Community for CrossFitters, by Crossfitters & anyone interes



  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member

    100 burpees for time
    :noway: :sick:
    *NO WAY!!

    Love it. Whenever someone gets to super griping in our gym about burpees, we have them (yes I have done this) do 100 burpees FT once a week until the griping stops. Also if you say Gigi's or Cupcakes = 100 burpees. So much fun :P
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    So I was moving this week (super fun going from a 2nd floor apt to a 3rd floor one down the street - never been so happy to be a fit CrossFitter to able to do this!). This means no internet so i haven't logged in. But looks like y'all've been doing awesome.

    Tuesday's WOD:

    4x500 m row, 3 min rest

    My splits: 1:59, 1;58, 2:00, 2;05

    Idk why but this is always a super awful WOD going all out for 500 m. Followed it up with a 2 mile run.

    Yesterday's WOD:

    3 min rest

    Thrusters (95/65)
    Box Jumps (24/20")

    My box did this on Thursday doing just the 21-15-9. Because I missed Wed & Thurs I did it down and up with 35# to loosen up my legs after all that moving.

    This AM:

    7 mile run, 2 hr recovery and about to head to the box. We'll see what's in store for our Saturday funday!

    Have a great weekend!
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I hate knowing what the WOD is before I go. It's ones like today that make me not want to go.

    WOD: 40, 30, 20, 10 pullups, jumping back squats (45/65#)

    I hate pullups. I'm going, but I'm going to whine about it.

    I really try not to look before I go. Otherwise I pysch myself out. I gotta ask though, what the heck is a "jumping" back squat? That doesn't sound pleasant!

    You jump at the top of your squat, like you would for a jumping squat, but with weight.

    Jumping hurt my shins too much (bad shin splints) so I just did back squats, but I did them Rx. I think I could have actually put another 10lbs on. (Funny, some of the men in class did it with 45lbs, and I was thinking I could have done more. I usually think of myself as the wimp in class.)

    The pullups were rough, as I knew they would be. I did mine for the first time with a band. (I used the green one.) I hate pullups, but I did them all. My left arm is really sore today. The right is a little sore, but not too bad. I also have a nice bruise across the back of my neck.

    I finished in 18:28. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I wasn't the last one done by over a minute, too!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Are any of you using CrossFit as a means to lose weight/lose inches? I've been at it for 2 months now.. I have gained 8# and gained inches all over, specifically 1.5 in my shoulders, 1 in my hips, .5 each arm and 1 each thigh.. I'm just so stumped! I am reconsidering all of this. I still have about 20# until I reach my goal.. I was hoping this would be a fun, crazy way to lose but even though I am stronger, that doesn't really help me out LOL.. I am a therapist so it's not like I need strength to help my job or anything. Just thought I'd bring this up and see if any other ladies are feeling the same OR if you've stuck it out and seen long-term results. Feel free to message me! =)
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    Are any of you using CrossFit as a means to lose weight/lose inches? I've been at it for 2 months now.. I have gained 8# and gained inches all over, specifically 1.5 in my shoulders, 1 in my hips, .5 each arm and 1 each thigh.. I'm just so stumped! I am reconsidering all of this. I still have about 20# until I reach my goal.. I was hoping this would be a fun, crazy way to lose but even though I am stronger, that doesn't really help me out LOL.. I am a therapist so it's not like I need strength to help my job or anything. Just thought I'd bring this up and see if any other ladies are feeling the same OR if you've stuck it out and seen long-term results. Feel free to message me! =)

    I've been losing weight and inches since I started, but I also had/have a lot to lose. (I did gain in my thigh the last time I took measurements, but I've lost a lot of fat from there and now they're a lot more toned.)

    Did you have any real muscle before you started CrossFit?
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    The pullups were rough, as I knew they would be. I did mine for the first time with a band. (I used the green one.) I hate pullups, but I did them all. My left arm is really sore today. The right is a little sore, but not too bad. I also have a nice bruise across the back of my neck.

    Okay, my left arm still is hurting. Not a good sign. Straightening it out hurts, as does bending it all the way. In between those extremes, though, it feels okay.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Are any of you using CrossFit as a means to lose weight/lose inches? I've been at it for 2 months now.. I have gained 8# and gained inches all over, specifically 1.5 in my shoulders, 1 in my hips, .5 each arm and 1 each thigh.. I'm just so stumped! I am reconsidering all of this. I still have about 20# until I reach my goal.. I was hoping this would be a fun, crazy way to lose but even though I am stronger, that doesn't really help me out LOL.. I am a therapist so it's not like I need strength to help my job or anything. Just thought I'd bring this up and see if any other ladies are feeling the same OR if you've stuck it out and seen long-term results. Feel free to message me! =)

    Kerri - I think I've lost on my waist, but I saw a candid photo of myself and I felt I looked huge. That said, I do feel like my body composition has changed. I can't say I lost weight, not the weight I'd like to see myself lose. I have 30+ pounds to lose, and with the intense workouts and lifestyle (mom to a almost 4 year old and 5 year old) I'm always on the move. My nutrition is pretty spot on, I am human and have some cheats but the weight should really be melting off.
    That said, I am insulin resistant (even with a clean diet) and that makes things a little more difficult to lose weight and I store fat around my belly. Today is my annual physical - I'm hoping to get some answers because I'm seriously frustrated.
  • Corinne_Bruce

    Strict Press- 27-34-40 (light week)


    800m run w/14lb med ball
    100 box jumps (20 inch box)
    800m run w/14lb med ball

    Time: 15:57

    This is the first workout for me since my week off, I feel great and I'm glad I allowed myself to rest.

    Kerri- I'm up 7lbs since joining CrossFit but my body is toned and muscular now, so I’m definitely a lot leaner. I haven't been tracking inches lost but I know I'm losing inches because I'm 2 dress sizes down since joining. I hate the fact that the scale isn't moving but I'm definitely getting toned and that's all I really care about. This week I’m adding back in some running because we don't do enough at my box. Before we joined the owner advised us if we were interested in losing a lot of weight in a short amount of time, then CrossFit is not the place to do it. You will lose weight but it will take some time since you are gaining muscle in the process.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    To answer the question been asked, I have also gained some weight, but good weight! I look better. I have gained 5# total since starting a year ago, but I have dropped body fat % and stayed in the same clothes (except some of the shirts which are too tight around my shoulders).

    Today's was one of my least favorites...FRAN!

    Warmup: 800m run, 20 squats, 20 ring rows, 20 back extensions, 20 abmat situps
    Strength: We did conditioning today, shoulder disloates in a btb squat, WAY harder than they look! 4 sets of 5 reps.

    WOD: Fran

    Thrusters (50#, RX was 65# but 50 was more than enough)

    Then we did Tabata after party, jump rope and v situps, 4 min each
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    well, the short term results from today's physical weren't that great. They said I gained 3 pounds and 1.4 cms on my waist (bad place for me since I'm metabolically challenged)... I was pretty shocked when they said I gained weight because I remember being 9 pounds HEAVIER last year.
    BP was kind of high (may have to do a 48 hr BP test) (140/90)
    and worse is no CrossFit for 2 weeks while I take anti-inflammatory's for my knee. If it's a simple inflammation then the celebrex should cure it. Xrays were taken and I have the paperwork to get an MRI done.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    WOD 8/15 - boot camp style

    * 2 laps
    * 30 situps
    * 15 squats
    * 5 pushups

    777 Fight Gone Bad
    4 rounds, 2 minutes rest between rounds
    * push press (30lbs)
    * shoot throughs(?) We only had two sets of parallelettes, so I did just dips and pushups instead.
    * wallball (10lbs)
    * Sumo dead lift high pull (35lbs)
    * box jumps (low box)

    I'm not sure, but I think that it's easier to do 4 rounds with a 2 minute rest than 3 rounds with 1 minute rest. All I know is that I'm completely wiped out now.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Bob Harper from the Biggest Loser tweeted that he did a CrossFit WOD yesterday and it buried him. I think we are about to see some CF come to BL, Hopefully they'll get Miranda Oldroyd as a new trainer ;o)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Bob Harper from the Biggest Loser tweeted that he did a CrossFit WOD yesterday and it buried him. I think we are about to see some CF come to BL, Hopefully they'll get Miranda Oldroyd as a new trainer ;o)

    They kind of already do some stuff, like wall ball shots, and sprinting and stuff like that. They do a whole lot of extra cardio though, which of course is necessary since they need to drop a lot of weight.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    and worse is no CrossFit for 2 weeks while I take anti-inflammatory's for my knee.

    Boo! Sorry to hear that, but at least you're on the road to recovery.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    and worse is no CrossFit for 2 weeks while I take anti-inflammatory's for my knee.

    Boo! Sorry to hear that, but at least you're on the road to recovery.

    Let's hope - have the requisition for MRI, which will determine if it's worse than bursitis. Lots of elliptical for me. I dropped by my box yesterday evening and left a watermelon, but my trainer promised me not to give me any lower body. I may still go in because I know the elliptical will get old real fast, and I'm really not equipped for the psychological withdrawal...
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    Let's hope - have the requisition for MRI, which will determine if it's worse than bursitis. Lots of elliptical for me. I dropped by my box yesterday evening and left a watermelon, but my trainer promised me not to give me any lower body. I may still go in because I know the elliptical will get old real fast, and I'm really not equipped for the psychological withdrawal...

    That's great that your trainer is willing to work with you like that. It does mean a lot of extra work to modify WODs so you can do them. I think you should go.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I think I'm going to finish up CrossFit through the end of this month and then re-evaluate. I am running a half marathon on Oct 3rd, and I need to kick up my training for that.. it's hard to get in cardio on XF days and even my off days I need to rest my whole body. I am thinking about taking a few months off, kicking up the cardio to lose some actual weight and inches and then starting XF up again down the road. I hope to get in 2 good days of lifting at the gym, nothing as intense as XF but hopefully enough to not lose my muscles I've built.

    WOD 8/15/11:

    3 rounds for time:
    Squat cleans (85#, almost Rx) 15 reps
    30 ring push-ups

    time of 14:50
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Mon 8/15
    21 Pull-ups
    21 HSPU modified
    18 PU
    18 HSPU
    15, 12, 9, 6, 3
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Welcome back WOD!

    15 minute AMRAP
    5 Pull-ups
    10 Push-ups
    15 Air Squats
    200m run
    4 rounds completed - I was a sad sight today, LOL!! Silly vacation...

    Nice little half-Cindy + run today...i like it!!! Do you do flash pushups (hand-release)? After so many competitions, they're the only kind of pushups our coaches let us do anymore. Which makes WODs like Angie (hello 100 flash pushups) SUCK!

    Sometimes we do hand release but most of the time it is basic push-ups.
  • totalimageguy
    totalimageguy Posts: 62 Member
    3 rounds for time of: 800 m Run 15 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 95 lbs 15 Burpees Post total time.