Things you do when you are alone...



  • lalalalyndsey
    lalalalyndsey Posts: 565
    I always catch myself singing and talking to myself... and making goofy faces in the mirror at myself as I walk by. LOL I think I might do all those things when ppl are around tho :P
  • SandraMay1982
    SandraMay1982 Posts: 328
    I am such a mother these days. I do housework when my son is with his father. HAH.

    alas. I do usually turn MY music up full while doing it. I don't do it naked. I don't like looking at me naked and i fear people will drop in, not that any one ever has dropped in during the day ever since I've lived here.

    I don't even really dance with the mop or anything. I think i've lost my crazy over the years. I used to sing and dance around when my parents weren't home when i was a kid. hmm. ha.
  • serendipityrr
    serendipityrr Posts: 109 Member
    dance like mj. sing rap shoot imaginary hoops talk to myself... flex my muscles.. do the girly stuff from turbofire.wait i didnt say that last part

  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    :blushing: I talk aloud as though I am a charachter in a soap opera.
    :smokin: I talk to myself in the mirror about how friggin cool I am.
    :laugh: I put on crazy make up, like KISS or Black Swan or even totally 80's.
    :grumble: I used to play with my daughters barbies untill she decided they were for babies and she got rid of them.
    :laugh: I tell myself jokes and laugh at them.
    :love: I walk around in my underware.
    :bigsmile: I pee with the door open.
    :wink: I dance to the music on the radio or the music in my head.
    :tongue: I try to pop and lock it, but I've yet to be successful.
  • Jaselygirl
    Jaselygirl Posts: 74 Member
    I sing and dance a lot. I also walk around naked. Another thing I do is check myself out. lol... I know it sounds odd. I just stare at myself in the mirror... making faces, posing in different ways, trying to see how others see me when I'm not conscious of how I look.... I didn't realize how odd it is that I do that until I went to Vegas with my best friend. She caught me doing it and asked if I always just stare at myself. lol
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    I normally act like I am fighting somebody, Rap and dance, or I just act a fool LOL

    LOL! Once I was alone and saw someone behind me out of the corner of my eye. I totally jumped around lke I was a ninja, and it was just my hood. But I was seriously ready to unleash some Tai Kwon Fu.
  • Twylyght
    Twylyght Posts: 224 Member
    Hmmm....when I'm alone I like to dance and sing to my favorite songs from back in the husband has called or come home on me a couple times. He always says something to the fact of "Really B-52's?" Yes I do love me some love shack when no one is there to judge me!! I also do the dishes and cook in my bra and thong, I feel sexy and learned to not cook naked the hard way (OWWWW) So I protect the important parts lol!!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Sometimes at work, I'll make really wierd faces in the bathroom mirror. :laugh: :laugh:
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    Like everyone else I dance and sing of course. I like to stand or pace when I watch tv but don't do it when others are around, i think it would be distracting to them.

    I walk around or "pace" as my husband calls it when I'm on the phone!! I absolutely cannot sit still when I'm talking on the phone and never could!! My husband absolutely hated it when we first met, but has either gotten used to it or just doesn't complain anymore lol!!

    I do this too...I pace the whole entire house. I even get short of breath sometimes.
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    I am usually NEVER alone (kids---husband---people)....but on the rare occassion that I am....I sit in silence staring at wall.......weird....I know.....which is why I wouldn't want anyone walking in on me acting like I am crazy....I really am just relishing the moment of no noise, no screaming, no crying, no "Mom!" "Mom!" "Mom!"....just me and blissful's too beautiful for any interruptions:tongue:
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I sing and dance a lot. I also walk around naked. Another thing I do is check myself out. lol... I know it sounds odd. I just stare at myself in the mirror... making faces, posing in different ways, trying to see how others see me when I'm not conscious of how I look.... I didn't realize how odd it is that I do that until I went to Vegas with my best friend. She caught me doing it and asked if I always just stare at myself. lol

    This is what I was doing when my Dad came home, sort of. Lmao. I do the exact same thing though.
  • dietcoke281
    dietcoke281 Posts: 226 Member

    :bigsmile: I pee with the door open.

    I always pee with the door open, I'm like "come one in!" :laugh:
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who talks to myself lol. It makes more sense if I can think out loud. I also sing and dance randomly.
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    I'm guilty of dancing too..I'm home alone 3 outta 7 days out the week for a while sometimes..& you will catch me practicing dance moves from one of my favorite dance music videos of them to be exact ... Beyoncé's "Single Ladies"
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I sing ridiculous songs and dance. I especially enjoy taking metal lyrics and singing them to the tune of completely unrelated songs.
    Same here but I turn pop songs into metal sometimes like scream the lyrics of Just Dance Lamb of God Style:laugh:

    My people will contact you and we can go on tour together.
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    ***This post has been edited so as not to get pulled by the monitors***


    I run around naked all the time. My kids and their friends know now that when they enter they have to announce themselves and if they are alone or not!! *hears door- "uhm... mom??! Are you dressed?? ....I'm not alone..." kid waiting at door until response* Baking Christmas cookies was the funniest. I started out dressed, as it got hot, the clothes started coming off one piece at a time... until I was in my bra, panties and apron. (apron is key!)

    And of course the dancing and singing- whether I'm alone or not. Clearly, there isn't much I need to do alone. I do it all the time! This girl has no shame!
  • kelligonzales
    kelligonzales Posts: 391
    I look for places around the house to hide so i can scare the husband when he comes home, I also sing to my girls like straight up whatever activity we are doing i make into a song, I also talk in my "announcer" voice. ha ha ha ha "COME ON DOWN AND GET YOUR LUNCH KAYLA" :blushing:
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I look for places around the house to hide so i can scare the husband when he comes home, I also sing to my girls like straight up whatever activity we are doing i make into a song, I also talk in my "announcer" voice. ha ha ha ha "COME ON DOWN AND GET YOUR LUNCH KAYLA" :blushing:

    Hahaha. I will rap songs to my girls. Like if my 2 year old daughter is on the potty doing #2 I will rap about how awesome it is. Hahahahaha.
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member

    Washing machine?