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  • Corinne_Bruce
    8/8/2011 WOD:

    Deadlift 5-5-5



    3 ROUNDS

    15 Hang Power Cleans (75lbs)
    15 Burpees
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    8/4/2011 WOD:

    "CrossFit Games Masters Workout"

    10 HSPU
    20 Wall balls (14lbs 10 feet)
    30 T2B
    40 Power cleans (65lbs)
    50 Burpees
    60 SDHP (40lbs)

    Time: 18 min

    Did this with a sore back (I'm hoping it's just sore and not hurt) so I modified the HSPU with pike push-ups off 24in box. The Rx weight for the power cleans was 95lbs but my back couldn't take it. The Rx for the SDHP was 53lbs and again b/c of my back I couldn't do anything heavier. With my time I would have been in the 65+ age group, knowing that is very humbling. But I have a lot of time to improve :smile:

    Did this one today. Toe-to-bar takes me FOREVER.

    10 HSPU
    20 Wall balls (20/14)
    30 T2B
    40 Power cleans (135/95)
    50 Burpees
    60 SDLHP (75/55)

    Time: 18:02 min (3 abmats for HSPU), 14# WB, 85# PC, 55#SDLHP

    Kind of mad I didn't go ahead and do 95# for the Power cleans. I ripped through the 40 pretty quickly and my coach looked at me like "tsk tsk you're stronger than that" when he saw I did 85. I guess I was just intimidated by the 40 reps, which is silly since I do "Grace" (30 95# Clean & Jerk for time) in just under 4 min.

    Followed the WOD up with a 2 mile run and 5x10 pullups on the assisted pullup machine. Gotta get this upper body stronger now that I can finally use it again!
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    8/4/2011 WOD:

    "CrossFit Games Masters Workout"

    10 HSPU
    20 Wall balls (14lbs 10 feet)
    30 T2B
    40 Power cleans (65lbs)
    50 Burpees
    60 SDHP (40lbs)

    Time: 18 min

    Did this with a sore back (I'm hoping it's just sore and not hurt) so I modified the HSPU with pike push-ups off 24in box. The Rx weight for the power cleans was 95lbs but my back couldn't take it. The Rx for the SDHP was 53lbs and again b/c of my back I couldn't do anything heavier. With my time I would have been in the 65+ age group, knowing that is very humbling. But I have a lot of time to improve :smile:

    Did this one today. Toe-to-bar takes me FOREVER.

    10 HSPU
    20 Wall balls (20/14)
    30 T2B
    40 Power cleans (135/95)
    50 Burpees
    60 SDLHP (75/55)

    Time: 18:02 min (3 abmats for HSPU), 14# WB, 85# PC, 55#SDLHP

    Kind of mad I didn't go ahead and do 95# for the Power cleans. I ripped through the 40 pretty quickly and my coach looked at me like "tsk tsk you're stronger than that" when he saw I did 85. I guess I was just intimidated by the 40 reps, which is silly since I do "Grace" (30 95# Clean & Jerk for time) in just under 4 min.

    Followed the WOD up with a 2 mile run and 5x10 pullups on the assisted pullup machine. Gotta get this upper body stronger now that I can finally use it again!

    It was the first time I'd ever done toe-to-bar, and they're not a strength for me, to say the least. Ugh. Then again, I can't do a pullup yet, or more than 3 L-hangs or t2b at a time. I'm still too heavy and weak as a kitten. Heck, kittens may be stronger. However, I did do HSPU for the very first time where I actually did the pushup part, at least a little bit.
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    I am back from vacation! Well sort of... I am resting one more day before I start my WODs back up. I took about 2.5 weeks off. It is going to be rough.

    You all looking like you have been kicking butt! Keep it up.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Robin - ask to do a crossfit total - you'll be AMAZED at home much stronger you are!

    40 power cleans at 85# Wow, it would take me 18 minutes just to do that. My 1RM for a power clean is 115 and it's a really dirty clean.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    WOD 8/8
    Fight Gone Bad
    my score: 185

    That's better than my previous score. I forgot how hard that workout is.
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    Just curious how many of you CroffFitters go to a CrossFit gym or how many of you do the workouts at home. I consider my fitness level to be okay, but I am new to a lot of the different exercises used in the WOD's. I'm planning on joining a CrossFit gym very soon, but it's kind of expensive. Just wondering how successful I would be doing it on my own once I get up to speed with the different exercises used. Thanks!
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I go to a box. I couldn't do it without a class. I have trouble doing any sort of exercise that isn't a class. That's just me, though.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I'm at an affiliate as well. It is expensive - my husband points that out to me all the time, but it's simple in my view: do you spend 5 dollars on a fancy coffee, then 8-10 dollars on lunch everyday? make the adjustment, skip 3 lunches and brown bag it and there are your fees. If you want it bad enough, you'll make the adjustments needed to make it work for you.

    As for getting your fitness up before you start - don't bother - just go and do the WODs to your ability. That's the beauty to it, you can scale/modify the WODs to your ability and as you get strong you will notice you no longer have to.

    Good Luck!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I'm at an affiliate as well. It is expensive - my husband points that out to me all the time, but it's simple in my view: do you spend 5 dollars on a fancy coffee, then 8-10 dollars on lunch everyday? make the adjustment, skip 3 lunches and brown bag it and there are your fees. If you want it bad enough, you'll make the adjustments needed to make it work for you.

    As for getting your fitness up before you start - don't bother - just go and do the WODs to your ability. That's the beauty to it, you can scale/modify the WODs to your ability and as you get strong you will notice you no longer have to.

    Good Luck!

    I agree! Ours is $160 a month, no matter if you come once or 30 times. I get in arguments with my fiance but I simply point out that he golfs in leauges 3x a week and buys 2 red bulls and eats out almost daily. I have given up everything I love pretty much, besides an occasional splurge! It's worth it to me and this is where I want to spend my money! =)

    WOD for 8/8

    Back squats: I was able to easily do 8 at 175#.. I think I need to bump up my weights. . A friend was telling me that an old CrossFit coach of hers said if you're not sore daily then you're not doing enough. Also, she said to go no more than 2-3 days in a row. What do you guys think?

    1600m run then 50 air squats, 800m run then 50 squats, 600 m run then 50 squats, 400m run then 50 squats ALL while carrying a 15# ball. Time: 27:35.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I agree! Ours is $160 a month, no matter if you come once or 30 times. I get in arguments with my fiance but I simply point out that he golfs in leauges 3x a week and buys 2 red bulls and eats out almost daily. I have given up everything I love pretty much, besides an occasional splurge! It's worth it to me and this is where I want to spend my money! =)

    I'm really lucky that ours is only $110 a month. However, I'm actually not paying that yet, because I do their offsite bootcamp and I'm only paying $145 for 12 weeks (2 classes a week) and as a bootcamper, they offer a discount on their punchcard to $10/class. I am quickly running out of punches on my punchcards, so I think I'm just going to talk to them about next time we start a session about signing up monthly at the box and still going to bootcamp without paying the fee for that. (They also have an awesome policy for bootcamp that if we miss a class we can make it up at the box. I missed several in the first session because I was sick and then out of town, so that was how I got my first taste of real CrossFit. Last night I actually just went to the box instead of bootcamp because I wanted to do Fight Gone Bad.)
  • carolinarollergirl
    I couldn't do it at home either. I really need someone in my face telling me that I will not quit. Even on Karen. My BF used to do what was essentially crossfit at home. I begged and pleaded for him to join my box and he did and it kicks his *kitten* harder than he could kick his own *kitten*. We pay $165 a month for the first person and like $125 for the second. It's expensive, yes, but we eat 95% of our meals at home.

    8/8 WOD
    3 rounds
    200m Run
    3 min. AMRAP
    8 Ground-to-Overhead (G-2-O) 95/65)
    8 Burpees

    Rest 30 seconds – as group run 200m run
    Rest 30 seconds – as a group begin 3 min. AMRAP
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Kerri - 175 on a back squat x 8 is really good!!! My 1Rm before screwing my knee was 185. Yesterday we were supposed to do 85%/BW but hell no! I don't think I undertrained either. DOMS from yesterday's WOD is setting in.... and after today's I should be toast tomorrow!

    PS - I go 4-5 times a week, rest weekends. I don't think I'm overtraining, but I've learned that every 6 weeks, I have to take 1 week off.

    Aug 9th WOD
    KBS (24kg)
    RING HSPU (did on the box)

    3 x 60 sec max # T-drill sprints

    Mini Fran
    Thrusters (65lbs)
    Pull Ups
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    Name: Stacey
    where you live: Cibolo, TX
    Time CF'ing: 1st class tonight
    Nutrition Plan:

    I started WW in May 2010, lost 50+ lbs, increased my running & biking endurance & started home weight lifting a year ago. I am ready for some guidance and structured weight training. I am in the maintenance stage of my journey. I am also really anxious about tonight. Very nervous! :embarassed:
  • Corinne_Bruce
    PS - I go 4-5 times a week, rest weekends. I don't think I'm overtraining, but I've learned that every 6 weeks, I have to take 1 week off.

    I'm guilty of overtraining so I'm forcing myself to take a few days off this week (including today). I love the workouts and how I feel after completing them so I usually attend 6 days a week. But last week my coaches noticed me struggling in workouts and advised me to take a few days off. Sometimes I forget that rest is a very important part of training. :smile:
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Welcome back WOD!

    15 minute AMRAP
    5 Pull-ups
    10 Push-ups
    15 Air Squats
    200m run
    4 rounds completed - I was a sad sight today, LOL!! Silly vacation...
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    8/9/11 WOD "..and on to the next one"

    Warm up:
    400m run x2
    20 goblet squats with 35# KB x2
    40 walking lunges with 1 arm 20# KB
    30 pullups

    Practice double unders for 5 minutes


    30 overhead KB swings with 35#, then
    30 box jumps for time (2:45)
    --2 minute break--
    AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
    10 knees to elbows and
    20 double unders (8.5 rounds for me)
    --3 minute break--
    3 rounds of:
    400m run
    15 power clean with 75# (no breaks)
    THEN for every rep in the 12 minutes drill you subtract a second
    My total time was 31:19 minus 4:30 = 26:41 I think if I did math correctly (lol) which had me at 3rd out of 40+ men and woman with 2 classes still to go! =)
  • carolinarollergirl
    200m sprint
    100m spiderman lunges
    200m bear crawls
    100m crabs
    DUs for 2 min

    FS 3-3-1-1-1 (127 LBS; 133 LBS; Failed at 137 LBS WOOT!)
    FT: 800m run; 200 DUs; 100 Jumping Jacks - 6:16
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Aug 10th WOD

    Warm Up
    500 m row
    10 spiderman steps, 10 good mornings, 10 sec samson stretch, 10 shoulder dislocates, 10OHS, 10 Push ups, 10 ring dips, 10 leg swings

    10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Strict Pull Ups (scaled to supine ring row)
    10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100 double unders


    Run 800 m for time
    (DNF - did only 400)

    100 burpees for time
    :noway: :sick:
    *NO WAY!!
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    As far as the previous discussion about whether you do it at home or at a box - I couldn't do it at home or at a regular gym. Some WOD's yeah because they're body only but I enjoy being at the box. There's an extra set of eyes watching you to make sure you're doing it right ... and I like being around other people with the "common goal" ...

    My question to you guys now is for the fundamentals/skills - did you take classes prior to being grouped into the regular sessions or what? If you did how long or how many did you take? My basic knowledge or simple understanding is there; my lifts are a huge thing to practice - which obviously I prefer to do there. I started with 10 classes (7 deep) of beginner where they focus on some skills and then a WOD. My issue with this is I've repeated things multiple times that I already have a competency on and they've neglected other things .... I've heard of some box's having a skill sheet check list (which I wish we had) because I was told I'd only need a few beginner classes before I could hang with the rest (based on knowledge/ability). So here I am almost done with my 10 classes and there's a lot of the lifts I've never done.

    As far as scheduling goes - they have beginner classes that you sign up for - and based on who signs up is supposedly how they tailor that workout ... I just kind of wish it was predetermined ahead of time because sometimes I feel like I'm wasting my classes ...