Community for CrossFitters, by Crossfitters & anyone interes



  • Corinne_Bruce
    Robin that pull-up workout sounds painful!!!

    7.5.11 WOD:

    Squat Cleans 5-5-5-5-5

  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    Yesterday's WOD:

    800 m run
    30 Clean & Jerk (135/95)
    800 m run

    I only power cleaned. 3 more weeks until I can use my shoulder again.

    Score: 12:55

    Does anyone of suggestions for movements I can incorporate that won't fry my legs so much. With my left shoulder out, I feel like my Iegs have been constantly fried between squats of every form, box jumps, running, etc. Maybe it's time to bring some dumbbells into the gym and do one arm presses and snatches.

  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    July 6th WOD

    Wall Balls (14)*
    Box Jump (20)
    KBS (16kg)
    *modified with push press 35lb bar, 1 legged box jumps on 16" Box
    TIME 33:09

    Have you tried turkish get ups? pretty challenging and not hard on the shoulder. - what about GHD sit ups - or do a WOD like Annie?
  • Corinne_Bruce
    7.6.11 WOD: 3 rounds

    400m run
    21 burpees

    Very short workout! Time: 12 min
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    July 6th WOD

    Wall Balls (14)*
    Box Jump (20)
    KBS (16kg)
    *modified with push press 35lb bar, 1 legged box jumps on 16" Box
    TIME 33:09

    Have you tried turkish get ups? pretty challenging and not hard on the shoulder. - what about GHD sit ups - or do a WOD like Annie?

    We have done turkish get ups before. I agree that they are pretty challenging and take a great deal of concentration (for me). I like them though. We typically just do regular situps because we don't have enough equipment for everyone to do GHD situps. I have also done Annie but modified, I can't do double unders so I have to do 3x single jumps.
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    Today's WOD:

    3 Rounds
    500 m row
    12 Deadlift (Bodyweight)
    21 Box Jumps (20")

    Score: 12:42 (145# DL)

    Followed by a 2 mile run

    I can do the Turkish Getups on my right side, but because the form requirements I just feel like you can't do them at the same intensity as a good replacement for something else in a wod.

    Like today - our gym wod was:

    5 Rounds
    20 pullups
    20 pushups
    150 m run

    I could do inverted ring row as a sub, but 40 of those X 5 just didn't feel comparable. So my coach had me do Christine. "Annie" is one of my favorite wods. Will probably do it again in the next week or so. My best time on it so far is 8:30, but that was when I couldn't do more than 30 double unders unbroken. So hopefully it will have improved.

    Hope everyone had a good day!

  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    July 7th WOD:
    10min AMRAP
    2 DL @ 65% of your 1RM
    10 plyometric push ups on 45lb plate

    12 rounds + 2 deadlifts
    (DL weight #165)

    SKILLS practice POST WOD was double unders. Since I can do those in my sleep, I "skipped" out on the post wod skills - I had to drive my Mom to the doctor anyway.

    Opal - we have similar ANNIE times. I want to get it down to the 6's... I missed the recent round of Annie (done on the weekend) I'm sure I can break the 8's - I'm easily doing 30-40 unbroken double unders now!

    Corrine - how's married life? :heart:
  • Corinne_Bruce
    7/7/2011 WOD:

    800m run
    100m suicide

    3 rounds:
    12 front squats (85lbs)
    12 burpee pullups

    Time 9 min

    7/8/2011 WOD: "Diane"


    Deadlift (135lbs)
    HSPU (modified: walked up the wall for the 1st set 21 times then elevated pike pushup for the 15 and 9 rep)

    Today's workout sucked!!! I don't like being upside down plus I'm weak in the shoulders which made this one of the most challenging workouts for me :(

    Time 22 min :(

    XFitMojoMom: Married life is great, I'm just trying to find that balance without having to give up too much (i.e. crossfit) :D
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I was not feeling strong this morning...ugh

    Warmup: 800m run, 20 ring dips, 20 jumping jacks, 5 wall walks, 15 KTE


    On the minute each minute, 5 burpees, followed by thrusters to get to 100 total thrusters

    This was a really hard one, as burpees and thrusters are the WORST!

    I only used a 40lb bar too, the RX was 65 but there was no way that was happening.

    I finished in 23 minutes, had I used a heavier bar it would have been double that I think.

    Then the afterparty we did 3x 1-minute weighted planks with 35lbs.
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    So there was no way my shoulder was doing "DT" today so instead:

    Double Unders

    Score: 5:35 Rx'd! Sooooo happy about it. And what's funny is that I still broke on double unders. Which means I know that if I could ever get the double unders unbroken, I can get this in sub-5. I know this should be about competing against yourself, but the cherry on top is that is 1 second faster than the PR of an old coach who i had a falling out with. Brought a bit of a smile to my face. Awful I know.

    After Annie I did 5x10 Back squat (super light because my legs have been fried - 100#) and ran 15x100 m sprints.

    Hope everyone caps off the week well!

  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    7/8/11 WOD
    5 rounds
    50m overhead walking lunges 25lb
    21 burpees
    just over 20 minutes, forgot to check my time
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    Team WOD:

    20 min amrap

    1P - 500 m row
    2P - amrap - 3 burpees, 6 box jumps (20"), 9 KB swings (35#)

    My friend Emily and I were teamed up. We rowed 4,114 m and got in 19 rounds + 2 burpees of the 2P.

    It was a lot of fun but such a killer. And then a couple of us went for a 5 mile run afterward.

    But now i'm sooo looking forward to a rest day.
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    Today's WOD

    800 m run

    Power Snatch 75# for women, don't remember the men
    Box Jump 24"

    800 m run

    So b/c of my still wonderful rotator cuff I did Right Arm KB Snatch 26#, and 4:1 situps to T2B

    Time: 17:01

    Good workout overall
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I really enjoyed today's WOD!

    AMRAP 20 minutes

    10 push press (45lbs)
    10 kettlebell swings (25lbs)
    10 box jumps (18")

    Finished exactly 11 rounds. I was wiped. Almost didn't make those last 10 jumps.

    Then for the afterparty we did 3 rounds of 40m sprints.

    #1: 6.8 seconds
    #2: 6.6 seconds
    #3: 6.3 seconds
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    Hey - glad to hear there was interest in starting a thread! We are without a doubt, a special breed :glasses:

    Just to be clear - we can use this thread to post our daily WODS, talk about our PR's, our DNF's, and of course some of our goals. It would be nice to also share what nutrition plan you are following and the results you are seeing by eating this way. This is a place to encourage our peers - not a competition of who is faster or can lift heavier.

    Maybe we can start out by introducing ourself:

    where you live:
    Time CF'ing:
    Nutrition Plan:

    Looking forward to meeting you all and growing our 'community'...:drinker:

    Name: Maxwell or Max
    where you live: DC metro Area
    Time CF'ing: I've been following the CF community for a long time, but only recently started trying a few of the plan is to join my local CF next month (I'm quitting my gym tonight and want to finish out my old membership)
    Nutrition Plan: Haven't really decided to go with a specific diet
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    15 min AMRAP
    1 Rope Climb or 3 modified
    10 ring dips, modified with small orange band
    20 Wall Balls 14lb

    I was not feeling it today... 4 rounds + through 10 Wall Balls

    My knee is killing me. My IT band is a huge knot. I am done running more than 3 miles in a single stretch, too much for me.
  • mnext7e
    mnext7e Posts: 6
    Name: Missy
    where you live: Garfield NJ
    Time CF'ing: One month
    Nutrition Plan: Paleoish

    I honestly believe we are a special breed. I love CF and my Crossfit ACT Family. Off the bat they made me feel so welcomed. Of course the work outs kicked my *kitten* but the feeling you get after was amazing!.

    I'm so glad I found this thead!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    7/12 WOD

    21 Deadlifts 95lb
    50 air squats
    21 Push Press 45lb
    15 DL
    50 squats
    15 PP
    9 DL
    50 squats
    9 PP

    Knee is feeling better even after all those squats. The knot in my IT band is getting smaller too with rolling it out. Thank goodness!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Yesterday was my first day back to CrossFit after taking 5 days off (went out of town to be in my bestie's wedding) and WOAH was it a killer workout. One of our members is Ex-Marine and it was his 33rd birthday so he picked a Hero WOD.. "Chontosh" It was crazy hard and I almost threw up multiple times! I LOVE IT!

    3 rounds of 6 stations

    Everyone does max reps at a station while one person does walking DB lunges (20#) for 60 meters; then switch/rotate when lunges are done

    Other stations:
    renegade rows with push up (20#) (1 rep is both arms row and push up)
    ball slams (25#)
    DB push press (17.5#)
    KB swings (35#)

    Total reps by me: 259!
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    Today's WOD:

    15 min AMRAP

    10 burpees
    10 pullups (ring rows for me)

    Total: 9 Rounds + 3 burpees

    Only 2 1/2 more weeks until hopefully I'll be cleared to use my shoulder again!!!