twilight fanatics challenge! get your vamp on by november 1



  • tracish
    tracish Posts: 7 Member
    I'm totally excited to be starting this challenge!
    I got a new basket for my bike today. I can't wait to take a nice long bike ride tomorrow.
  • Fergieberg
    Fergieberg Posts: 92 Member
    how do you wake yourself up in the morning? I mean to EVERY morning but then the alarm goes off and I'm just UGGGGGGH....and I sleep in for the 45 minutes I should be working out.

    I don't know how to kick's killing me because then I'm forced to fit my workouts in during the evening when I'm making supper, helping kids with homework, putting them to bed, eating supper, etc etc etc etc.

    I'm the same way!! I have to get up at 4:30 as it is, so trying to wake up any earlier is crazy!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    morning, all! i'm off to a psycho-lady specialty - the most crazy hardcore class at my gym - it's actually called metabolic training. i missed last week because of my work schedule, so i'm nervous that it's going to be a lot harder than it normally is. this is not a class i like to miss, because when i go back, it seems like i'm starting all over. wish me luck!
  • Twilightmom06
    Twilightmom06 Posts: 35 Member
    Sorry I haven't checked in but I have been working. Having two jobs really stinks.
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    I hope everyone is doing well on their challenge this week! I am soooooo sore from doing the ea active on the wii! Those jump squats were a killer! I am really feeling the soreness today even tho i did them on tues! :grumble: but it feels good to be sore it means i am pushing myself n not just doing the bare minimum...

    I am so thankful for the twilight challenge! :smooched:
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    my personal trainer has me do jumping squats! They are killers! Good job on pushing yourself!
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    I started the c25k program on Tuesday. Wednesday I beat my time! I'm excited! Can't wait to keep friends and I are planning on doing a 5k in November for Lung cancer.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member

    This week's challenge is to push yourself in your workout endeavors. If there's something you've been thinking of trying out, do it. If your already a gym rat, push up your time or your intensity. Add five minutes of jump-roping to your routine. Start that C25K. Get your mind to a place where it can visualize your muscles and your arteries - see your blood pulsing, feel it moving. Stretch. Jump. Sweat. Work on your vampire reflexes. Attend to your instincts!

    I've decided to give c25k a try because I have a 5k coming up in Sept. that i'm determined to enter on the race side instead of the fun walk. Anyway, with that said, I'll only be able to train every other week (when my son is in camp), so we'll see where I'm at 3 months from now. However, one thing I can do, that I've not done yet...since you mentioned jump rope! Now, if I can only figure out where my son put it.....

    Ha-ha! Send him over here if you need to train - I will trade you c25k time for Zumba time on my end!! :)
  • o0IrishEyes0o
    o0IrishEyes0o Posts: 82 Member
    Hey all! Weigh-in day was a bit of a let down. No change in the scale (I'm technically up .3lbs from 158.3 to 158.6). However, I'm glad I took my starting measurements / pics. I'm down about 2 inches overall, and I went ahead and took pics today and while I can't notice much from my front and side views, i notice a definate change in the back view! My back flab is going away!

    I definately recommend taking pics and measurements. It's great to have other forms of "proof" when the scale isn't budging! (Or moving in the wrong direction!!!)
  • eaber
    eaber Posts: 25
    The scaled moved today! Yay! As frustrating as it is when the scale doesnt move, I love seeing the changes in my body and ability and that number 'slowly' moving up on my ticker does help with my motivation. How was everyone elses week?
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    Hey everyone :)

    Just checking in so you don't think I've abandoned the challenge:tongue:

    A combination of a three day music festival plus a suspect stress fracture in my foot means I've not been particularly watching the cals or exercising this week but hope to be back and fighting fit next week. I was only two days into C25K when I went to the festival so i think I'll start it from the beginning again when my foot is better. So I've not lost any weight this week (in fact I put some on after the festival but am back down again) but I'm still here! I can tell I'm still in the zone as I am missing the exercise. My problem is that I need to eat my exercise cals or I go really hungry and fall off the wagon - can't survive on my 1200 alone, I get hungry by 6pm and think 'what the heck' ! Obviously I need to work on that and plan my meals better! Anyway, once I'm back exercising I can really get into it again.
  • ladybug2020
    ladybug2020 Posts: 83 Member
    Today the scale showed 179.2!:happy: It's the first time I've seen the 170's in about a year or more. Still got the rest of the weekend to get thru and 2 days off work, so everyone please wish me luck that I don't let that number disappear.

