Community for CrossFitters, by Crossfitters & anyone interes



  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    I was wondering what everyone does when they are on vacation for working out?

    I usually will do some of the following:
    4 or 5 rounds - 400m run, 25 air squats (I may up the run to 800m or up the squats)
    100 burpees
    a mix of running, situps, pushups
    5K or 10K

    Pam is right, you can do a lot without gym equipment!
  • sweetandsol
    sweetandsol Posts: 9 Member
    Yesterday was "CrossFit Total"

    Back squat, 1 rep Max weight - (95)
    Shoulder Press, 1 rep Max weight - (65)
    Deadlift, 1 rep max weight -(165)

    15 mins ASMRAP
    15 sit ups
    15 back extensions
    100 m run
    (5 completed)

    The first day I tried crossfit we did should presses and I completed them at 50. It's amazing to see the results so quickly.
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Thurs WOD:
    1000m row
    50 Thrusters - 45lb
    30 pull-ups mod w/bands
    13:14 PR!! Beat my last time by 1:28, yay me! To think I was going to skip today...
  • I only did 2 WODs this week because I'm preparing for a fitness competition on tomorrow. So the workouts for tomorrow are below, the only thing that concerns me is the strict press of 65lbs (my max is 70lbs). So we shall see! We compete as pairs and the only way a round counts is if both partners complete it. I can't wait!!

    Evolution #1; 10 Minute AMRAP
    15 Military Press 95 / 65; 15 Box Jumps 24" / 18"

    Evolution # 2; 10 Minute AMRAP
    20 push-ups / 30 KB swings 55 / 35

    Evolution #3; 10 minute AMRAP
    40 yard Piggy Back / 40 yard Wheel Barrel

    Evolution #4; 10 Minute AMRAP
    25 Body Squats / 150 yard sprint
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Oh you got this Corinne!

    Todays WOD: 21-15-9
    deadlift (205 Rx, I did 185)
    Box jump (24" Rx, I did 20")
    Time 9:48

    Our Strength Skills was benchpress, which I failed miserably. I mangled my sciatic, I think it's my sciatic, moving the boulders around and digging an 18' x 14' hole for a garden. My 1RM bench press is 110, but I could barely do 95 today... boo :sad:
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Fri WOD
    AMRAP 20 minutes
    rope climb (modified)
    400m run
    max handstand push-ups (modified)
    4 full rounds plus rope climb
    max HSPU = 13, 10, 10, 10... set another PR, improved by 4 reps!

    Sat/Sun will be running for me. Must get motivated to start training for my half marathon.
  • I only did 2 WODs this week because I'm preparing for a fitness competition on tomorrow. So the workouts for tomorrow are below, the only thing that concerns me is the strict press of 65lbs (my max is 70lbs). So we shall see! We compete as pairs and the only way a round counts is if both partners complete it. I can't wait!!

    Evolution #1; 10 Minute AMRAP
    15 Military Press 95 / 65; 15 Box Jumps 24" / 18"

    Evolution # 2; 10 Minute AMRAP
    20 push-ups / 30 KB swings 55 / 35

    Evolution #3; 10 minute AMRAP
    40 yard Piggy Back / 40 yard Wheel Barrel

    Evolution #4; 10 Minute AMRAP
    25 Body Squats / 150 yard sprint

    We placed second in the competition!! It was an awesome experience!
  • Yesterday's WOD: Tabata
    Deadlift (105lbs)
    Front squat (65lbs)
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Corrine - that's amazing that you placed 2nd! COngrats!!!

    Yesterday's WOD was 6x 400 m run
    between each 400 m run your rest time is the time it takes you to complete the 400 m

    SKILLS -STRENGTH 3 x 15 weighted hip extensions +10lbs
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Monday WOD:
    Overhead Squats (started with 50lb but finished with 30lb, my form was wavering so I lowered the weight)

    Skill/Mobility - supermans, hollow holds, kettlebell balancing thing, one arm kettlebell swings
  • dmaxfld
    dmaxfld Posts: 11
    Maybe we can start out by introducing ourself:

    Name: Dave
    where you live: South Carolina
    Time CF'ing: since 9/2010
    Nutrition Plan: paleo for a few weeks, then a modified paleo with more carbs before I get too weak.

    My athletic background was distance running; always thought CF looked really cool; tried to do workouts on my own before finally joining a real box. The difference is shocking - you cannot match the intensity of doing the WOD with a pack of like-minded (or lost-minded) people! Discovered a lot of weaknesses (or imbalances) due probably to the running. Have improved a great deal and can do things now that looked impossible at the beginning. You all know how that feels, I know.

    And like the rest of you, I'm hooked. I am very happy to see so many CF'rs on this blog. Would be interested in teaming up with anyone who wants to do a paleo challenge. I have a difficult time eating properly on my own. Having done 2 paleo challenges with "group accountability" [and Burpee penalties!] I know what a huge difference positive social pressure can make. In fact, it makes all the difference.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    How have i missed this thread?
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Carol - I posted it to you when I started it!
    I was wondering where you were and thought you didn't want to share your WODS with us :cry:

    Dave - I'd join you on your challenge, but I supplement with whey protein isolates, Omega-3 capsules, and I like vodka on Friday night..:laugh: Oh yeah... and I like cheese and I have a fridge full of cheese curds waiting to be devoured. :embarassed: Doesn't seem to be affecting my weight loss much though - I've lost 8 pounds in the last month.
    Ps - do you know of any boxes in Myrtle Beach? I'll be vacationing there in July.

