The biggest summer challenge! :]



  • h2onut
    h2onut Posts: 164
    Totally rocked Friday's challenge for Team Crimson... biked to and from work, 20ish minutes each way (I'm calling it 40 total) and drank a whopping 18 glasses of water in prep for a 5k tomorrow morning!!!! Oh, and I stayed 100 under my goal for calories! I did eat some of my exercise calories (I always do) but staying under and happy about that!

    Wish me luck, hoping for a PB on the 5k!

    Best of luck on your run tomorrow!!
  • scaatynj
    scaatynj Posts: 51 Member
    Friday challenge met! Now I have to survive two parties this weekend! I can do it, I can do it!
  • lauragoat
    lauragoat Posts: 197 Member
    yee haw ! Friday Goals Met! Why are the weekends so hard! Will be working hard.. maybe it will not be so bad!!
  • Ty2010
    Ty2010 Posts: 43
    Pear team in the house....Thursday and Friday challenge----CHECK!!!!! Whoo hooo! :bigsmile:
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    Checking in for Mint team. Passed the Friday challenge.
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    Fridays challenge complete.
  • andrea1237
    andrea1237 Posts: 44
    No challenges for the weekend!
    Relax and get ready for the weigh-in on sunday! :]

    The whole entire week's challenges will be posted on Sunday or Monday, so make sure to check back (:
  • diverchic73
    diverchic73 Posts: 314 Member
    Fridays challenge - met exercise failed on calories though :-(

    Am checking in a day early due to not being sure I can get online tomorrow - 177 so still a loss of 1.4 lbs = 0.78% (worked out by 1.4/178.4*100, I think that's the correct formula)
  • TNGirlyGirl
    TNGirlyGirl Posts: 337 Member
    Checking in for Mint team. Passed the Friday challenge.

    That makes both of us!! I passed Friday, too :-) GO MINT!!!
  • TNGirlyGirl
    TNGirlyGirl Posts: 337 Member

    BTW, how do you get those little fruit symbols? Wonder if there's one for blue?

    Looked em up on google >:D and made them.
    i'm sure you could make something for blue.

    and i think the % idea is a good one.
    Team Blue

    OK, I googled "mint pictures" to try find something for my team -- all it brought up was images of money... (US Mint, coins, etc.) Guess that means we're the $$$ winners $$$ LOL:laugh:
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    OK, I googled "mint pictures" to try find something for my team -- all it brought up was images of money... (US Mint, coins, etc.) Guess that means we're the $$$ winners $$$ LOL:laugh:

    Do a specific mint like peppermint. You'll get pictures just fine. :)
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Had an awesome personal best at my 5k this morning!!! Finished in 29:35!!!!! So happy!!! As for weight this week, I'm at a zero loss. No gain, but no loss. My body does this, next week I'll see something, but this week it was happy where it was!!!

    Anyway, Go Crimson!!!! Looking forward to next week's challenges!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Yeay my weigh is 104.75 this morning - didn't think I'd lose anything but lost just over llb. Now I need to keep it off!!!

    I'll leave it up to the experts to work out the percentage :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Go Team Raspberry!

    Ready for week 2
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Yeay my weigh is 104.75 this morning - didn't think I'd lose anything but lost just over llb. Now I need to keep it off!!!

    I'll leave it up to the experts to work out the percentage :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Go Team Raspberry!

    Ready for week 2

    PLEASE IGNORE ABOVE POST :embarassed: Sorry need to wipe the sleep from my eyes.

    My weight is 140.75 this morning, I was just checking previous posts when I noticed that we should work the % out ourselves, that's when I noticed the big mistake. (Wishful thinking on my part????)

    So if I've got it right this time -- I have lost 0.87%
  • kezzieh
    kezzieh Posts: 25
    Weight today 167, maintained, gutted. I walked my bum off this week!!!

    Oh well, upping the mileage next week.... :-(

    Good Luck everyone! x
  • shazzabir
    shazzabir Posts: 42 Member
    I weighed in today at 129lb, so lost 1lb :-)
  • lisa0913
    lisa0913 Posts: 22
    weigh in for this week. 198 lost .6

    blue team
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    Weigh in this week. Plum team.
    For myself I lost 1.69%. 4 pounds :)
  • TNGirlyGirl
    TNGirlyGirl Posts: 337 Member
    I've exercised more, eaten healthier, and drank more water than ever before in my life..... and I'm STILL stuck at 197.8. Was hoping I could break this plateau, but not this week, I guess!! I'm exactly where I started last Sunday.

    Good luck to everyone else in the challenge!!!
  • fitsherry
    fitsherry Posts: 86
    Gold Team

    5/29: 195.6
    6/5: 194.6

    1lb lost