30 day shred 5/31 start



  • tyg4bless
    tyg4bless Posts: 7
    I just have to stay motivated!!!
  • tyg4bless
    tyg4bless Posts: 7
    I started on level 2! I love it! how are you doing on level 2?
  • monkeybu
    monkeybu Posts: 34
    Day 5, still alive!!

    Definitely easier today, but definitely not ready to go to level 2 like some of you kick-*kitten* shredders. Today was the first day that I didn't need to "follow Anita" so I'm proud enough of that. Plus I did 2 hrs of vigorous gardening today and I'm so pleased with myself that I still did the shred even though I was knackered.

    Looking forward to day 6 tomorrow :-)
  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    Great job to all of you who are kicking it up a notch and going into level 2!! monkeybu - even though you say you aren't ready for 2, it's great that you aren't "following Anita" anymore! hahaha! I think on the butt kicks I sometimes do LESS than Anita! I'm pretty sure I have much further to go than most of you as far as weight loss, so I'll be lagging a bit, but you guys are motivating me to do it everyday! (Thanks, guys! *tear*) LOL

    Last night was day 3 for me. It was my first workout that I had to do with my husband in the room. It was embarrassing and I think it kept me from doing my best. I hate to know that he sees me sweaty and panting after some jump n jacks and jump rope movements. I actually saw some improvement from day one, but I think I could've pushed myself more. Looking forward to the workout tonight - I plan on giving it my all even if he is in the room again!

    So, a question... Jillian says to move to level 2 when you feel ready... What happens after 10 days if I can't make it through the whole workout without taking a quick breather? Right now, I take a couple breaks, but they only last a second or so to shake out my muscles or something. If I can't make it through level one without doing that, I shouldn't go to level 2, right? Any suggestions?
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    I would say stick with level 1 until you feel you are ready for level 2. If you do level 1 for 15 days so be it. I actually found level 2 kind of nice. Level 3 the first time was the real killer for me. So you might actualyl find level 2 a bit easier than level 1. But ya I'd say stick with level 1 until you feel you are ready.

    I was bad and skipped yesterday. We were out all day and got home at about 10 pm, I hate working out that late and my back hurt so I just vegged on the couch. so today I completed day 5...woo hoo.

    And jknoell- I know the feeling of doing the exercise with hubby sitting there watching. But you know what he's probably really proud of you for working on yourself. And maybe you will motivate him to get moving. Although I thought my determinatino to lose weight would help my husband but nope so such luck.
  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member
    Day 5 DONE!

    I think if you can do most of Level 1, then you can move up to Level 2. The worst thing that can happen is that you realize you really aren't ready and you go back to Level 1 the next day. You'll never know until you try!

    I bought a new measuring tape so I'm all set there. I don't plan on remeasuring myself until Day 30. That's so unlike me, but I'd really love to see some big numbers at the end of the month.

    jknoell...I had to have a talk with my husband about how it weirds me out when he is around when I'm doing my exercises. The strange part is I love when we go to the gym together. For some reason I feel much less coordinated at home. Tell him to join in or get out!
  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    Thanks for the tips, guys! My husband and I have a unique situation - he lives a state away while he goes to school and comes home on the weekend to watch our son when I'm at work. AND, I have a roommate and we only have two bedrooms here, so when I'm exercising, there is no place to send the hubby! LOL! I figure I just need to make each time I work out count - no matter who is in the room. But I, too, have an easier time at the gym with my husband than when he's home just watching. Its weird!

    On another note, today was day five for me... it really does get a bit easier! I still took three mini breaks today, but they only lasted a few seconds each. I'm actually thinking about doing it again tonight just for some extra calorie burn, but I don't know if I have time or not. We will see. Thanks for all the suggestions on when to move on. I think I'll try to move on after the 10 days is up and see how I feel. You are right - I'll never know unless I try!

    Well, hope you all have a great night. Let's do it again tomorrow!!!
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    I kind of weird to exeise while someone is sitting there. They aren't really watching I'm sure but if feels like you're being spied on or something.

    So I did day 6 today. It is way easier. I probably could move up to level 2 but I'm going to wait until the 10 days are up this time. Last time I moved up at about this point and it just seemed like I was stalled on level 2 forever. Won't make that mistake again.
  • 2novgirls
    2novgirls Posts: 35
    I will try, just bought it today!
    Post my weight and stuff tomorrow, 5:30am, here I come!
  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    Day 6 done. Yayy!!!
  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member
    Morning all! I did do Day 6 yesterday, but my schedule is all wonky do to Jury Duty. I had to be at the courthouse so early that I did Turbo Jam and 30 Day Shred back-to-back last night. It wasn't fun and I know I didn't really give either routine my all. :(

    Today, I'm working from home (early meetings with India) so I was able to squeeze in Turbo Jam this morning and I'll get Shred done tonight. I was picked to be on a jury so the rest of the week is going to be a bit of a struggle. I don't really know when I'll be getting out of court in the afternoons and that will really impact our whole family's schedule since I tend to get the kids from school. I'll figure it out, I guess.

