twenty pound somethings week #9



  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Yea I'm in. :bigsmile:

    Hey Pedalhound,

    Just realized your only 1 pound away from your half way point. WOW that must feel good. You and I have something in common; my starting weight is the same as yours. I wish we could trade places, no not really, that would mean you would be in my shoes right now and that isn't fair. You have worked hard to get to this point, so cheers to you:drinker:
  • cassangelidy
    I'm totally in!!! I think its a super great idea!!!!

    I'm an accountant and can do the percentages if ya'll want. I looooove numbers. Geek right here!! SO I want to know where everyone is on there 20 pound challenge!!! So I want (would like it very much) if everyone would state what there starting weight, current weight and goal weight for Oct 14th!!

    For me its:
    SW 193
    CW 190
    GW 180 by Oct14th.

    So, K...I looooooove this idea!!! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!! :) I think percentages are a great idea Pedal!!! Some people have more weight to lose than others and this way we would all be on the same playing field! To some 10 pounds would be a piece of cake, to might take a huge amount of effort!!!

    SUPER EXCITED!!:bigsmile:

    So far today I have had:
    Coffee w/ SF FF cream
    1/2 cup oatmeal

    rest of the day looks like:
    Ground Turkey Soft taco
    SF jello

    Not sure what's for dinner...Perhaps a great big chicken salad. I have to go grocery shopping but I only go once a week and its not until Friday. Soooo....I have to make meals out of what we already have! lol....But rest assured..I WILL stay within my calories...

    Oh and by the calorie requirements are 1600. I actually dropped it down to 1500. I am going to fiddle with the numbers but yeah...that was mine.

    have a great day ladies!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well...all our totals are posted usually on Tuesdays...

    Started 171.5
    Goal (-20) 151.5

    As of yesterday 165.0

    So, I have 13.5 more pounds to go before October 14th.

    So, for percentages do you mean a percentage of what we have remaining to lose before our goal? For example, my right now I have 25 more pounds to lose before reaching my overall goal. So if we were to say like 25% of our goal then I would want to lose 6.25 pounds (25x0.25)? Is that what we are talking about? But for someone who has 80 pounds to lose that's 20 pounds?! I'm just not sure how this works. Could you guys clarify?
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I just found out that I am off work this Friday, so I can make that step class in the morning! I'm very happy about this since I will miss on Thursday. Hoping to get some kind of workout Thursday evening, but seriously may not happen...depends on when I get done with the work BBQ thingy! If not I won't cry too hard!:wink:
  • cassangelidy
    You could do it two ways. Actually 3...

    1. % of pounds left to lose
    2. % of body weight
    3. % of Body Fat

    For the 3rd one everyone would have to get their body fat tested twice. Once you know your body fat, its very easy to determine how many pounds of fat you have on your body....those are the pounds we want to lose...not the lean muscle mass!!!

    K, it will take the same amount of effort for your body to lose 6.25 pounds as it would someone needing to lose 80 pounds to drop 20. Does that make sense??
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yeah...this makes sense. I just wanted to make sure that was what you meant. That is probably why some people in this challenge are dropping 20 no problem and for me...not quite so easy!:grumble: But it's okay! Yeah...I think the first way would be good. So for the Sexy in Six Challenge maybe we want to do15 or 20% of our pounds left to lose? Is that too much or too little? I'm not sure. Let me know what you think?
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    I'm an accountant and can do the percentages if ya'll want. I looooove numbers. Geek right here!! SO I want to know where everyone is on there 20 pound challenge!!! So I want (would like it very much) if everyone would state what there starting weight, current weight and goal weight for Oct 14th!!

    Here is Deb's info Thanks for doing the math:flowerforyou:
    For me its:
    SW 217
    CW 214
    GW 206 by Oct14th.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Warning this may be long.....
    first off to start weight of this 13 weeks was 236, now weight is 224.2, goal at end of 13 weeks is 216.

    second; this is what may be long....
    i have been doing some thinking about my calories. i am hungry before bedtime, i am talking tummy growling and making lots of noise. i do have cals to eat, i just am trying to not eat after 8pm. anyway, everyday i have at least 300+ calories left a day. (except sunday no workouts) this is with my workout calories. sometimes it's 500. anyway i am diabetic, so i know i have to eat with caution on somethings. my levels are that of a non-diabetic now. i can eat most everything without it causeing problems. i lost the most of my 62#s following my doctors diet for diabetic. (infact lost 74#s), than i quit smoking and put some back on. since i have been trying to find the way of eating to work for me. i found this place and my mind was made up i was ready again. before i just watched to make sure i didn't go over 45 carbs at meals, 15 at snacks. 30 for night snack. didn't pay any attention to calories. i am assuming they were at least 2000. i worked out and only burned about 300/400 calories. but, again i was smoking which keeps your heart rate up all the time. so when i got myself together after quiting smoking, i lose slower. i workout to burn over 500+ calories a day 6 days a week. i eat 1300/1400 calories a day. my limit on here was set at 1200. for instance today i have a total of 1945 to eat. i find myself penny pinching my calories. thinking that if i don't eat them all i will lose more. i had lost that 74#s in 8 months. that's when the doc said to quit smoking. it took me a year and a half to get myself back together again to get back on track, i did have some medical problems in that time also.
    my questions are.....1) do i have to eat all my calories or can i just eat most?
    2) do i have to keep my heart rate up in the arobic zone or can i keep it in the fat burn zone. (it takes long to burn more calores in this zone).
    those are my questions. help me figure this out. i am always thinking of food and counting when my next meal is. i think i am getting in a rut.
    thanks pals,
  • cassangelidy
    Hi Chipper,

    I don't know what your fiber or protein intake looks like...but I would recommend thinking about these two things. Carbs are not as big of a deal if you are working out. Your body needs carbs as fuel. Of course don't take in all carbs...there is a balance. You are talking about feeling hungry..ravenous all the time....get in at LEAST 30 grams of fiber a day!! This will really help you feel full! Also, make sure you are getting protein at every meal. I say this because protein stays with you longer and makes you feel statisfied longer! Make sure you are drinking a ton of water!!! Especially because you are working out so need to replenish yourself!!!

    Other than that...I think on workout days you should be eating slightly more than you are...1500-1600. You are still creating a calorie deficet...but you aren't going to be starving yourself! On non workout days, 1300-1400 is good.

    In fact, you have inspired me to adjust my numbers down. I think I'll have better success with a greater deficiency!

    One of my favorite snacks is an apple with string cheese. Protein, carb and fiber all in a lovely little morsel. :)

    You are doing great Chipper!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm definetely NO expert. far as I know you really should eat all the calories you are burning (or at least most of them). I've found that I can lose weight both ways, but I think it's much better for your body to eat most of them. There are days when I am under by 400 or 500 calories and that's fine. There are some days when I am OVER by 400 or 500 calories. I think it's just an overall balance. And I always have an evening snack...ALWAYS. I can't go to bed on an empty makes me feel sick! I usually have something sweet in the treat after a hard day. Some may argue this is bad, but I haven't seen any difference than when I restricted food in the evenings. SO...make sure your body is happy...yes a little strain is fine, but you don't want to be miserable all the time!

    I wish you the best of luck! Sorry I don't know more.:flowerforyou:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    cassange...thanks for the advice. i do keep my fiber up high, because i am on a medication that cause constipation and i also take stool softners. i had a herniated bowel in may and had to have surgery plus a few other things fix while he was in that area. so, i can't strain. so i keep that high. as for carbs being diabetic that is what we watch since that is where the sugar is counted. i need to pay attention to those most. i have protein with every meal.

    kistin...thank to you also. i was thinking that same thing i needed to eat closer to my allowed calories. i eat dinner at 5:30/6 and have a snack before 8. i also take a walk around the block which is a mile and i burn 100 calories. i do this every night. i did have extra tonight for dinner so i have over 200 left and i will have a skinny cow tonight. today will be the most i have eaten since i started here.

    i think i am maybe looking for an excuse to eat more. i am getting bored. i will adjust my calorie intake this week and see what happens.

    thanks guys.
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey everyone!!

    My my you guys have been chatty today lol took me 20 min to catch up with everyone :smile:

    Lets see if I can remember it all now..

    Kristin- I think the sexy in six challenge for thanksgiving sounds AWESOME! I am also in agreeance that we should go by a %age instead of lbs loss. I know I have lost a lot of lbs so far during this challenge but yet some have only lost a few lbs..but compare the weight of me and say you Kristin and at this point since I weigh more it is easier for me to lose more lbs. So if we go by %ages then everyone will be on a more even level!

    I think I would like to do %age of total goal weight right now I have 72lbs left so a 10% reduction in my goal weight would have me losing 7.2lbs. Thats just MPO but whatever you guys decide Im up for it :wink:

    Thank you all for your thoughts about my car accident and well wishes .. I toughed it out til this afternoon..even went to the gym this morning.. took my 3rd dose of ibuprofen at 11:30am and by 1:30 had severe pain return in my neck. Went to the hospital and they xrayed and said I was having muscle spasms and that I had tiny microscopic tears so they gave me RXs for a muscle relaxer and a pain med. The doc does want me to hold off on any exercise for about 2-3 days but Im not sure if I will.. I asked if I could do exercise "as tolerated" and he said I shouldnt for a few days until healed. Blah.

    Yea I am realizing why I only have a 2lb loss after a kick butt week last week... The medicine my weight loss doctor switched me to isnt working for me. I'm on Bontril SR currently, but today and yesterday I didnt even take it- completely forgot- and I didnt notice a difference at all in my appetite or my energy levels from when I do take the medicine. So the 2lb loss is pretty good then, considering the meds Im on arent working for me its like I lost those 2lbs on my own with no medicinal interventions. So next week Im supposed to call my doc and let her know how the Bontril is working for me..Im going to tell her it isnt lol. I'll be switched back to my other med so ..dont be surprised if I bounce back in a few weeks with a 4-5lb loss lol.

    Pedal...That is soooo awesome that you are only ***1*** lb away from your midpoint!! :drinker: :drinker: Woohoo, you are awesome!! I bet you have already lost that 1lb as well..or will by this weekend! :wink: You are doing SO great!!!

    Okay so on to my dailys:
    bfast: luna bar
    snack: almond packet
    lunch: starkist tuna lunch kit on 1 and 1/2 cup romaine lettuce
    snack: fiber one bar
    dinner: chinese takeaway...1 cup steamed rice and 1 cup steamed chicken and veggies as well as 1 crab ragoon...those things are the tempting, so yummy lol. But I just ate 1 so its all good- enough to satisfy the craving!

    Exercise today: 40 min on elliptical...nothing else, no shred or anything :grumble: Wont be able to for a few days I guess...:grumble: I know its for the best but still. Frustrating. (I can still walk though....hhhhmmmm...*idea*)

    Okay well my muscle relaxer is about to kick in so Im going to go ahead and take off now.. I'll check in tomorrow!! Have a great night and a great day tomorrow ladies!!!

    Created by - Free Food Journal
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Katy...I'm glad you went to the doctor...take care of yourself hunny! And 10 or 15 % of pounds we have remaining to lose sounds good to me also. But again, we can discuss this closer to. I'm just really glad you guys all want to stick together...that's what I was hoping for!

    Chipper...keep me posted on how things are going for you. Maybe adjusting calories will help.

    I just got done eating dinner...some grilled chicken and zucchini and a baked red potato...yum! I had a good workout but burned less calories running and in Body Pump then I did on Monday...oh well. Still felt great! I have some other exciting's not finalized yet...but I GOT A NEW JOB!!!! That one I interviewed for a while ago...the one I really wanted...they called me today to make sure I was still interested and said they just needed to figure out the salary and final details and they'd be calling me...that I was the candidate they wanted! I am SUPER stoked! SO...let's just hope everything else goes well!'s time for me to do dishes and then probably to bed...I'm really tired! But...have a GREAT night girls and I'll be back in the morning!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I GOT A NEW JOB!!!! That one I interviewed for a while ago...the one I really wanted...they called me today to make sure I was still interested and said they just needed to figure out the salary and final details and they'd be calling me...that I was the candidate they wanted! I am SUPER stoked! SO...let's just hope everything else goes well!'s time for me to do dishes and then probably to bed...I'm really tired! But...have a GREAT night girls and I'll be back in the morning!

    YAHOOOO!!!! YAY FOR YOU Kristin!!! I'm so happy for you that you'll have the job you wanted :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :glasses: Do you know when they'll get back to you??
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    CONGRATS Kistin. that has got to be the best feeling. AND the one you wanted.

    i ate closer to all my cals yesturday and wasn't hungry at all.

    have a great day everyone, will check back later, treadmill time.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I GOT A NEW JOB!!!! That one I interviewed for a while ago...the one I really wanted...they called me today to make sure I was still interested and said they just needed to figure out the salary and final details and they'd be calling me...that I was the candidate they wanted! I am SUPER stoked! SO...let's just hope everything else goes well!'s time for me to do dishes and then probably to bed...I'm really tired! But...have a GREAT night girls and I'll be back in the morning!

    YAHOOOO!!!! YAY FOR YOU Kristin!!! I'm so happy for you that you'll have the job you wanted :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :glasses: Do you know when they'll get back to you??

    They didn't say yet, but she did tell me to be it may be a little bit...but I have been waiting for something for quite a I don't mind waiting a little longer!

    Thanks for the congrats Pedalhound and Chipper! It's means a lot!:flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Options's the plan for today:

    1 c. Multigrain cheerios, 1/2 c. skim milk, 1 med. banana, 1/2 c. strawberries sliced, 4 oz. PlumSmart Lite juice, 1 multivitamin.

    AM snack:
    2 c. coffee, 2 tbsp. sugar-free vanilla caramel creamer, 1 soft-baked Kashi TLC ripe strawberry bar.

    Nutz over Chocolate Luna Bar, 1 med. apple, AE yoLite yogurt, diet coke.

    The rest of the idea. We have a picnic/BBQ for work starting at 2 and they are serving NO idea. That's why I'm having a lighter lunch. Plus...there's a good chance I won't get any exercise in today since I have NO clue when this things is getting over...I think they said somewhere around 9. top things off...I started my monthly today...BLAH! So I feel crappy! But oh well! Tomorrow morning I'm planning on going to Step class since I will be missing tonight and then out to my parents for the rest of the day. But I will be good...that's one of my goals for the week!:wink:

    Have a good morning girls and I'll check back in a bit!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Good Morning,

    Congratulations Kristen. How exciting starting a new job & I'm very glad to hear you got the one you really wanted.:happy:


    Glad you went to the doctor and know what is going on.

    My latest issue is sleep. I have been waking up at 2-3 AM every night for the last week and can't get back to sleep. I don't feel any unusual stress and am not thinking about anything that is keeping me from getting back to sleep. This is hard on my energy for the day. After my workout I have little energy to the other things I need to do for the day. I'm hoping this takes care of itself soon.

    Today: 1: Raisin Bran & milk & coffee
    2: Sweet potato & smart balance, sliced chicken (only 50 cal)
    3: egg, toast
    5: small chili and salad
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    kistin----where your BBQ is at walk around for a little while. like if it's at a park take a walk. it it's in a parking lot, walk around the outside of the parking lot. that way you get something in. maybe someone will join you....
    but, have fun and don't worry. this is one of lifes little beeps.

  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Warning this may be long.....
    first off to start weight of this 13 weeks was 236, now weight is 224.2, goal at end of 13 weeks is 216.

    second; this is what may be long....
    i have been doing some thinking about my calories. i am hungry before bedtime, i am talking tummy growling and making lots of noise. i do have cals to eat, i just am trying to not eat after 8pm. anyway, everyday i have at least 300+ calories left a day. (except sunday no workouts) this is with my workout calories. sometimes it's 500. anyway i am diabetic, so i know i have to eat with caution on somethings. my levels are that of a non-diabetic now. i can eat most everything without it causeing problems. i lost the most of my 62#s following my doctors diet for diabetic. (infact lost 74#s), than i quit smoking and put some back on. since i have been trying to find the way of eating to work for me. i found this place and my mind was made up i was ready again. before i just watched to make sure i didn't go over 45 carbs at meals, 15 at snacks. 30 for night snack. didn't pay any attention to calories. i am assuming they were at least 2000. i worked out and only burned about 300/400 calories. but, again i was smoking which keeps your heart rate up all the time. so when i got myself together after quiting smoking, i lose slower. i workout to burn over 500+ calories a day 6 days a week. i eat 1300/1400 calories a day. my limit on here was set at 1200. for instance today i have a total of 1945 to eat. i find myself penny pinching my calories. thinking that if i don't eat them all i will lose more. i had lost that 74#s in 8 months. that's when the doc said to quit smoking. it took me a year and a half to get myself back together again to get back on track, i did have some medical problems in that time also.
    my questions are.....1) do i have to eat all my calories or can i just eat most?
    2) do i have to keep my heart rate up in the arobic zone or can i keep it in the fat burn zone. (it takes long to burn more calores in this zone).
    those are my questions. help me figure this out. i am always thinking of food and counting when my next meal is. i think i am getting in a rut.
    thanks pals,

    Hey Chipper,

    I am not a professional, but everything I read & hear says you must eat all your minimum calories. I believe this, because all the diets I've done over the years when I've starved myself ; I eventually end up gaining weight towards the end of dieting, because I inadvertantly slowed down my metabolism. It's kind of a catch 22.

    I think it's good that you curb your eating at 8pm, but maybe increase your breakfast or lunch calories.

    I'm not sure about the exercising thing. I'm working on that myself and have ordered the HRM & will focus on exercising in different zones & see what kind of differences I see. I will let you know.

    Keep up the good work. You have come very far & should be proud of this huge accomplishment.:bigsmile: