Sam's! Yes, having a job will definitely help you. I am ALWAYS saying in my blog how when I'm working I usually have trouble eating my regular calories, plus my exercise calories. BUT on my days off...NO SWEAT! I can eat all them suckers and then some, lol! Plus, you'll be moving around all day and that burns calories, too! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!:drinker:
  • Welp, TOM reared it's ugly head this evening. This means I will NOT be weighing in on Monday. I easily retain around 10 pounds of water during this time, so I am not even going to put myself through the agony of getting on that scale and seeing a higher number. By skipping this weigh, I will also be giving my body a chance to rebound from my splurge day earlier this week. I'm really looking forward to seeing a great loss at the next weigh in Monday after next!
  • I completely understand about not weighing in with Uncle Tom riding piggyback! There is no faster way to lose motivation than to be really good and step on the scales and see the monly gain. I know with me personally, it is the fastest way to kill a diet. Even though my head knows the reason for the gain, my subconscious doesn't seem to understand and next thing I know, I have blown the diet.

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Hey everyone...ok, so I think I'm out my cave now..:tongue::happy:

    Tom dropped by today though...hmmmmmmm:grumble:

    SO that gives me week one (to me) on BL weigh in...got hit up midcycle with a maintain, last week (week 2 to me) where PRE got me at +8lbs with water retention....we'll see if Tom heads out before Weds weigh in or I think I might throw in the towel and go back to continuing to eat healthy on my own and not worrying about being in a Challenge for now. I was losing for me then and maybe that's a better weigh for me for now. I'll see...:laugh:

    My mind may change again and again until then....

    It was rather depressing as I've shared on C2C to have jumped in with both feet then have all that happen in a row....I feel like I'm losing my mind over this Challenge since it's not just me but effecting but the whole Purple team score :noway: :

    k nuff said on that :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • GoGetterMom
    GoGetterMom Posts: 852 Member
    OK - so this weekend was pretty good. I ended up with enough enough calories left over Sat & Sunday that I got to have a brownie each night. That was weird.

    Saturday night I started to have an allergic reaction to something (brownies?). Woke up Sunday AM and had to take allergy medication. Blaaaah! Too tired and feeling REALLY icky to do anything (including eat or cook) till about 5. By 5, i had had 2 of my normal 4 mini-meals, but still not feeling great. Took a shower and washed my hair. Whew - felt better, so off to the gym for a 40 minute run on the Arc Trainer.

    My motto for the difficult things in life has always been "suck it up", so I just kept chanting that to myself during the run. Got done, ran an errand with the hubby and made dinner.... Feeling just OK still.

    My eyes are still swollen, but I got some cardio - gunna count it as a win.... The BEST part of it is that my hubby is starting to think about his actions and did cardio today and ate a healthy dinner (i.e.: he didn't add any junk to what I fixed).
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Hey everyone...ok, so I think I'm out my cave now..:tongue::happy:

    Tom dropped by today though...hmmmmmmm:grumble:

    SO that gives me week one (to me) on BL weigh in...got hit up midcycle with a maintain, last week (week 2 to me) where PRE got me at +8lbs with water retention....we'll see if Tom heads out before Weds weigh in or I think I might throw in the towel and go back to continuing to eat healthy on my own and not worrying about being in a Challenge for now. I was losing for me then and maybe that's a better weigh for me for now. I'll see...:laugh:

    My mind may change again and again until then....

    It was rather depressing as I've shared on C2C to have jumped in with both feet then have all that happen in a row....I feel like I'm losing my mind over this Challenge since it's not just me but effecting but the whole Purple team score :noway: :

    k nuff said on that :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Dont give up on the challenge just because of TOM. TOM has come to see me also and weigh in is tomorrow. Even if I show a gain for this week I know that I will have a great loss the next week. Just look at it that way although I think we should be able to forego weigh in if TOM has come to visit LOL

  • Dont give up on the challenge just because of TOM. TOM has come to see me also and weigh in is tomorrow. Even if I show a gain for this week I know that I will have a great loss the next week. Just look at it that way although I think we should be able to forego weigh in if TOM has come to visit LOL


    Right, Connie! I'm not even weighing in this week. I'm not gonna even gonna torture myself like that. I can already see the bloat in my tummy and feel it in my clothing, so I know I'm retaining a LOT of water. Will I have to leave leave the challenge because of my not weighing in? If I have to then I am perfectly okay with that. No problem at all.
  • Hey everyone...ok, so I think I'm out my cave now..:tongue::happy:

    Tom dropped by today though...hmmmmmmm:grumble:

    SO that gives me week one (to me) on BL weigh in...got hit up midcycle with a maintain, last week (week 2 to me) where PRE got me at +8lbs with water retention....we'll see if Tom heads out before Weds weigh in or I think I might throw in the towel and go back to continuing to eat healthy on my own and not worrying about being in a Challenge for now. I was losing for me then and maybe that's a better weigh for me for now. I'll see...:laugh:

    My mind may change again and again until then....

    It was rather depressing as I've shared on C2C to have jumped in with both feet then have all that happen in a row....I feel like I'm losing my mind over this Challenge since it's not just me but effecting but the whole Purple team score :noway: :

    k nuff said on that :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I refuse to let you dropout....:explode:
  • Why is Uncle TOM so cruel, I usually don't weight-in during that time either, :blushing:
  • Vilma
    Vilma Posts: 23 Member
    Can I still join in the challenge?:happy:
  • WE GOT ORDERS TO VIRGINIA!!! That's EXACTLY where we wanted to go!!! We leave here in May of next year! WOO-HOO!!!!!
  • Can I still join the challenge?

    Of course you can, Welcome Aboard :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • I'm in! I have between 100 and 120 to lose depending on how small I want to get. But im going for 100, it will bring me to 150 - a healthy weight for my height.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    bump...oops just now saw C.'s comment about not dropping......from the 15th
  • Welcome Jenninsocial :flowerforyou:

    Fitness - I'm glad you stayed in ... *hugs* :flowerforyou:
  • Alright kids, I'm getting frustrated... I haven't had a loss in over 5 weeks. I know, I know... there are plenty of things to account for. Water weight, turning fat into muscle, etc. But it's so dang frustrating! The good news is... I've continued to do the 30-Day Shred dvd and walk every day, and even if the scale isn't moving my clothes are starting to fit a little better. So I guess that's what counts, right?!

    I hope everyone is having an AMAZING week so far! :flowerforyou: Hang in there and keep up the great work! :drinker:
  • GoGetterMom
    GoGetterMom Posts: 852 Member
    Started back at our home school co-op this week. It is an hour drive 1 way for 3 days a week. Crazy half day schedules make for a lot of work. The last 2 days have been pretty good there. We get up early and make lunches and I have managed to take my lunch everyday AND enough snacks for my every 2 - 3 hour eating schedule (metabolism jump-start).

    I have to remember to take ice today because they had none in either freezer. Crazy! Couldn't believe it. I got my shake all ready to go & no ice, so I had to wait a half hour till I got to the other building (it's a drive).

    Well, off to classes and kids. At least I am outside at lunch walking around with the kiddos. Kind of funny that there are only 2 of us who can keep up with the kids and we both are over 35 and running 5+ miles a day. FUN!!!!

    Hope you are all having a fun week!
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