Community for CrossFitters, by Crossfitters & anyone interes



  • linsben
    linsben Posts: 108 Member
    Hi guys

    Confession.... I've been creeping your thread all day at work.
    i'm so interested in this now and i just looked up the closest crossfit gym. Its literally a 5 minute walk from my house and they have a free intro session every sat at 12. But one month of unlimited training is $225!!!! Holy cow!.

    I thought the $125-150 you guys were saying you paid was expensive but worth it. But $225 a month!?! Is that just because its Canada?

    I live in downtown Toronto and the gym is called the academy of lions. I already eat primal (not paleo) and work out farily often (mostly yoga). I've lost about 35 pounds since getting serious about losing in November. This seems like the next logical step. I'd love to feel like a part of a primal community and adapt the physical fitness that goes with it.

    Funny note. My roomates walked by this warehouse with crazy looking people pushing heavy objects and sprinting and hanging from bars. They joked together that that was where i went everynight after work cuz in their minds im serious into fitness ( i actually go to the YMCA up the road) When they showed me the place and told me about their joke, calling my name out and looking through the fence for me i thought they were nuts. THIS is the place i now wish i could afford to attend lol.

    You guys are all nuts in the best way! Keep being awesome and getting stronger.
  • carolinarollergirl
    The pullups were rough, as I knew they would be. I did mine for the first time with a band. (I used the green one.) I hate pullups, but I did them all. My left arm is really sore today. The right is a little sore, but not too bad. I also have a nice bruise across the back of my neck.

    Okay, my left arm still is hurting. Not a good sign. Straightening it out hurts, as does bending it all the way. In between those extremes, though, it feels okay.

    Ugh yes. I had that experience before and I really feel for you! It's because you didn't lock out your elbow at the bottom of the pullup. Lots of Bengay. Deadlifts the following day help too.
  • carolinarollergirl
    Hi guys

    Confession.... I've been creeping your thread all day at work.
    i'm so interested in this now and i just looked up the closest crossfit gym. Its literally a 5 minute walk from my house and they have a free intro session every sat at 12. But one month of unlimited training is $225!!!! Holy cow!.

    I thought the $125-150 you guys were saying you paid was expensive but worth it. But $225 a month!?! Is that just because its Canada?

    I live in downtown Toronto and the gym is called the academy of lions. I already eat primal (not paleo) and work out farily often (mostly yoga). I've lost about 35 pounds since getting serious about losing in November. This seems like the next logical step. I'd love to feel like a part of a primal community and adapt the physical fitness that goes with it.

    Funny note. My roomates walked by this warehouse with crazy looking people pushing heavy objects and sprinting and hanging from bars. They joked together that that was where i went everynight after work cuz in their minds im serious into fitness ( i actually go to the YMCA up the road) When they showed me the place and told me about their joke, calling my name out and looking through the fence for me i thought they were nuts. THIS is the place i now wish i could afford to attend lol.

    You guys are all nuts in the best way! Keep being awesome and getting stronger.

    Welcome! And oooh yeah... $225 is ridonk. But you probably don't need to start at unlimited classes anyway. When I started, I went 1x a week for a month and then gradually, over the course of a few months, got addicted. Even now, I only go 4x a week.

    It is so much fun and I hope you can find some way to join in. If you can do crossfit, you can do anything.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    WOD 8/17 bootcamp style

    * 4 laps (80m each)
    * 100 squats for time (She did this to put us in groups approximately of the same strength)

    * 50 kettlebell flip squats (8Kg)
    * 50 pushups (while waiting for the rest in my group to finish, I had to do step ups on the high box. I did 22. I did my pushups really lowly and encouraged the others in my group on)
    * 50 kettlebell high pull (25lbs)

    10-1 with a partner, both at the same time, one doing situps, one doing burpees then alternate. only rest is after situps because they're so much quicker than burpees. (My partner and I did 10 and 9, and I did 8 pushups before the trainer called time.)
  • Corinne_Bruce
    Hi guys

    Confession.... I've been creeping your thread all day at work.
    i'm so interested in this now and i just looked up the closest crossfit gym. Its literally a 5 minute walk from my house and they have a free intro session every sat at 12. But one month of unlimited training is $225!!!! Holy cow!.

    I thought the $125-150 you guys were saying you paid was expensive but worth it. But $225 a month!?! Is that just because its Canada?

    I live in downtown Toronto and the gym is called the academy of lions. I already eat primal (not paleo) and work out farily often (mostly yoga). I've lost about 35 pounds since getting serious about losing in November. This seems like the next logical step. I'd love to feel like a part of a primal community and adapt the physical fitness that goes with it.

    Funny note. My roomates walked by this warehouse with crazy looking people pushing heavy objects and sprinting and hanging from bars. They joked together that that was where i went everynight after work cuz in their minds im serious into fitness ( i actually go to the YMCA up the road) When they showed me the place and told me about their joke, calling my name out and looking through the fence for me i thought they were nuts. THIS is the place i now wish i could afford to attend lol.

    You guys are all nuts in the best way! Keep being awesome and getting stronger.

    Wow $225, that's crazy!!! I can justify me paying $135 per month because I workout 6 days a week which mean I pay about 5 dollars per session. To me that's cheap since I'm basically getting a personal trainer each day I workout for 5 dollars. It would be very difficult to justify $225, I would honestly give it up if it was that high. We have an option at our gym that allows us to visit 2-3 times a week for $30 per month. Do they have similar options? You can also do the workouts on your own (at least the WODS that are mainly body weight exercises). Also, is that the only CrossFit gym near you?
  • Corinne_Bruce
    8/16/2011 WOD:

    -Kettlebell Swings (30lb)

    -Squat Snatch 35 lbs, 40 lbs, 40 lbs, 45 lbs, and 50 lbs

    8/17/2011 WOD:

    5 min AMRAP
    -21 Double Unders
    -7 Ring Dips

    4.8 rounds completed

    -Hang Squat Clean 45 lbs, 55 lbs, 75 lbs, 80 lbs, and 85 lbs
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    The pullups were rough, as I knew they would be. I did mine for the first time with a band. (I used the green one.) I hate pullups, but I did them all. My left arm is really sore today. The right is a little sore, but not too bad. I also have a nice bruise across the back of my neck.

    Okay, my left arm still is hurting. Not a good sign. Straightening it out hurts, as does bending it all the way. In between those extremes, though, it feels okay.

    After a Pull-up/burpee fest I could not straighten my arms for 3-4 days. They also were extremely swollen. I got worried and called my trainer. He suggested icing the swollen/sore areas and it worked. Anytime I am sore inside of my arm at the elbow bend after pull-ups, I ice now and it does the trick.
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Wed 8/17
    Front squat max
    1 max - 10 reps @70%- 1 max - 20 reps @60% - 1 max - 30 reps @50%
    During the reps, you had to go all the way through all reps without dropping. You could rest at the top but if you dropped your weight, you take a fail.


    I am so proud of myself that I can do 100lb max front squat. I had no idea I could lift that much! I have trouble in WODs with front squats at 65lbs but typically we are doing many many front squats. When I look at 100lb in reality that is 2.5 large bags of dog food. Amazing!!
  • frenchprairiegirl
    frenchprairiegirl Posts: 173 Member
  • carolinarollergirl
    21-15-9 FT

    Ring Dips
    Kettlebell Swings
    Goblet Squats - w/ same kettlebell

    Ugh. Ring Dips.
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    8/18 Barbara!
    5 rounds, 3 min rest in between rounds
    20 Pull-ups (med grey/thin blue bands)
    30 Push-ups modified
    40 sit-ups
    50 air squats
    5:55, 6:19, 6:56, 6:52, 6:36/ Total time = 44:51, my individual times may be off by a few sec.

    Everyone in the class are WAY smaller than me weight wise and I killed them. I love when that happens! Sorry for gloating. Also, this week I feel really good. I think I am getting normal sleep since kicking my naughty cat out of the bedroom and outside, the grains I ingested over vacation may have finally left my system, and my diet has been pretty good this week... I love feeling this way!
  • Corinne_Bruce

    Deadlifts (90% max): 175lbs


    25 deadlifts (100lb)
    50 pull- ups
    25 deadlifts

    Time: 6:24 (rx)
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Today is a well deserved rest day. Tomorrow I am taking part in the Portland Oyster Urban Adventure Race. It is like a mini-Amazing Race around the city of Portland, we will be biking, running, and solving clues. Should be super fun and lots of action!
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    After yesterday's much needed rest day:

    5x5 Push Jerk (85, 85, 85, 85, 90)
    5X5 Deadlift (185, 185, 185, 185, 205) - pretty happy about this since back in April my 1 rep max was 205


    Double Unders

    Time: 5:26 - New PR!!!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Awesome time!!

    So I took Dr.'s advice and rested this week. The knee feels tight, but no soreness going up or down stairs. Squatting however is still challenging. I'm going to go ahead and make the appointment for the MRI since I don't think this is just bursitis. I'm going to go back to training next week, of course limiting the running, squatting and box jumps - well, there is always 1 legged box jumps!!
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    This morning:

    Nucor 5K - 26:24. not my greatest by far (stupid hill the last mile), but since all the fast people slept in...2nd place overall female! booya! :P

    Followed By:


    3 rounds

    500 m row
    burpee broadjumps - basketball court and back
    suicide run

    Time: 17:31

    Yay Saturday!
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    WOD 8/19
    EMOTM 20
    * 5 thrusters (30lbs)
    * 4 situps
    * 3 pullups

    1 mile run

    My legs were so sore from earlier this week still (Wednesday WOD and O-lifting and back squats yesterday) that I was really having trouble with my thrusters. I had to scale those down after a few rounds to 4 instead of 5 because I just wasn't keeping up and I was only having a couple of seconds of rest at the end of the minute.

    I also don't run, so I rowed 1750m instead. (It was supposed to be 2000m, but I thought everyone was back from their run so I stopped. It turned out that there were still 2 people that got back after I stopped, but it was enough for me anyway.)

    Surprisingly, my legs are feeling better today than they have in days. I have made a decision that this fall when the gym schedule settles back to normal I'm going to switch from bootcamp MW O-lift Th CrossFit F to bootcamp M CrossFit TuF and O-lift on Th. That'll give me only two days in a row instead of three. My legs just can't handle weeks where it's three days in a row of hard leg work at this point. I'll miss being with my bootcamp people 2 days a week, but it's just going to be better for me.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member

    Double Unders

    That's they were doing at my gym this morning. Yucky. (I really hate when they post the workout beforehand because there are just times I wouldn't go. This is one of them.)
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    8/22 WOD: Bear Complex

    5 rounds NOT for time of:
    Front squat
    Push press
    Back squat
    Push press
    7 times though is one round

    Weights: 33-43-53-63-73#

    OD: 200m runs with 35# KB, then 30 swings (3 times)
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    Why do I always forget about this thread? You guys are beasts. I'm still trying to get back in to the swing of things after too much vacation this summer. My strength is down, my endurance sucks and my confidence is shot.

    PAM!!! Remind me to keep checking this thread!