25 TO LIFE! September



  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    yyyaaaay jen!! you are really looking awesome! you will be at 135 before you know it!!
    i am so anxious to get smaller before my wedding!
    i am aiming for six months away, but will wait an entire year if worst comes to worse. the place i chose determines when, so pray for me that they have something open in april!!

    i don't know if it is feasible for me to think i can get back down to 135 anymore :explode: my body seems to be perfectly happy at 158-160 and i am just struggling to get that scale down! One thing i have not done lately is measure myself. I have waited a long time, hoping that i would finally get some results, but in all honesty, my measurements have barely budged since i started the site! I think my body has kinda just reproportioned itself, and like you guys, MY BUTT IS GONE. grr!! i didnt have one when i was heavier, so now i really dont!

    anyway, i got a past due raise at work today so i am trying to look on the bright side, time to change up that routine and trick my body! time for 5 days of cardio a week!!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    That's awesome, Jen - you are on a roll! I'll be sure to keep my eyes on the news broadcasts.... :laugh:

    And congrats, Em, on your raise - hooray! Good luck getting the place you want for your wedding - although, I can say, I think September is a great month for weddings, too! :tongue: (my anniversary is next week)
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    WTG Jen and Em both of you should be very proud of yourself. Both of you inspire me. I am 188 now and cant wait to be 150 (or less).
    I am back on track and being very good and not going over my calories. It has been a hard couple of weeks. Have a great day everyone. :bigsmile:
  • kerridwen
    Hey - back from camping and catching up!

    Congatz sparkles!! (:

    And way to go Jen!! You and Cp and everyone else on here are such great positive motivation!!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Happy Monday, No weigh in this week have a visitor and never get on the scale then. But Friday I did and lost a pound which I was very suprized. Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great day.:bigsmile:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    hi allll! well I just wanted to tell you guys how excited I am..we finally got to set our wedding date! So as of April 18 2009 I will officially be Emily Moss!!

    i also plan to weigh this afternoon, so i will let yall know
  • kerridwen
    Hey everyone! Hope things are going well.

    Been extra rigid on the calories and have increased weekly exercise totals. I'll start weighing again this week I think....:D :D
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Sorry I have not been checking in very busy at work and no time at night on the computer at home. But I am doing good walking everyday and eating the wrong foods but sticking to calories for the most part. Well back to work. Will check in later.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Congratulations, Emily on setting a date! Today is my anniversary. :bigsmile:

    Sorry I haven't checked in for a bit. I think I have lost some weight, but it's been a little hard to tell what is a real loss now that things have slowed down. So close to 50 pounds gone!

    I have tanked a bit on workouts this week - I think I burned myself out a little bit last week, and then got frustrated with the scale. I will try and get back on track tomorrow!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Guilty here too.
    Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Been busy last week with trying to get the tag sale stuff ready. Then trying to get rid of the tag sale leftovers. And I have 2 mailings going out today and 2 next week, so I'm busy trying to do them. I'm also trying to get Disney stuff ready for next week. I think I gained a pound or two last week due to not being able to go to the gym and having to stay home all day fri & sat for the tag sale and eating take out (not bad, Subway and Roly Poly), nevertheless, I didn't lose.
    A month away from my reunion. I'd really like to lose some more before then.
    My ticker lies I think, I'm not changing it though. If I gain, I just don't put my weight in the check in until I lose past what I was.
    Don 't think I can go to the gym today, and am going to try and consign all the baby stuff tomorrow, so i'll be making trips to the store, probably won't be able to go to the gym then either.
    We'll see how I fee/do!
  • kerridwen
    Got a great hike in this week and have another planned for this weekend! I'm pleased with that. Nightly walks are going well, Minnie loves all this exercise! I'm thinking of trying to lose more than a pound a week - maybe the change will jumpstart things?
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Well this week has been rough on all of us. I hope to be back on my healthy foods by tonight little financial problem and it was cheaper to eat the bad foods. Only went over my calories twice this week but I wont weigh in until Tom goes away. :grumble: It is nice to know I can come on and feel better just checking in with everyone. It is so hard to stick to eating healthy sometimes. But I am very proud of myself at this point last time I tried to loose weight I ended up quiting and gained it all back. This time I dont feel that way and cant wait to get back to eating healthy. I have to thank MFP friends for that. Thanks :drinker: :drinker: Have a great day.:bigsmile:
  • kerridwen
    You're so right sindy!!!! Stumbling across this group (and other like-minded people) has been such a Godsend!!


    Thanks guys!! :D

    (only 24 calories over today, after going down to losing 1 1/2 lbs per week! <- I'm going to keep reporting to try to keep myself on track, I need the jump start!)
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Happy Friday everyone. Hope today starts off great. I am staying on track today back to the healthy foods I come to love. Going out to eat tonight for a early birthday dinner with the girls and I am saving calories for that. Its a fish place so it wont be too bad. I dont want to be 42 but I dont have an age I would like to do over again :laugh: :laugh: Well have a great day :drinker:
  • kerridwen
    Wow Sindy I would not have guessed 42!!!

    Happy almost birthday! :D

  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    HI everybody. Happy birthday, Sindy! According to Douglass Adams (author of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series), "42" is the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything - so it's a birthday I'd look forward to! :laugh: Hope you had a great time.

    I also love MFP and all the support here. You guys are fun, inspiring, and help make me feel accountable for sticking with it! :love:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Thank you Kerri and Cp. 42 is not too bad,I think I had a worse time on my 40th but had a great time with the girls Friday night. Was bad and went over calories by 200 (did not plan for the drinks) Have not lost any weight this week but just getting over tom. Back on track today. Have a great day :drinker:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    hey yall! well its monday again,
    i am back from charleston, where my best friend had her wedding. it went great!
    i will link you guys to my facebook album for it...let me know if you can view it..i am not sure if you hve to be a member of facebook to view albums or not...
    i was up all night sick to my stomach, and so i will be sad if i still feel aweful this afternoon, because i do NOT want to miss zumba! I missed it on friday because of the drive down to charleston. we will see...
  • kerridwen
    Whew, another nice weight check for me! Almost back down to the 180. I have no idea how I put on that much weight in a week, but it's taken forever to undo it!

    The added cal reduction has been awesome.

    Enjoy your vacation Jen and sounds like you had a good time Sparkles!

    Hope everyone's doing great!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    I will weigh in on Monday, but I know what you are saying Kerri. I have put on and lost the same 3 pounds for the last coupleof weeks. Hope it is just water it would be nice to show a little loss this week. But back on track. Have a good day :bigsmile: