Starting 30 Day Shred 5/29/11 who's in?



  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    How many minutes are you all logging for 30-day shred? I'm watching level one on cable and the recording says it's 29 mins. I don't want to be cheatiing myself, but from the first jumping jack to the last stretch it's about 25 minutes by my clock. Are y'all getting something different?
  • bjscmg
    bjscmg Posts: 77
    How many minutes are you all logging for 30-day shred? I'm watching level one on cable and the recording says it's 29 mins. I don't want to be cheatiing myself, but from the first jumping jack to the last stretch it's about 25 minutes by my clock. Are y'all getting something different?

    I get 25 minutes from my android that I use to count calories burned.
  • Monica_in_MO
    Monica_in_MO Posts: 162 Member
    I am logging 25 min also.
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    didnt respond yesterday but Day 1 I am SO sore from...will do day 2 later today :)
  • katz22
    katz22 Posts: 116 Member
    Day 2and the tops of my arms and my thighs are aching. I hope i get used to this soon!
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    aghhhhh my chest anda rms kill!!!!!

    anyone doing other exercise as well or just doing this dvd???
  • koukla702
    koukla702 Posts: 171
    I'm so sore too - it's a good sore though! It hurts to walk haha!
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I want to join in if it's not too late! I did the level one workout twice last week, but today was my first day of doing it every day. I'm dreading tomorrow's workout, since I think I'm going to be too sore/weak to do a pushup. I'll have to access my inner warrior. LOL
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    I'm doing other exercise too - I run and go on my static bike (not both on the same day though).

    I'm on day 5 today and i am NOT looking forward to it, i ache like mad today.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Week 1 Day 2 down. OY! I added in 3lb weights. It's still a bit too much for my right shoulder, but, I just put that one down when it bothered me. What a great, QUICK workout. I feel awesome. My quads are sore, but that's a good thing :)
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Depending on how the week goes will determine what other exercises I get to this week. I have PT for my neck, but that's mostly stretches and stuff. At work I try to walk at least a mile at lunch time. Nothing too strenuous but it's better than sitting at my desk for those 20 minutes. If I can, I want to get in some yoga or bellydancing this week and maybe hit the gym for the elliptical or treadmill. We'll see what the week brings.
  • I ride my bike to work everyday (not on weekends of course) and am going to start running again in the morning when the weather isn't stormy. (Honestly, I am kind of dreading getting back into running....but it will be good for me....)
    I do the 30DS in the afternoon and ride to work around 3:00--so it isn't like it's back to back or anything...I don't think I could take that just yet :wink:
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm restarting Ripped in 30, can I join ya'll?
  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    I got through Day 3! My quads were a little sore, but I took a walk for 30 minutes after the video and it seemed to make my legs feel better. Then a nice cool shower! I love that the 3rd circuit feels like the easiest to me, so that I know if I just make it through the first two it's smooth sailing. I am really huffing and puffing cardio-wise. Is anyone else using a heart rate monitor? So far, mine says I have burned between 170 and 200 calories per session.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    I was the same way today. I hit the 3rd circuit and was like "WoohoO!" Part of it was psychological that I knew it was almost over.
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    anyone can join throughout these 30 days...this is a motivation group to help each other along

    I HATE the cardio pieces I just want those two minutes to be over SO quickly with...I like that the abs is at the end of each circuit its like a little break because its easier than jumping around and what not for two minutes
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Today was rough - this was my 4th Shred workout, but this is the first time I've done two days in a row without a break. I wasn't sore today, but feeling really weak. I've been doing 5 lb handweights (that's all I have) and it was just too much for some of the moves (the anterior raises kill me! LOL) so I decided to step it back a notch and do those moves holding one weight in both hands. I was able to finish that way, so I think I'll just do that for some of the moves. (Obviously the biceps curls, chest flies, and rows I'll have to use two weights, but I don't find those quite so difficult so it should be fine.) I feel like the pushups are getting easier, but it's still the most challenging part of the whole workout for me -- and I'm doing the modified version. Can't wait to be strong enough to do the regular push up for that segment! That's going to be awesome.

    I am modifying the abs, because I have a fairly severe diastasis rectii from my pregnancies, and that has to be dealt with before I can do crunches of any kind. So I'm doing my "fix the diastasis" ab work for that minute.

    I'm doing other workouts as well. Monday, Wed, and Friday, I do another workout after the Shred, and I'm planning on it being a fairly intense workout. Tuesday and Thursday I'll do a low intensity workout, just straight low impact cardio, and some core/sculpting work (with the diastasis in mind). I'm also doing some flexibility work, about 10-20 minutes every day. I'm aiming for a total of 60 minutes a day, not counting the flexibility. The weekends I'm not really planning to do anything intense - I'm going to take those as a rest day, maybe do some yoga if I feel like it, or go for a walk. Definitely just taking it easy.
  • bjscmg
    bjscmg Posts: 77
    Here is an idea for those of you who have weights that are to heavy or no weights....use 2 bottles of water or canned food. It's so much easier than straining your muscles and believe it or not they work just as good! My arms BURNNN when the workout is over and at first I could not even get through some of the weight interval with the bottle of waters lol

    Good luck everyone, can't wait to see everyones results :)
  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    I use canned goods too! They are working just fine for me. I feel the burn during the squat/shoulder press. On another note: I noticed someone commented that they are doing all three levels during a workout. I didn't even consider that. Right now I'm watching the video on cable [Comcast On Demand]. It only offers level 1 so I'll have to rent the DVD from this week so I can progress to level 2. I'm just wondering how many variations folks have come up with using the same tool....
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    I woke up at 5 with such a knot in my shoulder and my arm was killing me. I got out of bed and my quads didn't want to move. Ugh. I put off the workout until tonight. I think the weights were too much to add yesterday, I'll try tonight w/o them.
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