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  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Friday was Nancy. I had never done that one before.

    5 rounds
    400m run
    Overhead squats 45lb

    Taking today off, I think. Will workout Tues/Wed then I am on vacation until August. Thank goodness!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I forgot to post my WOD from Saturday.. It was the coach's b-day so she made us do Burpees.. AMRAP.. I did 147 in 29 minutes.

    This weekend is Murph! I'm nervous!!

    YUCK. To me that sounds about the worst WOD possible! I LOATHE burpees.
  • Corinne_Bruce
    I forgot to post my WOD from Saturday.. It was the coach's b-day so she made us do Burpees.. AMRAP.. I did 147 in 29 minutes.

    This weekend is Murph! I'm nervous!!

    Good luck!!! We did a modified version today and I can't imagine doing the real deal!!! I feel great now though :smile:

    Oh and AMRAP burpees sounds awful!!! Great job!
  • Corinne_Bruce
    7/18/2011 WOD: Mini "MURPH"

    800m row
    50 pull-ups
    100 push-ups
    150 squats
    800m row

    And this was only half of the real "MURPH" workout... Boy this one killed me!!! I really wish they would of kept the 1 mile run, I prefer that over the row machine.

    Time: 27 min (Rx)

    That's a good one, I have yet to do a real murph, I've only done one of the 1 mile runs (the beginning one). I think I could handle it this way with the rower though. The rower is great, it really works every muscle in your body! My trainer told us that is truly the best workout you can get overall from a machine.

    Yea, the rower is great for a full body workout, and I think I like running better because I'm stronger at running. I just hope we don't have the real murph any time soon!!! :smile:
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Yea. Those burpees were tough!!!!
    Murph is Saturday. I got this!!

    Today's WOD:

    Minute 0-4, 400m run and AMRAP clean and jerk (52#)
    rest 1 minute
    Minutes 5-9, 400 run and AMRAP box jumps (20")
    rest 1 min
    Minutes 10-14, 400m run and AMRAP toes to elbows
    rest 1 min
    15-19, 400 run, AMRAP kettle bell swings (35#)
    rest 1 min
    Min 20-24, 400m run, AMRAP DB push press's (17.5#)

    I did:
    19 reps
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    WOD 7/18

    With a partner, resting while partner does their reps
    5x10 pushups
    5x10 squats
    50 ball toss (I would have liked to use heavier, but we used the 10lbs ball because my partner hurt her wrist)
    5x10 jumping lunges
    5x10 thrusters

    and for our trainer's birthday week, we did 36 burpees. We have the same trainer tomorrow, so I imagine we'll do 36 more then. Plus, it's someone else's birthday on Wednesday, so I bet we'll do hers as well. (Although this is the same trainer who had us do 91 for my birthday......)
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    For some weird reason, I am ok with Murph. I have done it 3 times now and I think we have an understanding :tongue:

    Tues 7/19 WOD
    Badger - another new one for me, don't really care to do it again!
    3 rounds
    30 Power Cleans 45lb
    30 Pullups (mid grey/small red bands)
    800m run
    46+ min (don't remember the seconds)
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member

    3 mile run followed by:

    10 min skill work ( I did pistols)

    "Death by Thrusters" (115/75)

    With a continuously running clock, perform 1 thruster the 1st minute, 2 thrusters the 2nd minute, etc. Continue until you cannot perform the allotted number of thrusters in 1 minute.

    Yay! I was actually able to do low weight thrusters. Yes I'm supposed to be out for another 2 weeks, but I reasoned my way around it.

    Total: 12 Rounds + 12 (55#)


    5 mile run

    Followed by:

    20 min amrap

    6 deadlift 225/170
    7 burpee pullup
    10 kb swing 70/53
    200m run

    Total: 6 Rounds + 6 + 5 (170#, Burpee Box jumps, 53#KB)

    Pretty darn happy about that.

    And then another 2 miles.

  • Corinne_Bruce
    7/19/11 WOD:

    800m row
    2-fers wall balls (15)

    Followed by:

    SDHP (44lbs)
    Box jumps (24in)

    Time: 5:59


    2 min AMRAP Strict Press (45lbs)
    2 min AMRAP Front Squats (60lbs)
    800m run w/ 10 lb medicine ball
    2 min AMRAP Strict Press (45lbs)
    2 min AMRAP Front Squats (60lbs)

    Reps: 18/20, 16/16

    Front squat weight was not heavy enough but I didn't mind! :smile:
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    For some weird reason, I am ok with Murph. I have done it 3 times now and I think we have an understanding :tongue:

    Tues 7/19 WOD
    Badger - another new one for me, don't really care to do it again!
    3 rounds
    30 Power Cleans 45lb
    30 Pullups (mid grey/small red bands)
    800m run
    46+ min (don't remember the seconds)

    Sorry, Badger is squat cleans not power cleans.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Wow there are some good ones lately!

    I enjoyed today's again!

    WOD: "Double Barrell Shotgun"
    2 WOD'S - 15 minute time limit each WOD

    # 1
    Back Squat 21-15-9 (65#)
    Run/Row 200m after first set, Run/Row 400m after second set, Run/Row 800m after third set (I ran first 2 and rowed last as my legs were jello)

    Time: 10:30

    Rest 5 minutes & ready your weight.

    # 2

    Push Jerks 21-15-9 (55#)
    Double Unders 25-50-75 or singles 75-150-225

    Time: 10:39
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Yesterday's warm up was just as hard as the WOD!

    3 rounds of:
    20 ball slams with 20# ball
    30 seconds of the "rope" (where you make it look like a slithering snake!)
    20 ring pullups
    400m run

    10 thrusters (53#)
    50 double unders with jumprope
    8 thrusters
    40 DU
    6 thrusters
    30 DU
    4 thrusters
    20 DU
    2 thrusters
    10 DU

    12:37 total time
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Today was CrossFit Total
    Max weight found for the following:
    back squat: 165#
    shoulder press: 77#
    deadlift: 175#

  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Wed 7/20
    3 rounds:
    50 Double Unders (I modify to single x3)
    25 Wall Ball 2 for 1 (12lb ball)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Today was CrossFit Total
    Max weight found for the following:
    back squat: 165#
    shoulder press: 77#
    deadlift: 175#


    Whoa, nice lifts there lady!
  • Corinne_Bruce
    7/22/11 WOD:

    45 Shoulder Dislocations
    30 Push-ups
    30 Pull-ups
    30 Air squats


    Back squats (85lbs)
    Knees to elbows


    800m run
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Hey all - back from vacation!! I can't say I ate very poorly, but I drank copious amounts of alcohol... I'm up 6 pounds, but 3 I'm sure is bloat thanks to TOM (Sorry guys)...

    I did two WOD's while away... barely enough, but I was active during the day, wave jumping and throwing my 40 lb kids through the air, over the waves.

    Back to my WOD's this morning - sense of excitement and dread all mixed into one.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Saturday's WOD:

    Took me 62:15

    We broke the 100/200/300 into 20 rounds of 5/10/15. After round 17 I had to take a break in between each of the remaining. I felt very light headed and dizzy! =( Not sure if it was the intensity of Murph, the fact that it was 90+ out, the fact that I had a hat on (maybe keeping in heat?) or that I'm just outta shape! My first mile was 8 minutes and second was 12 minutes. Either way, I'm bummed it took me over an hour. I was the "slowest" girl by a couple minutes. However, only about 10 girls did the full Murph, A LOT did the half Murph. So I guess I'm proud to have even tried it (it was my first time!)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    ^^^ I have never had the pleasure of doing Murph. I tend to somehow always miss those... :glasses:

    Today was good. Sometimes I feel like the warmups are just as hard as the workouts!!

    400m row, 20 squats, 20 lunges, 20 situps, 30 shoulder dislocates, 15 pushups

    Strength: Front squat 5-5-3-3-1
    45#, 65#, 85#, 105#, 115#

    3 rounds for time:
    Run 400m
    21 kb swings (30#)
    12 pullups

    Then afterwards we did 100 situps
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Monday July 25th WOD

    Pull Up Ladder (12)

    Strength: Find your 1RM Front Squat (150)
    then 2 x 2 - 30lbs

    I was a mazed I could do it with my knee being so bad. It popped everytime I went into a deep squat, but I PR'd my front squat by 10 lbs... Imagine what I could do with a good knee?