TEAM LIVING DEAD - of the True Blood Challenge



  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I have been away and am now back so I will be around and about on the site.

    I didn't weigh in last week due to being out of town with no access to my scales. I have lost 1 lb this week, which is ok for me but I would like it to be more to help our team next week. So I will be concentrating on the exercise.

    I will also be having a cupboard clear out, so I will be using up the excess Slimfast, and Tony Ferguson packs that I have around. Just explaining incase you look at my diary at any point in the comming weeks, This is not my normal way of eating, but I had good (but possibly misguided) intensions in January, and I stocked up with lots of meal replacements. This is not how I would like to lose weight long term, so I want them out of the house but I cannot bear the idea of chucking the money away.
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    Sorry guys, no loss for me this week. :sad: I think I just fell into the trap (again) of not eating enough, even though I know better! I KNOW that for me 1400 is THE number. I just hate how it's been pounded into our head our whole lives that to lose weight you have to starve. It is very hard to retrain the brain!! I do well for a while then I gradually slip back into old habits of not eating enough.

    Good luck to everyone on their weigh-ins!!:flowerforyou:
  • carolinenp
    carolinenp Posts: 125 Member
    Sorry guys, no loss for me this week. :sad: I think I just fell into the trap (again) of not eating enough, even though I know better! I KNOW that for me 1400 is THE number. I just hate how it's been pounded into our head our whole lives that to lose weight you have to starve. It is very hard to retrain the brain!! I do well for a while then I gradually slip back into old habits of not eating enough.

    Good luck to everyone on their weigh-ins!!:flowerforyou:
    Oh I am/was the same way! Some days, I'm like there's NO way I can even eat anymore. I do not have this problem on the weekends! lol At least you didn't gain :happy:
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    I look forward to seeing our results!! I had a good week, I was off work and worked my booty off. (well, not all of it, that will take a very long time lol) I think having the weigh-ins on Mondays make it even more of a challenge. I was shocked that my weight was the exact same as Friday when I did my weekly weigh-in. After 3 weeks of very little loss, I was happy with a 5lb loss lol
  • nudqt
    nudqt Posts: 98
    Did I miss this weeks results?? Or are we getting them every two weeks?
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Did I miss this weeks results?? Or are we getting them every two weeks?

    Here's the link:
  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    Well Hello Team Dead,

    It is all very quiet on here, I am wondering what we are all up to and how we are going to get up the lead table this week.

    Either I have lost the thread somewhere or we are all being very quiet.

    Being in the UK, we have only just got season 3 on DVD, which is good. But the idea of Season 4 out there where I cannot get at it is driving me nuts. ( I feel like a kid looking in a toy shop window). I would probably be better if the story was just as the books, but as it is embelished I feel like I am missing out . Childish I know.

    Tell me how you are getting on, or if you have all moved thread, I am feeling lonley:sad:
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    Yes, this thread has gotten quiet. I kinda gave up posting on it because of that. BUT I see what everyone has been up to in my newsfeed so I know we're all chugging along.

    I'm afraid I may have hit another wall. The scale just doesn't want to budge.
  • nudqt
    nudqt Posts: 98
    I am struggling, too....but keep plugging along....weigh in tomorrow....we shall see....I would love to post a good number....

    Good night, my vamps....
  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    The change of diet has worked for me so far, I have lost 2 pounds.

    I am rebooting the exercise this week, as I have been a bit hit and miss in the last few weeks.

    I am going to take before photos, so that I can see what my acheivements are in the long run. I am going to re-take them in a month, and see what is happening.
  • heart_explodes
    heart_explodes Posts: 48 Member
    Well it's been a long weekend here in Aus, a combination of that and it's my t.o.m making me want to eat everything and generally equated to eat too much and no exercise.
    BUT if I look at my weekly averages, it's actually not that bad.
    Here's hoping it all works out when I weigh in tomorrow morning!
  • kathiehughes
    kathiehughes Posts: 198 Member
    My home computer is not working right now so I can only post while I am work, but hopefully it will be fixed tonight. I will keep my fingers crossed that way I can post here more frequently. So sorry I don't have a loss this week but go Team Living Dead lets move up in the standings so that we can kick the other teams down and we can take lead. lol, have a strong week.
  • kathiehughes
    kathiehughes Posts: 198 Member
    Well I don't mean kick the other teams down but down in the standings. So we can move into first place. I am not that cruel.
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    The results are in!! I think in case no one has checked who has won for this week, you need to!!! :happy:
  • nudqt
    nudqt Posts: 98
    WAY TO GO TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Living Dead....Go Living Dead......

    I am so proud of all of us!! It takes us all to win this thanks to you all!!!!!!

    I am also proud of all the TRUEBEES....we are doing a great job....every team!!!
  • kathiehughes
    kathiehughes Posts: 198 Member
    Today is weigh in day, good luck all Team Living Dead members. I manage to lose 1 lb but am still up 1 our 1st weighin where I had lost 6 lbs so next week I will be back to where I was or below. Good luck to all the rest of our team. And all the other teams also. Go TRUBIES!!!
  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    Get in there Team Living Dead.

    I hope we manage to get slot 2 tomorrow, onwards and upwards.

    I cannot wait to see what you have all been up to.

    Just to let you know, as I am in the UK, I will be requiring a blow by blow account of everything once the show starts. Preferably with more delish photos. I am putting my order in now, lol.

    Good luck everyone :happy: