Retarded and Gay



  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Tell what that has to do with race. To be honest, I find it completely disrespectful to the battle black americans had to go through when people equate the word "gay" to a racial slur or to that of women and equal rights.

    I find it admirable that the op is looking out for this girl. His intentions are good and I don't have a beef with his reasoning.
    However, it's getting to the point where we are going to sterilize our language so much that people will be in constant fear of offending someone. It's giving certain groups more rights than others and that is counter productive to the progress we've made in this country.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    When i was a teen we would use those words, realizing how offensive it was i stopped long ago but my mother and step mother actually use these words still and they are almost 60. my mom has used retardede when we were or before describing a situation. it was embarrassing. :S
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I find it funny how people get in such arguments over other people's forum replies. Isn't the point for us to answer the person who asked for help with our own opinion and best solution that we personally feel would help..and then let that person decide which works best for them? Not argue with other people who are offering advice because you don't agree with them?

    I do not mean for this to start more arguing. It was just something I have noticed in a lot of forums

    I don't have a problem with it...its a conversation. OP asked for something and people give advice. Others can have input on whether the advice is good or not.

    In the real world it would be like being in a room of people and one person asks a questions, looking for responses - but you are only allowed to respond to that one person, not to anyone else. Weird.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Or sick Human Resources on her!

    I like this plan!
  • Nyirishlass
    Nyirishlass Posts: 21
    I am curious do you love the trees and kill the babies, do you drive a prius because of global warming....someone told you it isnt right to say those words so now every is offended....HELLO think for yourselves and stop being political correct, our government is telling you all what to say and think and eat and drink and you just go along with it....How about all of you think for yourselves and let people be themselves. Stop being so offended by words that didnt mean something wrong until someone told you it wasnt politically correct. Now when you are all writing your hate mail and how mean and rude and nasty I am remember you just fell into the same category as that girl with your "hateful" words. Have a great day : )
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    3 pages of replies and I am sure you got good answers

    tell her:

    your language is oppressive and margnalizes people who are gay, people who are living with intellectual/developmental disabilities!! inappropriate!

  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    Most HR people are well trained in how to handle this sort of shall we call it a 'faux'pas' with in specific guidelines for your workplace. It could simply be she is not aware that what she is saying could create a bigger issue than a paper jam. So in my opinion I would say talk to HR about this. Last thing you would want is someone from HR coming to you because you were trying to do the right thing and upset her. Good luck with this. :flowerforyou:
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    I am curious do you love the trees and kill the babies, do you drive a prius because of global warming....someone told you it isnt right to say those words so now every is offended....HELLO think for yourselves and stop being political correct, our government is telling you all what to say and think and eat and drink and you just go along with it....How about all of you think for yourselves and let people be themselves. Stop being so offended by words that didnt mean something wrong until someone told you it wasnt politically correct. Now when you are all writing your hate mail and how mean and rude and nasty I am remember you just fell into the same category as that girl with your "hateful" words. Have a great day : )

  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I would really like to see some of you stop referring to her actions like they are caused by her age. Her age has nothing to do with her remarks. If she is ignorant of the effects of her language it makes no difference whether she is 8, 28, or 88. No reason to treat her differently because she is 'young'. She is part of the office and must follow the protocol followed by any other member.
  • VanessaFaulkner
    As a mother of a daughter who is developmentally delayed with special needs it really irritates me to hear someone speak with such little compassion. I'd simply ask her if she word use the word "retarded" so easily if she personally KNEW a close loved one with needs, or if she'd use the word "gay" if she or someone close were same sex oriented. Now days its politically incorrect to be so loose with words.
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    I am curious do you love the trees and kill the babies, do you drive a prius because of global warming....someone told you it isnt right to say those words so now every is offended....HELLO think for yourselves and stop being political correct, our government is telling you all what to say and think and eat and drink and you just go along with it....How about all of you think for yourselves and let people be themselves. Stop being so offended by words that didnt mean something wrong until someone told you it wasnt politically correct. Now when you are all writing your hate mail and how mean and rude and nasty I am remember you just fell into the same category as that girl with your "hateful" words. Have a great day : )

    Concur......Gay used to mean happy until it was turned into a slang and then it became offensive if used in the wrong context. Retarded used to mean delay or impede until it was turned into a slang and then it became offensive. I personally have taken the word gay back! I'm gay......I'm happy! Period. :flowerforyou:
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    I am curious do you love the trees and kill the babies, do you drive a prius because of global warming....someone told you it isnt right to say those words so now every is offended....HELLO think for yourselves and stop being political correct, our government is telling you all what to say and think and eat and drink and you just go along with it....How about all of you think for yourselves and let people be themselves. Stop being so offended by words that didnt mean something wrong until someone told you it wasnt politically correct. Now when you are all writing your hate mail and how mean and rude and nasty I am remember you just fell into the same category as that girl with your "hateful" words. Have a great day : )

    Concur......Gay used to mean happy until it was turned into a slang and then it became offensive if used in the wrong context. Retarded used to mean delay or impede until it was turned into a slang and then it became offensive. I personally have taken the word gay back! I'm gay......I'm happy! Period. :flowerforyou:

    Stop making sense
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I wouldn't be so sensitive, realize she is not intending things as a personal attack and allow people to live their life. We have become way to thin skinned in this society. Can't say boo without someones feeling getting hurt and them running to mom.

    I agree with this! However there is certain etiquette that is required in an office environment...

    OMG, what world are you guys living in...The good old days, when "Jim Crow" and segregation was alive and well or when the frontal lobotomy was in vogue or when women had to take abuse in silence because she had no options.

    I know right, if someone says "gay" we should beat the crap out of them for being a Jim Crow. GMAFB

    Why you cut off my quote...You don't even "get" it, OOPS you DO. When was the last time you abused your wife?
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    You like her, she's young. It's simple.
    Talk to her, and tell her.

    edit: When I say she's young, i'm using "young" referencing her lack of experience in an office environment.
    She obviously can't talk like she's hanging with her gals, at school.... LIke Oh My God,
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    And here I thought when someone was Gay, it meant they were happy!!

    I also find it hilarious when the people who are offeneded by the use of the word *retarded* they suggest you use this word to describe yourself or someone you know. Instead of reusing the word, say my sister is mentally handicapped or whatever.

    Put down the torches, she isn't saying those words to purposely harm anybody. While I understand that every single one of you have never in your life used a word or done something that would offend anyone, you could simply say you probably shouldn't use those words in an office environment, you could get yourself in some trouble.
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    I am curious do you love the trees and kill the babies, do you drive a prius because of global warming....someone told you it isnt right to say those words so now every is offended....HELLO think for yourselves and stop being political correct, our government is telling you all what to say and think and eat and drink and you just go along with it....How about all of you think for yourselves and let people be themselves. Stop being so offended by words that didnt mean something wrong until someone told you it wasnt politically correct. Now when you are all writing your hate mail and how mean and rude and nasty I am remember you just fell into the same category as that girl with your "hateful" words. Have a great day : )

    Concur......Gay used to mean happy until it was turned into a slang and then it became offensive if used in the wrong context. Retarded used to mean delay or impede until it was turned into a slang and then it became offensive. I personally have taken the word gay back! I'm gay......I'm happy! Period. :flowerforyou:

    Stop making sense
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • shefly
    shefly Posts: 81 Member
    I was in that situation once with two of my friends. One of them called something "gay" in a similar context to the girl you work with and my other friend calmly replied "I don't think that's the word you really mean. Don't you mean stupid, or annoying, or frustrating?" And she corrected herself and we moved on. It wasn't confrontational, it just pointed out that calling something gay or retarded in that sense isn't appropriate or accurate.

    I agree
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    I wouldn't be so sensitive, realize she is not intending things as a personal attack and allow people to live their life. We have become way to thin skinned in this society. Can't say boo without someones feeling getting hurt and them running to mom.

    I agree with this! However there is certain etiquette that is required in an office environment...

    OMG, what world are you guys living in...The good old days, when "Jim Crow" and segregation was alive and well or when the frontal lobotomy was in vogue or when women had to take abuse in silence because she had no options.

    I know right, if someone says "gay" we should beat the crap out of them for being a Jim Crow. GMAFB

    Why you cut off my quote...You don't even "get" it, OOPS you DO. When was the last time you abused your wife?

    Stop with that. You are making unfair judgments with no evidence to back it up. You are just assuming he's a certain way. Isn't that what caused so much trouble for this country in the past?

    What is offensive is being labeled because you don't conform with a certain group think. Casting judgment will do far more harm than words could ever hope.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    it's offensive and has always been used to marginalize people, that is what makes it offensive. kind of like dropping any other stereotype that describes one group, anyone familiar with the old N bomb? or calling someone a **** if being a vagina is the most horrible thing ever. it is offensive and the OP has every right to be offended.
    And here I thought when someone was Gay, it meant they were happy!!

    I also find it hilarious when the people who are offeneded by the use of the word *retarded* they suggest you use this word to describe yourself or someone you know. Instead of reusing the word, say my sister is mentally handicapped or whatever.

    Put down the torches, she isn't saying those words to purposely harm anybody. While I understand that every single one of you have never in your life used a word or done something that would offend anyone, you could simply say you probably shouldn't use those words in an office environment, you could get yourself in some trouble.
  • SkinnyCate
    SkinnyCate Posts: 116
    I am curious do you love the trees and kill the babies, do you drive a prius because of global warming....someone told you it isnt right to say those words so now every is offended....HELLO think for yourselves and stop being political correct, our government is telling you all what to say and think and eat and drink and you just go along with it....How about all of you think for yourselves and let people be themselves. Stop being so offended by words that didnt mean something wrong until someone told you it wasnt politically correct. Now when you are all writing your hate mail and how mean and rude and nasty I am remember you just fell into the same category as that girl with your "hateful" words. Have a great day : )

    Comments like this add such a sour note to an otherwise amazing, supportive, kind site. Bummer.
This discussion has been closed.