twenty pound somethings week #9



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    deblaf...i upped my intake yesturday and didn't feel as hungry at bedtime. i am doing the same today. i was staying off the scale unless weigh in days, but have decided to weigh daily just to catch anything happening. (like gains). i know my metabolism went down after i quit smoking and that took over a year to deal with. i don't want to drop it now because i don't eat enough. i should know better, geeze i have been at this diet thing for many years. been heavy my whole life. but, it's trial and error all the way. and adjustments thrown in there too.

    chipper (the calorie pincher)
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Good morning!

    Just quickly, here's my day:

    1: flax blueberry oatmeal w/ 1 tbsp crunchy organic peanut butter & 1/2 banana
    2: egg white omlette w/ spinach & cheese, salsa
    3: vanilla protein shake made w/ skim milk, gala apple
    4: homemade miso soup w/ cabbage & green onion & tofu (never made miso soup before)
    5: some kind of snack depending on whether I burn any cals today.

    no scheduled work outs, maybe some push-ups or something? I've been working my body hard this week!!

    Checking in later... (Kristin, love the new pic!!) :bigsmile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey girls!

    Deb...thanks for the congrats! I don't really know what to tell you about sleep issues? I've never really had any. I'm sorry I'm no help.:flowerforyou:

    Chipper...good job so far...keep it up and let us know how it's working for you. I also check the scale every day. Don't be upset when it goes up a little...mine always does but then back fluxuates regularly. have been working hard this day off is good for you! And thanks! I've been having issues getting pictures to upload and I finally was able to get ONE up. I wanted to put some before pictures up that I took when I first started on here again (July 8th) but they didn't want to upload! Oh well....some other time maybe!

    Well...eating my Luna bar, apple, and yogurt for lunch, finishing up some work, and then off to the BBQ.

    Oh...Chipper...I don't know what we'll be doing but I think some Volleyball is going I will get a little exercise! But I don't think I will put on my HRM so I won't be logging it...I just won't feel too bad if I'm over a little in calories!

    Well...have a great rest of the afternoon ladies and if I don't get a chance to post again tonight, I will tomorrow morning!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Man o man... I'm going out on a limb today and honouring what my body is saying despite it being different from my plan: I am SO hungry today!! And usually if I'm hungry outside of my planned meals I'm craving something I really shouldn't be having, like sweets or something. But today I can tell my body is just really genuinely hungry for more than my numbers indicate. The nice thing, the GREAT feeling about this, is that this past week I've felt really back on balance. Really dedicated. So today I've been responding when my body asks for food and I've been making really good choices in small amounts so I know I can pay attention to feeling satisfied. It makes sense I guess... this whole thing is a "best guess" estimation and our actual needs do vary from day to day. My dance class REALLY hammered my legs and I had to do step yesterday just to try to regain use of my quads because the lactic acid was so bad. But I worked my tail off in that class last night too and I ended up about 200 cals under for the day so I guess I just need more fuel today. I'm totally rambling but it's just interesting. It feels like an accomplishment somehow :huh: I guess I'll just keep making small healthy choices if I keep feeling this hungry and I already know I'll go over my cals some but I feel it's best. My sodium is higher than normal today too with the miso soup I'm planning on eating. Ah well :glasses:

    I hope everyone is having a good one!!
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Congrats on the job Kristin! Thats really good! BTW, I really like your new pic!

    Foodwise today:
    bfast- fiber one cereal skim milk/ egg whites
    snack: 100 cal pack almonds and grande skinny vanilla latte with sugar free syrup
    lunch: south beach meal replacement bar
    snack: pack of baby carrots, fat free pringles, and fiber drink mix
    dinner: Not sure yet.. maybe leftover chinese or else some soup and 1/2 sandwich

    exercise: none yet, may do dvd exercises later or take my daughter for a walk in the park

    So Im just feeling so blah today. Ive been more hungry this afternoon as well. I want to exercise, but I just cant summon the energy to do it..I guess its the effects of the medicine Im taking (flexiril and lortab). I weighed this morning and I was down another .3lbs so that is cool..I really really need to exercise bc this weekend I am working a 12 hr shift on Saturday and an 11hr shift on Sunday so I wont have the time to exercise either days. I might be able to squeeze in 30 min but not more than that.

    Tomorrow Im going to try and get in an hour on the exercise bike becuz Im curious to see if I actually burn 1200-1400calories in an hour on the bike or if the calorie counter on the bike is very wrong. Im going to wear my HRM and compare!

    Okay so I will check back in just a lil bit- talk to you guys later!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Well, my day went pretty well today except that this evening I was chatting and there were kashi crackers and hummus out and I realized too late that I'd totally been mindlessly munching on them. Not great considering I'd already made a concession for going a bit over my cals for my day of hunger. But since it was a mindless act and not an emotional act I'm not feeling too torn up about it :tongue: I'll just have to kill it at the gym tomorrow!

    I'm excited because I bought myself 2 new work out tops and 1 new pair of work out pants. I also found out that Lululemon near me offers free yoga every Sunday evening so when I can I'll check that out. I guess different teachers from around the city go do a general class.

    Katy, sorry you're feeling slow today. I know those days. With hypothyroidism I've sure felt my share of sluggish days not helped by meds... Good luck for a better day tomorrow!

    I made miso soup tonight for the first time. I've never even HAD miso soup :laugh: But all of a sudden yesterday I was craving it and so I looked up the Japanese philosophy behind it, how to make the base broth from sea weed and mushrooms, then made this AMAZINGLY delicious pot of miso soup. It's high in sodium but I really enjoyed it and I'm eager to have it again some time!! I may avoid the scale tomorrow though (or, I'd like to imagine I'll be able to avoid it :tongue: ) because I'm sure I'll retain water after all that sodium-rich miso!

    Well, it's late to bed for me but earlier than most nights these days. I've NOT been getting enough sleep!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good mornin all........
    hope everyone has a great day. i have a lunch date for grandparents day at granddaughter #1 school today. it was suppose to be last week but, hannah changed the plans. i did go to GS#2 lunch last week. so really need to get on the treadmill and dress. she eats at 11:10. we have to be there half hour early for pics. and to park and the drive i need to leave here at 10:15 the latest.
    had a rough night last night. DH has been a jerk all week. he has just had a rough week with work related stuff. anyway he can sometimes take it out on me. so i went to bed mad at him. see what today brings. he has friday and sat off. so his week is now ended. oh well, it's not the first time (married 31 years).
    need to get the exercise in.
    been keeping closer to my total cals for the day, just feeling fat. so still working on that.
    talk to you later.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning! Finally Friday...

    Chipper...I'm sorry about your hubby being a pain..all relationships have those will be okay. I like to use those days to workout extra hard to vent my anger!:wink: worries about one day a little over. You always do SO well that it probably won't do anything! And your Miso soup sounds WONDERFUL!

    Katy...I'm sorry your day was kind of blah. But I'm eager to see how your HRM and the bike compares today! Keep me posted!

    Yesterday was so much fun! We had that BBQ...we got there around 2 and played Volleyball and Horseshoes until about 5. Then we had dinner...1/2 an ear of corn on the cob, about 1/2 c. potato salad, about 1/2 c. cucumber/tomato salad, 1 Hamburger bun with about 1/2 c. pulled beef. I didn't munch on any of the crackers/cheese and chips they had out all day! (Yay for me!!) But I did have a small piece (probably about 1/2 c. worth of this blueberry cobbler thing and about 1/4 c. vanilla ice cream...I couldn't resist! But...after dinner we went out and played Volleyball for another 1.5-2 hours! When I got home last night I was kind of bad...had 2 reduced fat graham crackers with cool whip free and a handful of multigrain cheerios. I don't know why I was still hungry, but those were bad choices. I was craving sweet (my monthly started yesterday!) But...onto a new day...

    I'm not sure of todays plan yet...getting ready to head to Step class here in a bit and then out to my parents a little later. So....I will check back in a bit! Have a great morning ladies!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    you did great kistin. you work off all the food, that could why you were still hungry. i won't worry about anything. have a nice day off. i did my workout, showered and dressed and just waiting until time now to head to the school. hope they have better menu today than last week.

    pedal i wouldn't worry about one day going over. you are doing great.

    katy hope your day is better today. :happy:

    talk to you later.
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Good Morning,

    PedalHound, Feelling great and really dedicated sounds like you really have made a lifestyle change. Good for you. Yoga classes here are very expensive, you're lucky to get some free ones. Lately, the only clothes I'm interested in buying are workout clothes. As for sleep, I had 3-4 hours AGAIN last night, I'm starting to get worried that this will never get back to normal. I think it has something to do with my metabolism changing with the changing of my eating habits & exercise. Have you had this problem long?

    Katy, It still looks like you're eating very little calories. If you eat more you may get the energy you need to exercise again. Maybe you'll feel better too.

    Chipper, Congrats on 31 years. Hopefully hubby will change his attitude soon.

    Kristen, I'm glad you had fun at your BBQ. You probably burned lots of cals playing volleyball. It's nice they had activities instead of just food.

    I'm feelling pretty good today, considering I still haven't got a good night's sleep.:yawn: I find that thinking about my food & weight is on my mind several times a day. I've started weighing several times per week and I'm not sure that is a good idea.

    1: Raisin english muffin & coffee
    2:McDonalds' Southwest salad no dressing
    3:apple & yougert
    4: subway club
    5:skim milk & raisin bran

    Exercise: Got the New DVD Shred will give that a try
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Chipper, sorry for the rough day yesterday but I hope you have fun at the lunch!

    Deb, sorry - not much experience with unavoidable sleep deprivation. I find that the better I eat and work out, the better my sleep is. But it could be something to do with your metabolism... are you working out late in the day? That can sometimes effect sleep.

    Kristin, glad the BBQ was fun and a success! With all that volleyball I'm sure you burned off what you ate - sometimes we snack. Right?? :happy:

    Katy, HI!

    1: egg white omlette w/ spinach, cheese & salsa, cinnamon raisin ezekiel toast w/ fruit juice sweetened raspberry jam
    2: gala apple, raincoast crisp crackers w/ homemade fat free yogurt cheese, chocolate protein shake
    3: ezekiel no-sodium bread w/ hummus
    4: oatmeal w/ peanut butter & banana
    5: vanilla protein shake made w/ skim milk, spinach basil sweet potato soup
    6: air popped popcorn

    This time I'm hoping I can get all my work out calories in! I felt really beat yesterday and I want to avoid that again!

    Well, I need to run for now and get my kiddos before they wake up my friend! Always funny having people around who aren't used to little people and their early wake-up times! I'm trying a new work out tonight - a bosu ball class. Never done that - should be interesting!

    Have a great one - I'm sure I'll check back later :tongue:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey again! Home from Step class! Burned 416 calories and 30% fat! And that was in 36 minutes (it's a 45 minute class, I was late, and started my HRM late...ooops! But still pretty good!) I must say...I'm loving having a HRM and seeing what I'm actually burning! Very motivating!!!

    Pedalhound...BOSU ball!!! Sounds fun! Let me know how it goes!

    Deb...I don't know what to tell you about sleep, but I SO feel bad for you! I know how crappy I feel with lack of sleep. Let me know how things continue. I wish I had some advice.:flowerforyou:

    Well, I'm still not 100% sure about the meal plan for today since I'm going to my parents for dinner. But here's so far...

    1 med. banana, 1 Whole wheat english muffin with 2 tbsp. natural peanut butter, 8 oz. PlumSmart Lite juice, 1 multivitamin.

    AM Snack:
    2 c. coffee, 2 tbsp. sugar-free vanilla caramel creamer, 1 soft-baked Kashi TLC ripe strawberry bar.

