To all the ugly people!!



  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I don't think you are ugly. But I understand what it is like to feel that way.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't think anyone is ugly. Well, maybe people who are really disfigured aren't very appealing to look at, but not ugly. Ugly is something that is only in the personality. No one is born ugly.

    That said I HATED what I looked like all through my teenage years. I genuinely thought I was the most hideous thing on the planet. I couldn't figure it out, because I was blonde with big boobs and kind of should have been attractive, but people made it clear they found me hideous.

    It wasn't until I left school and suddenly got masses of attention, I realised it wasn't me, it was them, the school bullies (mostly boys) who had spent 8 years putting me down. Probably to make themselves feel better. Goodness knows. Or in the hope if I had no self esteem I might sleep with them? Never worked. Anyway. If other people make you feel ugly, it's a sign of their own insecurity, they think that stomping on others makes them look better. It doesn't.

    Charging people double for being nice to you is stupid, bitter and twisted, but that is the only ugly thing about the OP. Wake up, realise you aren't, no one is. Take care of yourself and others will take care of you in turn. But don't begrudge people being nice. You sound like you are rather self loathing, and really, it's pointless. You are what you make of yourself.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    I'm right there with ya brother. A long time ago, one of my ex's broke up with me and actually said I wasn't good looking enough for her. Still kinda haunts me to this day, and every once in a while, when I think of it still makes me feel insecure.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    Ugly is in someone's personality. And you are NOT ugly. For me, the harder someone makes me laugh or the more you make me think... the better looking you get ;-) I'll use the cliche that 'beauty is skin deep' and in everyday life people keep proving that.

    True story (and why I have a limited group of friends- don't put up well with b-s) - I'm at my cousin's place to watch some sports, drink some beers, have a fun time with some friends and someone's girlfriend brings her friends. Very pretty but OMG her personality smelled of elderberries. She starts telling this one guy how he will never get a girl like her and how she never has had a problem getting guys to like her. He straight up said "you're f%^&ing ugly." Her response "What? you must be gay! You're saying you wouldn't sleep with me? Look at me!!" I did proceed to take her purse and chuck it out the door. But it proves the saying.

  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    Beauty is skin deep, but ugly is to the bone. And you, my friend, are not. Superficial remains that way throughout.

    this pretty much says it all :)
  • dnthaveasn
    dnthaveasn Posts: 113
    so ...since we all came into this thread...does that mean that we all think that we are ugly!!!??? To start off...EVERYONE is beautiful in their own way!! :love:

    I agree with the saying "you cannot judge a book by its cover":huh:

    and i personally don't think people should get judged until they open their mouths!! LMAO!! :laugh:

    Joe...I will be your Alice in the apocalypse!!! :wink:
    I couldn't agree more!

    Since Tara is your Alice for the apocalyose, I will be your Claire for the apocalyose. I watched enough Resident Evil to know how to get some zombie butt:smile:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I was also told I was ugly most of my life,lucky for me I dont give a f*** what othe people think.
    When the zombie appocalypse comes do you have room for me and my blow up doll?
    I promise not to trap you in anymore closets
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    Man, all my life I have felt out of place. I TOTALLY know what you mean. I can vividly remember grade school. I don't usually think about it, but when things come up like your post, I can certainly see it in my memory plain as day.

    same....I was always made fun of and i have one memory in particular where a guy at school told one of the girls she looked like me. She acted like that was the worst insult. One guy even compared me to my dog. With my short hair I have been called a guy, and even my athletic figure which i have worked hard for is just another reason for people to make me feel bad about myself at times. To this day my confidence can be low. My hubby always tells me he thinks I am beautiful but some days are easier to believe than others. So I am not one to make fun of others who are "ugly"
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I promise not to trap you in anymore closets
    28 Week Later reference?
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    This totally reminds me of the episode in Twilight Zone where the girl was absolutely stunning yet thought she was ugly because the society of people around her looked different....they were in fact hideous for the shows purpose they looked like aliens or creatures.....a lot of people are programmed to judge and group others together based on looks..sad really...Im just glad I wasnt raised as such....I think those of us blessed enough to see whats on the inside first really do view the world in a whole different way....kinda gives us an advantage...just my opinion :flowerforyou:
  • naturechyld
    naturechyld Posts: 35
    Beauty is skin deep, but ugly is to the bone. And you, my friend, are not. Superficial remains that way throughout. Real people don't require to hear what they should already know. That said, I wanna be on your squad when zombies are omnoming skulls. I got your back.

