To all the ugly people!!



  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    Sorry to disagree but I think that is your bitterness speaking.

    Instead of wallowing about the bad hand you think genetics has dealt you, smarten yourself up. Anyone can do that. If you are clean, well spoken, well dressed, stand straight and have a good hair cut you will be attractive. Those are the things women look for. Those things are completely under your control. I cannot emphasise enough how important those things are. If you radiate not giving a **** about yourself or your body, other people will feel the same.

    That is really all there is to attractiveness, of either sex. Biology is a tiny tiny tiny aspect.

    Hmmm, I remember someone saying something about putting lipstick on a pig a while back... What makes you believe that I've never had a haircut or worn a $2000 suit?

    Besides, this thread isn't about that, though most people are making the same mistake you are. Some of them, a few.. do get it though, and this is for them, not you.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Sorry to disagree but I think that is your bitterness speaking.

    Instead of wallowing about the bad hand you think genetics has dealt you, smarten yourself up. Anyone can do that. If you are clean, well spoken, well dressed, stand straight and have a good hair cut you will be attractive. Those are the things women look for. Those things are completely under your control. I cannot emphasise enough how important those things are. If you radiate not giving a **** about yourself or your body, other people will feel the same.

    That is really all there is to attractiveness, of either sex. Biology is a tiny tiny tiny aspect.

    Hmmm, I remember someone saying something about putting lipstick on a pig a while back... What makes you believe that I've never had a haircut or worn a $2000 suit?

    Besides, this thread isn't about that, though most people are making the same mistake you are. Some of them, a few.. do get it though, and this is for them, not you.

    I am not assuming anything. I am just telling you what things make a guy attractive. If you want to be. Your posts, not just on this thread, but on all the others I have seen you post on come across as very bitter and self-deprecating about the hand you feel you've been dealt. I think it's a defence mechanism you put up in case people don't like you on the inside. I think that is extremely unlikely. The image you project to other people is entirely up to you.
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    Sorry to disagree but I think that is your bitterness speaking.

    Instead of wallowing about the bad hand you think genetics has dealt you, smarten yourself up. Anyone can do that. If you are clean, well spoken, well dressed, stand straight and have a good hair cut you will be attractive. Those are the things women look for. Those things are completely under your control. I cannot emphasise enough how important those things are. If you radiate not giving a **** about yourself or your body, other people will feel the same.

    That is really all there is to attractiveness, of either sex. Biology is a tiny tiny tiny aspect.

    Hmmm, I remember someone saying something about putting lipstick on a pig a while back... What makes you believe that I've never had a haircut or worn a $2000 suit?

    Besides, this thread isn't about that, though most people are making the same mistake you are. Some of them, a few.. do get it though, and this is for them, not you.

    I am not assuming anything. I am just telling you what things make a guy attractive. If you want to be. Your posts, not just on this thread, but on all the others I have seen you post on come across as very bitter and self-deprecating about the hand you feel you've been dealt. I think it's a defence mechanism you put up in case people don't like you on the inside. I think that is extremely unlikely. The image you project to other people is entirely up to you.

    And I have seen a post where you say you cross the street when you see some types of people... Yet there are numerous guys who dress the same as I do, have the same hair, yet are seen in an entirely different light. What you post sounds more like your personal preferences and prejudices than any form of governing truth. I know exactly what my insecurities are, and I know what my defense mechanisms are very well, after all, I do live with them on a daily basis. Do you know what yours are? Does it make you feel more secure in yourself to point it out in others, does it feed your own sense of superiority? Just a general question, I know there have been times in my life where I have done exactly that.

    Aside from that, this is still not what the thread is about.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Well I think you are awesome,dont know if my opinion means anything......

    I try to talk to everyone on my friends list,its hard to keep up sometimes.I do not think I am all that hot but I also dont think im ugly.My past relationships were based alot on personality,I was always told most of my boyfriends were not very attractive,but to me they were
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    My first impression of OP was lead singer of Korn. Just saying.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i was bullied throughout school for being ugly. Everyone was in on it. I was the kid it was uncool to like. As a result i am completely insecure about my looks and am plagued with body image issues and battle with eating disorders as a result - even when after leaving school i actually got attention from guys, and sometimes people even say im pretty, which i find embarrassing and dont know what to say, but still what was constantly constantly pushed on me throughout school sticks with me. Its such a horrible thing to feel ugly
  • cranmuffin
    cranmuffin Posts: 25 Member
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My ex-husband used to tell me I was a hidous cow because I didn't look like a super-model. My current husband tells me everyday that I am beautiful and he's scared that if I lose too much weight I will be too beautiful and want to run off. (LOL. He's a little paranoid; I'm not going anywhere).
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    Hi! I'm not saying just to be saying but I really don't think you're hideously ugly at all. I don't even think you're kind of ugly :smile: I even went to your profile page and enlarged the itty-bitty picture of you and nope...nothing hideous. You could show us a smile though:blushing: .
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    i was bullied throughout school for being ugly. Everyone was in on it. I was the kid it was uncool to like. As a result i am completely insecure about my looks and am plagued with body image issues and battle with eating disorders as a result - even when after leaving school i actually got attention from guys, and sometimes people even say im pretty, which i find embarrassing and dont know what to say, but still what was constantly constantly pushed on me throughout school sticks with me. Its such a horrible thing to feel ugly

    I was bullied up till Jr. High. Dispite my training from the age of 4, I was terrified of fighting back. Once I did, I saw what I thought was approval from my peers and I found myself craving that. As the years went by I became increasingly violent and more extreme, but nothing could quite feel that void within me. As I said, fear is the boundary of truth, I lived in fear (fear of being victimized again, and much more), and those around me were in fear of me, none of them liked me, they just didn't want to become the focus of my attention.
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    Joe you are awesome! I hope you add me as a friend.
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    i was bullied throughout school for being ugly. Everyone was in on it. I was the kid it was uncool to like. As a result i am completely insecure about my looks and am plagued with body image issues and battle with eating disorders as a result - even when after leaving school i actually got attention from guys, and sometimes people even say im pretty, which i find embarrassing and dont know what to say, but still what was constantly constantly pushed on me throughout school sticks with me. Its such a horrible thing to feel ugly

    You know, I've had a lot of the same, but I don't feel that way anymore. Only you can look at yourself and change the course because it's really not important what other people think, it's all about you. I do this trying to be the best person I can be and I feel 'beautiful' for doing it. If I do something 'wrong', I feel ugly, but if I know I'm really trying to be my finest self I can't help but appreciate it. Beauty vs. ugliness is all relative, it really IS what's on the inside that counts. I've met 'beautiful' people with ugly attitudes that suddenly became horrendous... I mean I actually started seeing every flaw. Then I've met others whose defects disappeared after a short conversation. :flowerforyou:
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    Sorry to disagree but I think that is your bitterness speaking.

    Instead of wallowing about the bad hand you think genetics has dealt you, smarten yourself up. Anyone can do that. If you are clean, well spoken, well dressed, stand straight and have a good hair cut you will be attractive. Those are the things women look for. Those things are completely under your control. I cannot emphasise enough how important those things are. If you radiate not giving a **** about yourself or your body, other people will feel the same.

    That is really all there is to attractiveness, of either sex. Biology is a tiny tiny tiny aspect.

    Hmmm, I remember someone saying something about putting lipstick on a pig a while back... What makes you believe that I've never had a haircut or worn a $2000 suit?

    Besides, this thread isn't about that, though most people are making the same mistake you are. Some of them, a few.. do get it though, and this is for them, not you.

    I am not assuming anything. I am just telling you what things make a guy attractive. If you want to be. Your posts, not just on this thread, but on all the others I have seen you post on come across as very bitter and self-deprecating about the hand you feel you've been dealt. I think it's a defence mechanism you put up in case people don't like you on the inside. I think that is extremely unlikely. The image you project to other people is entirely up to you.

    And I have seen a post where you say you cross the street when you see some types of people... Yet there are numerous guys who dress the same as I do, have the same hair, yet are seen in an entirely different light. What you post sounds more like your personal preferences and prejudices than any form of governing truth. I know exactly what my insecurities are, and I know what my defense mechanisms are very well, after all, I do live with them on a daily basis. Do you know what yours are? Does it make you feel more secure in yourself to point it out in others, does it feed your own sense of superiority? Just a general question, I know there have been times in my life where I have done exactly that.

    Aside from that, this is still not what the thread is about.

    I guess some people just have to agree to disagree. I personally never look for a clean shaven well dressed man. They tend to be arrogant, and have no personality.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    My entire life I've struggled with being "attractive" physically, but still tormented and mocked because of my mother. I stopped celebrating my birthday when I was 8 years old because she showed up drunk and I lost all the friends I had. When she cut off my hair in the 5th grade due to a head lice outbreak, I endured another 8 years of name calling and torment. My self-esteem is still impacted, my confidence is still shot. My 10 year reunion is next year, I'm not sure if I am going to go or not because I don't really want to relive all the names again.

    I refused to put out in HS, I got the label Sl*t. I avoided boys like the plague, I got the label lesbian. Truth was I was molested as a child and didn't feel comfortable around men.

    No, I can honestly say I haven't mistreated anyone based on their looks. I base it on their BEHAVIOR. If they just leer at me from across the room, WHY would I talk to them? It feels as if they're just going to mock me. If they actually try to talk to me, treat me like a person, then I am happy to talk to them.

    Oh, and for the record, I never ask for discounts :-)
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Exactly this ^^^^^

    I think true beauty is not in how one looks but in how they conduct themselves and how they treat others.

    My thoughts exactly :smile:
  • bigmamma3
    bigmamma3 Posts: 134
    i have been called ugly my whole life but i am now looking forward to kicking some zombie *kitten*! better learn to run though as I can't afford driving lessons!
  • alynnbennett
    alynnbennett Posts: 182
    I can say there are SO many times where at first glance I might think someone is attractive, and soon, as I hear them or get to know them a little they quickly become physically unattractive to me if their personality is... distasteful to me. And not unattractive because I don't like what's on the inside - I mean I totally lose the sense of physical attraction for that person.

    Likewise there are those that maybe didn't strike me right off the bat with stunning good looks, but after seeing something cool and respectable about their personality I can become very physically attracted to them. I really think it's a maturity thing, IMO.

    Nicely said and I completely agree!! Everyone is beautiful and handsome in their own way as long as you love yourself and have confindence than what other people say doesn't matter!!
  • StephanieJ82
    StephanieJ82 Posts: 233
    Hi Joe. I like your post :)
    I feel ugly too most of the time.
    When growing up, i was teased a lot and made fun of. Now if someone tells me I am pretty I don't believe them. I have no confidance in myself and it's depressing. My husband gets mad at me when I call myself down but he never compliments me either. Now with being 35 lbs overweight I feel discusting!!! What can ya do??? *shrug*

    Anyways, I don't think YOU are ugly at all. I can just see the small photo of your face but you look pretty bad *kitten* to me!
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Sorry to disagree but I think that is your bitterness speaking.

    Instead of wallowing about the bad hand you think genetics has dealt you, smarten yourself up. Anyone can do that. If you are clean, well spoken, well dressed, stand straight and have a good hair cut you will be attractive. Those are the things women look for. Those things are completely under your control. I cannot emphasise enough how important those things are. If you radiate not giving a **** about yourself or your body, other people will feel the same.

    That is really all there is to attractiveness, of either sex. Biology is a tiny tiny tiny aspect.

    Hmmm, I remember someone saying something about putting lipstick on a pig a while back... What makes you believe that I've never had a haircut or worn a $2000 suit?

