Is it fair to fine fat people for not dieting?



  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    I've not had the time to ready EVERY single post on this thread, tho I've read the great majority. So if someone suggested this already, my apologies. I think that America needs a sensible health-care program that covers ALL citizens. And if that were the case, in order to off-set the cost I would not have a problem with them taxing things that are bad for you with a luxury tax. The same way they tax the hell outta cigarets (which I'm all for - raise the cost to $20/pack for all I care). Tax sugar & starched flour. Tax heavily processed foods. Go for it - I think it's great. But do NOT TAX FAT PEOPLE! Do you really think we need yet ANOTHER reason to stigmatize us?? I'm 5'5 and 42 years old. The insurance charts (which are the charts posted in Doc offices) say I should weigh no more than 150. When I told my primary care physician (back in the glorious 90's when I had insurance) that I wanted to be on an appetite suppressant called Meridia she asked how much I wanted to weigh. I told her 150. She grabbed me by the wrist and said "If you try to get down to 150 I will have u hospitalized!! See this wrist? Use your other hand and try to make a circle around it with your thumb & pointer finger." So I tried. I couldn't make it - the wrist was too thick. She said "You are BIG BONED. You would not be healthy at that weight. You be happy with a number that starts with 1." So there's no "golden #" that people should aim for based on height. Even using BMI is a fallacy - it was never intended to be used the way it is. ( )

    I only have one question for people with this mentality, Who decides what is healthy? Tax animal fat? Tax wheat? Tax apples? I bet every food you can think of I can find someone, some study, that says it's bad for you?

    That's a great point. I bet the gov't could spend YEARS in committee on that one! I mentioned sugar & starched flour since they're in most things that are stumbling blocks to me. But since this is a "FREE COUNTRY" (giggle giggle) I guess it's best we leave everyone the right to buy what they want. ;-)
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    After reading this article, I would say this sounds like a horrible idea. The person who said "This proposal targets only the working poor and elderly..." has it right. Why would we fine only the people on Medicaid and not everyone else. I think it's stupid to fine people for being unhealthy in the first place, but this idea is even worse. And how can we fine poor people for being unhealthy? They can't afford to eat the fresh produce, it's too expensive. They have to buy the frozen and canned food, which isn't always a good choice.
    I also think it's a bad idea to fine people for being overweight and then reward them for meeting their slimming are we saving money if we just spend it again? That's just absurd.
  • Andee08
    Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
    How about the government just stays out of our lives? As free individuals we have the right to choose what we eat, it is up to the individual to decide what they put in their mouths. If I want to waste away on McDonalds (YUCK!) that is my choice or if I want to eat organic fruits and veggies that is my choice as well. The only place where the government should have a say is if it is a program they fund, for example school lunches. Now those need to be made healthier.
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    How about the government just stays out of our lives? As free individuals we have the right to choose what we eat, it is up to the individual to decide what they put in their mouths. If I want to waste away on McDonalds (YUCK!) that is my choice or if I want to eat organic fruits and veggies that is my choice as well. The only place where the government should have a say is if it is a program they fund, for example school lunches. Now those need to be made healthier.

    Hallelujah! Amen! Where's the freakin LIKE button??!! lol :-)
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    How about the government just stays out of our lives? As free individuals we have the right to choose what we eat, it is up to the individual to decide what they put in their mouths. If I want to waste away on McDonalds (YUCK!) that is my choice or if I want to eat organic fruits and veggies that is my choice as well. The only place where the government should have a say is if it is a program they fund, for example school lunches. Now those need to be made healthier.

    Hallelujah! Amen! Where's the freakin LIKE button??!! lol :-)

    The government does control medicaid... That is a government ran program, that people get for FREEEEEEE! that is the whole deal. myself and millions of others are paying out our back sides for people to have gastric bypass surgery, get obesity caused diabetes medication and other medical things for free. The same thing goes with liver and lung transplants for those who smoke and drink away their organs. they should have to pay extra back into the system if they are unwilling to make a lifestyle change. that is what this article and bill is all about. They are watching out for those who are paying taxes to take care of those who refuse to take care of themselves.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    Maybe it shouldn't be so much in fining the people who are overweight at rewarding the people to exercise, eat right and take care of themselves. I rarely go to the Dr. and am not on any kind of maintenance medications. Why should I have to pay the same insurance premiums as others who do not take care of themselves. Maybe if you reward people by offering them a discount for good behavior that might help.

    Amen!! I actually try very hard to stay healthy. I seldom ever go to the doctor...Yet do I have health insurance?...No. Why?...because I cannot afford it. I cannot afford to have me family protected and we're all active. Now if premiums dropped because we're active and healthy that be different. I also believe that the school systems need to do more about making sure kids are educated to the extreme on life style choices and activities and nutrition. The younger the better!!! Also I agree natural foods should be much cheaper and easier to come by instead of processed chemical "foods." It is a choice we all make-Yes- but low income families can go farther with a dollar at Wendy's than they can at Whole Foods. If produce was cheaper though may parents would make the healthier choice AT LEAST for their childeren! So then they don't ahve childhood obesity and health problems and learn from the beginning how to eat correctly and stay active.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Glad to see you're all keeping the debate respectful (continue to do so, please :bigsmile: ).

