Share your secret goals...WARNING, not for the modest!!!



  • kelceyjean12011
    kelceyjean12011 Posts: 185 Member
    i have never worn a pair of heels and i would LOVE to walk in them and not topple over LOL . and being able to wear sexy lingerie of course for my man ;) and along with all you other women, a pin up girl photo shooot!!!
  • bluemax87
    bluemax87 Posts: 71
    90-day Fitness goals
    Weight-under 200 (preferably close to 185/190)
    Run a 5k under 25m
    Bench 250lbs 1RM
    Pull-Up Body Weight 30 times unassisted
    Deadlift 300lbs 1RM
    Squat 450lbs 1RM
    Leg Press 600lbs 1RM
    ~PT TEST~
    1-minute Push-Ups +45
    1-minute Sit-Ups +45
    waiste measurement less than 36"
    1.5 mile time under 13 minutes

    This would be by 1 Aug.

    Long-term goals
    complete the 8.1 mile course on base wearing Vibram FiveFingers at least once
    compete in a half marathon wearing Vibram FiveFingers and finish without walking during the race
    compete in a full marathon wearing Vibram FiveFingers and finish without walking during the race

    Secret goals
    1) Get to a leaner, toner, fitter, sexier me before I get back Stateside so the next time I get my daughter my ex is that much more jealous of my new wife.
    2) Copy #1 but really to show all the other haters in my life how well I'm doing.
    3) Increase stamina for *bedroom sessions*
    4) look good enough to feel confident enough to take my shirt off at the beach (and actually catch glances from members of the opposite sex).
    5) get a physique that other men see ME in the gym and ask me what MY diet is like and what MY workout regimen is like (cuz I do it a lot to other guys that I see in the gym who have the bod I want to have)
  • valz2000
    valz2000 Posts: 78 Member
    -Love the photo shoot idea... And so would my BF
    -Be the skinny friend again (HS friends) and for the first time (current friends)
    -Have my best guy friend look at me like I see him look at other girls
    -Be sexy and confident in the bed room for my BF, lingera included
    -To be as beautiful on the outside as I have always been on the inside
    -To wear a bikini on the beach and enjoy the looks not feel embarassed.
  • _eislek_
    _eislek_ Posts: 198 Member
    I want to lose weight so I can....
    1) Get some nice pin-up pictures done for the hubby while he is deployed and not look like a whale!
    2) Feel comfortable in a bikini
    3) Make people jealous :) Sue me!
  • Jeepinmom4
    Jeepinmom4 Posts: 298 Member
    Ok I know I'm not the only one so I'll say it! I wanna do doggystyle and not hear fart noises cuz my fat *kitten* and his belly touch!!! Other than that all my goals are looks,I wanna look good in pictures and in my clothing! ;) I want to wear shorts and not have cottage cheese legs and I'd LOVE to look good in skinny jeans!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Ok I know I'm not the only one so I'll say it! I wanna do doggystyle and not hear fart noises cuz my fat *kitten* and his belly touch!!! Other than that all my goals are looks,I wanna look good in pictures and in my clothing! ;) I want to wear shorts and not have cottage cheese legs and I'd LOVE to look good in skinny jeans!

    LOL, he'll need to work on his belly too...cause, my ex had a perfect *kitten* (just sayin!), and when my belly was less than tip STILL made those noises =p.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Ok I know I'm not the only one so I'll say it! I wanna do doggystyle and not hear fart noises cuz my fat *kitten* and his belly touch!!! Other than that all my goals are looks,I wanna look good in pictures and in my clothing! ;) I want to wear shorts and not have cottage cheese legs and I'd LOVE to look good in skinny jeans!

    OMG! I am practically in tears! Amen to that!
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    LOL, he'll need to work on his belly too...cause, my ex had a perfect *kitten* (just sayin!), and when my belly was less than tip STILL made those noises =p.

    Great, you just ruined it for me ;)
  • Chychy17
    Chychy17 Posts: 13
    LOL ... Those are fantastic goals! My goal is to be able to go to the lingerie shop and finding matching everything without having to settle for the 'bigger girl' style of bras... Hard to match those to pretty panties...
    I LOVE sexy undies (even if I am just wearing jeans or fatigues.)

    That is what I want too!!!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    LOL, he'll need to work on his belly too...cause, my ex had a perfect *kitten* (just sayin!), and when my belly was less than tip STILL made those noises =p.

    Great, you just ruined it for me ;)

    So totally sorry for that =p. Sounds like a great excuse to get his butt on a treadmill and get it done together though!!
  • SnuggieMeeko
    SnuggieMeeko Posts: 68 Member
    I want..
    1) to wear a bikini
    2) wear shorts/skirts
    3) wear tank tops
    4) Get a tattoo of a heart on my hip!
  • tweez8976
    tweez8976 Posts: 94 Member
    Mine are probably a bit more boring but here goes:

    1. Be able to shop at any store and know I will find something that fits (there are so many great stores that don't go over a size 12-14!

    2. Be able to wear cute, sexy shoes to work and not have crazy foot pain from all of the weight I am putting on my feet.

    3. Short shorts!!!!
  • mamato4kids
    mamato4kids Posts: 217 Member

    3)...dont judge me...Be the best looking, nicest body shape in my group of friends. Not the funny one but the HAWT one!! (I know I'm a bad person...)

    Ditto. I want all to look at me and say..WOW!
  • Tallcurls
    Tallcurls Posts: 17
    1) Be able to be the goddess (in the bedroom) that I know I am, without tiring out quickly,
    or feeling embarrassed because of all the "movement" of my
    a. Be able to lure a man into the bedroom to be the goddess.
    i. Be able to turn heads while walking through the grocery store, while dancing, or just anywhere I go.
    ii. Be able to have my pick of men, rather than going out with any guy who asks me out
    (which only happened around once every two to three years, if I was lucky).
    2) No longer be "the one fat friend"... as I heard a comedian call it.
    3) Be able to wear a dress without panties, and without my 'girdle shorts'.
    4) To no longer feel like I disgust people (my family members), after hearing their comments
    when seeing an overweight person on TV, in pictures, or while out and about.
    5) To go rollerskating without fear of falling and breaking a bone, because of the excess weight crashing down with me.

    I think that may cover it!
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Wow! I totally forgot I posted this....and I think it may be time to kick it back up!!!! I actually made it to my goal weight and wore a sexy halloween costume!!! Yay me! Now, a little more toning and I may just have to make the other two goals happen!!!!!
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    I would say a Good Girl/Bad Girl photoshoot... The Gap where my thighs are not touching(No secret)
  • twinoakbob
    twinoakbob Posts: 177 Member
    I just wanna lose some weight so I can go out and get more tacos! ;P
    CAKEDOC Posts: 110 Member
    nude photo shoot for the wifey!
  • missbethea
    missbethea Posts: 280 Member
    1) Make jaws drop at my high school reunion- so the guys who picked on me for being fat back then are like "Damn!" (I weighed around 240-250 when I graduated high school.)

    2) Be able to wear a bikini in public !!

    3) Not feel ashamed when I get my tramp stamp.

    4) Bag a sexy guy that I can show off to my friends- even if it only for "one night".

    5) Be flexible for when I finally get back in the sack. (3 years celibate here!)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    You lose half an inch of visible penis for every 30lbs you're overweight. Do the maths.