Community for CrossFitters, by Crossfitters & anyone interes



  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    bump to read later!
  • stclair454
    Name: Toni
    where you live: CT
    Time CF'ing: 1 yr
    Nutrition Plan: Paleo

    Crossfit, only way to workout
  • divades
    divades Posts: 145
    Anyone here familiar with or use the WOD club website??
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Anyone here familiar with or use the WOD club website??

    No Ma'am! Is it similar to the travel WOD ?
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Bumpity Bump!

    My schedule has been awful with my kids lately so I am just getting back in today from a one month break (not from working out, just from my Crossfit box).

    Today's WOD was awesome!

    3 rounds for time:
    30 squat cleans (did low weight - 45lbs - to make sure I could handle it and boy, it was tough enough)
    30 pullups (did jumping)
    800m run

    I finished in 32 minutes. It was rough and I was very sweaty!

    Then we did an "after party" which was a circuit (no rest between sets) of the following:

    24 rows
    24 squats
    24 lunges
    24 situps
    15 rows
    15 dips
    15 back extensions
    120 reps of jump roping
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    June 20th WOD
    15 m AMRAP
    5 pull ups
    10 burpees
    15 box jumps

    6 rounds +5 pull ups

    Strength skill: back squat
    5 x 95
    5 x 115
    5 x 125
    3 x 135
    3 x 145
    3 x 155
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Sat June 18 WOD:
    21 ring dips modified with medium orange and thin red bands (movin' up from thick green!)
    21 back squats 85lbs
    800m run
    15 ring dips
    15 back squats
    600m run
    9 ring dips
    9 back squats
    400m run
  • divades
    divades Posts: 145
    I'm not familiar with travel WOD. I will have to look into it. WOD club is a site where you can keep track of your times and they post WODs and the people with the best time for each workout. It is like a social networking & tracking site for crossfitters.
    No Ma'am! Is it similar to the travel WOD ?
  • Corinne_Bruce
    June 20th WOD:
    15 push press (65lbs)
    1 pull ups
    13 push press
    3 pull ups
    11 push press
    5 pull ups
    9 push press
    7 pull ups
    7 push press
    9 pull ups
    5 push press
    11 pull ups
    3 push press
    13 pull ups
    1 push press
    15 pull ups

    Rx, Time: 15 min
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I'm not familiar with travel WOD. I will have to look into it. WOD club is a site where you can keep track of your times and they post WODs and the people with the best time for each workout. It is like a social networking & tracking site for crossfitters.
    No Ma'am! Is it similar to the travel WOD ?

    Ahh! Our affiliate uses beyond the whiteboard!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    June 20th WOD:
    15 push press (65lbs)
    1 pull ups
    13 push press
    3 pull ups
    11 push press
    5 pull ups
    9 push press
    7 pull ups
    7 push press
    9 pull ups
    5 push press
    11 pull ups
    3 push press
    13 pull ups
    1 push press
    15 pull ups

    Rx, Time: 15 min
  • WarriorJayne
    Row 400m
    10 Box dips
    10 Pull-ups
    15 OHS w/PVC

    Stretching and discussing class for the day

    Death by Ring dips

    5 rounds for time of:

    400 meter run

    15 Overhead squats

    Short yoga sequence

    Little nervous because I'm not a runner yet... so I have to walk the 400 meters. I feel so slow. Gotta push through this wall today and get her done, kinda excited this is my first CrossFit Girl. Only started last week and I'm in love with it.
  • Corinne_Bruce
    June 21st WOD: 4 rounds
    400m run
    21 box jumps (24 inch)
    15 deadlifts (130lbs)
    9 wall balls (14 lbs, 10ft)

    Time 21 min
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    Little nervous because I'm not a runner yet... so I have to walk the 400 meters. I feel so slow.

    I'm not a runner, either. I have terrible shin splints and running is just too painful. So is jumping rope and several other things we do. My trainers are all aware of my limitations, and when things hurt, I just let them know. They've usually come up with something else I can do in advance. (For my O-lifting warmup, she always has us jump rope, but she has me to low box jumps instead. For CrossFit, she usually has me to mountain climbers instead of jumping rope. The other day we had to run a mile and she had me instead row for 2K.)

    But hey, you're doing it! That's the important part. Glad to hear you're loving it!
  • WarriorJayne
    Trainer had me row, and to make it fair to the runners, I did 500m and 45lbs on the OHS.

    I finished in 22:26. (I finished before the avid runner, and the volunteer firefighter.)

    First ever CrossFit Girl, crossed off.
  • WarriorJayne
    Trainer had me row, and to make it fair to the runners, I did 500m and 45lbs on the OHS.

    I finished in 22:26. (I finished before the avid runner, and the volunteer firefighter.)

    First ever CrossFit Girl, crossed off.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    June 22nd - MURPH
    1 mile run
    100 pull ups (subbed with jumping pull ups
    200 push ups
    300 squats
    1 mile run

    we were allowed to split up the 100-200-300 as we wanted. I did 20 rounds of mini CIndy. 5-10-15. The last mile run was killer as my hamstrings were fried from the 300 squats.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Today sucked because I flippin' hate thrusters!!!

    Warmup 400m run, 20 pushups, 20 overhead squats, 20 shoulder dislocates, 20 pullups

    20m AMRAP
    10 thrusters (40lbs)
    10 knees to elbows
    Completed 10 rounds

    Afterparty: Run 200m with 25lb+ sled (1:25)
    20 back extensions
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    June 22nd - MURPH
    1 mile run
    100 pull ups (subbed with jumping pull ups
    200 push ups
    300 squats
    1 mile run

    we were allowed to split up the 100-200-300 as we wanted. I did 20 rounds of mini CIndy. 5-10-15. The last mile run was killer as my hamstrings were fried from the 300 squats.

    HOLY MOLY! I have yet to do a true murph. I've done the mile run and then 50 pullups and 50 squats, but no mile after. That is one hard workout!
  • Corinne_Bruce
    June 22nd - MURPH
    1 mile run
    100 pull ups (subbed with jumping pull ups
    200 push ups
    300 squats
    1 mile run

    we were allowed to split up the 100-200-300 as we wanted. I did 20 rounds of mini CIndy. 5-10-15. The last mile run was killer as my hamstrings were fried from the 300 squats.

    You're my hero!!!!