    Besides, this thread isn't about that, though most people are making the same mistake you are. Some of them, a few.. do get it though, and this is for them, not you.

    I am not assuming anything. I am just telling you what things make a guy attractive. If you want to be. Your posts, not just on this thread, but on all the others I have seen you post on come across as very bitter and self-deprecating about the hand you feel you've been dealt. I think it's a defence mechanism you put up in case people don't like you on the inside. I think that is extremely unlikely. The image you project to other people is entirely up to you.

    How incredibly sad....really, you don't find a guy attractive unless he possesses all those qualities?? Wow, you are missing out. My husband has had long hair, short hair, holes in his clothes, nice suits, talks like an Okie, but smart as hell. Those things are superficial and you're right Joe, she doesn't get it.

    I don't think you are wallowing, nor do I think you are fishing for the compliments coming your way. I get it, that feeling of worthlessness that comes across. I have a "friend", whom I have known since high school (20+ years). We see each other off and on through the years, but lately more and more. She is about 5'10", maybe weighs 115 lbs, and is the biggest "fat snob" I have met. Oh she is nice to my face, and says all the right things. But it's something in her demeanor, her attitude, the way she *kitten* her head and has that pitying smile when she compliments you. No, I'm not feeling sorry for myself, I KNOW this to be true about her. I don't think of myself as ugly, but the extra person I am carrying around definitely lends itself to it's own kind of discrimination. And yes, I am guilty of it as well, I think it's human nature to feel superior about another for whatever reason; looks, age, weight, income bracket.

    Joe, I like your insight and your ability to get to the core. I think you can see from the responses that there are so many others who feel as you do, I hope in some small way that helps.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Sorry to disagree but I think that is your bitterness speaking.

    Instead of wallowing about the bad hand you think genetics has dealt you, smarten yourself up. Anyone can do that. If you are clean, well spoken, well dressed, stand straight and have a good hair cut you will be attractive. Those are the things women look for. Those things are completely under your control. I cannot emphasise enough how important those things are. If you radiate not giving a **** about yourself or your body, other people will feel the same.

    That is really all there is to attractiveness, of either sex. Biology is a tiny tiny tiny aspect.

    Hmmm, I remember someone saying something about putting lipstick on a pig a while back... What makes you believe that I've never had a haircut or worn a $2000 suit?

    Besides, this thread isn't about that, though most people are making the same mistake you are. Some of them, a few.. do get it though, and this is for them, not you.

    I am not assuming anything. I am just telling you what things make a guy attractive. If you want to be. Your posts, not just on this thread, but on all the others I have seen you post on come across as very bitter and self-deprecating about the hand you feel you've been dealt. I think it's a defence mechanism you put up in case people don't like you on the inside. I think that is extremely unlikely. The image you project to other people is entirely up to you.

    And I have seen a post where you say you cross the street when you see some types of people... Yet there are numerous guys who dress the same as I do, have the same hair, yet are seen in an entirely different light. What you post sounds more like your personal preferences and prejudices than any form of governing truth. I know exactly what my insecurities are, and I know what my defense mechanisms are very well, after all, I do live with them on a daily basis. Do you know what yours are? Does it make you feel more secure in yourself to point it out in others, does it feed your own sense of superiority? Just a general question, I know there have been times in my life where I have done exactly that.

    Aside from that, this is still not what the thread is about.

    It's an expression. TBH there are no streets where I live so it's a non-point. If you want to celebrate your neuroses go ahead. You just sound like you are wallowing. As I already said, I was bullied for being ugly all the way through school, right up to 18. I had zero self esteem and I hated myself for it. I know where you are coming from, and I am more aware than most of my own insecurities.
    You are only hurting yourself, though.
    I sound harsh, perhaps, but I am actually trying to make you feel better about yourself. I hate pop psychology, but only you can change anything you don't like about yourself.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    ^^^ Oh, yeah, I'll take badass over ribbed abs ANY DAY!
This discussion has been closed.