    I like this.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Well I don't flirt with anyone other than my hubby, but I do chat and I do have a laugh and I am polite when out shopping etc, christ I hope they didnt think I was flirting!!

    And I know I am not 'media' beautiful, but I'm utterly adored by my husband and that's all I give a **** about :D
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I see “ugly” in a slightly different way. I see it as leagues. In the OP’s example, she felt she could get some sort of benefit because he was out of her “league”. I have had a similar confirmation. With any of my SO’s, when someone sees a picture of them, almost all the time I get a surprised “Wow, she is REALLY pretty.” My guess it is subconscious, but the message is pretty clear.
    I am 100% confident in my personality. I can make you laugh. I can hold a fairly intelligent debate on 90% of all topics (unless it is physics then I will resort to Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy quotes). But I also know my limitations. I will never be the guy that walks into a bar and get an immediate 2nd glance from a female. Bitter? Absolutely not. Just a honest self evaluation. Another example? I was voted most popular in high school, but dated rarely.
    Attraction is what it is. It defies logic and explanation…and there is nothing wrong with that. But physical first impressions are what we have to go by. It is the people that can override or look past that are the people posting here.
    I have always felt I am the antithesis to the platitude “I just want a guy that can make me laugh.”
    Don’t think this is an indictment to anybody that has posted in this thread, for it is not. It is my interpretation and also an admission of hypocrisy. I play the game too. I am baffled by Julia Roberts/Lyle Lovett and Isla Fisher/that Borat guy relationships.

    Edit: forgive any grammatical errors as this was written way too early in the morning.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    I see “ugly” in a slightly different way. I see it as leagues. In the OP’s example, she felt she could get some sort of benefit because he was out of her “league”. I have had a similar confirmation. With any of my SO’s, when someone sees a picture of them, almost all the time I get a surprised “Wow, she is REALLY pretty.” My guess it is subconscious, but the message is pretty clear.
    I am 100% confident in my personality. I can make you laugh. I can hold a fairly intelligent debate on 90% of all topics (unless it is physics then I will resort to Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy quotes). But I also know my limitations. I will never be the guy that walks into a bar and get an immediate 2nd glance from a female. Bitter? Absolutely not. Just a honest self evaluation. Another example? I was voted most popular in high school, but dated rarely.
    Attraction is what it is. It defies logic and explanation…and there is nothing wrong with that. But physical first impressions are what we have to go by. It is the people that can override or look past that are the people posting here.
    I have always felt I am the antithesis to the platitude “I just want a guy that can make me laugh.”
    Don’t think this is an indictment to anybody that has posted in this thread, for it is not. It is my interpretation and also an admission of hypocrisy. I play the game too. I am baffled by Julia Roberts/Lyle Lovett and Isla Fisher/that Borat guy relationships.

    Edit: forgive any grammatical errors as this was written way too early in the morning.

    well put
  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    I would like to reply to this by saying...... I wonder what YOU think of me when you look at my profile picture. Do you say to yourself that she is pretty? Or cute..... or whatever it is you say when you find a girl attractive. Well, maybe you do or maybe you don't which is none the matter. My point here is that I, ME, don't think I'm attractive at all...... I feel very ugly about my appearance when I look in the mirror. I see a young girl who was badly abused as a child, neglected and tormented. I see a girl who took that hatred and projected it on others as a teenage to try and deal with her afflictions. I see a girl who will carry scars for life and who's heart is damaged by pain caused by others. So please before you judge anyone on solely on their appearance which you are saying has been done to you, could you please consider what that person may feel and think about themselves. I am very overwhelmed when I post a new picture of myself on my profile and receive a lot of compliments from people on my friends list.... which in turn makes me want to run and hide by putting up some other avatar. I am trying to learn to accept a compliment but in my mind I tell myself they are just being kind and trying to encourage me. So really my point here is you just never really know what's going on with another person and their thoughts and feelings on the inside no matter what their external package may convey to you. Yes I find other people's external appearance attractive as much as the next person however I have grown to learn that beauty is really only skin deep as they say and I have the ability to see their souls...... their hearts, their light that shines from with in and that's how I'm able to see their true beauty. How someone interacts with others is a true reflection of their beauty as well so to me that IS SEXY, BEAUTIFUL, UNIQUE, HANDSOME and another word you'd care to use.
    So I'd like to send you a friends request because I SEE your true beauty...... I hope you'll accept. Fesse xo
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    I would like to reply to this by saying...... I wonder what YOU think of me when you look at my profile picture. Do you say to yourself that she is pretty? Or cute..... or whatever it is you say when you find a girl attractive. Well, maybe you do or maybe you don't which is none the matter. My point here is that I, ME, don't think I'm attractive at all...... I feel very ugly about my appearance when I look in the mirror. I see a young girl who was badly abused as a child, neglected and tormented. I see a girl who took that hatred and projected it on others as a teenage to try and deal with her afflictions. I see a girl who will carry scars for life and who's heart is damaged by pain caused by others. So please before you judge anyone on solely on their appearance which you are saying has been done to you, could you please consider what that person may feel and think about themselves. I am very overwhelmed when I post a new picture of myself on my profile and receive a lot of compliments from people on my friends list.... which in turn makes me want to run and hide by putting up some other avatar. I am trying to learn to accept a compliment but in my mind I tell myself they are just being kind and trying to encourage me. So really my point here is you just never really know what's going on with another person and their thoughts and feelings on the inside no matter what their external package may convey to you. Yes I find other people's external appearance attractive as much as the next person however I have grown to learn that beauty is really only skin deep as they say and I have the ability to see their souls...... their hearts, their light that shines from with in and that's how I'm able to see their true beauty. How someone interacts with others is a true reflection of their beauty as well so to me that IS SEXY, BEAUTIFUL, UNIQUE, HANDSOME and another word you'd care to use.
    So I'd like to send you a friends request because I SEE your true beauty...... I hope you'll accept. Fesse xo

    Beautifully written my sweet Fess, couldn't have said it better!
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    You aren't ugly at all. Don't let people define how you see yourself. :wink:
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    I would like to reply to this by saying...... I wonder what YOU think of me when you look at my profile picture. Do you say to yourself that she is pretty? Or cute..... or whatever it is you say when you find a girl attractive. Well, maybe you do or maybe you don't which is none the matter. My point here is that I, ME, don't think I'm attractive at all...... I feel very ugly about my appearance when I look in the mirror. I see a young girl who was badly abused as a child, neglected and tormented. I see a girl who took that hatred and projected it on others as a teenage to try and deal with her afflictions. I see a girl who will carry scars for life and who's heart is damaged by pain caused by others. So please before you judge anyone on solely on their appearance which you are saying has been done to you, could you please consider what that person may feel and think about themselves. I am very overwhelmed when I post a new picture of myself on my profile and receive a lot of compliments from people on my friends list.... which in turn makes me want to run and hide by putting up some other avatar. I am trying to learn to accept a compliment but in my mind I tell myself they are just being kind and trying to encourage me. So really my point here is you just never really know what's going on with another person and their thoughts and feelings on the inside no matter what their external package may convey to you. Yes I find other people's external appearance attractive as much as the next person however I have grown to learn that beauty is really only skin deep as they say and I have the ability to see their souls...... their hearts, their light that shines from with in and that's how I'm able to see their true beauty. How someone interacts with others is a true reflection of their beauty as well so to me that IS SEXY, BEAUTIFUL, UNIQUE, HANDSOME and another word you'd care to use.
    So I'd like to send you a friends request because I SEE your true beauty...... I hope you'll accept. Fesse xo

    Fesse you are truly amazing, inside and out!
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Well even Meatloaf got laid at least once!
  • prettypain
    prettypain Posts: 90
    Joe, i hear you on this one, i dont view myself as others view me...i have plenty of insecurities just like anyone and im not afraid to admit them...... however i think yo should not judge someone until they open thier mouth the second time. the reason i say this is bcuz i have been very nervous talking to people and dont always say the right thing the first time, but then i think, boy way that dumb, and i try again.i think your very wise in what you say and you should be proud of your self for your compassion first!!!! thats one of the qualitis i look for first!! ill fight your zombies with ya!!!
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