twilight fanatics challenge! get your vamp on by november 1



  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    This week's challenge is awesome!!! i decided to give up chocolate (of all forms) for a week! it is my biggest downfall...

    more power to you! if i were bella, my edward would be chocolate...:blushing:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    you want it? you got it!

    Team Edward Breaking the Headboard ALL THE WAY!


    edited to say: makes me want to sink my teeth into something! vampire17.gif
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    I'm taking this very seriously - joined nearly 4 weeks ago, exercise every day and have even started C25K.

    that rocks! i completed the c25k program - it says it takes 9 weeks, but it took me about 30! i just did as much as i could and when it had a really big jump (8 minutes up to 20, i believe) i just made up my own intervals until i reached it. don't worry if you need to do it on your own time. i finished my first (and only so far) 5k in april in right around 35 minutes - and i have *never* been a jogger or runner - i never completed the mile run in school! so you can definitely do it! best of luck!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    you want it? you got it!

    Team Edward Breaking the Headboard ALL THE WAY!


    LOL Love this! November can't get here fast enough!
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    Thanks for the info and advice on C25K! I will start it next week and let everyone know how it goes! :-)
  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member
    One of my challenges I've set for myself is drinking more water, but am having a hard time doing that with such a busy life. Anyone out there have a busy daily schedule and still manage to get the water in? How do you manage it? I know it's it's important, especially now with the heat.
    I take it with me everywhere, and for some strange reason if I have a cup with a straw I drink more water!!

    LOL...I was going to say my neighbor does this exact same are my!!!!!!!:laugh:
  • arielsinlove
    arielsinlove Posts: 17 Member
    you want it? you got it!

    Team Edward Breaking the Headboard ALL THE WAY!


    edited to say: makes me want to sink my teeth into something! vampire17.gif

    o.m.g. This made my night!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Ooooh, thanks for the Edward-headboard shot :), this movie should be interesting!!

    I'm not doing too badly with having fruit snacks this week, but I have had a few too many cookies as well, so today is a healthy snack day! I will let some vitawheat crackers sneak in this afternoon (after I've had a mandarin) if I'm really hungry, but no sweet cookies! I turned down a chocolate cookie last night and had watermelon instead, so that was a small victory.

    Re C25K - I think it is a truly amazing program. I went from struggling to get through 6 short runs (I couldn't do all of the running intervals) in the first week January '11) to quite happily running 4 - 6k before breakfast, just for fun. I'm now training for a 12k race in August. I really couldn't believe that people were about to run the 3 mins or 5 minutes, and specially not the 20 minute interval when I started, but look at me now!!! I am one of the people who always said "I can't run, I don't want to run, I don't see the point, running is stupid, walking is better....", but here I am, loving it :happy:
  • CMillikan08
    CMillikan08 Posts: 45 Member
    i love this idea!!!! 25 weeks is a great time period to set a goal in especially wen its centered around a big event like a movie premiere!!!! I cant decide whose team i m on edward and jacob both have very attractive qualities that i look for in a man and i kind of have the perfect blend of both of them....anyway im in!
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    :smokin: :smokin:

    Wow, I'm not even Team Edward and that headboard shot made me smile this morning! Thanks for THAT motivation!

    So great to hear people's C25K stories. I feel I may finally have joined the human race when I say ''I'm going for a run''. Having said that, I'm more than happy to look like Victoria by November :) I now feel the need to play 'Hearing Damage' when I go for my next run...!
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    Ooooh, thanks for the Edward-headboard shot :), this movie should be interesting!!

    I'm not doing too badly with having fruit snacks this week, but I have had a few too many cookies as well, so today is a healthy snack day! I will let some vitawheat crackers sneak in this afternoon (after I've had a mandarin) if I'm really hungry, but no sweet cookies! I turned down a chocolate cookie last night and had watermelon instead, so that was a small victory.

    Re C25K - I think it is a truly amazing program. I went from struggling to get through 6 short runs (I couldn't do all of the running intervals) in the first week January '11) to quite happily running 4 - 6k before breakfast, just for fun. I'm now training for a 12k race in August. I really couldn't believe that people were about to run the 3 mins or 5 minutes, and specially not the 20 minute interval when I started, but look at me now!!! I am one of the people who always said "I can't run, I don't want to run, I don't see the point, running is stupid, walking is better....", but here I am, loving it :happy:

    That's great!! Thanks. It gives me even more motivation that I can do the program! I can't jog for anything because I feel like I am not moving fast enough I would rather walk or run super fast until I am out of breath and feel like I am dying :( Last month some friends and I walked a 3k for fun. We decided we would jog some of it well they jogged and I sprinted until I couldn't breath anymore! I really want to jog and run like normal people lol! Can't wait to do the program. I am actually going to start it tonight when I go to the gym but I think I will have to modify it a bit to fit my needs better.
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    does that help? if not, let me know! I'll see if I can help more!

    Thanks! Got it!! And thats the picture I wanted! :)
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I am going to start the C25K next week. I have always wanted to be a runner or jogger but I could never see myself doing it. With this program I think I can! I downloaded a C25K app on my phone that tells me when to walk/jog so I dont have to keep a stop watch going. I am looking forward to trying it.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    you want it? you got it!

    Team Edward Breaking the Headboard ALL THE WAY!


    edited to say: makes me want to sink my teeth into something! vampire17.gif

    now that's passion....where is my Edward? gotta get my hubby to vamp it up a little ok tmi for now but Wow this movie is going to be good not sure how it will be tame enough for the tweeners though!

    o.m.g. This made my night!
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 218 Member
    I've always wanted to be a runner too! I think I will download the C25k app, i've heard so much about it!
  • ladybug2020
    ladybug2020 Posts: 83 Member
    I have now done 2 days of 30 day shred and it HURTS to walk LOL. Today I went on a 30 min walk with a friend and of course thought I would die but I think the more I move the less it ends up hurting. Hopefully I do day 3 tonight and I think I will look to see if I can find a download for the c25k too! I am NOT a runner though but have always dreamed of doing a mini or reg marathon.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    I have now done 2 days of 30 day shred and it HURTS to walk LOL. Today I went on a 30 min walk with a friend and of course thought I would die but I think the more I move the less it ends up hurting.

    jillian does *not* mess around! good luck - maybe i should do that tonight too...thanks for the idea!
  • iwlizz
    iwlizz Posts: 39 Member
    does that help? if not, let me know! I'll see if I can help more!

    Thanks! Got it!! And thats the picture I wanted! :)

    Oh good! Glad I could help. Those years being a moderator on my friend's bands Message Boards finally came in good use, HAHA!
  • xxjacqueline
    xxjacqueline Posts: 97 Member
    I've always wanted to C25K. But I'm afraid I can't do it and it will hurt to much. Since I'm such a fatty. lol
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    For everyone who is thinking about C25k, download an app orvpodcast and go for it!!
    Just don't start out too fast, you need to build endurance first, speed can come later.