Retarded and Gay



  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    The next time she does it, respond with "Yeah, that's so (insert name of race here)!" and when she looks at you just say "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought we were being *kitten*."

    LOL YAY! Then the company will lose 2 employees LOLLL too funny
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Thought police in action. Welcome to the PC world.
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    If she is hot I would do nothing. j/j

    I hate it when people don't come to me first if I do something to annoy them. You are both supposed to be adults. Talk to her and if she can't handle it or keeps doing it go up the chain of command.
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    my kids say that all the time, i really dont get what the fuss is all about
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Sometimes people don't know something is offensive unless we let them know. Tragically I used to use the word retarded a lot to explain something that was not working right and when someone pulled me aside and told me it offended them and could offend others I understood and felt bad about saying it. now I just say that's Lame! I would not run to HR and turn her in unless u have spoken with her before and it did not work or she was actually calling u those names. I would start by pulling her to the side if that does not work then speak to your supervisor or HR then.

    This exactly!!

    I have used the words on many occassions - not even thinking. I got into a couple conversations about them and it actually made me think about what I was saying before saying them. Maybe she doesn't know - just because you know, or any of the people on here, doesn't mean she knows.

    There are nice, tactful, ways of asking if someone knows how offensive those words can be. Maybe not tell her they offend you directly, but it can offend others. And, also tell her that there are consequences that COULD arise if the wrong person overheard her. Just because she's saying it to a printer doesn't mean that someone can't have a problem with it.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I would ask her for her definition or retarded and gay and then maybe suggest other word she could use instead. Then i would pat her on her head and walk away... lol Maybe i wouldnt do the last thing.
  • MrsChristinaG
    I used to work at a preschool tailored for children with special needs. I had a coworker (who when she made a mistake) would say "I'm retarded! or I'm such a retard or that (adult) is slow" I just just got kind of close to her and whispered (we were somewhat close) "such n such, it's NOT okay to use those types of words here, it's innappropriate & you can get in trouble if someone were to overhear you"
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I wouldn't be so sensitive, realize she is not intending things as a personal attack and allow people to live their life. We have become way to thin skinned in this society. Can't say boo without someones feeling getting hurt and them running to mom.

    I agree with this! However there is certain etiquette that is required in an office environment...

    OMG, what world are you guys living in...The good old days, when "Jim Crow" and segregation were alive and well or when the frontal lobotomy was in vogue or when women had to take abuse in silence because she had no options. As a person of color, whenever I hear someone say "we are too PC," I think "Undercover Bigot!" who wants to drop the "N" word or some other slur without repercussions.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    I wouldn't be so sensitive, realize she is not intending things as a personal attack and allow people to live their life. We have become way to thin skinned in this society. Can't say boo without someones feeling getting hurt and them running to mom.

    I agree with this! However there is certain etiquette that is required in an office environment...

    I know there is an etiquette in that kind of environment. However it wouldn't be a problem if people didn't look for things to be offended by because the PC Police tells them to. Words have many different meanings and those words are not bashing a religion or race.
  • SLambertAlaska
    SLambertAlaska Posts: 197 Member
    I was in that situation once with two of my friends. One of them called something "gay" in a similar context to the girl you work with and my other friend calmly replied "I don't think that's the word you really mean. Don't you mean stupid, or annoying, or frustrating?" And she corrected herself and we moved on. It wasn't confrontational, it just pointed out that calling something gay or retarded in that sense isn't appropriate or accurate.

    I agree with this. It's best to say something yourself before "sic'ing" the boss on her. It may be awkward at first, but she'll probably respect you for it after the initial embarrassment wears off. If not, then go up the chain of command at your workplace.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I wouldn't be so sensitive, realize she is not intending things as a personal attack and allow people to live their life. We have become way to thin skinned in this society. Can't say boo without someones feeling getting hurt and them running to mom.

