Community for CrossFitters, by Crossfitters & anyone interes



  • sweetandsol
    sweetandsol Posts: 9 Member
    So first session was completed on Monday so I feel like I should do the proper introduction.

    Name: Sarah
    where you live: Edmonton, AB
    Time CF'ing: 2 days (everyone starts somewhere)
    Nutrition Plan: using MFP for now

    I feel like I'm out of my league. I thought I was in ok shape from doing Hot Yoga a 2-3 times a week plus playing dodgeball once a week. Boy was I wrong. Monday's workout was 5 sets of 5 Thrust, 20 push ups and a 200 m run. I have never lifted weights before. I had to be shown how to properly clean and jerk and then thrust. I felt so awkward and out of my comfort zone. I took longer then anyone else and was disappointed in myself for not doing better. But I completed it - while not at the weight for women and not in anyone else is time. I did it. It was challenging and man I have muscle's telling me how unimpressed they are at me right now but I'm looking forward to tonight's session. I know that this is going to be a challenge and I'm stubborn enough to want to beat my last performance.

    I'm thankful for all of you on here. Seeing that even seasoned veterans still hate thrusters and burpies make me feel a little more normal!!

    How does everyone log the WOD in MPF?
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    So first session was completed on Monday so I feel like I should do the proper introduction.

    Name: Sarah
    where you live: Edmonton, AB
    Time CF'ing: 2 days (everyone starts somewhere)
    Nutrition Plan: using MFP for now

    I feel like I'm out of my league. I thought I was in ok shape from doing Hot Yoga a 2-3 times a week plus playing dodgeball once a week. Boy was I wrong. Monday's workout was 5 sets of 5 Thrust, 20 push ups and a 200 m run. I have never lifted weights before. I had to be shown how to properly clean and jerk and then thrust. I felt so awkward and out of my comfort zone. I took longer then anyone else and was disappointed in myself for not doing better. But I completed it - while not at the weight for women and not in anyone else is time. I did it. It was challenging and man I have muscle's telling me how unimpressed they are at me right now but I'm looking forward to tonight's session. I know that this is going to be a challenge and I'm stubborn enough to want to beat my last performance.

    I'm thankful for all of you on here. Seeing that even seasoned veterans still hate thrusters and burpies make me feel a little more normal!!

    How does everyone log the WOD in MPF?

    You can only get better or stronger from here :smile: At least that is what I tell myself during every WOD. I couldn't do anything when I started Crossfit and I have come a long way. It takes effort and patience with yourself.

    As for logging in MFP, I was wearing a HRM for awhile to get an idea of what I burn. It was pretty close to the calisthenics vigorous entry. I haven't worn a HRM for a long time only because it is malfunctioning so I am using the calisthenics option until I can get my HRM fixed.

    Have fun!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Sarah - Welcome to CF... I'm always bellyaching about the WOD's... and there is no denying they are all tough... I just wish there were more FUN tough ones rather than the ones you gnash and grit your teeth against.

    As far as logging - We are allowed to wear HRM's - although some boxes forbid it. I create a new exercise for each WOD under Cardio. SO today for example I added CF WOD: Kelly 5 rounds for time & description. For time I don't use my time to do the WOD, but the duration of the class (from the moment that I am moving) - usually 60 minutes.
    I stop my HRM at the end of my stretching session.
    If you don't have a HRM - do as Robin suggested, or use "circuit training".
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    just quickly - I've come across some pretty cool blogs/recipe sites along the way and would like to share them with you... If you have any you want to share - share away!
    some seriously delicious looking dishes...
    excellent resource on people looking at different fitness programs.
    also a long exhausting but excellent read on WHY PALEO
    For daily ROD's (recipes of the day)
    more awesome paleo inspiration.

    Edited to add: I don't really consider myself Paleo, because I feel one truly you cannot be Paleo in modern civilization. I call my diet the LEARN diet. Where I'm applying what I'm learning what works for MY BODY. Mimicking the Paleolithic diet works for me, but so does low carb. I don't go out of my way to get grassfed, well for several reasons - it's expensive and not a convenient thing for me to pick up at the local grocery.
    I don't push my nutritional lifestyle on my family - when they want pasta I give it to them, but make better choices on the kind I'm feeding them. Heck, my daughters looooove Ramen... nutritionally a zero, but if they want it I say let them have it.
    You don't have to agree with my philosophy, but I wanted to be clear that I'm not strictly Paleo. I have my cheats, I drink wine and vodka. I love cheese.
  • mtntrailrunner
    Name: James
    Where you live: North Carolina
    Time CrossFitting: 5 months
    Nutrition Plan: a plan? I plan to eat. that's about it.

    Rest day for me. Ran 4.4 miles instead.

    I don't go to a CrossFit gym. My company supplies a corporate gym for it's employees so I just make do with the resources there. I do cleans, thrusters, squats, etc with dumbbells. If I feel the urge to hurl after the first couple of rounds then I know I'm doing it right.
  • Corinne_Bruce
    Corinne_Bruce Posts: 206
    Tuesday's WOD: 3 rounds for time
    400m run
    15 Snatch Balance (45lbs)

    First time doing the snatch balance move so I was a little frustrated with this workout.
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    Hey glad to find this group. Here's my intro:

    Name: Maite
    Where you live: Miami, FL
    Time CrossFitting: 1 week
    Nutrition Plan: No real plan, just trying to eat clean, log religiously on MFP, and limit junk but not completely eliminate anything.

    So, I just started CrossFit and I'm seriously loving it--can I say that after just 3 sessions?

    For a couple of years I was working out with a trainer a few times a week, but he quit training about a year ago and I had a hard time finding someone I liked to replace him, so I was just working out on my own for a while. I was getting bored and (worse) not challenging myself like I should, so I started looking for options. There's a CrossFit gym just steps from where I work, and I had peeked in a few times, but it was almost all men--BIG men--so it just didn't seem to be for me. Not that I'm easily intimidated or anything, but it just seemed too hardcore. Well, last week despite my reservations I gave it a try, and I have to say, I think I'm hooked.

    First of all, I LOVE the atmosphere of the place. It's a gym minus all the BS. Everyone is there to give it all to their workout, not to chat or flirt or people watch. I'm fairly strong, but I'm still a newbie and a bit uncoordinated, so some of the movements were hard for me to get the hang of. Everyone there, trainer or not, was super helpful with tips and corrections but not at all critical.

    The WODs are killer, but it sounds like they're not structured like everyone else's. They're made up of the same things you guys are mentioning--burpies, pull-ups, walking lunges, box jumps, wall balls, etc. But they're not in rounds, just one set each of about a dozen or so exercises strung together; the length of the set varies between 20-100 depending on the exercise. Is that not how it's supposed to be done? I had planned to check out out a few different CrossFit gyms before joining one, but I really liked this place after trying it out and it's so conveniently located that I just stuck with them. It's month-to-month, no contract, so I could still try somewhere else before continuing for next month.

    Anyway, glad to meet you all. Look forward to learning more from all of you CrossFit vets!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Welcome Maite - I think each CF affiliate has their own structure, but named WOD's are the same. We made up a new "named WOD" after one of our own members, but based on a current named WOD.
    And yes, you can be hooked after 3 sessions :blushing:
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Welcome Maite - our WODs are either the named ones (Heroes/Girls), or in rounds or just one round with a bunch of movements.

    Yesterday's WOD was kind of hard for me. It didn't look or sound hard but boy was I wrong! My coach ended up dropping the front squats to work on squat form because my knee was bugging me. So lesson learned, I have been doing Crossfit for awhile but I can always use a refresher in form. Sometimes I get wrapped up in the time aspect that I don't concentrate on my form.

    3 rounds:
    200m sprint
    20 front squats 65lb after one round, we switched to air squats to focus on form
    20 push press 65lb
    20 knees to elbows
    42:51 went slow to work on form both in squats and push press

    Today is a rest day for me as I just went 3 days in a row. The weather is awesome today in Portland, after work I am going to work on my gardens.
  • Aurelina
    Aurelina Posts: 197 Member
    Lookie Loo sniffing around....

    and marking the thread.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    75 Power Snatches Rx'd (50) - I did 53's
    Time: 6:23 (Beat my January 7th time of 8:56!!) That's a 15% time enhancement :glasses:

    Practice Skill snatch balance 5 x 3
    1) 22
    2) 35
    3) 45
    4) 55
    5) 65
    6) 70 <-- extra rep because I wanted to see if I could hit 70. I was able to but not landing in a below 90* squat.
  • Corinne_Bruce
    Corinne_Bruce Posts: 206
    Yesterday's WOD: KAREN (150 wallballs, 14lbs, 10 feet)
    Today's WOD: 7 rounds (3 press, 3 push press, 3 push jerk: increasing weight each round)

    Yesterday's workout was tough, and for the first time I wanted to give up but I made it through!!
  • TigerBlood72
    TigerBlood72 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm interested in starting up again and want to get some support. Please add me as a friend if you have crossfit interests.

    I love it!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Today's WOD
    5 minute AMRAP
    3 Deadlift (185 for women)
    7 push press (75 for women)

    6 rounds, Rx'd

    Strength Skill: Zercher Squat 5-5-5-3-3-3 (35#-115#)

    Warm up included two 400 m runs.
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Today's WOD

    3 rounds for time:
    100m sprint
    50 push-ups
    100m sprint
    50 sit-ups
    100m sprint
    50 air squats
    100m sprint
    50 good mornings 30lb bar
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Robin - that's a good one to do at home. Maybe tomorrow for me :)

    1RM DL 245
    1RM BACK SQUAT 185
    TOTAL 655

    Only improved my deadlift by 5 pounds.
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Monday WOD
    4 rounds
    3 modified rope climbs
    10 burpees
    20 situps
    30 pistols modified and used rope

    I had a tough time with the pistols, I think I was concentrating more on keeping steady with the rope than my task at hand. :-)
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    Robin - that's a good one to do at home. Maybe tomorrow for me :)

    That's a great idea. I wasn't able to make it to the gym today so I ran instead, but I definitely could have done this at home.

    And 30 pistols today, even modified, you're my hero! I tried to do even a couple the other day and it just wasn't happening!
  • Corinne_Bruce
    Corinne_Bruce Posts: 206
    Monday's WOD: 12 min AMRAP
    5 power cleans (55 lbs)
    7 SDHP (55 lbs)
    10 box jumps (18 inch)

    I completed 8 rounds.
  • Corinne_Bruce
    Corinne_Bruce Posts: 206
    I had a tough time with the pistols, I think I was concentrating more on keeping steady with the rope than my task at hand. :-)

    Oh how I hate pistols!!