    Just a reminder to try to keep the political arguments out of it. If it gets too political, we'll have to shut it down.

    Thanks for your cooperation.
    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    just to throw another log on the fire here

    If its right to fine FAT people cos they can not or will not diet

    how about people with eating disorders ? that can not or will not eat.

    And before you say it, yes i do understand that people with non eating disorders will say they are ill etc...... but some one with an OVER eating disorder could say the same???

  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    just to throw another log on the fire here

    If its right to fine FAT people cos they can not or will not diet

    how about people with eating disorders ? that can not or will not eat.

    And before you say it, yes i do understand that people with non eating disorders will say they are ill etc...... but some one with an OVER eating disorder could say the same???


    If they are getting gov assistance that the tax payers pay for,and refuse all help offered yes.Same for smokers drinkers.I wish I could get some kind of assistance for medical,it breaks my heart when my kids get sick and I have a hard time paying for their medican.or paying 100 dollars for a dr vist at urgent care,and then another 100 to 200 hundred for perscriptions.I would gladly pay 50 dollars a year in fines.But I also would have no problems accepting the help and making the effort to quit smoking ect
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    just to throw another log on the fire here

    If its right to fine FAT people cos they can not or will not diet

    how about people with eating disorders ? that can not or will not eat.

    And before you say it, yes i do understand that people with non eating disorders will say they are ill etc...... but some one with an OVER eating disorder could say the same???


    If they are getting gov assistance that the tax payers pay for,and refuse all help offered yes.

    and thats the point ! if hey refuse help... then it must be classed as "self harm" and you are responsible
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    Did anyone read the artical at all? They are talking about people who get FREE health care from the state and welfare.Not people that pay for there own insurance or get it through work.
    They want to fine them 50 bucks a year to help pay back some of the costs.
    I think that is GREAT why should I have to pay for all of their health care when I can not even afford it for myself?

    Fear and Loathing is right. This is not a fine for being fat. It is a fine to those who are on free medicade for not following medical advice. I think it is perfectly fine, if your Dr is telling you to do something to live a healthier life and you don't do that - why should everyone else pay for all your health issues? What I get from this is, ok if your fat as long as you are trying to live a healthy lifestyle. Eventually that will lead to you losing weight but it is not like you will be fined until you do. As long as you are trying you won't have to pay a fine.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    How about the government just stays out of our lives? As free individuals we have the right to choose what we eat, it is up to the individual to decide what they put in their mouths. If I want to waste away on McDonalds (YUCK!) that is my choice or if I want to eat organic fruits and veggies that is my choice as well. The only place where the government should have a say is if it is a program they fund, for example school lunches. Now those need to be made healthier.

    Hallelujah! Amen! Where's the freakin LIKE button??!! lol :-)

    The government does control medicaid... That is a government ran program, that people get for FREEEEEEE! that is the whole deal. myself and millions of others are paying out our back sides for people to have gastric bypass surgery, get obesity caused diabetes medication and other medical things for free. The same thing goes with liver and lung transplants for those who smoke and drink away their organs. they should have to pay extra back into the system if they are unwilling to make a lifestyle change. that is what this article and bill is all about. They are watching out for those who are paying taxes to take care of those who refuse to take care of themselves.

    Do you have links with evidence to back up your statements? Where did you get this information?
  • joilet
    joilet Posts: 99
    How about the government just stays out of our lives? As free individuals we have the right to choose what we eat, it is up to the individual to decide what they put in their mouths. If I want to waste away on McDonalds (YUCK!) that is my choice or if I want to eat organic fruits and veggies that is my choice as well. The only place where the government should have a say is if it is a program they fund, for example school lunches. Now those need to be made healthier.

    Well then, why doesn't the government stay out of the lives of people on welfare and other such programs, and stop giving it to them all together?

    The point is, if you are accepting help from the governement, you should also be required to accept conditions and/or fines for not adhering to the conditions of the free help that you are being given...
    drug testing should be required...
    following doctor's health recommendations should be required...
    sitting around eating twinkies and watching TV all day, when you should be looking for a job and staying healthy should not be allowed
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Maybe it shouldn't be so much in fining the people who are overweight at rewarding the people to exercise, eat right and take care of themselves. I rarely go to the Dr. and am not on any kind of maintenance medications. Why should I have to pay the same insurance premiums as others who do not take care of themselves. Maybe if you reward people by offering them a discount for good behavior that might help.

    Kind of like a safe driving discount on my driver's insurance - I like it. :smile: