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  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Corrine - I always tape my wrists, especially on front squats, push press, cleans. Helps a lot. I have a cyst in my right wrist that flares up if I don't... and I think just OLD AGE ALONE, my joints are getting creaky and needs a little support :laugh:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    JUNE 13th WOD
    15 min AMRAP
    1 Rope Ascent (3 x modified)
    10 ring dips
    20 wall balls (20/14)

    4 rounds

    STRENGTH: Squat cleans
    find your 1 RM (115#)
    *2x2 -20 lbs of 1 RM
    *2x2 -40lbs of 1 RM
  • Corinne_Bruce
    Corrine - I always tape my wrists, especially on front squats, push press, cleans. Helps a lot. I have a cyst in my right wrist that flares up if I don't... and I think just OLD AGE ALONE, my joints are getting creaky and needs a little support :laugh:

    :smile: Thanks, I will have to try that!!
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Did any of you ever have soreness in your wrists? Last week was heavy in cleans, front squats, thrusters, bear crawls, and handstands. I was wondering if it was just because of last week's workouts that my wrists are sore or if I have poor form on the lifts. Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks

    My wrists are always sore. I don't tape them but I definitely stretch them out before/after.
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    I can't pull up and my box refuses to let us use bands for anything. I'm going to buy my own and put up a pull up bar in my gym or garage and practice.

    I understand why they don't allow them because some people will never work towards doing the real thing. But I do feel they help especially when you are not even close to being able to pull yourself up. I started off using the thick bands which pretty much do the work for you then I transitioned to the very thin bands which provides only a little bit of help. Every day after the WOD, I just hang on the bar and work on the kipping motion and try to do as many pull-ups without the band. So overall I think they are helpful as long as you are moving towards doing them on your own. Our gym frowns upon the bands too, but they still let us use them.

    My box allows bands and I am very thankful. I have already moved up (improved) in bands. They are getting thinner!! We use them for dips on the rings, too.
  • AnnieP13
    AnnieP13 Posts: 8 Member
    Ohhhh My. Today's WOD was the Hero "Small". This thing kicked my *kitten*.

    Three rounds for time of:
    Row 1000 meters
    50 Burpees
    50 Box jumps, 24" box
    Run 800 meters

    We subbed 100 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls for the 1k row with a 45lb bar.

    This was brutal!!

    My time was 53:48 - and all I could think was "I'd rather be doing Murph. Badger. ANYTHING." But then made myself remember that it was a HERO WOD, and that helped me refocus and push through. Ooooph.
  • Corinne_Bruce
    Ohhhh My. Today's WOD was the Hero "Small". This thing kicked my *kitten*.

    Three rounds for time of:
    Row 1000 meters
    50 Burpees
    50 Box jumps, 24" box
    Run 800 meters

    We subbed 100 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls for the 1k row with a 45lb bar.

    This was brutal!!

    My time was 53:48 - and all I could think was "I'd rather be doing Murph. Badger. ANYTHING." But then made myself remember that it was a HERO WOD, and that helped me refocus and push through. Ooooph.

    Oh my!!! I haven't had to do this WOD yet and I'm not looking forward to it!
  • AnnieP13
    AnnieP13 Posts: 8 Member
    Oh my!!! I haven't had to do this WOD yet and I'm not looking forward to it!

    Just be ready to be humbled :) But I will say I felt pretty freaking incredible once it was done! Crossfit freaks? Yes we are!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Did you do the 24" box??? We did something similar minus the box jumps last week, but it was burpees onto plates. Good for u focusing on the bigger picture! And I blame the endorphins :laugh:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    June 15th WOD
    21 DL (155)
    50 Squats
    21 Push Press (95)
    15 DL
    50 Squats
    15 Push Press
    9 DL
    50 Squats
    9 Push Press
    20:46 Rx'd

    SKILLS - Athletes choice *work on weakness*
    practiced pull up hold, negatives
    TTB (up to 3 consecutive)
    HSPU (lower myself 3-4 inches and push up, not head to mat)
    headstand to handstand - (not strong enough)
  • Corinne_Bruce
    Yesterday's WOD: "Helen"
    3 rounds:
    400m run
    21 kettlebell swings (44lbs)
    12 pullups

    Time 14 min

    My first full workout doing kipping pull-ups with no modifications, I am getting stronger. :smile:
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    June 15 WOD:
    3 rounds
    500m row
    50 push press 45lb bar
    30 kb swing 1 pood
    10 pull-ups band assisted (grey, thin black)

    A little sluggish today. I took a week off to spend with my Dad. Too much alcohol was consumed, totally felt it today.
  • Corinne_Bruce
    Yesterday's WOD:
    20 wall balls (14lbs, 10 feet)
    400m run
    20 wall balls
    40m inch worm + pike push ups
    20 wall balls
    20 wall balls
    30 tuck jumps

    Time: 17 min

    What a horrible workout!!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    ANYTHING with Wall Balls absolutely sucks (hairy balls)

    June 16th WOD
    Rowing Intervals
    4 x 30 s @ 120%/500m race pace - Rest 90 s
    4 x 45 s @ 110%/500 m race pace - rest 2:30
    2 x 1:15 @ race pace - rest 2:00

    SKILL - Athlete's choice
    Bench Press 5-5-3-3-1
    45 lbs warm up - 103lbs
  • newbiecs2011
    Name: Cristina
    where you live: Texas
    Time CF'ing: About 1 yr
    Nutrition Plan: Well, I've tried many things. I've grown much stronger by doing CrossFit, but I can't seem to get the fat off. I carry most of my weight around my midsection and I know that's got to be a symptom of my fluctuating diet. My trainer always says, "if you want to lose weight, cut off an arm." They are adamant about not counting calories. I tried doing all protein and amino shakes for about a month and trimmed down some, but not enough to keep that up for any longer. Plus, without weighing myself I had no idea if it was really doing anything because I was just so bloated all the time. I tried Paleo, but I lost my zest for cooking when my apartment always smelled like meat...I just joined MFP today because I am just convinced that maybe I'm different than everyone else at the gym and I need to count some calories! So, at this point I'm just trying to focus on mostly protein and fiber intake however I can get it so I can continue to see improvements in my WODs but also in my waist line! I hope I see some results by counting everything because, as my past indicates, my sweet tooth will get the best of me if I don't see some results!
  • newbiecs2011
    Do y'all enter your WODs in your log and if so, is there an average calorie burn you enter and do you actually try to consume all of the extra calories it says you "earned"?
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Hi Cristina - Welcome. Firstly - that is crazy about your affiliate won't let you count calories. There are some boxes like that out here - only allowing a Paleo diet - most members left and found our box. Our box advocates 1 size does not fit all: highlights the good parts of eating Primal, but insists you find something that works for you.
    By storing around your mid-section, sounds like you may be Insulin resistant. I'm cut my carbs down to about 12-15% of my daily allowance, I allow the dairy I enjoy eating but have pretty much cut out fruit because of the sugars.

    I wear a HRM - so I enter my WOD as a new workout and enter the calories. I think some people use the "circuit training" option for a close estimate of what you are burning.

  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member

    medicine ball cleans (14lb)
    push-ups modified
    kettlebell swings (1 pood)
    Total: 24

    I really like Tabata's. I think it is the short bursts of work and a small rest that works well for me.
  • Corinne_Bruce
    June 18th WOD:
    300 double unders + 5 burpees every other minute until finished

    Time: 20 minutes
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    Last night's WOD

    run 1 mile - I don't run, so I rowed 1500m instead

    AMRAP 15
    5 KB Sotts Press (each side) (I ended up using the 10lbs KB. I could have done more on the right side, but not the left, and I didn't want to be unbalanced)
    10 split squats
    15 American KB swings (I started with the 25 and switched to 20. I was just too out of breath.)

    I did 5 rounds. Since I'm recovering from a head cold that has gone to my lungs, and I'm battling terrible allergies, I figure this isn't too bad.