To all the ugly people!!



  • Woodman725
    Woodman725 Posts: 288 Member
    I can say there are SO many times where at first glance I might think someone is attractive, and soon, as I hear them or get to know them a little they quickly become physically unattractive to me if their personality is... distasteful to me. And not unattractive because I don't like what's on the inside - I mean I totally lose the sense of physical attraction for that person.

    Likewise there are those that maybe didn't strike me right off the bat with stunning good looks, but after seeing something cool and respectable about their personality I can become very physically attracted to them. I really think it's a maturity thing, IMO.

    The older I get, the more and more I see people this way. At least I'm able to see it quicker than I did when I was younger. It also gets easier to distinguish true beauty in a person and the outward appearance of beauty.

    Great post and well said! I'm not so sure I don't want to BE a zombie....just sayin.
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    I do not think you are ugly at all! And I love the bit about charging double, I have a friend who is a cop, and when a girl tries to flirt her way out of a ticket he looks for ways to add to the ticket, like no seat belt on or whatever he can. People can be obnoxious it is sad. We all have a place on this earth and it should not ever be to make someone feel bad about themselves. Peace Joe! :smile:
  • My3Rayz
    My3Rayz Posts: 373
    so ...since we all came into this thread...does that mean that we all think that we are ugly!!!??? To start off...EVERYONE is beautiful in their own way!! :love:

    I agree with the saying "you cannot judge a book by its cover":huh:

    and i personally don't think people should get judged until they open their mouths!! LMAO!! :laugh:

    Joe...I will be your Alice in the apocalypse!!! :wink:

    I totally agree with everything above!

    Joe, you could get quite a harem going with this thread for the Zombie Apocalypse...I'm in :tongue:
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    Why do zombies have to ruin everything!
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    You are not ugly
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    All jokes aside I keep sneakers with me at all times. Never know when you gotta run! LOL

    I have had people call me ugly and I don't give two sh*ts. I was an ugly duckling and I know all those "pretty" people are getting heavier and aren't so pretty getting older. No matter who they are I stay nice regardless.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I do not think you are ugly at all! And I love the bit about charging double, I have a friend who is a cop, and when a girl tries to flirt her way out of a ticket he looks for ways to add to the ticket, like no seat belt on or whatever he can. People can be obnoxious it is sad. We all have a place on this earth and it should not ever be to make someone feel bad about themselves. Peace Joe! :smile:

    Ok so then what DO u do to get out of a ticket...LOL
    I had a friend fake IBS/bathroom issues...i think i would rather just suck up the $$
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    I am working the Zombieland survival guide. Working on number 1: Cardio. I think Double tap should be a fairly easy on. However I am stocking up on Twinkies.... just in case :laugh:

    They may be thin and pretty but if they can't out run the zombie horde, then nothing else

    Our face is just window dressing, the real beauty comes from within and how you treat your fellow man/woman.
    Those that assume they should get a free ride just for looking good have a LONG way to go.
  • crazymama2two
    crazymama2two Posts: 867
    Hi, I'm Joe, and I am hideously ugly. I have endured the giggles, the rude comments they assume you can't hear, as well as the ones you actually were meant to hear, and the ever popular, "There's Yours" game for most of my life. Even to this day it still happens. We all know they like to say, "Oh we're just having fun and we don't mean anything by it," but then again, none of them are ever on the receiving end of those same attitudes.

    I want you to know that I understand you, and I want to encourage you to fight back in any subtle way you can. For example, whenever some pretty girl comes into my shop thinking that by flirting with me she is going to get something free, I CHARGE HER DOUBLE!! In turn, when I someone comes in with their head down, obviously beaten down all their lives by the cruelty of the "pretty" people, I know, and I can feel, and I give out some awesome discounts.

    You are not alone, I am with you, they may tell you that they are too, but we all know that in the end they will choose their own kind and throw you out the door to save their own a**es in the coming Zombie Apocalypse.

    Little do they know that we are getting stronger every day, and what we lack in looks we will soon make up for in pure strength, meanwhile they will be too busy looking in the mirror when the Zombie Apocalypse finally comes, and THAT we will use to our advantage...

    Thank You

    i dont thin youree ugly. you are joe, he who is very attractive, has the sense of humor in which i adore and one who i want to buddy up with when the zombies do in fact come for us!
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    I do not think you are ugly at all! And I love the bit about charging double, I have a friend who is a cop, and when a girl tries to flirt her way out of a ticket he looks for ways to add to the ticket, like no seat belt on or whatever he can. People can be obnoxious it is sad. We all have a place on this earth and it should not ever be to make someone feel bad about themselves. Peace Joe! :smile:

    Ok so then what DO u do to get out of a ticket...LOL
    I had a friend fake IBS/bathroom issues...i think i would rather just suck up the $$

    Honestly I do not flirt...but I do crack smart a** comments and try to lighten the situation, last stop I had........ "but officer, it was Breaking Ben, have you ever listened to a great song and just went with it? Umm hmm no, I see, oh well it is a good thing I do not have an stick shift cause I probably would have been accelerating with the music and the speed would have been even worse".... Cop laughed and asked where I was going and did I want to arrive in one piece..... I said "Yes that is prefferable"....told me to slow down and enjoy the rest of my the posted limit........never got a ticket, and no eyelash batting, cutsie smile, or flattery used.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I do not think you are ugly at all! And I love the bit about charging double, I have a friend who is a cop, and when a girl tries to flirt her way out of a ticket he looks for ways to add to the ticket, like no seat belt on or whatever he can. People can be obnoxious it is sad. We all have a place on this earth and it should not ever be to make someone feel bad about themselves. Peace Joe! :smile:

    Ok so then what DO u do to get out of a ticket...LOL
    I had a friend fake IBS/bathroom issues...i think i would rather just suck up the $$

    Honestly I do not flirt...but I do crack smart a** comments and try to lighten the situation, last stop I had........ "but officer, it was Breaking Ben, have you ever listened to a great song and just went with it? Umm hmm no, I see, oh well it is a good thing I do not have an stick shift cause I probably would have been accelerating with the music and the speed would have been even worse".... Cop laughed and asked where I was going and did I want to arrive in one piece..... I said "Yes that is prefferable"....told me to slow down and enjoy the rest of my the posted limit........never got a ticket, and no eyelash batting, cutsie smile, or flattery used.

    I haven't gotten a ticket either *YET*...I always apologize profusely...don't argue...and try to be very polite (yes officer.....)
    BUt I think having my 2 screaming kids in the back asking 5 zillion questions so the officer can;'t get a word in edge-wise actually works to my advantage for once...I think he feels sorry enough for me ..LOL
  • Sonofabiscuit2
    Sonofabiscuit2 Posts: 323 Member
    Op I won't ego stroke you with a load of bs, you aren't the typical view of "goo d looking". Neither am I, buck toothed, big eared, bald and fat is what I always used to say. Good thing is I'm getting in shape to survive the zombie apocalypse too, my daughter (11 yo) and I made a video about it, btw she makes an awesome zombie.
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    Very cool dude, I know where you're coming from. I was VERY fat all my childhood and school can be hard. I was always by myself at dances and never went on a date until late high school. Gym was always a nightmare. I never understood why just because I was overweight I was picked on so bad.

    I have worked very hard to get rid of the extra weight and although I get more compliments now than I did then, I will never forget where I came from and what it feels like to be not accepted. Everyone deserves love and friendship.
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    i was bullied all through school for being ungly
    but now i realise that they were jealous because I hve the one thing most of them wanted!

    most people want to be taller, and slim
    whilst most people can lose weight, and some will keep it off, its very hard to naturally get taller
    i am 6ft 1 - which is quite tall for a girl
    never wear heels (am a giant anyway) but ive realised that if i can lose the weight, ill be what most ppl want to be:

    tall AND slim
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I am baffled by Julia Roberts/Lyle Lovett and Isla Fisher/that Borat guy relationships.

