To all the ugly people!!



  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    You aren't hideous. People can be pretty cruel sometimes. I think everyone has experienced it at one time or another. Being a curvy girl in Orange County I have experienced it too. Just own yourself- Ugly, pretty, fat, whatever you are- screw them and just be confident.
  • Portugueselove
    Portugueselove Posts: 255 Member
    ^^^^ Right on sistah
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Beauty from injections or from the surgeon's knife is true ugliness!

    Now, where's your shop? I want to remember to look hard-done-by when I come in :-)
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I can say there are SO many times where at first glance I might think someone is attractive, and soon, as I hear them or get to know them a little they quickly become physically unattractive to me if their personality is... distasteful to me. And not unattractive because I don't like what's on the inside - I mean I totally lose the sense of physical attraction for that person.

    Likewise there are those that maybe didn't strike me right off the bat with stunning good looks, but after seeing something cool and respectable about their personality I can become very physically attracted to them. I really think it's a maturity thing, IMO.

    SO true. Personality has killed some really attractive peoples looks really quickly for me. And I have become more and more attracted to my wonderful man every day I see him :)
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    That's why I say that real beauty comes from within, the outside is just genetics :-)
  • jhunt90
    jhunt90 Posts: 78
    Ugly people unite! And then when the *kitten* are turned into zombies, they'll be the ugly ones and we can laugh :)
  • Beauty from injections or from the surgeon's knife is true ugliness!

    Surely these ppl feel the worst to result to such measures to change themselves?
  • iStace2000
    iStace2000 Posts: 42
    For example, whenever some pretty girl comes into my shop thinking that by flirting with me she is going to get something free, I CHARGE HER DOUBLE!!

    Could be that those ladies are actually flirting with you because they like you and think you're dishy... Just putting it out there... :)
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    For example, whenever some pretty girl comes into my shop thinking that by flirting with me she is going to get something free, I CHARGE HER DOUBLE!!

    Could be that those ladies are actually flirting with you because they like you and think you're dishy... Just putting it out there... :)

    No, because they are bold to the point that they ask for a discount while doing it.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    For example, whenever some pretty girl comes into my shop thinking that by flirting with me she is going to get something free, I CHARGE HER DOUBLE!!

    Could be that those ladies are actually flirting with you because they like you and think you're dishy... Just putting it out there... :)

    No, because they are bold to the point that they ask for a discount while doing it.

    I feel you. All the females I encounter that flaunt the fact that they act like they're the *kitten*, is exactly how I treat 'em. Call me a d-bag, if you will, but I like to give people what they give out. The law of equal exchange in my book... and according to FMA.
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    This is for us, the ugly, the awkward, the freaks and the geeks. This is for every guy who hears the utterance of "Eww" every time he walks into a room. This is for the wall flowers, and girls who are ignored. All the guys perpetually stuck in the "friend" zone. All the ladies who are ignored by the sales staff at any given store when some pretty girl walks in. This is for the everyone who has been laughed at, sneered at, or called a creep while just trying to be friendly with maybe a distant hope of possible friendship resting in our eyes.

    It's the inside that matters.... yet we are told that the "pretty" people are smarter ( ) , they are coddled and given attention over us from a young age, ( ) and indoctrinated with a sense of superiority. Hmmmm anyone see a problem that seems to manifest between those studies? Hmmm, I remember my teachers telling me I was stupid and telling the other kids not to be like me... What does the media beat into our heads aside from the fact that if you don't have some kind of exceptional talent, or loads of money, you're pretty much screwed?

    So what drives this idea that it's what's on the inside that matters? Oh, I would agree that many people have a line that if you cross no matter how pretty you are, they will begin to distance themselves, but are you going to tell me that pretty people don't for the most part get away with being nasty individuals?

    It's not about weight at all either, dropping more weight doesn't have anything more to do with my confidence now than it did 10 years ago. Those here that know something about me know that I was a professional fighter for years, I was in shape, and either way, nothing has really changed other than my lack of mobility from the injuries I have managed to sustain.

    But it's what's inside... You mean that fire within you, the sense of passion that beats in your chest and reverberates through your core, that something that shines through you and radiates out touching everything around you?

    I don't have that, if I ever did it was ripped out of me... For me, there is just this sense of impending emptiness that consumes me a little more each time I open my eyes. I am nothing, I am nobody, I am the 3 day storm that flooded your garden of slow heart beats and drums, I am mortality and inches from sin.....

    Can you all honestly tell me that you have never treated someone differently than you would have another based on their looks? Don't forget that I have seen some of your convos in the status updates, you remember, the one where the gross guy tried talking to you, and you either ignored him, or along with the support of a friend you started mocking him... Look deep within yourself, because if I can admit that I have, then I will know truth when I hear it. Afraid it will hurt your image in such an image conscious society? Fear is the boundary of truth, and we often lie, even to ourselves if it will appease our own sense of fear.
  • Well I will be the first to start with confession, but not in the way you would expect!

