You know you're an MFPer when....



  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    You dig through the garbage to find the exact name of the food you just ate.

  • Eliza1980
    Eliza1980 Posts: 303 Member
    Before eating something in a package you turn it over and count out how many you can eat for the serving. I'm always counting out 12 almonds. ha
    I have a little container that is the perfect size for my 12 almonds!
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I have a little container that is the perfect size for my 12 almonds!

    I need to get one! :) Then the other day I just wanted some malted balls. I was counting out how many I could have to stay in my calories. It was then that I felt like an idiot! hahahaha
  • lovediets
    lovediets Posts: 375 Member
    When you can hardly wait to enter the food in your diary!
  • lovediets
    lovediets Posts: 375 Member
    I just did that rummaging through the garbage thing looking for the wrapper of something I just ate!
  • nikki_zav
    nikki_zav Posts: 320 Member
    When you see someone at work is eating a frozen lunch and the first words out of your mouth is... "do you know how much sodium is in that?"

    Me too!!!!!
  • patty9013
    patty9013 Posts: 230 Member
    You dig through the garbage to find the exact name of the food you just ate.

    I totally so done that!! Glad to know I"m not the only one...:laugh:
  • bbush18
    bbush18 Posts: 207 Member
    I'm stealing this from one of my MFP friends.. but I do this too!!!

    When.... You have a panic attack because someone else has cooked for you and you don't know how to log it!

    ahahahaha!! YESS!! that's it!!
  • bbush18
    bbush18 Posts: 207 Member
    I'm stealing this from one of my MFP friends.. but I do this too!!!

    When.... You have a panic attack because someone else has cooked for you and you don't know how to log it!

    I'd add that when you try to explain that you can't eat the free break room food at work because then you won't have enough calories for dinner, and then you proceed to hover over said food and inhale.
    Okay maybe only I do that.

    no no, not just you...i also hover around the food i shouldn't have...!!
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    when you cook a new recipe from scratch and then sit down with about 10 packages/containers around you and your computer to "enter a new recipe" .... then you meticulously divide said recipe into your portion sizes before eating
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    You google a restaurant's nutrition facts DAYS before you go. :D

    For example, I'm going to Benihana tuesday, and I'm already stressing about what I can afford to eat.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    You google a restaurant's nutrition facts DAYS before you go. :D

    For example, I'm going to Benihana tuesday, and I'm already stressing about what I can afford to eat.

    Also, when you say you can't afford to eat something, you mean CALORIES, not money. :D
  • Rebecca1428
    Rebecca1428 Posts: 14
    You dig through the garbage to find the exact name of the food you just ate.

    OMG I totally do this!! lol
  • Rebecca1428
    Rebecca1428 Posts: 14
    You google a restaurant's nutrition facts DAYS before you go. :D

    For example, I'm going to Benihana tuesday, and I'm already stressing about what I can afford to eat.

    Do this too!
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    I have done all of these, in fact today I was in the dollar store paid for my items and then was at the car going to buckle my son into the car seat when I got the warning that I needed to find a bathroom or wet my pants. So I did the potty dance all through a CVS Pharmacy just to find a bathroom and got there just in time. My husband is constantly teasing me that all I do anymore is pee.
  • aangrisani
    aangrisani Posts: 92
    When you check your MFP home page more than your facebook account ;)

    hahahaha!!! i do this!

    I do too. I care more about this site and my people on here than Facebook. This is my homepage
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    when you cook a new recipe from scratch and then sit down with about 10 packages/containers around you and your computer to "enter a new recipe" .... then you meticulously divide said recipe into your portion sizes before eating

    I have definitely done this! LMAO!!!
  • CmGoode
    CmGoode Posts: 38 Member
    Today i totally stuffed an empty protein bar wrapper in my pocket so i could add it to my food log when I got home...

    my phone app wouldn't save it

    I do this too if I can't find what I'm eating on my phone app!

    I don't have a smart phone, so I keep wrappers and stuff until i can get to my laptop. I found two granola bar wrappers from awhile ago in my backpack (i now have the info memorized....ha!)
  • Jovannyr
    Jovannyr Posts: 108 Member
    I know I'm a MFP junkie...

    First of all, being called a 'comment ho' by a fellow MFP peep pretty much says it all. LOL
    Secondly, when I'm at work, I spend more time on MFP than I do working.
    Thirdly, I just about have more friends on MFP than I do on FB. I hardly ever log in to FB anymore. FB is boring and MFP is HOT.
    Finally, I LOVE my peeps on here and honestly do not know what I would do without them...they are my drug.

    lol...:laugh: the same thing happens to me at work...
    I dont log on to facebook anymore and pretty soon i will be having more friends here on mfp than i do in facebook....
    my sister and i only talk about MFP and brag to everyone we know about it...
    my husband ask me every night before we go to bed if I logged everything already
    Im shopping for calories instead just food...
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I do too. I care more about this site and my people on here than Facebook. This is my homepage
    This is my homepage as well. I check this site before I check my FB site, and I am on here more than FB even though I will have both open at the same time.
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