JOB OFFER: Accountability Partner -- 2 week gig



  • vukovich
    ever notice "desserts" is "stressed" spelled backwards?

    remember that when you look at the buffet! :bigsmile: bigsmile:

    Created by -
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Okay everyone! How'd we do?

    I got up and worked out before my flight and I'm about to get in another short before bed workout right now.


    How did your days go? Anyone else make it safely through Day 1?
  • mamakitty
    I did okay. I ate decent for eating out. I am just really depressed right now because I went shopping for new clothes. Trying on clothes wasn't so bad. It was when I got home and tried them on with my old clothes (from last winter, the ones I haven't worn since last winter) and I could see the difference in how they looked on me. I am very frustrated and disappointed. BUT it just gives me even more reason to keep going strong. I have a lot of cute clothes that I want to wear soon.
    Tomorrow will be the big test with the wedding we are going to. My husband already asked my if we were going to the bar too. I plan to do 40minutes of cardio, running outside or treadmill intervals, and strength training tomorrow.

    Wanderinglight, I am glad to hear that you were able to workout before your flight. How was your eating? What is your plan for tomorrow?

    Have a great night.

  • oOLiveYourLifeOo
    Hey! I just read this post and saw that the "accountability partner" started today! Well I started my goals today too. :heart:

    I have been trying to loose weight for so long, and last summer when I hit the scale at 285 lbs, I cried and decided I wanted to try to lose some. Well with being a college student, it's difficult! I managed to lose 20 lbs between June 2007 and March 2008. Well in March I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and I nearly cried! I didn't know what to do and I just felt lost. Well, when I started my medication, my weight started to drop. From April to now I have gone from 268 to 226. My boyfriend has been there to encourage me. Everytime we see each other, he always compliments on how much weight I've lost, and how much better I'm looking. :love:

    But I need more than just him. Because I know I have his encouragment. I need some other people to help keep me motivated.

    My goals
    0630 wake up with a 20 minute bike ride to follow
    1,400 calories per day
    no soda. diet green tea and water ONLY
    keep my sugar between 90 and 130
    Yoga twice weekly
    Gym once weekly
    Home workout twice weekly

    I was diagnosed with type 2 bipolar at the end of July (after my boyfriend left for Kyrgyzstan and after my father died) and my "mania" is binge eating. If I get down, upset, or angry...I take it out on mashed potatos, ramen noodles, and mac & cheese. I'd love to have someone to talk to and who'll scold me if I don't do right (because I know my boyfriend won't scold me for not doing right...he'll just say "ok")
  • oOLiveYourLifeOo
    Oh. And I am keeping a journal of my progress with livejournal. the link is (I think!)
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    CRodgers -- welcome! We're here for you. I'm looking for "tough love" on this thread too! I think I need to know that somebody is going to kick my *kitten* if I mess up. Because by this point in my life, I'm tired of self sabotage.

    So, on to Day 2 tomorrow.

    Mamakitty -- I know clothes shopping can be so depressing. Just know that it will change! Keep positive and don't beat yourself up for how you are now -- just look to the future. I'm glad to hear that you have a plan to get through the wedding! You can do it. Stay on track, and think about if you want to have to confess to your accountability partner (me!) tomorrow night that you messed up...I know you can stay strong. You inspired me to get up this morning and work out, so I'm sending some willpower your way!!

    I just got in my second workout and then went down to the bar to hang with the crew. I only ordered water, knowing that I didn't want to use up one of my two drinks night tonight!

  • oOLiveYourLifeOo
    Yeah. I really would love tough love. :happy: I feel like it'd be great to have other people in my "support system" because I don't want to rely on my boyfriend too much because I don't want to ruin our relationship by making him my only person in my support system.
    Like I know by evacuating for Gustav, I blew the hell out of my diet! :sad: I binged b/c I was so nervous. That is what I do. :embarassed: I know I ate a whole 1 lb bag of gummy bears in the drive from the Mississippi Gulf Coast to Memphis, TN.

    On the 13th I start hypno-therapy for weight loss and anxiety/panic disorder. I am actually really really excited.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Hey Y'all! Where is everyone? I know it's Saturday...

    Well, I used up my one out of my two days of drinking! I'm about to crawl into bed. I still stayed within my calories and got in an amazing, two-hour workout today. Turns out our hotel is attached to a medical center and they have 3300 sq ft gym with everything you could imagine! I wanted to stay there all day! Instead I got in a great workout then went to a NCAA football game and had a few beers.

    Tomorrow is our first day of shooting -- I'm determined to make healthy food choices and hopefully to get in some hotel room yoga.

    I've already worked out 2 out of my 14 days! I'm really excited, since my goal is 5 total + 3 yoga workouts.

    How is everyone else doing??