    But it's not really that baffling is it? Lyle Lovett & Sacha Baren Cohen whilst not the usual ideal of good looking are both intelligent, creative, wealthy and successful. Who needs a six pack when you have a six figure salary?

    I think humour as a trait is massively oversold when it comes to attraction. Yeah, I know, I know, Pretty much woman repeats the mantra "I just want a guy that makes me laugh." Yet, if you listen with your eyes and not your ears you see a very different story. People are defined by their actions, not what they say. Talk is cheap.

    The sex symbols women drool over aren't usually comedians. Humour is like the cherry on top of the cake. A nice addition but no way as drool worthy as the actual cake itself (ummmmmm, cake...) If all you have is humour without any real confidence, intelligence or some kind of strength to back it up you best believe those panties will go back up quicker than Charlie Sheen can find a coke dealer on a Friday night...
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Maturity comes when you see people for who they are on the inside. My heart breaks for my fiance, EVERYONE calls him Shrek, and they think they're being so original. I didn't think this bothered him until one day he came home, and said "honey, do I really look like Shrek"...I said no of course, and that I thought he was beautiful, until he said that his friends don't understand why I'm with him (I'm not drop dead gorgeous, and I'm overweight but I have a lot of confidence). This almost made me cry. My fiance is an amazing man, he's loyal, honest, loves the *kitten* out of me. I'm a lucky woman. And if people sneer at me and ask how I can kiss a man with bad teeth, or that the love of my life is an ogre, than I'm Fiona because he is a reflection of my taste! I just figure that beautiful people get by on their looks , but after awhile that starts to cost money with botox and face people have their brain until alzheimer's kicks in, that's a lot more beautiful then puffy lips and fake boobs.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Hi, I'm Joe, and I am hideously ugly. I have endured the giggles, the rude comments they assume you can't hear, as well as the ones you actually were meant to hear, and the ever popular, "There's Yours" game for most of my life. Even to this day it still happens. We all know they like to say, "Oh we're just having fun and we don't mean anything by it," but then again, none of them are ever on the receiving end of those same attitudes.

    I want you to know that I understand you, and I want to encourage you to fight back in any subtle way you can. For example, whenever some pretty girl comes into my shop thinking that by flirting with me she is going to get something free, I CHARGE HER DOUBLE!! In turn, when I someone comes in with their head down, obviously beaten down all their lives by the cruelty of the "pretty" people, I know, and I can feel, and I give out some awesome discounts.

    You are not alone, I am with you, they may tell you that they are too, but we all know that in the end they will choose their own kind and throw you out the door to save their own a**es in the coming Zombie Apocalypse.

    Little do they know that we are getting stronger every day, and what we lack in looks we will soon make up for in pure strength, meanwhile they will be too busy looking in the mirror when the Zombie Apocalypse finally comes, and THAT we will use to our advantage...

    Thank You

    Hi Joe. I'm Betty and I'm ugly. But that's ok, because God made me this way and He loves me. :happy: :happy: :happy: If someone else doesn't like my looks they don't have to look at me. Thanks for your post. You're a beautiful person. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member

    I think humour as a trait is massively oversold when it comes to attraction. Yeah, I know, I know, Pretty much woman repeats the mantra "I just want a guy that makes me laugh." Yet, if you listen with your eyes and not your ears you see a very different story. People are defined by their actions, not what they say. Talk is cheap.

    I see a lot of women on here who repeat the same lines, humor, it's what's on the inside, blah blah blah, but you see their status feed and they have friended nothing but guys with the ripped abs pictures. Then you see their convos and besides a few females in their same "league" they speak to almost nobody else.
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    Just some theme music for us ugly people
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Sorry to disagree but I think that is your bitterness speaking.

    Instead of wallowing about the bad hand you think genetics has dealt you, smarten yourself up. Anyone can do that. If you are clean, well spoken, well dressed, stand straight and have a good hair cut you will be attractive. Those are the things women look for. Those things are completely under your control. I cannot emphasise enough how important those things are. If you radiate not giving a **** about yourself or your body, other people will feel the same.

    That is really all there is to attractiveness, of either sex. Biology is a tiny tiny tiny aspect.