    1/2 c. fat free cottage cheese, 3 melba toast crackers, 14 baby carrots, AE YoLite yogurt, diet coke.

    For the rest of the day, NO idea...I'll be at my parents. But I will check in...I have to do some work on their computer anyway.

    AND...exercise plan--45 minute Step class...DONE!!!! I might try and get a walk in while I'm at my parents, but since I'm going to visit with some people from out of town, I may not. But we'll see.

    Have a FABULOUS Friday ladies and I'll check back later!!!
  • cassangelidy
    Hey Ladies,

    Sounds like everyone is doing awesome!! Me...not so much!! I am eating pretty well...but having a hell of a time getting my butt to the gym....any suggestions as to how to motivate myself to get there??

    I like to go in the morning, but can't get out of bed!! I"m such a looooooser!!!!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hey Ladies,

    Sounds like everyone is doing awesome!! Me...not so much!! I am eating pretty well...but having a hell of a time getting my butt to the gym....any suggestions as to how to motivate myself to get there??

    I like to go in the morning, but can't get out of bed!! I"m such a looooooser!!!!

    First of all, you're not a Looooser. Try some positive self talk and get your workout clothes ready the night before and your plan of what you are going to do that morning. Maybe your just not a morning person.

    I just got my HRM and am about to give it a try to the shred dvd. Here I go.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Options are NOT a loser. you just have to make yourself get up and to the gym. you know deep down inside how much better you will feel after the workout. if you get it done in the morning you don't have to worry about it for the rest of the day. it's done and over with. are we going to have to get harsh with you to get you to the gym?:wink: look into why you are having trouble getting out of CAN do this.

    everyone else....sounds like everyone is busy about their friday. lunch was ok. i think i ate 200 calories. so hungry when we went shopping after, not good, didn't eat, came home and got snack. lunch was pizza or chicken nuggets. choose nuggets. beets, carrots, or corn, choose beets, yucky they were pickled. didn't eat bread. ate a plum. that was it.

    well drama with son so have go for now.

  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    WOW! I just finished the Shred workout and I loved it. It was only level one and I didn't use any weights, but burned 231 cals in just 28-30 min. according to the new HRM. I feel like I went through a good workout. Does that sound possible?I will have to play with the HRM to understand it a little better.

    I don't usually exercise in the evening except an occasional bike ride and I'm done by 8pm at the latest. I usually fall asleep 10:30-11:00pm, so I don't think that is too late to exercise.

    Well, we are expecting rain for the next 4 days and most of my exercise will be dvd's indoors. Oh, how I will miss summer.
  • cassangelidy
    HI ladies, :)

    I know I'm not really a loser...but I'm acting like one in the excersize department! So I think I found an accountability partner on this sight. :) We are going to PM each other everyday and make sure we each go...along with some other suggestions from a thread I started...I'm hoping to really kick booty with this workout stuff!!! :)

    Chipper, may have to get harsh with me!! I totally need a drill sargent when it comes to trainers or motivators!! :)

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    deblaf...don't you just love shred. i was getting it on demand, but went off last week. i miss it. yes, that is about what i burned also doing it. after i finished i would jump on the treadmill to get me up higher in cals burn. i have a thing about calories burned.

    dinner time....

    chipper out.
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302

    I'm excited because I bought myself 2 new work out tops and 1 new pair of work out pants.

    LOL I used to be like man why do people get so excited to buy workout clothes?? Now I know why lol- just the other day I bought a new high impact sports bra and I am loving it!! I feel like a warrior princess when I exercise in it :laugh:
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    you did great kistin. you work off all the food, that could why you were still hungry. i won't worry about anything. have a nice day off. i did my workout, showered and dressed and just waiting until time now to head to the school. hope they have better menu today than last week.

    pedal i wouldn't worry about one day going over. you are doing great.

    katy hope your day is better today. :happy:

    talk to you later.

    Thanks chipper, today was alot better! I hope yours was great today :smile: