The biggest summer challenge! :]



  • GreenGablesJes
    Green Team!!

    Start :208.5lbs

    Currently 204lbs

    lost 4.5 lbs
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Team Magenta:
    5/29 -214.6 lbs.
    6/5- 211 lbs.
    Lost 3 lbs.

    Have a great week everyone.
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Team Magenta:
    5/29 -214.6 lbs.
    6/5- 211 lbs.
    Lost 3.6 lbs.

    Have a great week everyone.
  • scaatynj
    scaatynj Posts: 51 Member
    Lavender team. Lost 1 pound

    Last week 227
    this week 226
  • h2onut
    h2onut Posts: 164
    Checking in for Team Indigo.
    I lost 1 pound this week for a loss of 0.62%

    2nd Team Indigo member here
    no change for me:(
    Still 163 even - 0%
    Yeah for my team mate and everyone else posting losses - well done!
  • jolie123
    jolie123 Posts: 30
    Team Violet here! I lost 2 pounds this week, so my current weight is 143. and if I calculated correctly, that`s 0.13%?
  • jolie123
    jolie123 Posts: 30
    Team Violet here! I lost 2 pounds this week, so my current weight is 143. and if I calculated correctly, that`s 0.13%?
    Eeeeeeee! Sorry! I don`t know why I was thinking that I started out at 145! lol my starting weight was 144 and now I`m 143, so 1 pound lost. 0.69% sorry again for the error. :D
  • journey2size10
    Gold Team

    5/29: 195.6
    6/5: 194.6

    1lb lost

    whoop, great job partner!!!

    Team Gold
    SW: 206.5
    CW: 205.5

    1 lb - 0.48% loss

    not as good as planned, but I celebrated end of schoolyear on fri and feeling good! back to the gym in the morning!
  • bzykdtxi
    bzykdtxi Posts: 3
    Weighing in for team BLACK

  • ivorythorns
    TERRIBLE week. Which I still don't understand... Hoping for a better one next week. Gained 2 pounds even, so 332.6. Team peach!
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    gained four pounds :sad:

    CW: 168

    this coming week I'm gonna kick butt
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    Weight today 167, maintained, gutted. I walked my bum off this week!!!

    Oh well, upping the mileage next week.... :-(

    Good Luck everyone! x

    Team Azure here!
    My weight today was 242 down 2 lbs!!!
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    Green Team!!

    Start :208.5lbs

    Currently 204lbs

    lost 4.5 lbs

    Awesome, Green Team Member (Teammate)!!! Way to Go!!!! It's gonna be hard keeping up with you...
    (Total for our team should be 6 lbs total--off to good start)
  • MDarker
    MDarker Posts: 15 Member
    Team Pearl!

    SW: 189.5
    Current: 188.5
    Lost 1lb on the nose for 0.53%

    BTW weighing in on a Sunday sucks! Drank allooooott of beer this weekend! :)
  • jezlightyear
    jezlightyear Posts: 167 Member
    down to 207, that's a loss of 2lbs this week :D

    well done everyone for your efforts this week! just had a scroll anad it's looking good :D
  • diverchic73
    diverchic73 Posts: 314 Member
    Team Emerald reporting in


    5/29 176.8
    6/5 175.2

    lost 1.6 lbs

    Wahoo, way to go Nisijam5 :drinker:
  • nichole1027
    nichole1027 Posts: 79 Member
    5/29 145
    6/5 144.6
    loss of .4
  • EmilyDezo
    EmilyDezo Posts: 55 Member
    I apologize for not getting this up yesterday. I actually have injured my knee this week...not majorly, but enough that I had to rest this week. I have not lost any weight for team fuchsia.
  • jkwilson300
    jkwilson300 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey, sorry i wasn't able to weigh in yesterday. I was out of town again and I havent been able to weigh yet today eather. But I'm going to as soon as I get home this evening and I'll poast it then.
  • Ty2010
    Ty2010 Posts: 43
    :bigsmile: PEAR TEAM representing the weigh in for yesterday...Actually I weighed in today. 160.0. I have lost .4 lbs...whoo hooo!!!!!