    Check in!
  • oOLiveYourLifeOo
    I think I did pretty well today! even though I was lazy and stayed in bed until 11. I got out and worked in the yard, burning almost 300 calories (I was cleaning up our Gustav damage and unloading heavy items out of my mother's van). Out of 1,470 calories, i only ate 535 (which I believe is a great accomplishment!!!)
    I wish I could get back into a gym. I am watching NCIS right now, keeping my mind busy b/c I cannot sleep. I am going to try to go into church tomorrow, and if I can't make it...I am going to take that time and ride my bike around my town.
    my food choices weren't all that healthy. I had pizza and steak (but the pizza was veggie!) but I made sure to cut off all the fat off the steak and I ate my pizza with tabasco (which increases metabolism and fat burning up to 25%. I am the first generation to be born and raised outside of S. cajun spice comes like a second nature in my house hold) I am full of useful/useless information about cooking. :laugh:
  • sarakenna1
    Sounds like you are all on track! Good work. I did pretty well today, given that it was Saturday (the day I usually chow/drink). I did have 2 glasses of wine and a little vanilla ice cream with peaches. Other then that, I've made pretty good choices. Plus I went to Yoga this morning (a class I usually skip on Saturdays). I'm pretty happy with myself. :smile:
  • mamakitty
    I hope everyone has had a good weekend. I had a very good time at the wedding. I went over my calories and drank too much. But I did have so much fun. I drank a lot of water and went home early. I tried. I don't feel that bad because I did try. I am feeling a little slow today. I plan to go for a walk later.
    Have a good day, I will check in later.
    Wanderinglight, it sounds like you are doing sooooo good. I am proud of you. You inspire me. It was funny because I was thinking about how I was going to have to tell you I went over. Well I have confessed my sins.
    Good luck

  • sarakenna1
    ~Crack!~ (Sound of whip...)

    WL, how is your Sunday going? Staying on track?

    I just finished lunch and now I'm lazing on my couch, watching Ice Road Truckers and goofing around on MFP... I need someone to crack the whip on me! ....must...get...up....ehhhhhh...
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Howdy -

    Better get that yoga in. I still haven't tried the 108 sun salutations (oh, and BTW it is supposed to be a good number, but I can't remember why), but may do that tomorrow as I will be stuck at home all day.

    Sarak - go take that beautiful dog for a walk!
  • oOLiveYourLifeOo
    Even though I didn't eat much today. I still stayed way under my calories. I am about to blow half of it though b/c I am about to eat Cream of Chicken with Rice (I am sick with a 103.7 fever)
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Ughhhh...paying the price for that hot dog and beer and oh I just remembered that I also did a shot of Jack Daniels! Isn't it amazing how after eating healthy for a while, your body literally wants to reject anything bad that you put in it...

    Today is Sunday, Day 3 of my 14 day push. I'm over my calories by 200 -- I was SO hungry all day (I think it was the hangover), but I did get in a great workout this afternoon. But I broke my rule of no eating after 8pm. However, tomorrow is a reasonable day so I'll have some time in the morning to work out again before heading to the set. My plan is:

    8am -- Either basketball or racquetball with the crew
    + 45 minutes legs (weights)
    = burning 750 calories

    I guess I'm doing pretty well -- thanks for keeping me accountable! These first few days have been pretty reasonable but things get crazy around mid week next week. I'm just going to try to stay strong.

    Mamakitty -- what's your plan for tomorrow?
    CRodgers -- what about you?
    Sarakenna -- up and at 'em! Did you work out today yet?
  • kimmerlyjo
    kimmerlyjo Posts: 134 Member
    I know i'm a few days late for starting this group but i really need help! I was on such a good track with this a few months back but after my 35 day TDY to Thailand it all went down the drain. I've gained about 3lbs while i was gone and then just maintained. This week is my starting over week. I made the husband go shopping with me last night to pick up fresh fruits and veggies so it will help keep us from messing with the processed junk. My husband leaves next week for his deployment and i leave about 3 weeks after that to join him. I would love to be 5 lbs lighter by the time he sees me again. It would also be a good jump start on my total deployment goal of loosing 15lbs.

    Monday (in Japan) - Morning PT 8 minute calastenics, 20 minute run.
    Planning on doing about another 15 minute run this evening after work!
  • oOLiveYourLifeOo
    I did some more vigorious cleaning today, burning 350 calories. and I ate only 300 today. I drank mostly water and nibbled on wheat thins. But I am sick right now and about to hit the hay.
  • mamakitty
    welcome Kimmerlyjo!

    Wanderinglight. I feel your hangover. Mine is not really bad, but I had no motivation whatsoever today. But tomorrow is a fresh start. My plan for tomorrow is to do the shred video and 2 30 minute kickboxing videos in the morning before work. Then after work and my son's football game I plan to do pilates. I also plan to stay 100 calories under.
    Basketball sounds fun. Good luck with your diet.

    Talk with you tomorrow. Stick with it and no slacking, for you guys or me!

  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Howdy -

    Better get that yoga in. I still haven't tried the 108 sun salutations (oh, and BTW it is supposed to be a good number, but I can't remember why), but may do that tomorrow as I will be stuck at home all day.

    Sarak - go take that beautiful dog for a walk!

    Eeeeek...I might tackle this tomorrow! I'll keep you posted...unless you do it first...then let me know how sore your triceps are!!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Guess what, you guys? It's Day 4 of the 14 day shoot and I worked out this morning as well! By some sort of scheduling miracle, I had the morning off and don't need to be on set until 2pm!!!! So, I got in 2 hours at the gym AND met a cute doctor there!

    That means that I've worked out 4 out of my 14 days -- and my goal was 5 days of burning over 500 calories! So one more day and I've reached that goal.

    Now I also need to focus on my other goals:
    * Yoga 3 out of 14 days -- will need to start this soon!
    * Only drink 2 out of 14 days -- went out on Saturday night, so only one more night and I'm saving it for the wrap party
    * No eating after 8pm -- ate dinner at 8:30 last night so I need to work on this a bit

    What about you all? Tell me your goals again -- only 10 more days of this challenge!