    I can hand on heart say I have not openly been nasty to an 'ugly' person.....I can admit though I have been nasty to an attractive person for no apparent reason other than pure jealousy....I have found faults where there isn't any just to try and make myself feel better....I haven't called names as such, more been stand-off ish....or pointed out 'flaws' to my other half....for example, that tall, slender stunning woman walking on the other side of the street has 'a croaked nose'...i will do my upmost to convince him than she isn't really 'that' attractive. When deep down I would do anything to look like her.
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    Well I will be the first to start with confession, but not in the way you would expect!

    I can hand on heart say I have not openly been nasty to an 'ugly' person.....I can admit though I have been nasty to an attractive person for no apparent reason other than pure jealousy....I have found faults where there isn't any just to try and make myself feel better....I haven't called names as such, more been stand-off ish....or pointed out 'flaws' to my other half....for example, that tall, slender stunning woman walking on the other side of the street has 'a croaked nose'...i will do my upmost to convince him than she isn't really 'that' attractive. When deep down I would do anything to look like her.

    And why would you be jealous? Dig deeper, examine that, what notions come to mind? We are told to believe our sense of jealousy is petty and we shouldn't succumb to it. It's selfish right? But is it? What is in our nature, why would we react as if there was a threat? Our society gives attractive people an advantage according to various studies, and we seem to see examples of that in action every day. Does stuffing that jealousy serve to perpetuate that advantage? I know we like to think that we are above such petty behavior..
  • I absolutely LOVE this... so thank you for posting it :)

    About a week ago I got another piercing (lovely number 8) and as I was walking through town on my way home and a group of girls openly mocked my dress sense and how 'ugly' I am and my own (generic beauty of a) sister actually joined in.
    I put on a brave face and fake confidence but it does really hurt.
  • For me its a feeling of being second best....growing sister was the pretty popular girl, whilst I was the sensible clever school any lad I had interest in always liked her.
    Even as an adult I still reality I have a 'happier' life, a wonderful adoring husband, 5 beautiful healthy children and live in a lovely little town with good friends, whereas she has had a handful of very bad relationships and struggling to bring up her little boy on her own....yet I still envy her, and fear that deep down my husband finds her more attractive or any other woman for that matter.
    And its not about trust either....I trust my husband 100% and know he would never intentional hurt me but the thought of him finding someone else more attractive is a killer even though its completely natural.
  • JenniferH81
    JenniferH81 Posts: 285 Member
    I don't care what people look like. It's about personality.

    I find everyone attractive in their own ways, and have personally never met someone I would consider "ugly"

    There's always a lot of good in every single person. people just dont look.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Thank you for this post, I enjoyed reading it and I agree to an extent. While on good days I do not consider myself ugly, I have for various reasons been ostracized my entire life (health reasons, grew up extremely poor, was and am alternative/punk/goth). I know what it's like living life from the outside looking in.

    It's because of this that I do not judge others based on looks. I think the rejection and ridicule actually made me a better person in that I'm more accepting of things beyond the norm. Not that I think that it was right or that people should have treated me like that. But it gave me an empathy few people have.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    Beauty from injections or from the surgeon's knife is true ugliness!

    i dunno, i think judgemental attitudes about what people can an cant do with their own bodies is uglier
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    i dunno, i think judgemental attitudes about what people can an cant do with their own bodies is uglier
    Totally agreed. That's what makes people ugly in my eyes.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    And why would you be jealous?

    Because it's a natural emotion when you perceive that someone has an unfair advantage that you do not have. If it is inequitable then it is a normal human reaction to feel upset and a sense of injustice.

    I think that repressing those feelings aren't healthy. Then it becomes inverted and becomes self loathing. If you don't allow yourself to experience the emotions then you can't identify them or deal with them. Most people spend their lives try to avoid painful emotions, quite understandably, but that stifles your personal growth and development.

    How you choose to deal with those feelings then defines the path which you take. Make no mistake about it. Negative emotions can be addictive as crack. Indulging in them, fostering them in a peverse way can be pleasurable for some people. Hell, "The Smiths" made an entire career on providing angst ridden teenagers with music to supplement their mood. If you fall into the trap of emotionally indulging yourself for too long, too often, though then it becomes self destructive.

    A mental attack is not like a physical attack. If you put a knife to my arm and press I have no option but to bleed. If you try and put a mental knife to me then I can choose to bleed or not. I have the power. I have the choice. I get to dictate my outcome. I can train myself to by mental strong. I own that process, no one else.

    Don't give other people the power to define you or your actions. Don't be a reaction to their attitudes, mould your own. Harness the emotional energy from negative emotions and use them as the fuel to power yourself ascent.

    Get busy living or get busy dying. Those are your options....
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