    Good luck to everyone else to get thru the weekend :smile:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    happy saturday, everyone! thanks for sending in your weigh-ins thus far - there's been some great progress! and even if the scale is stuck or going the wrong way, fear not - we're in this for the long haul and it *will* comply!

    i've been pretty slack recently - i've been working out good, but eating pretty bad. my main thing is that i have not been using my food journal for about a week and a half, and i can see that making its mark already - and not in a good way! also, i have not been downing my water like a should, and that makes a huge difference in my weight loss.

    on the other hand, i bought a bikini! i had mixed emotions about it, but i think i've come to the conclusion that i want to wear it, therefore i will. i'm certainly not a beach babe yet, and i have loads of imperfections. but i was thinking...*all* of the men at the beach are 'topless', and there is no social standard that says that overweight men should have to wear a t-shirt to cover their stomachs - they just let it all hang out all the time and don't think a thing of it. so why can't i wear a bikini? no reason. so there!

    i'm going to charlotte for father's day this weekend, so the chart and week 4 challenge will still be up on sunday, but later than usual. i hope you all have a lovely weekend and make sure to give kudos to the awesome daddy-types in your life! my dad passed away in 2002, but we've bought a lovely new windchime that we're going to hang up over his grave to celebrate him. and my husband's dad will be cooking out on sunday, and that will be a nice time too.

    have a great weekend, everyone!
  • sccamero
    sccamero Posts: 164 Member
    I didn't check in last week since I was at a conference in Arizona without a laptop and gained two lbs and worked hard this week to get it off and lost and extra .4 lbs. Can't wait to see this upcoming's week challenge.
  • evonday
    evonday Posts: 141 Member
    This weigh in day, I didn't lose an ounce.
    I am the same 217.2 lbs as I was 6 days ago. =(

    I guess 1 spurge day + Period for last 3 days just made it impossible.
    I'll have to try harder this next 6 days.
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    i lost 1.8 pounds. I did two days of c25k this week. I was going to finish day 3 today but i was exhausted!! I was at the gym for 5 hours today...spinning class, yoga, weights and they had a self defense workout and seminar (really cool!) I had to stop and get a low carb smoothie half way through and I took a small break in the sauna for 20 minutes. I had the best shower ever today though! LOL
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    I lost 3.8 lbs this morning ,but was ill yesterday so maybe or prob might go up a bit next week when normal eating resumes hopefully not ,maybe shouldnt have weighed this morning and left it a few days .
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    I lost 3.8 lbs this morning ,but was ill yesterday so maybe or prob might go up a bit next week when normal eating resumes hopefully not ,maybe shouldnt have weighed this morning and left it a few days .

    glad you are feeling better!
  • clairelane1982
    Hi all... I managed to not lose anything this week.... Am not going to let it upset me. Its only me that can do anything about my weigh loss. So any stumbles I may have are entirely down to me. I have to pick myself up and plod on with the next week.
    I am hoping for at least 2lbs nxt week tho, want to get past my first stone....
    Good luck everyone.x
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    Hi all... I managed to not lose anything this week.... Am not going to let it upset me. Its only me that can do anything about my weigh loss. So any stumbles I may have are entirely down to me. I have to pick myself up and plod on with the next week.
    I am hoping for at least 2lbs nxt week tho, want to get past my first stone....
    Good luck everyone.x

    I love your attitude and determination! Keep it up!! Good luck! :-)