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  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Another good one today! I feel like I am finally "getting" clean and jerks. I used to practically blow out my shoulder when I tried to do them but I am utilizing the leg factor much better now, and thus, can lift heavier.

    Strength: Overhead squat 3-3-3-1-1 (45, 50, 55, 65, 65)


    AMRAP 20 minutes

    7 Clean and Jerk (55lbs)
    14 dips
    21 knee to elbow (my grip was awful today!!! I had to stop after 5 every time to regrip) Ugh.

    Finished 5 rounds + 7 reps + 3 reps

    For the afterparty we did 3 rounds of 10 tire flips and 200 jumpropes for time. Dang those tires are HEAVY! Finished that in 9:20.

    Overall really nice workout. I felt great.
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Today was crazy ridiculous. I said words much worse than that while going through the WOD. :ohwell:


    3 rounds for time (yes, you read that right 3 flipping rounds)
    1000m row
    50 burpees
    50 box jumps (Rx 24", I used 12")
    800m run

    I did much better than I thought I was going to do. Based on my typical times vs others I have worked out with, I really thought I would be in the 75-80 minute range. I just had to keep moving...

    Thank goodness tomorrow is a rest day. I think I earned some sweet potato hash browns, eggs, and bacon for dinner! :bigsmile:
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    Bootcamp today, but it was a pretty hard workout. (It wasn't Small by any means, but it was still pretty tiring.)

    WOD 7/13
    "The 500"
    however you want to break it up
    *100 situps
    *100 kettlebell swings
    *100 box jumps
    *100 squats
    *100 jump ropes (I did mountain climbers)

    I did the situps all at once to start, but tried to break the rest up in to 4 sets of 25. Due to lack of equipment, I wound up doing 50 box jumps at the end.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Today was crazy ridiculous. I said words much worse than that while going through the WOD. :ohwell:


    3 rounds for time (yes, you read that right 3 flipping rounds)
    1000m row
    50 burpees
    50 box jumps (Rx 24", I used 12")
    800m run

    I did much better than I thought I was going to do. Based on my typical times vs others I have worked out with, I really thought I would be in the 75-80 minute range. I just had to keep moving...

    Thank goodness tomorrow is a rest day. I think I earned some sweet potato hash browns, eggs, and bacon for dinner! :bigsmile:

    HOLY $H!T that looks tough!!!
  • mnext7e
    mnext7e Posts: 6

    Hang Squat Cleans 65lbs, 3 reps
    Jumping push-ups, 7 reps
    Deadlift 65lbs 9 reps

    As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes

    I felt great after this WOD was done. :-)

  • Iluvchopsticks
    Iluvchopsticks Posts: 130 Member
    Every so often I come across a WOD that frustrates me to the point of tears. Yesterday was one of those days. I am not sure if it was the WOD that frustrated me or my self-conscious/shy personality. Many people stayed after the WOD and were watching as I finished last (typical, at least I finished :-) ) But sometimes that is the one thing I don't like about Crossfit, I don't like people watching me and then giving a half assed clap when I finished (like they had to or something). It made me mad, sad, frustrated, and I almost cried... Sorry for the rant...

    Tues WOD:
    800m run
    400m run backwards
    800m run
    400m run backwards

    I have no idea what is in store for me today... Definitely looking forward to a day off on Thursday! Plus I get to see my Dad which doesn't happen very often.

    I know this quote is old but I just found this thread and scanning through it I saw this. I did this workout Saturday and it almost killed me! I understand the frustration. My time was 19:09 (slowest in the box) but I was just so happy to finish it. Our 800 m route has a steep hill in it and kills me everytime. I was so upset with how slow I was and how much it hurt. It's nice to see someone who got rocked by that workout! At least I know I'm not alone. Oh and I hate it when people stand around and watch me as well. I know they are there for solidarity and encouragement but I have never liked any attention. I guess I need to get past that!

    And btw my name is Kimberly and I have been crosfitting about 2 months. I have never been athletic so this is such a challenge for me. I hate that I am usually near the bottom at our box on all the workouts but I don't let it get me down. I look at the small improvements I make (like using the 20 inch box jump instead of 14 today) and that keeps me going. I am definitely hooked and am excited that I finally found a workout program that keeps me motivated and doesn't bore me!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Today was crazy ridiculous. I said words much worse than that while going through the WOD. :ohwell:


    3 rounds for time (yes, you read that right 3 flipping rounds)
    1000m row
    50 burpees
    50 box jumps (Rx 24", I used 12")
    800m run

    I did much better than I thought I was going to do. Based on my typical times vs others I have worked out with, I really thought I would be in the 75-80 minute range. I just had to keep moving...

    Thank goodness tomorrow is a rest day. I think I earned some sweet potato hash browns, eggs, and bacon for dinner! :bigsmile:

    I did that one a couple of weeks ago. I remember at the last 800m run I was basically had no energy left after that one!!

    Today's was good again! I just did clean and jerk yesterday and thought I would be sore, but I actually added more weight. Yay!

    250m run
    power cleans (60#)
    handstand push ups

    Finished in 22:43.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    And btw my name is Kimberly and I have been crosfitting about 2 months. I have never been athletic so this is such a challenge for me. I hate that I am usually near the bottom at our box on all the workouts but I don't let it get me down. I look at the small improvements I make (like using the 20 inch box jump instead of 14 today) and that keeps me going. I am definitely hooked and am excited that I finally found a workout program that keeps me motivated and doesn't bore me!

    I used to always be the last one for 3-4 months...then I slowly progressed to somewhere in the I am usually top 5 depending on what the workout is (running is hard but I'm getting better at it). Stick with it, you'll find yourself gaining strength and getting better and better!
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    Welcome to the new comers!

    "Small" looks just plain evil.

    Today's WOD:

    4 Rounds
    10 Deadlift (225/155)
    20 Wall Balls (20# to the 10')

    Time: 8:59. Only hit the 8' line consistently. Not being able to raise my left arm over shoulder height made it impossible for me to get that stupid ball up.

    Did the WOD after a good 4 mile run.

    Loving it!

  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    And btw my name is Kimberly and I have been crosfitting about 2 months. I have never been athletic so this is such a challenge for me. I hate that I am usually near the bottom at our box on all the workouts but I don't let it get me down. I look at the small improvements I make (like using the 20 inch box jump instead of 14 today) and that keeps me going. I am definitely hooked and am excited that I finally found a workout program that keeps me motivated and doesn't bore me!

    Hi Kimberly. I'm usually the last one finished at my box, too. I'm also one of the most heavily modified. But I come every day I say I will be there, and I work hard and do my best. My box actually named me athlete of the month this month!

    It's the little improvements that always make me feel good, too. And that's part of why this works, I think. We start with what we can do, and keep making it a little harder and more challenging until eventually we can do it as Rx. I look forward to that day, but I know it's still a long way off.
  • Corinne_Bruce
    7.14.11 WOD:

    400m lunges
    400m backward run

    7.15.11 WOD: 21-15-9

    Squat Cleans (65lbs)
    Ring dips
  • mnext7e
    mnext7e Posts: 6
    Front Squat 1-10-1-20-1-30 reps

    Finally at 95lb
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Today was great!!


    20 deadlift (50#, which is 1/2 of what I usually lift but we had to use the bar for so many things I didn't have the time to switch it out)
    400m run
    20 kb swing (35#)
    400m run
    20 overhead squat (50#)
    400m run
    20 burpees
    400m run
    20 pullups
    400m run
    20 box jump
    400m run
    20 squat clean (50#)

  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    And btw my name is Kimberly and I have been crosfitting about 2 months. I have never been athletic so this is such a challenge for me. I hate that I am usually near the bottom at our box on all the workouts but I don't let it get me down. I look at the small improvements I make (like using the 20 inch box jump instead of 14 today) and that keeps me going. I am definitely hooked and am excited that I finally found a workout program that keeps me motivated and doesn't bore me!

    Hi Kimberly. I'm usually the last one finished at my box, too. I'm also one of the most heavily modified. But I come every day I say I will be there, and I work hard and do my best. My box actually named me athlete of the month this month!

    It's the little improvements that always make me feel good, too. And that's part of why this works, I think. We start with what we can do, and keep making it a little harder and more challenging until eventually we can do it as Rx. I look forward to that day, but I know it's still a long way off.

    Me too! I am at end of the pack and always modified (unless it is all body weight work). I still show up and give it my all.
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Today was great!!


    20 deadlift (50#, which is 1/2 of what I usually lift but we had to use the bar for so many things I didn't have the time to switch it out)
    400m run
    20 kb swing (35#)
    400m run
    20 overhead squat (50#)
    400m run
    20 burpees
    400m run
    20 pullups
    400m run
    20 box jump
    400m run
    20 squat clean (50#)


    This does look good, I think I would like this one!
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    This morning: 3.5 mile run.

    Today's WOD:


    Cal Row
    KB Swings (53/35)

    Total: 409 (35# KB Russian swings)

    Definitely happy with that score. Yes I was doing only Russian swings instead of to overhead lock out (stupid shoulder) but it was the 2nd best score in the gym by at least 10. PSYCHED!!!
  • Corinne_Bruce
    7/18/2011 WOD: Mini "MURPH"

    800m row
    50 pull-ups
    100 push-ups
    150 squats
    800m row

    And this was only half of the real "MURPH" workout... Boy this one killed me!!! I really wish they would of kept the 1 mile run, I prefer that over the row machine.

    Time: 27 min (Rx)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    7/18/11 WOD

    I hadn't done this one before, I liked it. Very cardio-ish, which was good considering I felt sore from 5 workouts last week!

    2 rounds for time

    200m run
    40 walking lunges with plate (25#)
    400m run
    60 double unders or 90 single jumpropes
    800m run
    30 toe to bar

    26:00 on the dot.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    7/18/2011 WOD: Mini "MURPH"

    800m row
    50 pull-ups
    100 push-ups
    150 squats
    800m row

    And this was only half of the real "MURPH" workout... Boy this one killed me!!! I really wish they would of kept the 1 mile run, I prefer that over the row machine.

    Time: 27 min (Rx)

    That's a good one, I have yet to do a real murph, I've only done one of the 1 mile runs (the beginning one). I think I could handle it this way with the rower though. The rower is great, it really works every muscle in your body! My trainer told us that is truly the best workout you can get overall from a machine.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I forgot to post my WOD from Saturday.. It was the coach's b-day so she made us do Burpees.. AMRAP.. I did 147 in 29 minutes.

    This weekend is Murph! I'm nervous!!