    Anyone notice any changes on the scale yet? I definitely have seen improvements in my stamina, but the scale hasn't budged. I think I need to cut out my junky snack during the day. It's so hard to give up the salty/sweet treat though!
  • janiedoe111
    janiedoe111 Posts: 161 Member
    Today will be day six for me. I feel pretty comfortable with Level One other than the darn front raises with the side squats. I am fine with the squats but the raises kill me and I have super strong arms. I guess it could be the five lbs weights I use... ;)

    Do you all do the pushups on your knees or on your feet?
  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    DAY 7 DONE! Right now i'm on level 2. I'm going to continue it for another couple of days. It feels like i'm already getting used to it. So when I start level 3 and get used to it, I'm going to start switching the levels up a bit. what do you guys think? Muscle confusion?
  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member
    Do you all do the pushups on your knees or on your feet?

    Today I did the first set on my knees and the second I attempted on my feet. I can do 15 pushups on my knees in the same amount of time it takes me to do about seven on my feet.
  • colormeskinny2
    colormeskinny2 Posts: 9 Member
    Day 1 for me! I found this a little late but I'll still join :) Starting weight is 160.5---LET'S DO THIS!! :happy:
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Day 7 done! My legs are really sore today and I found today that the cardio was super easy but the toning was a lot harder. Weird. I also did go skating tonight so that might be contributing to my leg soreness. :)

    Okay as for the scale - no movement, maybe like .5 lb but I totally feel in better shape.

    Elly620 - sounds like a good plan. When I did my first round of the Shred I kind of did something similar.

    As for the push ups - I do 20 for the first set and they are regular ones--they KILL me and then I do 6 on my knees for the second set and then go down to my knees for the rest of that set. I basically can do no more push ups after each set (and I've done the Shred once before and have kept up doing push ups as I was bound and determined to be able to do at least 20 in a row)
  • her1223
    her1223 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm the same way with side lunges and arm raises. The 5pm weights are too much for me on that one so I bought 3 lb weights today. Tomorrow I will be on day 7 and I'm excited and nervous to start level 2! I've lost 3lbs in 5 days so I'm super excited about that. My starting weight is 165. Currently 162. My goal is to be 150 by the last week of July. We're going on vacation and I'm ready to get this postpartum belly weight gone! Also I'm currently weening my almost 6 month old baby to bottles and formula so I also started dieting last week too! 1200 calories a day is my goal. It sounds low but I've been able to do it just by eating healthy foods and only drinking water. Anyone else hoping to lose 10-15lbs by July?
  • janiedoe111
    janiedoe111 Posts: 161 Member
    I did the 30 day shred for the first time ever in the morning. In fact I had never done a workout video or class in the morning. I generally run or walk outside with my dog but save my serious stuff for the evenings. This evening I am not going to have time to do it. I am pretty darn proud of myself for getting up earlier this morning and doing it. :) Yay day 7!
  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    janiedoe111 - good for you for getting up early! I also did my first morning workout at 0530 this morning and I actually found that I was more awake and full of energy today.

    her1223 - I plan on losing at least that much by the end of July. I currently weigh much more than you (245), however. I've cut my calories down to 1260 (per the plan on mfp) and have pretty much kept to it. I also try to exercise as much as possible everyday. Good luck with level 2!!

    colormeskinny2 - welcome and good luck! This group has been super helpful and inspiring!

    For the comments about pushups - I still do all of them on my knees. I can usually push out about 20 each time. The part I am still struggling with is the first round of cardio - its not that I can't handle the cardio, its that she does jump and jacks and jump rope on the same round and it kills my leg muscles! My leg muscles end up screaming and I stop to shake the muscles out. EVERY DAMN TIME! Today was day 7 for me and I still had to stop once to shake out my muscles! But the next two cardio rounds I have no problem with! Grrr... I'm determined to kick its butt!!

    So, wish me luck everyone! Tomorrow is the first weigh in for my biggest loser competition at work! I'm actually excited - I think I have done well. I feel very confident about tomorrow. Wish me look anyway! LOL

    Well, goodnight all - it is time for me to put the kid to sleep and crack the books!
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Good luck jknoell! Let us know how it goes tomorrow.

    I'm slkipping the shred today. I weeded and turned the soil in one of my parents' garden today and it happened to be the hottest day of hte year so far so I'm a little spent. Tomorrow I'll get on with day 8!