    Morning WOD lined up - will post later.
  • dmaxfld
    dmaxfld Posts: 11
    Hey - are you still IF'ing? How's it going? I've thought about doing this to improve insulin sensitivity but haven't tried it yet. I know Robb Wolf is a big proponent of it.
  • dmaxfld
    dmaxfld Posts: 11
    There is a box in Myrtle Beach -- here's the link: Don't know them personally, but it has the appropriate abandoned warehouse / set of "Saw IV" look to it, so it's probably pretty good. I go to Carolina Crossfit in Columbia (awesome). I'll ask one of my trainers about the MB affiliate.

    I'm with you on your take on Paleo. I consider both whey protein (a.m. and post-wod) essential, almost as essential as alcohol. :) I think there is some benefit to limiting dairy overall (maybe) but I don't think isolates would have the same effect as regular dairy. Probably depends on your tolerance. As a permanent lifestyle, though, I'm not going to fully give up wine / beer / etc. I take the Carlsson's liquid fish oil too.

    Overall, I think the only 2 problems with hardcore paleo are that a) it can get TOO low carb (anti fruit) in some people's application of it, and b) sometimes the "philosophy" of it gets ahead of what might really work best. I'm really interested in finding a workable and practical balance for myself. I expect what that would be would vary from person to person, too.

    I'm up for putting together some kind of challenge as soon as I figure out MFP fully!
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Every so often I come across a WOD that frustrates me to the point of tears. Yesterday was one of those days. I am not sure if it was the WOD that frustrated me or my self-conscious/shy personality. Many people stayed after the WOD and were watching as I finished last (typical, at least I finished :-) ) But sometimes that is the one thing I don't like about Crossfit, I don't like people watching me and then giving a half assed clap when I finished (like they had to or something). It made me mad, sad, frustrated, and I almost cried... Sorry for the rant...

    Tues WOD:
    800m run
    400m run backwards
    800m run
    400m run backwards

    I have no idea what is in store for me today... Definitely looking forward to a day off on Thursday! Plus I get to see my Dad which doesn't happen very often.
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Maybe we can start out by introducing ourself:

    Name: Dave
    where you live: South Carolina
    Time CF'ing: since 9/2010
    Nutrition Plan: paleo for a few weeks, then a modified paleo with more carbs before I get too weak.

    My athletic background was distance running; always thought CF looked really cool; tried to do workouts on my own before finally joining a real box. The difference is shocking - you cannot match the intensity of doing the WOD with a pack of like-minded (or lost-minded) people! Discovered a lot of weaknesses (or imbalances) due probably to the running. Have improved a great deal and can do things now that looked impossible at the beginning. You all know how that feels, I know.

    And like the rest of you, I'm hooked. I am very happy to see so many CF'rs on this blog. Would be interested in teaming up with anyone who wants to do a paleo challenge. I have a difficult time eating properly on my own. Having done 2 paleo challenges with "group accountability" [and Burpee penalties!] I know what a huge difference positive social pressure can make. In fact, it makes all the difference.

    Hi Dave! Welcome!

    I would be into a 30 day challenge. I am "Paleo my way". I, too, am not going to give up my drink for the rest of my life. I also allow myself organic butter and heavy cream on occasion. I usually am pretty straight and narrow Paleo during the week then the weekend to let loose a little bit. It works for me.
  • Welcome Dave and Carol!!

    bobobbin: I had one of those days on Monday. I literally had to take a break because I was emotional and couldn't breathe. I only get that way when we have something in our WOD that I know I can't do (or I'm afraid of doing). The WOD on Monday was Tabata and one of the intervals included 8 rounds of 20 sec handstands with 10 sec rest in between. Well, sounds easy to most but to me it wasn't because I was never able to do a handstand growing up so I knew I wouldn't be able to do one now. So one of my coaches had to lift me on the wall and hold my feet. I was embarrassed to say the least because I was the only person doing it modified. I felt defeated but then remembered that CF is here to expose our weaknesses so we can begin to work on them. So I'm now determined to do handstands and will not rest until I accomplish that goal. So I understand your frustration and I'm sorry your CF team wasn't being supportive.
  • Yesterday's WOD: 2K row
    Time: 9:16

    This has not been a good start to my week, I sucked in both Monday's and yesterday's WOD. More of my weaknesses are being exposed and the list is getting too long!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    June 8th WOD:
    1K run
    30 HSPU (I did negatives)
    1K row
    ** I was slowest too, but I was the only one doing HSPU negatives, while everyone else was doing it on the box... I even did 2 handstand push ups where I was able to get down about 5" and push right back up (with a bit of a kick)... so no skin off my back.

    POST WOD Skill: Strength 5 x 3 Heavy Thruster
    1) 65
    2) 75
    3) 80
    4) 90
    5) 100

    practiced some hanging power cleans just with the 45# bar. Good news is my shoulder doesn't hurt anymore doing them.