    It's not about someone being 'so sensitive'. It's about bigotry and creating a hostile work environment.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    I wouldn't be so sensitive, realize she is not intending things as a personal attack and allow people to live their life. We have become way to thin skinned in this society. Can't say boo without someones feeling getting hurt and them running to mom.
    It's not that I am sensitive. It's that there *are* gay people here in this office, and in a past office of mine there were people with mentally retarded siblings. It's not offensive to me personally, but to others it would be....and I don't want her to get into a situation with HR just because she's young and stupid. I am more trying to help her, not get her busted.

    well how about you lie and blame it on the company! just tell her "i there was this guy who used to work here who got written up a lot for saying that.. i'm not getting onto you, but i thought you should know before you said it in front of the wrong person haha" i had to do that with this girl who used to spray the worst purfume everywhere!! lol
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Tell her that you are both gay and retarded and find it offensive. That will shut her up.

    You are welcome! :D
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    If you're already pretty friendly with her, I'd just casually bring it up the next time she says it and point out that others, including her supervisors, could take offense to those words. Make it clear you realize she's not meaning to be hurtful, but that you're looking out for her. If she keeps doing it, you can either wash your hands of it and let her sink her own ship or go to HR/her supervisor and let them handle it.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    I might advise a supervisor of her language and ask them to have a word. My guess is that she probably wouldn't take the confrontation well and I doubt your supervisor would be too happy about her language! Good luck, that must be so irritating!

    TOTALLY DISAGREE!!! If you're metioning that she is young (and she is young minded) then you should lead by example!! Running off and telling Mommy is not good office politics (unless it continues). I hate when adults can't just act like adults and address issues with someone directly when appropriate.

    I would pull her aside and say "Hey, I just want to warn you that people have heard these comments. Ppl don't take it lightly around here, and I would hate to see you get in trouble for it. "

    She should be open to the fact that you are having her back and guiding her at the same time. I bet she responds better to this approach. I know I have been called out this way and I don't get angry but I appreciate it.
  • HollyMcCaw
    HollyMcCaw Posts: 154 Member
    I find it funny how people get in such arguments over other people's forum replies. Isn't the point for us to answer the person who asked for help with our own opinion and best solution that we personally feel would help..and then let that person decide which works best for them? Not argue with other people who are offering advice because you don't agree with them?

    I do not mean for this to start more arguing. It was just something I have noticed in a lot of forums
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    I wouldn't be so sensitive, realize she is not intending things as a personal attack and allow people to live their life. We have become way to thin skinned in this society. Can't say boo without someones feeling getting hurt and them running to mom.

    I agree with this! However there is certain etiquette that is required in an office environment...

    OMG, what world are you guys living in...The good old days, when "Jim Crow" and segregation was alive and well or when the frontal lobotomy was in vogue or when women had to take abuse in silence because she had no options.

    I know right, if someone says "gay" we should beat the crap out of them for being a Jim Crow. GMAFB
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    my kids say that all the time, i really dont get what the fuss is all about

    imagine one of your kids was retarded, then you'll get what the fuss is all about.
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    Tell her that you are both gay and retarded and find it offensive. That will shut her up.

    You are welcome! :D

    Dammit Heather, we are on the same wavelength. You took the words right out of my mouth.
  • MarkNH
    MarkNH Posts: 65 Member
    As a parent w/ a child who is mentally challenged, this is something that I and my daughter face everyday in society - the use of the "R-Word".

    I politely tell people who use the word "retarded" or any other form/phrase to describe a person who is mentally challenged, that those words or sayings are as hurtful as using any other racial slur.

    The Special Olympics has a great campaign called: "Spread the Word to End the Word" and they recently released a great 30-second PSA that nails exactly why it is so hurtful.

    *If letting her know your offended fails, then I would speak w/ her supervisor and if needed, your HR Dept.

    ** I do not mean to take any spot-light away from the word "Gay" or it's variety of slurs - That word is equally offensive and should also not be used !!!
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