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  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    WOD 8/10
    EMOTM 20
    5 SDLHP 35lbs
    5 burpees

    Yea. that didn't happen. I had to cut the burpees to 3 so that I would have any rest time in a minute.

    But I did finally figure out what I'm doing wrong on SDLHP and fix it. That's good. I also am going to have a really nice set of bruises across my chest from where the kettlebell was hitting me at the top of the high pull.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member

    My question to you guys now is for the fundamentals/skills - did you take classes prior to being grouped into the regular sessions or what? If you did how long or how many did you take? My basic knowledge or simple understanding is there; my lifts are a huge thing to practice - which obviously I prefer to do there. I started with 10 classes (7 deep) of beginner where they focus on some skills and then a WOD. My issue with this is I've repeated things multiple times that I already have a competency on and they've neglected other things .... I've heard of some box's having a skill sheet check list (which I wish we had) because I was told I'd only need a few beginner classes before I could hang with the rest (based on knowledge/ability). So here I am almost done with my 10 classes and there's a lot of the lifts I've never done.

    1 month/3x week fundamentals class before moving forward. Taught you the basics of the lifts, as well as the WOD's. Why not suggest the skill sheet check list?
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member

    My question to you guys now is for the fundamentals/skills - did you take classes prior to being grouped into the regular sessions or what? If you did how long or how many did you take? My basic knowledge or simple understanding is there; my lifts are a huge thing to practice - which obviously I prefer to do there. I started with 10 classes (7 deep) of beginner where they focus on some skills and then a WOD. My issue with this is I've repeated things multiple times that I already have a competency on and they've neglected other things .... I've heard of some box's having a skill sheet check list (which I wish we had) because I was told I'd only need a few beginner classes before I could hang with the rest (based on knowledge/ability). So here I am almost done with my 10 classes and there's a lot of the lifts I've never done.

    1 month/3x week fundamentals class before moving forward. Taught you the basics of the lifts, as well as the WOD's. Why not suggest the skill sheet check list?

    Second that, if you think it would help then make the suggestion. CrossFit is about the workout, but it is also a social/community workout...If they are interested in the idea tell them you've heard of some other boxes that have checklists/sign-offs and that you'll investigate. I'm betting mine wouldn't have a problem sending the template.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    We don't have but one "intro class" which is where you learn to do a push up, pull up, sit up and air squat.. You do a baseline test and that's it. Every class is so small (they offer 8 classes a day) so that the coaches are able to focus on you during the skill set if needed.

    Yesterday's WOD:
    Team WOD:

    5 Rounds, count reps (but not 28 throw overs)
    1. 28 throw-over's with 14# ball (throw over the cage that we do pull ups on, it's about 8 or so feet high) while the partner does pushups
    2. 28 throw-over's with 14# ball while the partner does sit ups
    3. 28 throw-over's with 14# ball while the partner does box jumps 20" box
    4. 28 throw-over's with 14# ball while the partner does renegade rows with 20# dumbells
    5. 28 throw-over's with 14# ball while the partner does ball slams with 20# ball

    Took us 21:18 and we did 323 reps!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    kerri - when you throw over, it's is the same movement as a wall ball?
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    No, at least I found it was near impossible to run under the bar and catch the ball on its way down with a wall ball form. One girl did though! I chose a right-arm dominant toss (see basketball lay up shot) and it was way easier that way... still damn tough though. The guys with the 20# Rx were struggling big time. 14 was hard, but I couldn't even get the 20 over the bar!
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    No, at least I found it was near impossible to run under the bar and catch the ball on its way down with a wall ball form. One girl did though! I chose a right-arm dominant toss (see basketball lay up shot) and it was way easier that way... still damn tough though. The guys with the 20# Rx were struggling big time. 14 was hard, but I couldn't even get the 20 over the bar!

    I've never done those, but they sound rough.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    We don't have but one "intro class" which is where you learn to do a push up, pull up, sit up and air squat.. You do a baseline test and that's it. Every class is so small (they offer 8 classes a day) so that the coaches are able to focus on you during the skill set if needed.

    We don't have an intro class at all, but most of the classes are pretty small so the trainers can work with people that need extra help on a skill, or have never done a specific skill before. (It is a little difficult when new people come in to a WOD with a lot of skills like FGB or that one from Friday with handstand pushups, wallball, toes to bar, power cleans, burpees and sumo deadlift high pulls.....)
  • carolinarollergirl
    My question to you guys now is for the fundamentals/skills - did you take classes prior to being grouped into the regular sessions or what? If you did how long or how many did you take? My basic knowledge or simple understanding is there; my lifts are a huge thing to practice - which obviously I prefer to do there. I started with 10 classes (7 deep) of beginner where they focus on some skills and then a WOD. My issue with this is I've repeated things multiple times that I already have a competency on and they've neglected other things .... I've heard of some box's having a skill sheet check list (which I wish we had) because I was told I'd only need a few beginner classes before I could hang with the rest (based on knowledge/ability). So here I am almost done with my 10 classes and there's a lot of the lifts I've never done.

    To do ANY WOD at my box, you have to complete a 3-day "foundations" class where you learn every single lift. I think it's a great idea and I've felt confident tackling any WOD they put in front of me because I know I have a strong foundation.

    If you've crossfitted before you join my box, you have to "test out" of the foundations classes.
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Wed WOD:

    5 rounds for time
    400m run (more like trot for me, LOL!)
    20 Deadlifts 100lb Rx for women, woot!!
    20 hand release Push-ups, modified
    10 DL
    10 PU

    This was freaking hard! Second day back after taking 2.5 weeks off for vacation. I seriously considered a DNF mid way through Round 3. Instead, I slowed it down so I wouldn't puke. I definitely sweated out a ton of toxins yesterday, I probably smelled like a saloon. LOL!!! Most important is that I finished even if it seemed like an eternity :-)

    Thursday is a rest day, my body is sore...
  • Corinne_Bruce
    Wed WOD:

    5 rounds for time
    400m run (more like trot for me, LOL!)
    20 Deadlifts 100lb Rx for women, woot!!
    20 hand release Push-ups, modified
    10 DL
    10 PU

    This was freaking hard! Second day back after taking 2.5 weeks off for vacation. I seriously considered a DNF mid way through Round 3. Instead, I slowed it down so I wouldn't puke. I definitely sweated out a ton of toxins yesterday, I probably smelled like a saloon. LOL!!! Most important is that I finished even if it seemed like an eternity :-)

    Thursday is a rest day, my body is sore...

    We did this evil workout a few weeks ago and it was BRUTAL!!! Great job!!!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I don't know why and I just recently discovered, I find hand release push ups a little easier than regular push ups. Maybe it's the loss of range in my shoulder, but I just find I have more power from the ground up. 20 x 5 would still've killed me though ;o)
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    I'm in the process of following up to try and get a check list and bang out the last of the skills in 3 classes. Our beginner classes only allow 6 people usually (if people do the right thing and sign up) Obviously the smaller the more focus it is. Most things I "excel" at or have a good understanding of movement and form ... but I'd like to finish the lifts so I can move forward and get more from my workouts. It is my money.

    I'll keep pushing and try to make sure we complete the skills I haven't done yet; but at the same time I don't want to be bossy? I don't know. I'll figure it out =) Thanks!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    WOD 8/12
    Strength: Deadlift 5-5-3-3-1 (45,65,85,105,125)

    3 rounds
    400m run
    20 overhead squats (40#, still working on these, they are awkward for me)

    Suicide runs (25m, 50m, 75m, 100m)
    50 burpee broad jumps

  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    20 overhead squats (40#, still working on these, they are awkward for me)

    Overhead squats are hard. Balancing them is weird.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I got to my box this a.m. and the wod was 1 mile run, 2km row, 1 mile run. I turned around and started back for my truck. My trainer said she can find me something (Sorry, after the 550 double unders, the back squats, the thrusters, the KBS - my knee is totally wrecked and my calve muscles are strung so tight.)
    She did manage to find me something I could suffer through and take longer than a 5K...

    Aug 12th WOD
    100 V-Sits
    100 V-Outs (did 80)


    10 minute AMRAP rope ascents (modified: ground up to down x 3 = 1 ascent)
    10 + 1 Ascents

    So much for family picnik tug-o-war tomorrow. I probably won't be able to move the rest of my body
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    100 Pull-ups (used med gray and small blue bands)
    100 Push-ups
    100 Sit-ups
    100 Air Squats
    29:13, no breaking up into smaller sets

    Last time I did Angie in November I got 25:10. However, I have gotten stronger!! :-D In Nov, I was using the thickest black band and red band together. Even though my time went up, I am pretty proud of my improvement!
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    I hate knowing what the WOD is before I go. It's ones like today that make me not want to go.

    WOD: 40, 30, 20, 10 pullups, jumping back squats (45/65#)

    I hate pullups. I'm going, but I'm going to whine about it.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I hate knowing what the WOD is before I go. It's ones like today that make me not want to go.

    WOD: 40, 30, 20, 10 pullups, jumping back squats (45/65#)

    I hate pullups. I'm going, but I'm going to whine about it.

    I really try not to look before I go. Otherwise I pysch myself out. I gotta ask though, what the heck is a "jumping" back squat? That doesn't sound pleasant!
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    Welcome back WOD!

    15 minute AMRAP
    5 Pull-ups
    10 Push-ups
    15 Air Squats
    200m run
    4 rounds completed - I was a sad sight today, LOL!! Silly vacation...

    Nice little half-Cindy + run today...i like it!!! Do you do flash pushups (hand-release)? After so many competitions, they're the only kind of pushups our coaches let us do anymore. Which makes WODs like Angie (hello 100 flash pushups) SUCK!